Launch an instance from an imageInstances are virtual machines that run inside the
cloud.You can launch an instance directly from one of the
available OpenStack images. The OpenStack Image service
provides a pool of images that are accessible to members of
different projects. When you launch an instance from an image,
OpenStack creates a local copy of the image on the respective
compute node where the instance is started.Alternatively, you can launch an instance from an image that
you have copied to a persistent volume.To launch an instance, specify the following
parameters:The instance source, which is
an image or snapshot. Alternatively, you can boot from
a volume, which is block storage, to which you've
copied an image or snapshot.The image or
snapshot, which represents
the operating system.A name for your instance.
The flavor for your
instance, which defines the compute, memory, and
storage capacity of nova computing instances. A flavor
is an available hardware configuration for a server.
It defines the size of a virtual server that can be
launched.Access and security credentials, which include one
or both of the following credentials:A keypair
for your instance, which are SSH credentials
that are injected into images when they are
launched. For this to work, the image must
contain the cloud-init
package. Create at least one keypair for each
project. If you already have generated a
keypair with an external tool, you can import
it into OpenStack. You can use the keypair for
multiple instances that belong to that
project.A security
group, which defines which
incoming network traffic is forwarded to
instances. Security groups hold a set of
firewall policies, known as security group
rules.If needed, you can assign a floating (public) IP address to a
running instance and attach a block storage device, or
volume, for persistent storage.To launch an instance:Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.If you are a member of multiple projects, select a
project from the drop-down list at the top of the
Project tab.Click the Images & Snapshot
category.The dashboard shows the images that have been
uploaded to OpenStack Image service and are available
for this project.Select an image and click
Launch. The
Launch Image window appears: OpenStack dashboard - Launch Instances
windowSpecify the following parameters:Enter an instance name to assign to the
virtual machine.From the Flavor
drop-down list, select the size of the virtual
machine to launch.Optionally, select a keypair.In case an image uses a static root password
or a static key set (neither is recommended),
you do not need to provide a keypair on
starting the instance.In Instance Count,
enter the number of virtual machines to launch
from this image.Assign the instance to the default security
group. If you added rules to this group, the
instance implements these rules.Click Launch Instance. The
instance is launched on any of the compute nodes in
the cloud.After you have launched an instance, switch to the
Instances & Volumes category to
view the instance name, its (private or public) IP address,
size, status, task, and power state.OpenStack dashboard - InstancesIf you did not provide a keypair on starting and have not
touched security groups or rules so far, by default the
instance can only be accessed from inside the cloud through
VNC at this point. Even pinging the instance is not possible.