.. Warning: Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated from the software project's code and your changes will be overwritten. The tool to generate this file lives in openstack-doc-tools repository. Please make any changes needed in the code, then run the autogenerate-config-doc tool from the openstack-doc-tools repository, or ask for help on the documentation mailing list, IRC channel or meeting. .. _ironic-audit: .. list-table:: Description of audit configuration options :header-rows: 1 :class: config-ref-table * - Configuration option = Default value - Description * - **[audit]** - * - ``audit_map_file`` = ``/etc/ironic/ironic_api_audit_map.conf`` - (String) Path to audit map file for ironic-api service. Used only when API audit is enabled. * - ``enabled`` = ``False`` - (Boolean) Enable auditing of API requests (for ironic-api service). * - ``ignore_req_list`` = ``None`` - (String) Comma separated list of Ironic REST API HTTP methods to be ignored during audit. For example: auditing will not be done on any GET or POST requests if this is set to "GET,POST". It is used only when API audit is enabled. * - ``namespace`` = ``openstack`` - (String) namespace prefix for generated id * - **[audit_middleware_notifications]** - * - ``driver`` = ``None`` - (String) The Driver to handle sending notifications. Possible values are messaging, messagingv2, routing, log, test, noop. If not specified, then value from oslo_messaging_notifications conf section is used. * - ``topics`` = ``None`` - (List) List of AMQP topics used for OpenStack notifications. If not specified, then value from oslo_messaging_notifications conf section is used. * - ``transport_url`` = ``None`` - (String) A URL representing messaging driver to use for notification. If not specified, we fall back to the same configuration used for RPC.