.. Warning: Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated from the software project's code and your changes will be overwritten. The tool to generate this file lives in openstack-doc-tools repository. Please make any changes needed in the code, then run the autogenerate-config-doc tool from the openstack-doc-tools repository, or ask for help on the documentation mailing list, IRC channel or meeting. .. _ceilometer-notification: .. list-table:: Description of notification configuration options :header-rows: 1 :class: config-ref-table * - Configuration option = Default value - Description * - **[notification]** - * - ``batch_size`` = ``100`` - (Integer) Number of notification messages to wait before publishing them. Batching is advised when transformations areapplied in pipeline. * - ``batch_timeout`` = ``5`` - (Integer) Number of seconds to wait before publishing sampleswhen batch_size is not reached (None means indefinitely) * - ``disable_non_metric_meters`` = ``True`` - (Boolean) WARNING: Ceilometer historically offered the ability to store events as meters. This usage is NOT advised as it can flood the metering database and cause performance degradation. * - ``messaging_urls`` = ``[]`` - (Multi-valued) Messaging URLs to listen for notifications. Example: rabbit://user:pass@host1:port1[,user:pass@hostN:portN]/virtual_host (DEFAULT/transport_url is used if empty). This is useful when you have dedicate messaging nodes for each service, for example, all nova notifications go to rabbit-nova:5672, while all cinder notifications go to rabbit-cinder:5672. * - ``pipeline_processing_queues`` = ``10`` - (Integer) Number of queues to parallelize workload across. This value should be larger than the number of active notification agents for optimal results. WARNING: Once set, lowering this value may result in lost data.