Description of configuration options for common
Configuration option = Default value Description
configurations_page_size = 20 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
databases_page_size = 20 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
default_datastore = None (StrOpt) The default datastore id or name to use if one is not provided by the user. If the default value is None, the field becomes required in the instance-create request.
default_log_levels = amqp=WARN, amqplib=WARN, boto=WARN, qpid=WARN, sqlalchemy=WARN, suds=INFO, iso8601=WARN (ListOpt) list of logger=LEVEL pairs
default_neutron_networks = (ListOpt) List of network IDs which should be attached to instance when networks are not specified in API call.
default_notification_level = INFO (StrOpt) Default notification level for outgoing notifications
default_password_length = 36 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
default_publisher_id = $host (StrOpt) Default publisher_id for outgoing notifications
expected_filetype_suffixes = json (ListOpt) Filetype endings not to be reattached to an id by the utils method correct_id_with_req.
lock_path = None (StrOpt) Directory to use for lock files.
pybasedir = /usr/lib/python/site-packages/trove (StrOpt) Directory where the trove python module is installed.
pydev_path = None (StrOpt) Set path to pydevd library, used if pydevd is not found in python sys.path.
taskmanager_queue = taskmanager (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
template_path = /etc/trove/templates/ (StrOpt) Path which leads to datastore templates.