.. _template-generator: ========================== Template generator details ========================== The portion of the content on docs.openstack.org that is not managed as document sets built by Sphinx is handled via a custom template rendering tool in ``tools/www-generator.py`` within the openstack-manuals git repository. The script reads YAML data files in ``www/project-data`` to determine which projects exist in a given series and how they should be displayed on the list of installation, configuration, and other guides. After the script loads the data about the external projects, it scans ``www/`` for HTML template files. It uses `Jinja2 `_ to convert the templates to complete HTML pages, which it writes to the ``publish-docs`` output directory. .. seealso:: The `Jinja2 `_ documentation includes a guide for template designers that covers the syntax of templates, inheritance between templates, and the various filters and other features available when writing templates. The template files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The template files in the openstack-manuals repo are all under the ``www`` directory. They are organized in the same structure used to publish to the site, so the path to a published URL corresponds directly to a path to the template file that produces it. Here are a few representative files under ``www/``: * ``austin`` * ``index.html`` -- landing page for $series docs (one per series) * ``de`` * ``index.html`` -- list of guides translated into $LANG * ``errorpage.html`` * ``mitaka`` -- newer series have more complex page organizations; each directory is unique * ``admin`` * ``index.html`` * ``api`` * ``index.html`` * ``de`` * ``index.html`` -- landing page for $series docs translated into $LANG * ``index.html`` * ``language-bindings.html`` * ``projects.html`` * ``user`` * ``index.html`` * ``pike`` * ``admin`` * ``index.html`` * ``api`` * ``index.html`` * ``configuration`` * ``index.html`` * ``deploy`` * ``index.html`` * ``index.html`` * ``install`` * ``index.html`` * ``language-bindings.html`` * ``projects.html`` * ``user`` * ``index.html`` * ``project-data`` -- YAML files with data about projects in each $series * ``latest.yaml`` * ``mitaka.yaml`` * ``newton.yaml`` * ``ocata.yaml`` * ``pike.yaml`` * ``README.rst`` * ``schema.yaml`` * ``redirect-tests.txt`` -- input file for `whereto `_ to test ``.htaccess``; see http://files.openstack.org/docs-404s/ for a list of recent 404 errors * ``static`` -- contains files that are not templates (CSS, JS, sitemap, etc.) * ``templates`` -- contains reused templates (base pages, partial pages, etc.) * ``api_guides.tmpl`` * ``base.tmpl`` * ``contributor_guides.tmpl`` * ``css.tmpl`` * ``default.tmpl`` * ``dropdown_languages.tmpl`` * ``footer.tmpl`` * ``google_analytics.tmpl`` * ``header.tmpl`` * ``indexbase.tmpl`` * ``navigation.tmpl`` * ``ops_and_admin_guides.tmpl`` * ``project_guides.tmpl`` * ``script_footer.tmpl`` * ``script_search.tmpl`` * ``series_status.tmpl`` * ``os_search_install.tmpl`` * ``os_search_mobile.tmpl`` * ``os_search.tmpl`` * ``training_guides.tmpl`` * ``user_guides.tmpl`` .. NOTE(dhellmann): The whereto link will move to docs.o.o as soon as the publishing jobs are updated. Defining release series ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The set of release series and their individual status and other metadata is embedded in the template generator script in the ``SERIES_INFO`` data structure. The structure is a dictionary mapping the name of the release series to a ``SeriesInfo`` structure holding the metadata. For each release series, the generator needs to know: ``date`` The date value should be a string containing the month name and 4 digit year. ``status`` The 'status' field should be one of: ``obsolete`` the release existed, but we have no more artifacts for it ``EOL`` the release is closed but we have docs for it ``maintained`` the release still has an open branch ``development`` the current release being developed .. seealso:: :ref:`release-www-page-updates` has some additional information about how the status values are updated at the end of a release cycle. Project data file format ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The projects associated with each release series are listed in a separate YAML file in the ``www/project-data`` directory. Each file is named for the series (``austin.yaml``, ``bexar.yaml``, etc.) except for the series currently under development which is always kept in ``latest.yaml``. The schema for the project data files is defined in ``www/project-data/schema.yaml``. Each file should contain an array or list of entries. Each entry must define the name, service, and type properties. The ``name`` should be the base name of a git repository. The ``deliverable-name`` should be the name of the deliverable as defined in ``openstack/governance/reference/projects.yaml``. This value only needs to be set if the deliverable name does not match the project name (such as ``glance_store`` and ``glance-store``). The ``service`` string should be taken from the governance repository definition of the project. The ``type`` must be one of the values listed below: ``service`` A REST API service. ``cloud-client`` A library for talking to a cloud. ``service-client`` A library for talking to a service. ``library`` Another type of library. ``tool`` A command line tool or other project that is used with, or used to build, OpenStack. ``networking`` A plugin for the networking service. ``baremetal`` A subproject for the bare metal project, Ironic. ``deployment`` A tool for deploying OpenStack. ``other`` A project that does run in a cloud but does not provide a REST API. An entry can also optionally define ``service_type``, which must match the value associated with the name in the `service-types-authority repository `_. Entries with ``type`` set to ``client`` should include a ``description`` field with a short description, such as "keystone client". Entries may optionally set flags to indicate that the repository includes particular types of documentation in an expected location, to include a link to that documentation on the templated landing pages. ``has_install_guide`` produces a link to ``docs.o.o/{{name}}/latest/install/`` ``has_api_guide`` produces a link to ``developer.o.o/api-guide/{{service_type}}/`` ``has_api_ref`` produces a link to ``developer.o.o/api-ref/{{service_type}}/`` ``has_config_ref`` produces a link to ``docs.o.o/{{name}}/latest/configuration/`` ``has_in_tree_api_docs`` produces a link to ``docs.o.o/{{name}}/latest/api/`` ``has_admin_guide`` produces a link to ``docs.o.o/{{name}}/latest/admin/`` ``has_in_tree_htaccess`` enables full redirects to old paths, not just to the top of ``/{{name}}/latest/`` ``has_deployment_guide`` produces a link to ``docs.o.o/project-deploy-guide/{{name}}/{{series}}/`` .. note:: The documentation associated with the flags must exist before the flags are set. Template variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The template generator uses the input data to set several variables visible within the template. This allows us to reuse the same template to generate content for multiple pages of the same style, filling in different data. By convention, all of the variables defined in the template generator use all uppercase names. This makes it easy to differentiate the generator variables from variables defined within templates (such as loop contexts). ``TEMPLATE_FILE`` The name of the template file being rendered, with the ``www`` prefix removed. For example, ``pike/index.html``. ``PROJECT_DATA`` All of the project data loaded from the data files in a dictionary mapping the series name to the parsed data file. Most template pages will assign a local variable using ``PROJECT_DATA[SERIES]`` to extract the correct subset of the data. ``TOPDIR`` The relative path to the top of the build output. This is useful for building paths between output pages in a way that allows those pages to move around later. ``SCRIPTDIR`` The relative path to the location of the JavaScript directory in the build output. This is useful for building links to JavaScript files. ``CSSDIR`` The relative path to the location of the directory containing the CSS files in the build output. This is useful for building links to CSS files. ``IMAGEDIR`` The relative path to the location of the directory containing image files in the build output. This is useful for building links to images. ``SERIES`` A string containing the name of the series usable in URLs. For the series under development, this is ``"latest"``. For other series, it is the series name in lower case. This value is derived from the path to the template file. If the file is under a directory that matches one of the known series names, that value is used to set ``SERIES``. ``SERIES_TITLE`` A string containing the name of the series usable in text visible to the reader. It is always the actual name of the series in "title case" (the first letter of each word is uppercase). For example, ``"Pike"``. This value is derived from the path to the template file. If the file is under a directory that matches one of the known series names, that value is used to set ``SERIES``. ``ALL_SERIES`` A list of all of the series names for all OpenStack releases, in order of release. This list is derived from the keys of the ``SERIES_INFO`` dictionary defined in the template generator. ``PAST_SERIES`` A list of the series names for OpenStack releases with a status other than ``"development"``. This list is derived from the values in the ``SERIES_INFO`` dictionary defined in the template generator. ``RELEASED_SERIES`` A string containing the lowercase name of the most recent series to be released. For example, during the Pike series this value was ``"ocata"``. This value is derived from the values in the ``SERIES_INFO`` dictionary defined in the template generator. ``SERIES_IN_DEVELOPMENT`` A string containing the lowercase name of the series under active development. For example, during the Pike series this value was ``"pike"``. This value is derived from the values in the ``SERIES_INFO`` dictionary defined in the template generator. ``SERIES_INFO`` The ``SeriesInfo`` object associated with the current series. This provides access to the ``date`` and ``status`` values for the series. This value is taken from the ``SERIES_INFO`` dictionary defined in the template generator. ``REGULAR_REPOS`` A list of all of the names of regular repositories for official OpenStack projects. Here "regular" differentiates the repositories from infrastructure team repositories, which have their documentation published to a different location and therefore need some different URLs for redirects in the ``.htaccess`` template. See ``INFRA_REPOS``. This value is derived from data published from the governance repository. ``INFRA_REPOS`` A list of all of the names of repositories for the infrastructure team. See ``REGULAR_REPOS``. This value is derived from data published from the governance repository. Common tasks ~~~~~~~~~~~~ How would I change a page? -------------------------- 1. Look for the ``TEMPLATE_FILE`` value in the page source to find which file produces the page. The source for https://docs.openstack.org/pike/ shows: .. code-block:: none 2. Modify the file or one of the other templates from which it inherits. ``www/pike/index.html`` has a base template of ``www/templates/indexbase.tmpl`` which contains: .. code-block:: none {% include "templates/series_status.tmpl" %} and that directive pulls in ``www/templates/series_status.tmpl``. How would I add a new project? ------------------------------ Modify ``www/project-data/latest.yaml`` to add the new stanza. Flags for having various types of docs default to off; only list the ones that should be turned on. Set the type for the project to ensure it shows up in the correct list(s). How would I add a new flag to the project metadata? --------------------------------------------------- 1. Update the schema to allow the flag by changing ``www/project-data/schema.yaml``. 2. Update the documentation team contributor guide to explain the flag's use by modifying ``doc/doc-contribu-guide/source/doc-tools/template-generator.rst``. 3. Update ``www/project-data/latest.yaml`` to set the flag for some project(s). 4. Update/create the template that will use the flag. How would I add a new page? --------------------------- Copy an existing template file to the new name under ``www/`` and then modify it. How does the final release process work? ---------------------------------------- See :doc:`../release/taskdetail`. Testing the build ----------------- There are two commands useful for testing the build locally: .. code-block:: console $ tox -e checkbuild and .. code-block:: console $ tools/test.sh The test script supports a few options to make it more effective. ``--skip-links`` Skip link checks ``--series SERIES`` series to update/test ``--check-all-links`` Check for links with flags set false. To test template rendering without waiting for link checks: .. code-block:: console $ ./tools/test.sh --skip-links To test project links only for items listed in latest.yaml: .. code-block:: console $ ./tools/test.sh --series latest To produce a list of the unset flags for latest.yaml that *could* be set (the pages linked do exist): .. code-block:: console $ ./tools/test.sh --check-all-links --series latest