.. Warning: Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated and your changes will be overwritten. The tool to do so lives in the openstack-doc-tools repository. .. list-table:: Description of configuration options for ``[container-replicator]`` in ``container-server.conf`` :header-rows: 1 :class: config-ref-table * - Configuration option = Default value - Description * - ``concurrency`` = ``8`` - Number of replication workers to spawn * - ``conn_timeout`` = ``0.5`` - Connection timeout to external services * - ``interval`` = ``30`` - Minimum time for a pass to take * - ``log_address`` = ``/dev/log`` - Location where syslog sends the logs to * - ``log_facility`` = ``LOG_LOCAL0`` - Syslog log facility * - ``log_level`` = ``INFO`` - Logging level * - ``log_name`` = ``container-replicator`` - Label used when logging * - ``max_diffs`` = ``100`` - Caps how long the replicator spends trying to sync a database per pass * - ``node_timeout`` = ``10`` - Request timeout to external services * - ``per_diff`` = ``1000`` - Limit number of items to get per diff * - ``reclaim_age`` = ``604800`` - Time elapsed in seconds before an object can be reclaimed * - ``recon_cache_path`` = ``/var/cache/swift`` - Directory where stats for a few items will be stored * - ``rsync_compress`` = ``no`` - Allow rsync to compress data which is transmitted to destination node during sync. However, this is applicable only when destination node is in a different region than the local one. * - ``rsync_module`` = ``{replication_ip}::container`` - Format of the rsync module where the replicator will send data. The configuration value can include some variables that will be extracted from the ring. Variables must follow the format {NAME} where NAME is one of: ip, port, replication_ip, replication_port, region, zone, device, meta. See etc/rsyncd.conf-sample for some examples. uses what's set here, or what's set in the DEFAULT section, or 10 (though other sections use 3 as the final default). * - ``run_pause`` = ``30`` - Time in seconds to wait between replication passes