.. _cherry-pick: Cherry pick a change ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a docfix was submitted to the master openstack-manuals branch and you want to reflect this change, for example, in the Kilo documentation, which is closed, you can cherry pick the change and submit it. Use the :guilabel:`Cherry Pick To` button in Gerrit Web UI from the original master review page. If the :guilabel:`Cherry Pick To` button does not work, it means that there are conflicts and you need to cherry pick the patch manually. For example, you want to cherry pick bug/1506693 (review 235734) into Kilo: #. Wait for the change to be merged into the master branch. #. Make sure your repository is up to date: .. code-block:: console $ git fetch origin #. Create a topic branch by branching from Kilo: .. code-block:: console $ git checkout -b kilo-bug/1506693 remotes/origin/stable/kilo #. On the Gerrit web page that contains the review you want to backport, click :guilabel:`cherry-pick`. It is located under :guilabel:`Patch Set N`, in the :guilabel:`Download` row. #. Copy the text, then paste it into your terminal. For example, for review 235734, it looks like this: .. code-block:: console $ git fetch https://review.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-manuals \ refs/changes/34/235734/1 && git cherry-pick -x FETCH_HEAD .. note:: Use the -x option with the :command:`cherry-pick` command to preserve git history metadata in the cherry pick commit message. #. Resolve conflicts if any, then run: .. code-block:: console $ git cherry-pick --continue #. Run :command:`tox`, and then commit your change: .. code-block:: console $ git commit --amend #. Make sure you retain the original Change-Id from the previous commit message. This facilitates tracking of backports into all affected branches. You may add "Cherry-pick from review.openstack.org/URL" to the commit message to make it easier for reviewers. Push the commit for review: .. code-block:: console $ git review