=================== Release task detail =================== This section provides detailed instructions for each release task. Installation Tutorial testing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The process for Installation Tutorial testing begins about six weeks before release day. First of all, create a new testing page on the wiki, based on `the previous one `_. You will need to locate pre-release packages for each distribution, and disseminate information about obtaining the packages for testing purposes. The current list of packaging contacts: * openSUSE/SLES: Pranav Salunke (dguitarbite) * RDO/CentOS: Petr Kovar and Haïkel Guémar * Ubuntu: James Page As soon as pre-release packages are available, you can start testing. Testers should look at the current draft version of the document, and attempt to run each command on the pre-release package. If you are able to run the instructions in the book successfully, then place a green tick in the matrix, noting which version you tested against. If a command cannot be run, and it is confirmed to be a bug in the documentation, add a note in the `Issues` section, so that the book can be updated. .. note:: Testers should avoid raising bugs against the book at this stage, to ensure that the fix lands before release. Instead, list the details on the testing wiki page, so other testers are aware of it. It is also important to ask Cross Project Liaisons (CPLs) to check the chapters or project-specific guides that relate to their projects. It is possible that changes might have happened within projects during the release that have not been reflected in the documentation. As release day draws near, and testing progresses, the PTL will make a judgment call on whether or not the various Installation Tutorials are tested sufficiently to be released. In some rare cases, the book either has not been tested adequately, or has performed badly in tests, which can justify not publishing that book. In this case, the PTL will contact relevant parties to let them know of the decision, and work with them to get the book to an adequate level to be published at some point after release day. Release Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OpenStack Manuals no longer handles release notes for the project teams. However, we do need to write release notes for our documentation. Release notes should be added as major changes occur throughout the release, however this is often overlooked - both by authors and reviewers - and thus a final review is needed to check that all major changes are in. Contact each Specialty Team lead, listed at :doc:`../team-structure`, and ask them for the notes for the books they look after. The source repository for release notes is `openstack-manuals/releasenotes/source/RELEASENAME` and they are published to `https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/openstack-manuals/RELEASENAME.html`. .. _release-www-page-updates: Update www pages for end of release ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make the following changes in the **openstack-manuals** repository: #. Copy the "latest" project data file to one *named for the release being completed*: .. code-block:: console $ cp www/project-data/latest.yaml www/project-data/RELEASE.yaml #. Create the docs.openstack.org pages for the *new* release, by copying the existing templates to the new directory: .. code-block:: console $ cp -a www/RELEASE www/NEXT_SERIES #. Update the ``SERIES_INFO`` data structure at the top of the source file for the template generator (``tools/www-generator.py``). See :ref:`template-generator` for details about the structure. * Change the series with status ``'development'`` to have status ``'maintained'``. * Add a new entry for the new series, giving the estimated release date and setting the status to ``'development'``. For example, at the end of the Pike cycle, the variables will contain: .. code-block:: python SERIES_INFO = { 'austin': SeriesInfo(date='October 2010', status='obsolete'), # ... 'mitaka': SeriesInfo(date='April 2016', status='EOL'), 'newton': SeriesInfo(date='October 2016', status='maintained'), 'ocata': SeriesInfo(date='February 2017', status='maintained'), 'pike': SeriesInfo(date='August 2017', status='development'), } To update the settings: * the status for pike is changed to ``'maintained'`` * a new entry for queens is added .. code-block:: python SERIES_INFO = { 'austin': SeriesInfo(date='October 2010', status='obsolete'), # ... 'mitaka': SeriesInfo(date='April 2016', status='EOL'), 'newton': SeriesInfo(date='October 2016', status='maintained'), 'ocata': SeriesInfo(date='February 2017', status='maintained'), 'pike': SeriesInfo(date='August 2017', status='maintained'), 'queens': SeriesInfo(date='August 2017', status='development'), } This will cause docs.openstack.org to redirect to the series-specific landing page for the current release, and the templates for the release being completed will use the data from the file created in the previous step. #. Test the build locally with ``tox -e checkbuild``. If any project links are missing and cause the template generator to fail, set the flags to disable linking to those docs. For example, if "foo" does not have a configuration reference guide, set ``has_config_ref: false`` for the "foo" project by modifying the file created in step 1. .. warning:: When the patch to make these changes merges, docs.openstack.org will immediately update to redirect to the release. The previous release pages will still be present at their old locations. .. note:: Changes to the docs site can take an hour or more to populate, depending on the status of the gate and the number of changes being pushed at release time, so be prepared to have the release day patches ready well ahead of the official release time. You can check the current gate status at `Zuul status `_ to get an idea of the current merge times. Generate the site map ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the release day patches have merged, generate a new site map for docs.openstack.org using the ``sitemap`` script in the **openstack-doc-tools** repository. Copy the `sitemap.xml` file into the `www/static` directory in the **openstack-manuals** repository and commit the change. End-of-life ~~~~~~~~~~~ Once a release is at end-of-life, you must stop producing new publications. To indicate the end-of-life, add the below sentence at the index for release-specific documentation: .. code-block:: rst .. warning:: This guide documents the OpenStack Liberty release and is frozen as OpenStack Liberty has reached its official end-of-life. This guide will not get any updates from the OpenStack project anymore. See the `OpenStack Documentation page `_ for current documentation. For continuously released documentation, exclude the release from target. For example, from: .. code-block:: rst This guide documents OpenStack Newton, Mitaka, and Liberty releases. To: .. code-block:: rst This guide documents OpenStack Newton and Mitaka releases. However, we will keep the documentation on the `docs.openstack.org `_ page for a while so that the users can refer the guides if necessary. .. seealso:: See :ref:`docs_builds_eol` for instructions for building documentation for versions past their end-of-life. Removing series landing pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To remove the landing pages for a series that has passed its end of life date, delete the series directory under ``www`` and remove the associated project data file. .. code-block:: console $ git rm -r www/SERIES $ git rm www/project-data/SERIES.yaml