Description of PXE configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
= ext4 (StrOpt) Default file system format for ephemeral partition, if one is created.
= cciss/c0d0,sda,hda,vda (StrOpt) The disk devices to scan while doing the deploy.
= /httpboot (StrOpt) ironic-conductor node's HTTP root path.
= None (StrOpt) ironic-conductor node's HTTP server URL. Example:
= 20480 (IntOpt) Maximum size (in MiB) of cache for master images, including those in use.
= 10080 (IntOpt) Maximum TTL (in minutes) for old master images in cache.
= /var/lib/ironic/images/ (StrOpt) On the ironic-conductor node, directory where images are stored on disk.
= /var/lib/ironic/master_images (StrOpt) On the ironic-conductor node, directory where master instance images are stored on disk.
= $pybasedir/drivers/modules/boot.ipxe (StrOpt) On ironic-conductor node, the path to the main iPXE script file.
= False (BoolOpt) Enable iPXE boot.
= nofb nomodeset vga=normal (StrOpt) Additional append parameters for baremetal PXE boot.
= pxelinux.0 (StrOpt) Bootfile DHCP parameter.
= $pybasedir/drivers/modules/pxe_config.template (StrOpt) On ironic-conductor node, template file for PXE configuration.
= /tftpboot/master_images (StrOpt) On ironic-conductor node, directory where master TFTP images are stored on disk.
= /tftpboot (StrOpt) ironic-conductor node's TFTP root path.
= $my_ip (StrOpt) IP address of ironic-conductor node's TFTP server.
= elilo.efi (StrOpt) Bootfile DHCP parameter for UEFI boot mode.
= $pybasedir/drivers/modules/elilo_efi_pxe_config.template (StrOpt) On ironic-conductor node, template file for PXE configuration for UEFI boot loader.