.. Warning: Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated from the software project's code and your changes will be overwritten. The tool to generate this file lives in openstack-doc-tools repository. Please make any changes needed in the code, then run the autogenerate-config-doc tool from the openstack-doc-tools repository, or ask for help on the documentation mailing list, IRC channel or meeting. .. _cinder-hpexp: .. list-table:: Description of HPE XP volume driver configuration options :header-rows: 1 :class: config-ref-table * - Configuration option = Default value - Description * - **[DEFAULT]** - * - ``hpexp_async_copy_check_interval`` = ``10`` - (Integer) Interval to check copy asynchronously * - ``hpexp_compute_target_ports`` = ``None`` - (List) Target port names of compute node for host group or iSCSI target * - ``hpexp_copy_check_interval`` = ``3`` - (Integer) Interval to check copy * - ``hpexp_copy_speed`` = ``3`` - (Integer) Copy speed of storage system * - ``hpexp_default_copy_method`` = ``FULL`` - (String) Default copy method of storage system. There are two valid values: "FULL" specifies that a full copy; "THIN" specifies that a thin copy. Default value is "FULL" * - ``hpexp_group_request`` = ``False`` - (Boolean) Request for creating host group or iSCSI target * - ``hpexp_horcm_add_conf`` = ``True`` - (Boolean) Add to HORCM configuration * - ``hpexp_horcm_name_only_discovery`` = ``False`` - (Boolean) Only discover a specific name of host group or iSCSI target * - ``hpexp_horcm_numbers`` = ``200, 201`` - (List) Instance numbers for HORCM * - ``hpexp_horcm_resource_name`` = ``meta_resource`` - (String) Resource group name of storage system for HORCM * - ``hpexp_horcm_user`` = ``None`` - (String) Username of storage system for HORCM * - ``hpexp_ldev_range`` = ``None`` - (String) Logical device range of storage system * - ``hpexp_pool`` = ``None`` - (String) Pool of storage system * - ``hpexp_storage_cli`` = ``None`` - (String) Type of storage command line interface * - ``hpexp_storage_id`` = ``None`` - (String) ID of storage system * - ``hpexp_target_ports`` = ``None`` - (List) Target port names for host group or iSCSI target * - ``hpexp_thin_pool`` = ``None`` - (String) Thin pool of storage system * - ``hpexp_zoning_request`` = ``False`` - (Boolean) Request for FC Zone creating host group