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.. list-table:: Description of configuration options for ``[object-updater]`` in ``object-server.conf``
   :header-rows: 1
   :class: config-ref-table

   * - Configuration option = Default value
     - Description
   * - ``concurrency`` = ``1``
     - Number of replication workers to spawn
   * - ``interval`` = ``300``
     - Minimum time for a pass to take
   * - ``log_address`` = ``/dev/log``
     - Location where syslog sends the logs to
   * - ``log_facility`` = ``LOG_LOCAL0``
     - Syslog log facility
   * - ``log_level`` = ``INFO``
     - Logging level
   * - ``log_name`` = ``object-updater``
     - Label used when logging
   * - ``node_timeout`` = ``<whatever's in the DEFAULT section or 10>``
     - Request timeout to external services
   * - ``recon_cache_path`` = ``/var/cache/swift``
     - Directory where stats for a few items will be stored
   * - ``slowdown`` = ``0.01``
     - Time in seconds to wait between objects