.. _env-vars: ============================================== Environment variables required to run examples ============================================== To run the cURL command examples for the Object Storage API requests, set these environment variables: publicURL The public URL that is the HTTP endpoint from where you can access Object Storage. It includes the Object Storage API version number and your account name. For example, ````. token The authentication token for Object Storage. To obtain these values, run the :command:`swift stat -v` command. As shown in this example, the public URL appears in the ``StorageURL`` field, and the token appears in the ``Auth Token`` field: .. code-block:: console StorageURL: Auth Token: {token} Account: my_account Containers: 2 Objects: 3 Bytes: 47 Meta Book: MobyDick X-Timestamp: 1389453423.35964 X-Trans-Id: txee55498935404a2caad89-0052dd3b77 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Accept-Ranges: bytes