Object Storage command-line clientThe swift client is the command-line
interface (CLI) for the OpenStack Object Storage API and its extensions.
This chapter documents swift version
For help on a specific swift
command, enter:
$swiftCOMMANDswift usage [--debug] [--info] [--quiet] [--auth <auth_url>]
[--auth-version <auth_version>] [--user <username>]
[--key <api_key>] [--retries <num_retries>]
[--os-username <auth-user-name>] [--os-password <auth-password>]
[--os-user-id <auth-user-id>]
[--os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>]
[--os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>]
[--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>]
[--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>]
[--os-project-id <auth-project-id>]
[--os-project-name <auth-project-name>]
[--os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>]
[--os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>]
[--os-auth-url <auth-url>] [--os-auth-token <auth-token>]
[--os-storage-url <storage-url>] [--os-region-name <region-name>]
[--os-service-type <service-type>]
[--os-endpoint-type <endpoint-type>]
[--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--insecure]
<subcommand> [--help] [<subcommand options>]Subcommandsdelete
Delete a container or objects within a container.
Download objects from containers.
Lists the containers for the account or the objects
for a container.
Updates meta information for the account, container,
or object; creates containers if not present.
Displays information for the account, container,
or object.
Uploads files or directories to the given container.
List cluster capabilities.
Create a temporary URL.
Display auth related environment variables.
swift examples swift download --help
swift -A https://auth.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0 -U user -K api_key stat -v
swift --os-auth-url https://api.example.com/v2.0 --os-tenant-name tenant \
--os-username user --os-password password list
swift --os-auth-url https://api.example.com/v3 --auth-version 3\
--os-project-name project1 --os-project-domain-name domain1 \
--os-username user --os-user-domain-name domain1 \
--os-password password list
swift --os-auth-url https://api.example.com/v3 --auth-version 3\
--os-project-id 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef \
--os-user-id abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789 \
--os-password password list
swift --os-auth-token 6ee5eb33efad4e45ab46806eac010566 \
--os-storage-url \
swift list --lhswift optional arguments--version
show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
Show OpenStack authentication options.
-s, --snet
Use SERVICENET internal network.
-v, --verbose
Print more info.
Show the curl commands and results of all http queries
regardless of result status.
Show the curl commands and results of all http queries
which return an error.
-q, --quiet
Suppress status output.
-A AUTH, --auth=AUTH URL
for obtaining an auth token.
Specify a version for authentication. Defaults to 1.0.
-U USER, --user=USER
User name for obtaining an auth token.
-K KEY, --key=KEY
Key for obtaining an auth token.
The number of times to retry a failed connection.
Allow swiftclient to access servers without having to
verify the SSL certificate. Defaults to
env[SWIFTCLIENT_INSECURE] (set to 'true' to enable).
This option is deprecated and not used anymore. SSL
compression should be disabled by default by the
system SSL library.
swift capabilitiesUsage: swift capabilities
Retrieve capability of the proxy.
Optional positional arguments:
<proxy_url> Proxy URL of the cluster to retrieve capabilities.
swift deleteUsage: swift delete
Delete a container or objects within a container.
Positional arguments<container>
Name of container to delete from.
Name of object to delete. Specify multiple times
for multiple objects.
Optional arguments-a, --all
Delete all containers and objects.
Do not delete segments of manifest objects.
--object-threads <threads>
Number of threads to use for deleting objects.
Default is 10.
--container-threads <threads>
Number of threads to use for deleting containers.
Default is 10.
swift downloadUsage: swift download
Download objects from containers.
Positional arguments<container>
Name of container to download from. To download a
whole account, omit this and specify --all.
Name of object to download. Specify multiple times
for multiple objects. Omit this to download all
objects from the container.
Optional arguments-a, --all
Indicates that you really want to download
everything in the account.
-m, --marker
Marker to use when starting a container or account
-p, --prefix <prefix>
Only download items beginning with <prefix>
-r, --remove-prefix
An optional flag for --prefix <prefix>, use this
option to download items without <prefix>
-o, --output <out_file>
For a single file download, stream the output to
<out_file>. Specifying "-" as <out_file> will
redirect to stdout.
-D, --output-dir <out_directory>
An optional directory to which to store objects.
By default, all objects are recreated in the current
--object-threads <threads>
Number of threads to use for downloading objects.
Default is 10.
--container-threads <threads>
Number of threads to use for downloading containers.
Default is 10.
Perform download(s), but don't actually write anything
to disk.
-H, --header <header:value>
Adds a customized request header to the query, like
"Range" or "If-Match". This option may be repeated.
Example --header "content-type:text/plain"
Skip downloading files that are identical on both
By default, when downloading a complete account or
container, download order is randomised in order to
to reduce the load on individual drives when multiple
clients are executed simultaneously to download the
same set of objects (e.g. a nightly automated download
script to multiple servers). Enable this option to
submit download jobs to the thread pool in the order
they are listed in the object store.
swift listUsage: swift list
Lists the containers for the account or the objects for a container.
Positional arguments[container]
Name of container to list object in.
Optional arguments-l, --long
Long listing format, similar to ls -l.
Report sizes in human readable format similar to
ls -lh.
-t, --totals
Used with -l or --lh, only report totals.
-p, --prefix
Only list items beginning with the prefix.
-d, --delimiter
Roll up items with the given delimiter. For containers
only. See OpenStack Swift API documentation for what
this means.
swift postUsage: swift post
Updates meta information for the account, container, or object.
If the container is not found, it will be created automatically.
Positional arguments[container]
Name of container to post to.
Name of object to post.
Optional arguments-r, --read-acl <acl>
Read ACL for containers. Quick summary of ACL syntax:
.r:*, .r:-.example.com, .r:www.example.com, account1,
-w, --write-acl <acl>
Write ACL for containers. Quick summary of ACL syntax:
account1 account2:user2
-t, --sync-to <sync-to>
Sync To for containers, for multi-cluster replication.
-k, --sync-key <sync-key>
Sync Key for containers, for multi-cluster replication.
-m, --meta <name:value>
Sets a meta data item. This option may be repeated.
Example: -m Color:Blue -m Size:Large
-H, --header <header:value>
Adds a customized request header.
This option may be repeated. Example
-H "content-type:text/plain" -H "Content-Length: 4000"
swift statUsage: swift stat
Displays information for the account, container, or object.
Positional arguments[container]
Name of container to stat from.
Name of object to stat.
Optional arguments--lh
Report sizes in human readable format similar to
ls -lh.
swift tempurlUsage: swift tempurl
Generates a temporary URL for a Swift object.
Positional arguments<method>
An HTTP method to allow for this temporary URL.
Usually 'GET' or 'PUT'.
The amount of time in seconds the temporary URL will be
valid for; or, if --absolute is passed, the Unix
timestamp when the temporary URL will expire.
The full path to the Swift object. Example:
The secret temporary URL key set on the Swift cluster.
To set a key, run 'swift post -m
Optional arguments--absolute
Interpet the <seconds> positional argument as a Unix
timestamp rather than a number of seconds in the
swift uploadUsage: swift upload
Uploads specified files and directories to the given container.
Positional arguments<container>
Name of container to upload to.
Name of file or directory to upload. Specify multiple
times for multiple uploads.
Optional arguments-c, --changed
Only upload files that have changed since the last
Skip uploading files that are identical on both sides.
-S, --segment-size <size>
Upload files in segments no larger than <size> (in
Bytes) and then create a "manifest" file that will
download all the segments as if it were the original
--segment-container <container>
Upload the segments into the specified container. If
not specified, the segments will be uploaded to a
<container>_segments container to not pollute the
main <container> listings.
Indicates that you want the older segments of manifest
objects left alone (in the case of overwrites).
--object-threads <threads>
Number of threads to use for uploading full objects.
Default is 10.
--segment-threads <threads>
Number of threads to use for uploading object segments.
Default is 10.
-H, --header <header:value>
Adds a customized request header. This option may be
repeated. Example -H "content-type:text/plain"
-H "Content-Length: 4000".
When used in conjunction with --segment-size it will
create a Static Large Object instead of the default
Dynamic Large Object.
--object-name <object-name>
Upload file and name object to <object-name> or upload
dir and use <object-name> as object prefix instead of
folder name.
Turn off checksum validation for uploads.