============== Mitaka release ============== * Tracking of release notes in the ``doc/releasenotes/`` directory. Configuration Reference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Completed RST conversion. * Documented Message service (zaqar). High Availability Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added the `Highly available Shared File Systems API `_ section. * Improved `Pacemaker/Corosync cluster `_ installation and configuration details. * Documented the `Pacemaker cluster manager `_ and `Keepalived architecture `_ details and limitations. * Added the `MariaDB Galera cluster `_ installation, configuration, and management details. * Improved the `RabbitMQ section `_. Operations Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added the Shared File Systems chapter. Virtual Machine Image Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Completed RST conversion. Command-Line Interface Reference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Completed RST conversion. * Documented that individual CLIs are deprecated in favor of the common OpenStack client. * Marked Identity API v2 as deprecated. * Added senlin, monasca, and cloudkitty clients. * Removed tuskar client because of retirement. Architecture Design Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Completed RST conversion. API Guides ~~~~~~~~~~ * Swagger files now built to http://developer.openstack.org/ * Created templates for writing API guides for projects teams available in projects repositories. Translations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Japanese * Published the Networking Guide.