Description of hypervisor configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
= None (StrOpt) The default format an ephemeral_volume will be formatted with on creation.
= True (BoolOpt) Force backing images to raw format
= none (StrOpt) VM image preallocation mode: "none" => no storage provisioning is done up front, "space" => storage is fully allocated at instance start
= 10 (IntOpt) Amount of time, in seconds, to wait for NBD device start up.
= True (BoolOpt) Whether to use cow images
= None (StrOpt) Defines which pcpus that instance vcpus can use. For example, "4-12,^8,15"
= [] (MultiStrOpt) Name of the mkfs commands for ephemeral device. The format is <os_type>=<mkfs command>