Description of common configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
= False (BoolOpt) Enables engine with convergence architecture. All stacks with this option will be created using convergence engine .
= CFN_SIGNAL (StrOpt) Template default for how the server should signal to heat with the deployment output values. CFN_SIGNAL will allow an HTTP POST to a CFN keypair signed URL (requires enabled heat-api-cfn). TEMP_URL_SIGNAL will create a Swift TempURL to be signaled via HTTP PUT (requires object-store endpoint which supports TempURL). HEAT_SIGNAL will allow calls to the Heat API resource-signal using the provided keystone credentials
= POLL_SERVER_CFN (StrOpt) Template default for how the server should receive the metadata required for software configuration. POLL_SERVER_CFN will allow calls to the cfn API action DescribeStackResource authenticated with the provided keypair (requires enabled heat-api-cfn). POLL_SERVER_HEAT will allow calls to the Heat API resource-show using the provided keystone credentials (requires keystone v3 API, and configured stack_user_* config options). POLL_TEMP_URL will create and populate a Swift TempURL with metadata for polling (requires object-store endpoint which supports TempURL).
= trusts (StrOpt) Select deferred auth method, stored password or trusts.
= /etc/heat/environment.d (StrOpt) The directory to search for environment files.
= 240 (IntOpt) Error wait time in seconds for stack action (ie. create or update).
= 10 (IntOpt) Controls how many events will be pruned whenever a stack's events exceed max_events_per_stack. Set this lower to keep more events at the expense of more frequent purges.
= 64 (IntOpt) Size of executor thread pool.
= localhost (StrOpt) Name of the engine node. This can be an opaque identifier. It is not necessarily a hostname, FQDN, or IP address.
= heat.common.heat_keystoneclient.KeystoneClientV3 (StrOpt) Fully qualified class name to use as a keystone backend.
= None (ListOpt) Memcached servers or None for in process cache.
= 60 (IntOpt) Seconds between running periodic tasks.
= /usr/lib64/heat, /usr/lib/heat, /usr/local/lib/heat, /usr/local/lib64/heat (ListOpt) List of directories to search for plug-ins.
= dogpile.cache.null (StrOpt) Dogpile.cache backend module. It is recommended that Memcache with pooling (oslo_cache.memcache_pool) or Redis (dogpile.cache.redis) be used in production deployments. Small workloads (single process) like devstack can use the dogpile.cache.memory backend.
= [] (MultiStrOpt) Arguments supplied to the backend module. Specify this option once per argument to be passed to the dogpile.cache backend. Example format: "<argname>:<value>".
= cache.oslo (StrOpt) Prefix for building the configuration dictionary for the cache region. This should not need to be changed unless there is another dogpile.cache region with the same configuration name.
= False (BoolOpt) Extra debugging from the cache backend (cache keys, get/set/delete/etc calls). This is only really useful if you need to see the specific cache-backend get/set/delete calls with the keys/values. Typically this should be left set to false.
= False (BoolOpt) Global toggle for caching.
= 600 (IntOpt) Default TTL, in seconds, for any cached item in the dogpile.cache region. This applies to any cached method that doesn't have an explicit cache expiration time defined for it.
= 300 (IntOpt) Number of seconds memcached server is considered dead before it is tried again. (dogpile.cache.memcache and oslo_cache.memcache_pool backends only).
= 10 (IntOpt) Number of seconds that an operation will wait to get a memcache client connection.
= 10 (IntOpt) Max total number of open connections to every memcached server. (oslo_cache.memcache_pool backend only).
= 60 (IntOpt) Number of seconds a connection to memcached is held unused in the pool before it is closed. (oslo_cache.memcache_pool backend only).
= localhost:11211 (ListOpt) Memcache servers in the format of "host:port". (dogpile.cache.memcache and oslo_cache.memcache_pool backends only).
= 3 (IntOpt) Timeout in seconds for every call to a server. (dogpile.cache.memcache and oslo_cache.memcache_pool backends only).
= (ListOpt) Proxy classes to import that will affect the way the dogpile.cache backend functions. See the dogpile.cache documentation on changing-backend-behavior.
= True (BoolOpt) Toggle to enable/disable caching when Orchestration Engine validates property constraints of stack.During property validation with constraints Orchestration Engine caches requests to other OpenStack services. Please note that the global toggle for oslo.cache(enabled=True in [cache] group) must be enabled to use this feature.
= 60 (IntOpt) TTL, in seconds, for any cached item in the dogpile.cache region used for caching of validation constraints.
= None (ListOpt) Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for caching. If left undefined, tokens will instead be cached in-process.
= unknown (StrOpt) Heat build revision. If you would prefer to manage your build revision separately, you can move this section to a different file and add it as another config option.