Description of configuration options for quota
Configuration option = Default value Description
bandwidth_poll_interval = 600 (IntOpt) interval to pull bandwidth usage info
enable_network_quota = False (BoolOpt) Enables or disables quota checking for tenant networks
quota_cores = 20 (IntOpt) number of instance cores allowed per project
quota_driver = nova.quota.DbQuotaDriver (StrOpt) default driver to use for quota checks
quota_fixed_ips = -1 (IntOpt) number of fixed ips allowed per project (this should be at least the number of instances allowed)
quota_floating_ips = 10 (IntOpt) number of floating ips allowed per project
quota_injected_file_content_bytes = 10240 (IntOpt) number of bytes allowed per injected file
quota_injected_file_path_bytes = 255 (IntOpt) number of bytes allowed per injected file path
quota_injected_files = 5 (IntOpt) number of injected files allowed
quota_instances = 10 (IntOpt) number of instances allowed per project
quota_key_pairs = 100 (IntOpt) number of key pairs per user
quota_metadata_items = 128 (IntOpt) number of metadata items allowed per instance
quota_ram = 51200 (IntOpt) megabytes of instance ram allowed per project
quota_security_group_rules = 20 (IntOpt) number of security rules per security group
quota_security_groups = 10 (IntOpt) number of security groups per project
bandwidth_update_interval = 600 (IntOpt) Seconds between bandwidth updates for cells.