Description of configuration options for cisco
Configuration option = Default value Description
default_network_profile = default_network_profile (StrOpt) N1K default network profile
default_policy_profile = service_profile (StrOpt) N1K default policy profile
model_class = (StrOpt) Model Class
network_node_policy_profile = dhcp_pp (StrOpt) N1K policy profile for network node
nexus_driver = (StrOpt) Nexus Driver Name
nexus_l3_enable = False (BoolOpt) Enable L3 support on the Nexus switches
nexus_plugin = (StrOpt) Nexus Switch to use
poll_duration = 10 (StrOpt) N1K Policy profile polling duration in seconds
provider_vlan_auto_create = True (BoolOpt) Provider VLANs are automatically created as needed on the Nexus switch
provider_vlan_auto_trunk = True (BoolOpt) Provider VLANs are automatically trunked as needed on the ports of the Nexus switch
provider_vlan_name_prefix = p- (StrOpt) VLAN Name prefix for provider vlans
svi_round_robin = False (BoolOpt) Distribute SVI interfaces over all switches
svi_round_robin = False (BoolOpt) Distribute SVI interfaces over all switches
vlan_name_prefix = q- (StrOpt) VLAN Name prefix
vlan_name_prefix = q- (StrOpt) VLAN Name prefix
vswitch_plugin = neutron.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_neutron_plugin.OVSNeutronPluginV2 (StrOpt) Virtual Switch to use
vxlan_id_ranges = 5000:10000 (StrOpt) N1K VXLAN ID Ranges