OpenStack packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Distributions release OpenStack packages as part of the distribution or using other methods because of differing release schedules. Perform these procedures on all nodes. .. note:: The set up of OpenStack packages described here needs to be done on all nodes: controller, compute, and Block Storage nodes. .. warning:: Your hosts must contain the latest versions of base installation packages available for your distribution before proceeding further. .. note:: Disable or remove any automatic update services because they can impact your OpenStack environment. .. only:: ubuntu Enable the OpenStack repository ------------------------------- .. code-block:: console # apt install software-properties-common # add-apt-repository cloud-archive:newton .. end .. endonly .. only:: rdo Prerequisites ------------- .. warning:: We recommend disabling EPEL when using RDO packages due to updates in EPEL breaking backwards compatibility. Or, preferably pin package versions using the ``yum-versionlock`` plugin. .. note:: CentOS does not require the following steps. #. On RHEL, register your system with Red Hat Subscription Management, using your Customer Portal user name and password: .. code-block:: console # subscription-manager register --username="USERNAME" --password="PASSWORD" .. end #. Find entitlement pools containing the channels for your RHEL system: .. code-block:: console # subscription-manager list --available .. end #. Use the pool identifiers found in the previous step to attach your RHEL entitlements: .. code-block:: console # subscription-manager attach --pool="POOLID" .. end #. Enable required repositories: .. code-block:: console # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms \ --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-rh-common-rpms .. end .. endonly .. only:: rdo Enable the OpenStack repository ------------------------------- * On CentOS, the ``extras`` repository provides the RPM that enables the OpenStack repository. CentOS includes the ``extras`` repository by default, so you can simply install the package to enable the OpenStack repository. .. code-block:: console # yum install centos-release-openstack-newton .. end * On RHEL, download and install the RDO repository RPM to enable the OpenStack repository. .. code-block:: console # yum install .. end .. only:: obs Enable the OpenStack repository ------------------------------- * Enable the Open Build Service repositories based on your openSUSE or SLES version: **On openSUSE:** .. code-block:: console # zypper addrepo -f obs://Cloud:OpenStack:Newton/openSUSE_Leap_42.2 Newton .. end .. note:: The openSUSE distribution uses the concept of patterns to represent collections of packages. If you selected 'Minimal Server Selection (Text Mode)' during the initial installation, you may be presented with a dependency conflict when you attempt to install the OpenStack packages. To avoid this, remove the minimal\_base-conflicts package: .. code-block:: console # zypper rm patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts .. end **On SLES:** .. code-block:: console # zypper addrepo -f obs://Cloud:OpenStack:Newton/SLE_12_SP2 Newton .. end .. note:: The packages are signed by GPG key ``D85F9316``. You should verify the fingerprint of the imported GPG key before using it. .. code-block:: console Key Name: Cloud:OpenStack OBS Project Key Fingerprint: 35B34E18 ABC1076D 66D5A86B 893A90DA D85F9316 Key Created: 2015-12-16T16:48:37 CET Key Expires: 2018-02-23T16:48:37 CET .. end .. endonly .. only:: debian Enable the backports repository ------------------------------- The Newton release is available directly through the official Debian backports repository. To use this repository, follow the instruction from the official `Debian website `_, which basically suggest doing the following steps: #. On all nodes, adding the Debian 8 (Jessie) backport repository to the source list: .. code-block:: console # echo "deb jessie-backports main" \ >>/etc/apt/sources.list .. end .. note:: Later you can use the following command to install a package: .. code-block:: console # apt -t jessie-backports install ``PACKAGE`` .. end .. endonly Finalize the installation ------------------------- 1. Upgrade the packages on your host: .. only:: ubuntu or debian .. code-block:: console # apt update && apt dist-upgrade .. end .. endonly .. only:: rdo .. code-block:: console # yum upgrade .. end .. endonly .. only:: obs .. code-block:: console # zypper refresh && zypper dist-upgrade .. end .. endonly .. note:: If the upgrade process includes a new kernel, reboot your host to activate it. 2. Install the OpenStack client: .. only:: debian or ubuntu .. code-block:: console # apt install python-openstackclient .. end .. endonly .. only:: rdo .. code-block:: console # yum install python-openstackclient .. end .. endonly .. only:: obs .. code-block:: console # zypper install python-openstackclient .. end .. endonly .. only:: rdo 3. RHEL and CentOS enable :term:`SELinux` by default. Install the ``openstack-selinux`` package to automatically manage security policies for OpenStack services: .. code-block:: console # yum install openstack-selinux .. end .. endonly