Description of configuration options for openvswitch_agent
Configuration option = Default value Description
ovs_integration_bridge = br-int (StrOpt) Name of Open vSwitch bridge to use
ovs_use_veth = False (BoolOpt) Uses veth for an interface or not
ovs_vsctl_timeout = 10 (IntOpt) Timeout in seconds for ovs-vsctl commands
l2_population = False (BoolOpt) Use ml2 l2population mechanism driver to learn remote mac and IPs and improve tunnel scalability
minimize_polling = True (BoolOpt) Minimize polling by monitoring ovsdb for interface changes.
ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval = 30 (IntOpt) The number of seconds to wait before respawning the ovsdb monitor after losing communication with it
tunnel_types = (ListOpt) Network types supported by the agent (gre and/or vxlan)
veth_mtu = None (IntOpt) MTU size of veth interfaces
vxlan_udp_port = 4789 (IntOpt) The UDP port to use for VXLAN tunnels.
local_ip = (StrOpt) N1K Local IP
bridge_mappings = (ListOpt) List of <physical_network>:<bridge>
enable_tunneling = False (BoolOpt) Enable tunneling support
int_peer_patch_port = patch-tun (StrOpt) Peer patch port in integration bridge for tunnel bridge
integration_bridge = br-int (StrOpt) Integration bridge to use
local_ip = (StrOpt) Local IP address of GRE tunnel endpoints.
network_vlan_ranges = (ListOpt) List of <physical_network>:<vlan_min>:<vlan_max> or <physical_network>
tenant_network_type = local (StrOpt) Network type for tenant networks (local, vlan, gre, vxlan, or none)
tun_peer_patch_port = patch-int (StrOpt) Peer patch port in tunnel bridge for integration bridge
tunnel_bridge = br-tun (StrOpt) Tunnel bridge to use
tunnel_id_ranges = (ListOpt) List of <tun_min>:<tun_max>
tunnel_type = (StrOpt) The type of tunnels to use when utilizing tunnels, either 'gre' or 'vxlan'