.. Warning: Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated from the software project's code and your changes will be overwritten. The tool to generate this file lives in openstack-doc-tools repository. Please make any changes needed in the code, then run the autogenerate-config-doc tool from the openstack-doc-tools repository, or ask for help on the documentation mailing list, IRC channel or meeting. .. _trove-db_postgresql: .. list-table:: Description of PostgreSQL database configuration options :header-rows: 1 :class: config-ref-table * - Configuration option = Default value - Description * - **[postgresql]** - * - ``backup_incremental_strategy`` = ``{'PgBaseBackup': 'PgBaseBackupIncremental'}`` - (Dict) Incremental Backup Runner based on the default strategy. For strategies that do not implement an incremental, the runner will use the default full backup. * - ``backup_namespace`` = ``trove.guestagent.strategies.backup.experimental.postgresql_impl`` - (String) Namespace to load backup strategies from. * - ``backup_strategy`` = ``PgBaseBackup`` - (String) Default strategy to perform backups. * - ``default_password_length`` = ``36`` - (Integer) Character length of generated passwords. * - ``device_path`` = ``/dev/vdb`` - (String) No help text available for this option. * - ``guest_log_exposed_logs`` = ``general`` - (String) List of Guest Logs to expose for publishing. * - ``guest_log_long_query_time`` = ``0`` - (Integer) DEPRECATED: The time in milliseconds that a statement must take in in order to be logged in the 'general' log. A value of '0' logs all statements, while '-1' turns off statement logging. Will be replaced by configuration group option: log_min_duration_statement * - ``icmp`` = ``False`` - (Boolean) Whether to permit ICMP. * - ``ignore_dbs`` = ``os_admin, postgres`` - (List) No help text available for this option. * - ``ignore_users`` = ``os_admin, postgres, root`` - (List) No help text available for this option. * - ``mount_point`` = ``/var/lib/postgresql`` - (String) Filesystem path for mounting volumes if volume support is enabled. * - ``postgresql_port`` = ``5432`` - (Port number) The TCP port the server listens on. * - ``replication_namespace`` = ``trove.guestagent.strategies.replication.experimental.postgresql_impl`` - (String) Namespace to load replication strategies from. * - ``replication_strategy`` = ``PostgresqlReplicationStreaming`` - (String) Default strategy for replication. * - ``restore_namespace`` = ``trove.guestagent.strategies.restore.experimental.postgresql_impl`` - (String) Namespace to load restore strategies from. * - ``root_controller`` = ``trove.extensions.postgresql.service.PostgreSQLRootController`` - (String) Root controller implementation for postgresql. * - ``root_on_create`` = ``False`` - (Boolean) Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the service during instance-create. The generated password for the root user is immediately returned in the response of instance-create as the 'password' field. * - ``tcp_ports`` = ``5432`` - (List) List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True). * - ``udp_ports`` = - (List) List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True). * - ``volume_support`` = ``True`` - (Boolean) Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir. * - ``wal_archive_location`` = ``/mnt/wal_archive`` - (String) Filesystem path storing WAL archive files when WAL-shipping based backups or replication is enabled.