Orchestration command-line client The heat client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Orchestration API and its extensions. This chapter documents heat version 0.8.0. For help on a specific heat command, enter: $ heat COMMAND
heat usage usage: heat [--version] [-d] [-v] [--api-timeout API_TIMEOUT] [--os-no-client-auth] [--heat-url HEAT_URL] [--heat-api-version HEAT_API_VERSION] [--include-password] [-k] [--os-cert OS_CERT] [--cert-file OS_CERT] [--os-key OS_KEY] [--key-file OS_KEY] [--os-cacert <ca-certificate-file>] [--ca-file OS_CACERT] [--os-username OS_USERNAME] [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID] [--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID] [--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME] [--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID] [--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME] [--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID] [--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME] [--os-password OS_PASSWORD] [--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID] [--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME] [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL] [--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME] [--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN] [--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE] [--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] <subcommand> ... Subcommands action-check Check that stack resources are in expected states. action-resume Resume the stack. action-suspend Suspend the stack. build-info Retrieve build information. config-create Create a software configuration. config-delete Delete a software configuration. config-show View details of a software configuration. deployment-create Create a software deployment. deployment-delete Delete a software deployment. deployment-list List software deployments. deployment-metadata-show Get deployment configuration metadata for the specified server. deployment-output-show Show a specific deployment output. deployment-show Show the details of a software deployment. event DEPRECATED! Use event-show instead. event-list List events for a stack. event-show Describe the event. hook-clear Clear hooks on a given stack. hook-poll List resources with pending hook for a stack. output-list Show available outputs. output-show Show a specific stack output. resource-list Show list of resources belonging to a stack. resource-metadata List resource metadata. resource-show Describe the resource. resource-signal Send a signal to a resource. resource-template DEPRECATED! Use resource-type-template instead. resource-type-list List the available resource types. resource-type-show Show the resource type. resource-type-template Generate a template based on a resource type. service-list List the Heat engines. snapshot-delete Delete a snapshot of a stack. snapshot-list List the snapshots of a stack. snapshot-show Show a snapshot of a stack. stack-abandon Abandon the stack. stack-adopt Adopt a stack. stack-cancel-update Cancel currently running update of the stack. stack-create Create the stack. stack-delete Delete the stack(s). stack-list List the user's stacks. stack-preview Preview the stack. stack-restore Restore a snapshot of a stack. stack-show Describe the stack. stack-snapshot Make a snapshot of a stack. stack-update Update the stack. template-function-list List the available functions. template-show Get the template for the specified stack. template-validate Validate a template with parameters. template-version-list List the available template versions. bash-completion Prints all of the commands and options to stdout. help Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.
heat optional arguments --version Shows the client version and exits. -d, --debug Defaults to env[HEATCLIENT_DEBUG]. -v, --verbose Print more verbose output. --api-timeout API_TIMEOUT Number of seconds to wait for an API response, defaults to system socket timeout --os-no-client-auth Do not contact keystone for a token. Defaults to env[OS_NO_CLIENT_AUTH]. --heat-url HEAT_URL Defaults to env[HEAT_URL]. --heat-api-version HEAT_API_VERSION Defaults to env[HEAT_API_VERSION] or 1. --include-password Send os-username and os-password to heat. -k, --insecure Explicitly allow heatclient to perform "insecure SSL" (https) requests. The server's certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution. --os-cert OS_CERT Path of certificate file to use in SSL connection. This file can optionally be prepended with the private key. --cert-file OS_CERT DEPRECATED! Use --os-cert. --os-key OS_KEY Path of client key to use in SSL connection. This option is not necessary if your key is prepended to your cert file. --key-file OS_KEY DEPRECATED! Use --os-key. --os-cacert <ca-certificate-file> Path of CA TLS certificate(s) used to verify the remote server's certificate. Without this option glance looks for the default system CA certificates. --ca-file OS_CACERT DEPRECATED! Use --os-cacert. --os-username OS_USERNAME Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]. --os-user-id OS_USER_ID Defaults to env[OS_USER_ID]. --os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]. --os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]. --os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID Another way to specify tenant ID. This option is mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-id. Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_ID]. --os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME Another way to specify tenant name. This option is mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-name. Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_NAME]. --os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]. --os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]. --os-password OS_PASSWORD Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD]. --os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID]. --os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME]. --os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL]. --os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME]. --os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_TOKEN]. --os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE Defaults to env[OS_SERVICE_TYPE]. --os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE Defaults to env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE].
heat action-check usage: heat action-check <NAME or ID> Check that stack resources are in expected states. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to check.
heat action-resume usage: heat action-resume <NAME or ID> Resume the stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to resume.
heat action-suspend usage: heat action-suspend <NAME or ID> Suspend the stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to suspend.
heat build-info usage: heat build-info Retrieve build information.
heat config-create usage: heat config-create [-f <FILE or URL>] [-c <FILE or URL>] [-g <GROUP_NAME>] <CONFIG_NAME> Create a software configuration. Positional arguments <CONFIG_NAME> Name of the configuration to create. Optional arguments -f <FILE or URL>, --definition-file <FILE or URL> Path to JSON/YAML containing map defining <inputs>, <outputs>, and <options>. -c <FILE or URL>, --config-file <FILE or URL> Path to configuration script/data. -g <GROUP_NAME>, --group <GROUP_NAME> Group name of configuration tool expected by the config.
heat config-delete usage: heat config-delete <ID> [<ID> ...] Delete a software configuration. Positional arguments <ID> IDs of the configurations to delete.
heat config-show usage: heat config-show [-c] <ID> View details of a software configuration. Positional arguments <ID> ID of the config. Optional arguments -c, --config-only Only display the value of the <config> property.
heat deployment-create usage: heat deployment-create [-i <KEY=VALUE>] [-a <ACTION>] [-c <CONFIG>] -s <SERVER> [-t <TRANSPORT>] [--container <CONTAINER_NAME>] [--timeout <TIMEOUT>] <DEPLOY_NAME> Create a software deployment. Positional arguments <DEPLOY_NAME> Name of the derived config associated with this deployment. This is used to apply a sort order to the list of configurations currently deployed to the server. Optional arguments -i <KEY=VALUE>, --input-value <KEY=VALUE> Input value to set on the deployment. This can be specified multiple times. -a <ACTION>, --action <ACTION> Name of action for this deployment. Can be a custom action, or one of: CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, SUSPEND, RESUME -c <CONFIG>, --config <CONFIG> ID of the configuration to deploy. -s <SERVER>, --server <SERVER> ID of the server being deployed to. -t <TRANSPORT>, --signal-transport <TRANSPORT> How the server should signal to heat with the deployment output values. TEMP_URL_SIGNAL will create a Swift TempURL to be signaled via HTTP PUT. NO_SIGNAL will result in the resource going to the COMPLETE state without waiting for any signal. --container <CONTAINER_NAME> Optional name of container to store TEMP_URL_SIGNAL objects in. If not specified a container will be created with a name derived from the DEPLOY_NAME --timeout <TIMEOUT> Deployment timeout in minutes.
heat deployment-delete usage: heat deployment-delete <ID> [<ID> ...] Delete a software deployment. Positional arguments <ID> IDs of the deployments to delete.
heat deployment-list usage: heat deployment-list [-s <SERVER>] List software deployments. Optional arguments -s <SERVER>, --server <SERVER> ID of the server to fetch deployments for.
heat deployment-metadata-show usage: heat deployment-metadata-show <ID> Get deployment configuration metadata for the specified server. Positional arguments <ID> ID of the server to fetch deployments for.
heat deployment-output-show usage: heat deployment-output-show [-a] [-F <FORMAT>] <ID> [<OUTPUT NAME>] Show a specific deployment output. Positional arguments <ID> ID deployment to show the output for. <OUTPUT NAME> Name of an output to display. Optional arguments -a, --all Display all deployment outputs. -F <FORMAT>, --format <FORMAT> The output value format, one of: raw, json
heat deployment-show usage: heat deployment-show <ID> Show the details of a software deployment. Positional arguments <ID> ID of the deployment.
heat event-list usage: heat event-list [-r <RESOURCE>] [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-l <LIMIT>] [-m <ID>] [-n <DEPTH>] [-F <FORMAT>] <NAME or ID> List events for a stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to show the events for. Optional arguments -r <RESOURCE>, --resource <RESOURCE> Name of the resource to filter events by. -f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...> Filter parameters to apply on returned events. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon. -l <LIMIT>, --limit <LIMIT> Limit the number of events returned. -m <ID>, --marker <ID> Only return events that appear after the given event ID. -n <DEPTH>, --nested-depth <DEPTH> Depth of nested stacks from which to display events. Note this cannot be specified with --resource. -F <FORMAT>, --format <FORMAT> The output value format, one of: log, table
heat event-show usage: heat event-show <NAME or ID> <RESOURCE> <EVENT> Describe the event. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to show the events for. <RESOURCE> Name of the resource the event belongs to. <EVENT> ID of event to display details for.
heat hook-clear usage: heat hook-clear [--pre-create] [--pre-update] <NAME or ID> <RESOURCE> [<RESOURCE> ...] Clear hooks on a given stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of the stack these resources belong to. <RESOURCE> Resource names with hooks to clear. Resources in nested stacks can be set using slash as a separator: nested_stack/another/my_resource. You can use wildcards to match multiple stacks or resources: nested_stack/an*/*_resource Optional arguments --pre-create Clear the pre-create hooks (optional) --pre-update Clear the pre-update hooks (optional)
heat hook-poll usage: heat hook-poll [-n <DEPTH>] <NAME or ID> List resources with pending hook for a stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to show the pending hooks for. Optional arguments -n <DEPTH>, --nested-depth <DEPTH> Depth of nested stacks from which to display hooks.
heat output-list usage: heat output-list <NAME or ID> Show available outputs. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to query.
heat output-show usage: heat output-show [-a] [-F <FORMAT>] <NAME or ID> [<OUTPUT NAME>] Show a specific stack output. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to query. <OUTPUT NAME> Name of an output to display. Optional arguments -a, --all Display all stack outputs. -F <FORMAT>, --format <FORMAT> The output value format, one of: json, raw
heat resource-list usage: heat resource-list [-n <DEPTH>] [--with-detail] <NAME or ID> Show list of resources belonging to a stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to show the resources for. Optional arguments -n <DEPTH>, --nested-depth <DEPTH> Depth of nested stacks from which to display resources. --with-detail Enable detail information presented for each resource in resources list.
heat resource-metadata usage: heat resource-metadata <NAME or ID> <RESOURCE> List resource metadata. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to show the resource metadata for. <RESOURCE> Name of the resource to show the metadata for.
heat resource-show usage: heat resource-show [-a <ATTRIBUTE>] <NAME or ID> <RESOURCE> Describe the resource. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to show the resource for. <RESOURCE> Name of the resource to show the details for. Optional arguments -a <ATTRIBUTE>, --with-attr <ATTRIBUTE> Attribute to show, it can be specified multiple times.
heat resource-signal usage: heat resource-signal [-D <DATA>] [-f <FILE>] <NAME or ID> <RESOURCE> Send a signal to a resource. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack the resource belongs to. <RESOURCE> Name of the resource to signal. Optional arguments -D <DATA>, --data <DATA> JSON Data to send to the signal handler. -f <FILE>, --data-file <FILE> File containing JSON data to send to the signal handler.
heat resource-type-list usage: heat resource-type-list [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] List the available resource types. Optional arguments -f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...> Filter parameters to apply on returned resource types. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon. It can be any of name, version and support_status
heat resource-type-show usage: heat resource-type-show <RESOURCE_TYPE> Show the resource type. Positional arguments <RESOURCE_TYPE> Resource type to get the details for.
heat resource-type-template usage: heat resource-type-template [-t <TEMPLATE_TYPE>] [-F <FORMAT>] <RESOURCE_TYPE> Generate a template based on a resource type. Positional arguments <RESOURCE_TYPE> Resource type to generate a template for. Optional arguments -t <TEMPLATE_TYPE>, --template-type <TEMPLATE_TYPE> Template type to generate, hot or cfn. -F <FORMAT>, --format <FORMAT> The template output format, one of: yaml, json.
heat service-list usage: heat service-list List the Heat engines.
heat snapshot-delete usage: heat snapshot-delete <NAME or ID> <SNAPSHOT> Delete a snapshot of a stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of the stack containing the snapshot. <SNAPSHOT> The ID of the snapshot to delete.
heat snapshot-list usage: heat snapshot-list <NAME or ID> List the snapshots of a stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of the stack containing the snapshots.
heat snapshot-show usage: heat snapshot-show <NAME or ID> <SNAPSHOT> Show a snapshot of a stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of the stack containing the snapshot. <SNAPSHOT> The ID of the snapshot to show.
heat stack-abandon usage: heat stack-abandon [-O <FILE>] <NAME or ID> Abandon the stack. This will delete the record of the stack from Heat, but will not delete any of the underlying resources. Prints an adoptable JSON representation of the stack to stdout or a file on success. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to abandon. Optional arguments -O <FILE>, --output-file <FILE> file to output abandon result. If the option is specified, the result will be output into <FILE>.
heat stack-adopt usage: heat stack-adopt [-e <FILE or URL>] [-c <TIMEOUT>] [-t <TIMEOUT>] [-a <FILE or URL>] [-r] [-P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] <STACK_NAME> Adopt a stack. Positional arguments <STACK_NAME> Name of the stack to adopt. Optional arguments -e <FILE or URL>, --environment-file <FILE or URL> Path to the environment, it can be specified multiple times. -c <TIMEOUT>, --create-timeout <TIMEOUT> Stack creation timeout in minutes. DEPRECATED use --timeout instead. -t <TIMEOUT>, --timeout <TIMEOUT> Stack creation timeout in minutes. -a <FILE or URL>, --adopt-file <FILE or URL> Path to adopt stack data file. -r, --enable-rollback Enable rollback on create/update failure. -P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --parameters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...> Parameter values used to create the stack. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon.
heat stack-cancel-update usage: heat stack-cancel-update <NAME or ID> Cancel currently running update of the stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to cancel update for.
heat stack-create usage: heat stack-create [-f <FILE>] [-e <FILE or URL>] [--pre-create <RESOURCE>] [-u <URL>] [-o <URL>] [-c <TIMEOUT>] [-t <TIMEOUT>] [-r] [-P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-Pf <KEY=FILE>] [--poll [SECONDS]] [--tags <TAG1,TAG2>] <STACK_NAME> Create the stack. Positional arguments <STACK_NAME> Name of the stack to create. Optional arguments -f <FILE>, --template-file <FILE> Path to the template. -e <FILE or URL>, --environment-file <FILE or URL> Path to the environment, it can be specified multiple times. --pre-create <RESOURCE> Name of a resource to set a pre-create hook to. Resources in nested stacks can be set using slash as a separator: nested_stack/another/my_resource. You can use wildcards to match multiple stacks or resources: nested_stack/an*/*_resource. This can be specified multiple times -u <URL>, --template-url <URL> URL of template. -o <URL>, --template-object <URL> URL to retrieve template object (e.g. from swift). -c <TIMEOUT>, --create-timeout <TIMEOUT> Stack creation timeout in minutes. DEPRECATED use --timeout instead. -t <TIMEOUT>, --timeout <TIMEOUT> Stack creation timeout in minutes. -r, --enable-rollback Enable rollback on create/update failure. -P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --parameters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...> Parameter values used to create the stack. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon. -Pf <KEY=FILE>, --parameter-file <KEY=FILE> Parameter values from file used to create the stack. This can be specified multiple times. Parameter value would be the content of the file --poll [SECONDS] Poll and report events until stack completes. Optional poll interval in seconds can be provided as argument, default 5. --tags <TAG1,TAG2> A list of tags to associate with the stack.
heat stack-delete usage: heat stack-delete <NAME or ID> [<NAME or ID> ...] Delete the stack(s). Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack(s) to delete.
heat stack-list usage: heat stack-list [-s] [-n] [-a] [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-t <TAG1,TAG2...>] [--tags-any <TAG1,TAG2...>] [--not-tags <TAG1,TAG2...>] [--not-tags-any <TAG1,TAG2...>] [-l <LIMIT>] [-m <ID>] [-k <KEY1,KEY2...>] [-d [asc|desc]] [-g] [-o] List the user's stacks. Optional arguments -s, --show-deleted Include soft-deleted stacks in the stack listing. -n, --show-nested Include nested stacks in the stack listing. -a, --show-hidden Include hidden stacks in the stack listing. -f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...> Filter parameters to apply on returned stacks. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon. -t <TAG1,TAG2...>, --tags <TAG1,TAG2...> Show stacks containing these tags, combine multiple tags using the boolean AND expression --tags-any <TAG1,TAG2...> Show stacks containing these tags, combine multiple tags using the boolean OR expression --not-tags <TAG1,TAG2...> Show stacks not containing these tags, combine multiple tags using the boolean AND expression --not-tags-any <TAG1,TAG2...> Show stacks not containing these tags, combine multiple tags using the boolean OR expression -l <LIMIT>, --limit <LIMIT> Limit the number of stacks returned. -m <ID>, --marker <ID> Only return stacks that appear after the given stack ID. -k <KEY1,KEY2...>, --sort-keys <KEY1,KEY2...> List of keys for sorting the returned stacks. This can be specified multiple times or once with keys separated by semicolons. Valid sorting keys include "stack_name", "stack_status", "creation_time" and "updated_time". -d [asc|desc], --sort-dir [asc|desc] Sorting direction (either "asc" or "desc") for the sorting keys. -g, --global-tenant Display stacks from all tenants. Operation only authorized for users who match the policy in heat's policy.json. -o, --show-owner Display stack owner information. This is automatically enabled when using --global-tenant.
heat stack-preview usage: heat stack-preview [-f <FILE>] [-e <FILE or URL>] [-u <URL>] [-o <URL>] [-t <TIMEOUT>] [-r] [-P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-Pf <KEY=FILE>] [--tags <TAG1,TAG2>] <STACK_NAME> Preview the stack. Positional arguments <STACK_NAME> Name of the stack to preview. Optional arguments -f <FILE>, --template-file <FILE> Path to the template. -e <FILE or URL>, --environment-file <FILE or URL> Path to the environment, it can be specified multiple times. -u <URL>, --template-url <URL> URL of template. -o <URL>, --template-object <URL> URL to retrieve template object (e.g. from swift) -t <TIMEOUT>, --timeout <TIMEOUT> Stack creation timeout in minutes. This is only used duringvalidation in preview. -r, --enable-rollback Enable rollback on failure. This option is not used duringpreview and exists only for symmetry with stack- create. -P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --parameters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...> Parameter values used to preview the stack. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by semicolon. -Pf <KEY=FILE>, --parameter-file <KEY=FILE> Parameter values from file used to create the stack. This can be specified multiple times. Parameter value would be the content of the file --tags <TAG1,TAG2> A list of tags to associate with the stack.
heat stack-restore usage: heat stack-restore <NAME or ID> <SNAPSHOT> Restore a snapshot of a stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of the stack containing the snapshot. <SNAPSHOT> The ID of the snapshot to restore.
heat stack-show usage: heat stack-show <NAME or ID> Describe the stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to describe.
heat stack-snapshot usage: heat stack-snapshot [-n <NAME>] <NAME or ID> Make a snapshot of a stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to snapshot. Optional arguments -n <NAME>, --name <NAME> If specified, the name given to the snapshot.
heat stack-update usage: heat stack-update [-f <FILE>] [-e <FILE or URL>] [--pre-update <RESOURCE>] [-u <URL>] [-o <URL>] [-t <TIMEOUT>] [-r] [--rollback <VALUE>] [-y] [-P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-Pf <KEY=FILE>] [-x] [-c <PARAMETER>] [--tags <TAG1,TAG2>] <NAME or ID> Update the stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to update. Optional arguments -f <FILE>, --template-file <FILE> Path to the template. -e <FILE or URL>, --environment-file <FILE or URL> Path to the environment, it can be specified multiple times. --pre-update <RESOURCE> Name of a resource to set a pre-update hook to. Resources in nested stacks can be set using slash as a separator: nested_stack/another/my_resource. You can use wildcards to match multiple stacks or resources: nested_stack/an*/*_resource. This can be specified multiple times -u <URL>, --template-url <URL> URL of template. -o <URL>, --template-object <URL> URL to retrieve template object (e.g. from swift). -t <TIMEOUT>, --timeout <TIMEOUT> Stack update timeout in minutes. -r, --enable-rollback DEPRECATED! Use --rollback argument instead. Enable rollback on stack update failure. NOTE: default behavior is now to use the rollback value of existing stack. --rollback <VALUE> Set rollback on update failure. Values ('1', 't', 'true', 'on', 'y', 'yes') set rollback to enabled. Values ('0', 'f', 'false', 'off', 'n', 'no') set rollback to disabled. Default is to use the value of existing stack to be updated. -y, --dry-run Do not actually perform the stack update, but show what would be changed -P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --parameters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...> Parameter values used to create the stack. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon. -Pf <KEY=FILE>, --parameter-file <KEY=FILE> Parameter values from file used to create the stack. This can be specified multiple times. Parameter value would be the content of the file -x, --existing Re-use the template, parameters and environment of the current stack. If the template argument is omitted then the existing template is used. If no --environment-file is specified then the existing environment is used. Parameters specified in --parameters will patch over the existing values in the current stack. Parameters omitted will keep the existing values. -c <PARAMETER>, --clear-parameter <PARAMETER> Remove the parameters from the set of parameters of current stack for the stack-update. The default value in the template will be used. This can be specified multiple times. --tags <TAG1,TAG2> An updated list of tags to associate with the stack.
heat template-function-list usage: heat template-function-list <TEMPLATE_VERSION> List the available functions. Positional arguments <TEMPLATE_VERSION> Template version to get the functions for.
heat template-show usage: heat template-show <NAME or ID> Get the template for the specified stack. Positional arguments <NAME or ID> Name or ID of stack to get the template for.
heat template-validate usage: heat template-validate [-u <URL>] [-f <FILE>] [-e <FILE or URL>] [-o <URL>] [-n] Validate a template with parameters. Optional arguments -u <URL>, --template-url <URL> URL of template. -f <FILE>, --template-file <FILE> Path to the template. -e <FILE or URL>, --environment-file <FILE or URL> Path to the environment, it can be specified multiple times. -o <URL>, --template-object <URL> URL to retrieve template object (e.g. from swift). -n, --show-nested Resolve parameters from nested templates as well.
heat template-version-list usage: heat template-version-list List the available template versions.