Description of configuration options for common
Configuration option=Default value (Type) Description
bindir=/usr/local/bin (StrOpt) Directory where nova binaries are installed
compute_topic=compute (StrOpt) the topic compute nodes listen on
console_topic=console (StrOpt) the topic console proxy nodes listen on
consoleauth_topic=consoleauth (StrOpt) the topic console auth proxy nodes listen on
disable_process_locking=False (BoolOpt) Whether to disable inter-process locks
host=docwork (StrOpt) Name of this node. This can be an opaque identifier. It is not necessarily a hostname, FQDN, or IP address. However, the node name must be valid within an AMQP key, and if using ZeroMQ, a valid hostname, FQDN, or IP address
host= (StrOpt) Host to locate redis
lock_path=None (StrOpt) Directory to use for lock files.
memcached_servers=None (ListOpt) Memcached servers or None for in process cache.
my_ip= (StrOpt) ip address of this host
notification_driver=[] (MultiStrOpt) Driver or drivers to handle sending notifications
notification_topics=notifications (ListOpt) AMQP topic used for openstack notifications
notify_api_faults=False (BoolOpt) If set, send api.fault notifications on caught exceptions in the API service.
notify_on_state_change=None (StrOpt) If set, send compute.instance.update notifications on instance state changes. Valid values are None for no notifications, "vm_state" for notifications on VM state changes, or "vm_and_task_state" for notifications on VM and task state changes.
pybasedir=/home/ubuntu/nova (StrOpt) Directory where the nova python module is installed
report_interval=10 (IntOpt) seconds between nodes reporting state to datastore
rootwrap_config=/etc/nova/rootwrap.conf (StrOpt) Path to the rootwrap configuration file to use for running commands as root
service_down_time=60 (IntOpt) maximum time since last check-in for up service
state_path=$pybasedir (StrOpt) Top-level directory for maintaining nova's state
tempdir=None (StrOpt) Explicitly specify the temporary working directory