This begins the install guide chapter for neutron, and cleans up some sections from the guide that will not be used even as references. * hypervisor_selection - not relevant for the adventure where the choice is done prior, and makes some difficult value judgement statemtnts * scripted ubuntu install - not the purpose of this guide and old content that isn't helpful for the rewrite * image-troubleshooting - empty section, belongs in cloud-admin-guide anyway * vnc-console - already in image_install * identity_config_keystone - already better done in individual sections * install nova-volume - very dated content, already in cinder install * basic install files - no longer needed for reference Change-Id: I1979eeba091c7118db7cc30ad7c66f30345fe49d
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<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
<title>Installing RabbitMQ</title>
<!-- this maps to card037 user story title "rabbit-mq" -->
<!-- The basic install guide no longer exists. A new include needs to be found -->
<!--<xi:include href="../install-guide/basic-install-files/basic-install_controller-common.xml"
xpointer="xmlns(db=http://docbook.org/ns/docbook) xpath(//*[@xml:id = 'controller-rabbitmq']/*[not(self::db:title)])">
<xi:fallback><para><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/openstack-training-remote-content-not-available.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></mediaobject>Remote content not available</para><para>image source</para><para><link xlink:href="https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing">https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing</link></para></xi:fallback>
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