.. Warning: Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated from the software project's code and your changes will be overwritten. The tool to generate this file lives in openstack-doc-tools repository. Please make any changes needed in the code, then run the autogenerate-config-doc tool from the openstack-doc-tools repository, or ask for help on the documentation mailing list, IRC channel or meeting. .. _cinder-pure: .. list-table:: Description of Pure Storage driver configuration options :header-rows: 1 :class: config-ref-table * - Configuration option = Default value - Description * - **[DEFAULT]** - * - ``pure_api_token`` = ``None`` - (String) REST API authorization token. * - ``pure_automatic_max_oversubscription_ratio`` = ``True`` - (Boolean) Automatically determine an oversubscription ratio based on the current total data reduction values. If used this calculated value will override the max_over_subscription_ratio config option. * - ``pure_eradicate_on_delete`` = ``False`` - (Boolean) When enabled, all Pure volumes, snapshots, and protection groups will be eradicated at the time of deletion in Cinder. Data will NOT be recoverable after a delete with this set to True! When disabled, volumes and snapshots will go into pending eradication state and can be recovered. * - ``pure_replica_interval_default`` = ``900`` - (Integer) Snapshot replication interval in seconds. * - ``pure_replica_retention_long_term_default`` = ``7`` - (Integer) Retain snapshots per day on target for this time (in days.) * - ``pure_replica_retention_long_term_per_day_default`` = ``3`` - (Integer) Retain how many snapshots for each day. * - ``pure_replica_retention_short_term_default`` = ``14400`` - (Integer) Retain all snapshots on target for this time (in seconds.)