.. _uitextguidelines: ================== UI text guidelines ================== User interface (UI) text guidelines are intended for designers, developers, or reviewers contributing content within OpenStack user interfaces. Use these text guidelines to ensure that the OpenStack interface is usable, consistent, and concise. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ui-text-guidelines/ui-text-capitalization.rst ui-text-guidelines/ui-action-labels.rst ui-text-guidelines/ui-error-messages.rst ui-text-guidelines/ui-panel-formatting.rst In addition to these resources, ensure you review the :ref:`stg_writing_style` section. The general writing style guidelines also apply to content in the user interface. Top Tips ~~~~~~~~ Use these tips and quick links to access UI text guidance reminders. * Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and slang. Unless the abbreviation is better known than the word it stands for or space savings is critical. * :ref:`Write in active voice` * :ref:`Be clear and concise` * :ref:`Write objectively` * :ref:`Do not use contractions` * :ref:`Eliminate needless politeness` * :ref:`Use consistent terminology`