Description of collector configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
= False (BoolOpt) Enable the RPC functionality of collector. This functionality is now deprecated in favour of notifier publisher and queues.
= False (BoolOpt) Requeue the event on the collector event queue when the collector fails to dispatch it.
= False (BoolOpt) Requeue the sample on the collector sample queue when the collector fails to dispatch it. This is only valid if the sample come from the notifier publisher.
= (StrOpt) Address to which the UDP socket is bound. Set to an empty string to disable.
= 4952 (IntOpt) Port to which the UDP socket is bound.
= 1 (IntOpt) Number of workers for collector service. default value is 1.
= 0 (IntOpt) The max number of the files to keep.
= None (StrOpt) Name and the location of the file to record meters.
= 0 (IntOpt) The max size of the file.