Description of configuration options for [account-replicator] in account-server.conf
Configuration option = Default value Description
= 8 Number of replication workers to spawn
= 0.5 Connection timeout to external services
= 30 Minimum time for a pass to take
= /dev/log Location where syslog sends the logs to
= LOG_LOCAL0 Syslog log facility
= INFO Logging level
= account-replicator Label used when logging
= 100 Caps how long the replicator spends trying to sync a database per pass
= 10 Request timeout to external services
= 1000 Limit number of items to get per diff
= 604800 Time elapsed in seconds before an object can be reclaimed
= /var/cache/swift Directory where stats for a few items will be stored
= no No help text available for this option.
= {replication_ip}::account No help text available for this option.
= 30 Time in seconds to wait between replication passes