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# Translators:
# Mahardhika Gilang <>, 2013
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
# suhartono <>, 2016. #zanata
# suhartono <>, 2017. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Common documents 1.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-07-19 21:33+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-18 04:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <>\n"
"Language: id\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
msgid "(RADOS)"
msgstr "(RADOS)"
msgid ""
"**CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux:**"
msgstr ""
"**CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux:**"
msgid "**Debian:**"
msgstr "**Debian:**"
msgid "**Ubuntu:**"
msgstr "**Ubuntu:**"
msgid ""
"**openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:**"
msgstr ""
"**openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:**"
msgid "0-9"
msgstr "0-9"
msgid "6to4"
msgstr "6to4"
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"
msgid "A BLOB of data held by Object Storage; can be in any format."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah BLOB data yang dimiliki oleh Object Storage; bisa dalam format apapun."
msgid ""
"A Block Storage component that creates, attaches, and detaches persistent "
"storage volumes."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen Block Storage yang menciptakan, menempel, dan memisahkan "
"volume penyimpanan persisten."
msgid ""
"A Block Storage component that oversees and coordinates storage volume "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen Block Storage yang mengawasi dan mengkoordinasikan tindakan "
"volume penyimpanan."
msgid "A Block Storage node that runs the cinder-volume daemon."
msgstr "Sebuah node Block Storage yang menjalankan daemon cinder-volume."
msgid ""
"A Block Storage volume plug-in that enables communication with the Xen "
"Storage Manager API."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah Block Storage volume plug-in yang mengaktifkan komunikasi dengan Xen "
"Storage Manager API."
msgid ""
"A Ceph component that communicates with external clients, checks data state "
"and consistency, and performs quorum functions."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen Ceph yang berkomunikasi dengan klien eksternal, memeriksa "
"keadaan data dan konsistensi, dan melakukan fungsi kuorum."
msgid ""
"A Compute API parameter that downloads changes to the requested item since "
"your last request, instead of downloading a new, fresh set of data and "
"comparing it against the old data."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah parameter API Compute yang mendownload perubahan pada item yang "
"diminta sejak permintaan terakhir Anda, bukan men-download yang baru, "
"melakukan penyegaran set data dan membandingkannya terhadap data lama."
msgid ""
"A Compute RabbitMQ message queue that remains active when the server "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah antrian pesan Compute RabbitMQ yang tetap aktif saat server restart."
msgid ""
"A Compute RabbitMQ setting that determines whether a message exchange is "
"automatically created when the program starts."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan Compute RabbitMQ yang menentukan apakah suatu pertukaran pesan "
"secara otomatis dibuat ketika program dijalankan."
msgid ""
"A Compute back-end database table that contains the current workload, amount "
"of free RAM, and number of VMs running on each host. Used to determine on "
"which host a VM starts."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah Compute back-end tabel database yang berisi beban kerja saat ini, "
"jumlah RAM bebas, dan jumlah VM berjalan pada setiap host. Digunakan untuk "
"menentukan di mana host VM dimulai."
msgid ""
"A Compute component that determines where VM instances should start. Uses "
"modular design to support a variety of scheduler types."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen Compute yang menentukan di mana VM instance harus mulai. "
"Menggunakan desain modular untuk mendukung berbagai jenis scheduler."
msgid ""
"A Compute component that enables OpenStack to communicate with Amazon EC2."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen Compute yang mengaktifkan OpenStack untuk berkomunikasi "
"dengan Amazon EC2."
msgid ""
"A Compute component that manages IP address allocation, firewalls, and other "
"network-related tasks. This is the legacy networking option and an "
"alternative to Networking."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen Compute yang mengelola alokasi alamat IP, firewall, dan "
"tugas-tugas yang berhubungan dengan jaringan lainnya. Ini adalah pilihan "
"jaringan warisan (legacy) dan alternatif untuk Networking."
msgid ""
"A Compute component that provides dnsmasq and radvd and sets up forwarding "
"to and from cloudpipe instances."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen Compute yang menyediakan dnsmasq dan radvd dan set up "
"forwarding ke dan dari instance cloudpipe."
msgid ""
"A Compute component that provides users access to the consoles of their VM "
"instances through VNC or VMRC."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen Compute yang menyediakan pengguna akses ke konsol instance "
"VM mereka melalui VNC atau VMRC."
msgid ""
"A Compute component that, along with the notification system, collects "
"meters and usage information. This information can be used for billing."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen komputer yang, bersama dengan sistem notifikasi, pengumpul "
"meter dan penggunaan informasi. Informasi ini dapat digunakan untuk "
msgid ""
"A Compute daemon that orchestrates the network configuration of nodes, "
"including IP addresses, VLANs, and bridging. Also manages routing for both "
"public and private networks."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah daemon Compute yang menyusun konfigurasi jaringan node, termasuk "
"alamat IP, VLAN, dan bridging. Juga mengelola routing untuk kedua jaringan "
"publik dan swasta."
msgid ""
"A Compute networking method where the OS network configuration information "
"is injected into the VM image before the instance starts."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah metode jaringan Compute dimana informasi konfigurasi jaringan OS "
"disuntikkan (injected) ke dalam image VM sebelum instance dimulai."
msgid ""
"A Compute option that enables parent cells to pass resource requests to "
"child cells if the parent cannot provide the requested resource."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah pilihan Compute yang mengaktifkan sel-sel induk untuk luluskan "
"permintaan sumber daya untuk sel anak jika inang tidak dapat memberikan "
"sumber daya yang diminta."
msgid ""
"A Compute process that determines the suitability of the VM instances for a "
"job for a particular host. For example, not enough RAM on the host, too many "
"CPUs on the host, and so on."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah proses Compute yang menentukan kesesuaian instance VM untuk pekerjaan "
"host tertentu. Misalnya, tidak cukup RAM pada host, terlalu banyak CPU pada "
"host, dan sebagainya."
msgid "A Debian-based Linux distribution."
msgstr "Sebuah distribusi Linux berbasis Debian."
msgid "A Java program that can be embedded into a web page."
msgstr "Sebuah program Java yang dapat tertanam ke dalam halaman web."
msgid "A Linux distribution compatible with OpenStack."
msgstr "Sebuah distribusi Linux yang kompatibel dengan OpenStack."
msgid "A Linux distribution that is compatible with OpenStack."
msgstr "Sebuah distribusi Linux yang kompatibel dengan OpenStack."
msgid "A Networking extension that provides perimeter firewall functionality."
msgstr "Sebuah ekstensi Networking yang menyediakan perimeter fungsi firewall."
msgid ""
"A Networking plug-in for Cisco devices and technologies, including UCS and "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah plug-in Networking untuk perangkat Cisco dan teknologi, termasuk UCS "
"dan Nexus."
msgid ""
"A SQLite database that contains Object Storage accounts and related metadata "
"and that the accounts server accesses."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah database SQLite yang berisi rekening Storage Object dan metadata "
"terkait dan bahwa akun server yang mengakses."
msgid ""
"A SQLite database that stores Object Storage containers and container "
"metadata. The container server accesses this database."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah database SQLite yang menyimpan Object Storage container dan metadata "
"container. Server container mengakses database ini."
msgid ""
"A Shared File Systems service that provides a stable RESTful API. The "
"service authenticates and routes requests throughout the Shared File Systems "
"service. There is python-manilaclient to interact with the API."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah layanan Shared File Systemsyang menyediakan RESTful API stabil. "
"Layanan mengotentikasi dan me-rute permintaan seluruh layanan Shared File "
"Systems. Ada python-manilaclient untuk berinteraksi dengan API."
msgid ""
"A VM image that does not save changes made to its volumes and reverts them "
"to their original state after the instance is terminated."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah image VM yang tidak menyimpan perubahan yang dibuat untuk volume dan "
"mengkonversi mereka ke negara asal mereka setelah instance diakhiri."
msgid "A VM instance that runs on a host."
msgstr "Sebuah instance VM yang berjalan pada host."
msgid ""
"A VM state where no changes occur (no changes in memory, network "
"communications stop, etc); the VM is frozen but not shut down."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah keadaan VM dimana tidak ada perubahan terjadi (tidak ada perubahan "
"dalam memori, berhenti komunikasi jaringan, dll); VM beku tetapi tidak "
"menutup (shut down)."
msgid ""
"A Windows project providing guest initialization features, similar to cloud-"
msgstr ""
"Sebuah proyek Windows menyediakan fitur inisialisasi tamu (guest), mirip "
"dengan cloud-init."
msgid ""
"A XenAPI component that provides a pluggable interface to support a wide "
"variety of persistent storage back ends."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen XenAPI yang menyediakan antarmuka pluggable untuk mendukung "
"berbagai penyimpanan kembali persisten ujungnya."
msgid ""
"A bit is a single digit number that is in base of 2 (either a zero or one). "
"Bandwidth usage is measured in bits per second."
msgstr ""
"Sedikit adalah angka digit tunggal yang ada di dasar 2 (baik nol atau satu). "
"Penggunaan bandwidth diukur dalam bit per detik."
msgid ""
"A blob of data that the user can specify when they launch an instance. The "
"instance can access this data through the metadata service or config drive. "
"Commonly used to pass a shell script that the instance runs on boot."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah blob data dimana pengguna dapat menentukan ketika mereka meluncurkan "
"sebuah instance. Instance dapat mengakses data ini melalui layanan metadata "
"atau drive konfigurasi. Umumnya digunakan untuk melewati sebuah shell script "
"yang instance berjalan pada boot."
msgid ""
"A cinder component that interacts with back-end storage to manage the "
"creation and deletion of volumes and the creation of compute volumes, "
"provided by the cinder-volume daemon."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen cinder yang berinteraksi dengan penyimpanan back-end untuk "
"mengelola pembuatan dan penghapusan volume dan pembuatan volume komputasi, "
"yang disediakan oleh daemon cinder-volume."
msgid ""
"A collection of command-line tools for administering VMs; most are "
"compatible with OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah kumpulan alat baris perintah (command-line) untuk mengelola VM; yang "
"paling kompatibel dengan OpenStack."
msgid ""
"A collection of components that provides object storage within Ceph. Similar "
"to OpenStack Object Storage."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah kumpulan komponen yang menyediakan penyimpanan objek dalam Ceph. "
"Mirip dengan OpenStack Object Storage."
msgid ""
"A collection of files for a specific operating system (OS) that you use to "
"create or rebuild a server. OpenStack provides pre-built images. You can "
"also create custom images, or snapshots, from servers that you have "
"launched. Custom images can be used for data backups or as \"gold\" images "
"for additional servers."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah kumpulan file untuk sistem operasi tertentu (OS) yang Anda gunakan "
"untuk membuat atau membangun kembali server. OpenStack memberikan image pre-"
"built. Anda juga dapat membuat image kustom, atau snapshot, dari server yang "
"telah Anda diluncurkan. Image kustom dapat digunakan untuk backup data atau "
"sebagai \"gold\" image untuk server tambahan."
msgid "A collection of hypervisors grouped together through host aggregates."
msgstr "Koleksi hypervisors dikelompokkan bersama-sama melalui agregat host."
msgid ""
"A collection of servers that can share IPs with other members of the group. "
"Any server in a group can share one or more public IPs with any other server "
"in the group. With the exception of the first server in a shared IP group, "
"servers must be launched into shared IP groups. A server may be a member of "
"only one shared IP group."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah kumpulan server yang dapat berbagi IP dengan anggota lain dari "
"kelompok. Server dalam kelompok dapat berbagi satu atau lebih IP publik "
"dengan server lain dalam kelompok. Dengan pengecualian dari server pertama "
"dalam kelompok IP bersama, server harus diluncurkan ke kelompok IP bersama. "
"Sebuah server dapat menjadi anggota dari satu bersama kelompok IP."
msgid ""
"A collection of specifications used to access a service, application, or "
"program. Includes service calls, required parameters for each call, and the "
"expected return values."
msgstr ""
"Koleksi spesifikasi yang digunakan untuk mengakses layanan, aplikasi, atau "
"program. Termasuk layanan panggilan, parameter yang diperlukan untuk setiap "
"panggilan, dan pengembalian nilai-nilai yang diharapkan."
msgid "A comment with additional information that explains a part of the text."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komentar dengan informasi tambahan yang menjelaskan bagian dari teks."
msgid ""
"A community project may be elevated to this status and is then promoted to a "
"core project."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah proyek komunitas dapat diangkat ke status ini dan kemudian "
"dipromosikan untuk sebuah proyek inti."
msgid "A compute service that creates VPNs on a per-project basis."
msgstr "Sebuah layanan komputasi yang menciptakan VPN pada basis per-proyek."
msgid ""
"A configurable option within Object Storage to automatically delete objects "
"after a specified amount of time has passed or a certain date is reached."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah pilihan yang dikonfigurasi dalam Object Storage untuk secara otomatis "
"menghapus objek setelah jumlah waktu tertentu sudah lewat atau tanggal "
"tertentu tercapai."
msgid ""
"A content delivery network is a specialized network that is used to "
"distribute content to clients, typically located close to the client for "
"increased performance."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah jaringan pengiriman konten adalah jaringan khusus yang digunakan "
"untuk mendistribusikan konten ke klien, biasanya terletak dekat dengan klien "
"untuk meningkatkan kinerja."
msgid ""
"A controlled reboot where a VM instance is properly restarted through "
"operating system commands."
msgstr ""
"A reboot dikendalikan di mana instance VM adalah benar me-restart melalui "
"perintah sistem operasi."
msgid ""
"A daemon that listens to a queue and carries out tasks in response to "
"messages. For example, the cinder-volume worker manages volume creation and "
"deletion on storage arrays."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah daemon yang mendengarkan antrian dan melakukan tugas-tugas dalam "
"menanggapi pesan. Misalnya, pekerja cinder-volume mengelola penciptaan "
"volume dan penghapusan pada array storage."
msgid "A database engine supported by the Database service."
msgstr "Sebuah mesin database yang didukung oleh layanan Database."
msgid ""
"A default role in the Compute RBAC system that can quarantine an instance in "
"any project."
msgstr ""
"Peran standar dalam sistem Compute RBAC yang dapat melakukan karantina "
"sebuah instance dalam setiap proyek."
msgid ""
"A device that moves data in the form of blocks. These device nodes interface "
"the devices, such as hard disks, CD-ROM drives, flash drives, and other "
"addressable regions of memory."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah perangkat yang memindahkan data dalam bentuk blok. Node perangkat ini "
"menjadi antarmuka perangkat, seperti hard disk, CD-ROM drive, flash drive, "
"dan daerah memori addressable lainnya."
msgid ""
"A directory service, which allows users to login with a user name and "
"password. It is a typical source of authentication tokens."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah layanan direktori, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk login dengan user "
"name dan password. Ini adalah sumber khas token otentikasi."
msgid ""
"A discrete OpenStack environment with dedicated API endpoints that typically "
"shares only the Identity (keystone) with other regions."
msgstr ""
"Lingkungan OpenStack diskrit dengan dedicated API endpoint yang biasanya "
"berbagi hanya Identity (keystone) dengan wilayah lain."
msgid "A disk storage protocol tunneled within Ethernet."
msgstr "Sebuah protokol penyimpanan disk terowongan (tunneled) dalam Ethernet."
msgid ""
"A distributed memory object caching system that is used by Object Storage "
"for caching."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah sistem terdistribusi caching objek memori yang digunakan oleh Object "
"Storage untuk caching."
msgid ""
"A distributed, highly fault-tolerant file system designed to run on low-cost "
"commodity hardware."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah didistribusikan, sistem file yang sangat toleran dirancang untuk "
"berjalan pada perangkat keras komoditas murah."
msgid ""
"A domain within a parent domain. Subdomains cannot be registered. Subdomains "
"enable you to delegate domains. Subdomains can themselves have subdomains, "
"so third-level, fourth-level, fifth-level, and deeper levels of nesting are "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah domain dalam domain induk. Subdomain tidak dapat didaftarkan. "
"Subdomain mengaktifkan Anda untuk mendelegasikan domain. Subdomain dapat "
"sendiri memiliki subdomain, sehingga tingkat ketiga, keempat tingkat, lima "
"tingkat, dan tingkat yang lebih dalam bersarang yang mungkin."
msgid ""
"A driver for the Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in that provides layer-2 "
"connectivity for virtual instances. A single OpenStack installation can use "
"multiple mechanism drivers."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah driver untuk Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in yang menyediakan "
"lapisan-2 konektivitas untuk instance virtual. Sebuah instalasi OpenStack "
"tunggal dapat menggunakan beberapa driver mekanisme."
msgid ""
"A feature of Compute that allows the unprivileged \"nova\" user to run a "
"specified list of commands as the Linux root user."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah fitur dari Compute yang memungkinkan pengguna unprivileged \"nova\" "
"untuk menjalankan daftar tertentu perintah sebagai user root Linux."
msgid ""
"A feature of the load-balancing service. It attempts to force subsequent "
"connections to a service to be redirected to the same node as long as it is "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah fitur dari layanan load-balancing. Ia mencoba untuk memaksa koneksi "
"berikutnya untuk layanan untuk diarahkan ke node yang sama selama itu adalah "
msgid ""
"A file sharing protocol. It is a public or open variation of the original "
"Server Message Block (SMB) protocol developed and used by Microsoft. Like "
"the SMB protocol, CIFS runs at a higher level and uses the TCP/IP protocol."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah protokol file sharing. Ini adalah variasi umum atau terbuka dari "
"protokol asli Server Message Block (SMB) yang dikembangkan dan digunakan "
"oleh Microsoft. Seperti protokol SMB, CIFS berjalan pada tingkat yang lebih "
"tinggi dan menggunakan protokol TCP/IP."
msgid ""
"A file system designed to aggregate NAS hosts, compatible with OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah sistem file dirancang untuk agregat NAS host, kompatibel dengan "
msgid ""
"A file used to customize a Compute instance. It can be used to inject SSH "
"keys or a specific network configuration."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah file yang digunakan untuk menyesuaikan instance Compute. Hal ini "
"dapat digunakan untuk menyuntikkan kunci SSH atau konfigurasi jaringan "
msgid ""
"A generic term for virtualization of network functions such as switching, "
"routing, load balancing, and security using a combination of VMs and "
"overlays on physical network infrastructure."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah istilah generik untuk virtualisasi fungsi jaringan seperti switching, "
"routing, load balancing, dan keamanan menggunakan kombinasi VM dan overlay "
"pada infrastruktur jaringan fisik."
msgid ""
"A group of fixed and/or floating IP addresses that are assigned to a project "
"and can be used by or assigned to the VM instances in a project."
msgstr ""
"Sekelompok alamat IP tetap dan / atau mengambang yang ditugaskan untuk "
"sebuah proyek dan dapat digunakan oleh atau ditugaskan ke instance VM dalam "
msgid ""
"A group of interrelated web development techniques used on the client-side "
"to create asynchronous web applications. Used extensively in horizon."
msgstr ""
"Sekelompok teknik pengembangan web saling terkait yang digunakan pada sisi "
"klien untuk membuat aplikasi web asynchronous. Digunakan secara luas di "
msgid ""
"A group of related button types within horizon. Buttons to start, stop, and "
"suspend VMs are in one class. Buttons to associate and disassociate floating "
"IP addresses are in another class, and so on."
msgstr ""
"Sekelompok jenis tombol terkait dalam horizon. Tombol untuk memulai, "
"menghentikan, dan menangguhkan VM berada dalam satu kelas. Tombol untuk "
"menggabungkan dan memisahkan alamat IP mengambang. Tombol berada di kelas "
"lain, dan sebagainya."
msgid ""
"A group of users; used to isolate access to Compute resources. An "
"alternative term for a project."
msgstr ""
"Sekelompok pengguna; digunakan untuk mengisolasi akses ke sumber daya "
"Compute. Istilah alternatif untuk sebuah proyek."
msgid ""
"A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in April "
"2012, the fifth release of OpenStack. It included Compute (nova 2012.1), "
"Object Storage (swift 1.4.8), Image (glance), Identity (keystone), and "
"Dashboard (horizon). Essex is the code name for the fifth release of "
"OpenStack. The design summit took place in Boston, Massachusetts, US and "
"Essex is a nearby city."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah rilis dikelompokkan proyek yang terkait dengan OpenStack yang keluar "
"pada bulan April 2012, rilis kelima OpenStack. Ini termasuk Hitung (nova "
"2012.1), Object Storage (swift 1.4.8), Image (glance), Identity (keystone), "
"dan Dashboard (horizon). Essex adalah nama kode untuk rilis kelima "
"OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di Boston, Massachusetts, Amerika Serikat "
"dan Essex adalah sebuah kota di dekatnya."
msgid ""
"A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in February "
"of 2011. It included only Compute (nova) and Object Storage (swift). Bexar "
"is the code name for the second release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in San Antonio, Texas, US, which is the county seat for Bexar county."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah rilis dikelompokkan proyek yang terkait dengan OpenStack yang keluar "
"pada bulan Februari 2011. Ini termasuk hanya Compute (nova) dan Object "
"Storage (swift). Bexar adalah nama kode untuk rilis kedua dari OpenStack. "
"KTT desain berlangsung di San Antonio, Texas, AS, yang merupakan pusat "
"pemerintahan kabupaten untuk Bexar county."
msgid ""
"A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in the fall "
"of 2011, the fourth release of OpenStack. It included Compute (nova 2011.3), "
"Object Storage (swift 1.4.3), and the Image service (glance). Diablo is the "
"code name for the fourth release of OpenStack. The design summit took place "
"in the Bay Area near Santa Clara, California, US and Diablo is a nearby city."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah rilis dikelompokkan proyek yang terkait dengan OpenStack yang keluar "
"pada musim gugur 2011, rilis keempat OpenStack. Ini termasuk Hitung (nova "
"2.011,3), Object Storage (swift 1.4.3), dan layanan Image (glance). Diablo "
"adalah nama kode untuk rilis keempat OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di "
"Bay Area dekat Santa Clara, California, Amerika Serikat dan Diablo adalah "
"sebuah kota di dekatnya."
msgid ""
"A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in the fall "
"of 2012, the sixth release of OpenStack. It includes Compute (nova), Object "
"Storage (swift), Identity (keystone), Networking (neutron), Image service "
"(glance), and Volumes or Block Storage (cinder). Folsom is the code name for "
"the sixth release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in San "
"Francisco, California, US and Folsom is a nearby city."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah rilis dikelompokkan proyek yang terkait dengan OpenStack yang keluar "
"pada musim gugur 2012, rilis keenam OpenStack. Ini termasuk Compute (nova), "
"Object Storage (swift), Identity (keystone), Networking (neutron), layanan "
"Image (glance), dan Volume atau Block Storage (cinder). Folsom adalah nama "
"kode untuk rilis keenam OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di San Francisco, "
"California, Amerika Serikat dan Folsom adalah kota terdekat."
msgid ""
"A high availability system design approach and associated service "
"implementation ensures that a prearranged level of operational performance "
"will be met during a contractual measurement period. High availability "
"systems seek to minimize system downtime and data loss."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah ketersediaan tinggi pendekatan desain sistem dan implementasi layanan "
"yang terkait memastikan bahwa tingkat pengaturan sebelumnya (prearranged "
"level) kinerja operasional akan terpenuhi selama periode persetujuan kontrak "
"(contractual measurement). Sistem ketersediaan tinggi berusaha untuk "
"meminimalkan downtime sistem dan kehilangan data."
msgid ""
"A horizon component that stores and tracks client session information. "
"Implemented through the Django sessions framework."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah komponen horizon informasi sesi penyimpanan dan trek klien. "
"Dilaksanakan melalui sesi kerangka Django."
msgid ""
"A hybrid cloud is a composition of two or more clouds (private, community or "
"public) that remain distinct entities but are bound together, offering the "
"benefits of multiple deployment models. Hybrid cloud can also mean the "
"ability to connect colocation, managed and/or dedicated services with cloud "
msgstr ""
"Cloud hibrida adalah komposisi dari dua atau lebih cloud (private, "
"masyarakat atau publik) yang tetap entitas yang berbeda namun terikat "
"bersama-sama, menawarkan manfaat dari beberapa model penyebaran "
"(deployment). Hybrid cloud juga dapat berarti kemampuan untuk menghubungkan "
"colocation, melakukan layanan yang terkelola dan/atau didedikasikan dengan "
"sumber daya cloud."
msgid ""
"A kind of web service API that uses REST, or Representational State "
"Transfer. REST is the style of architecture for hypermedia systems that is "
"used for the World Wide Web."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah jenis layanan web API yang menggunakan REST, atau Representational "
"State Transfer. REST adalah gaya arsitektur untuk sistem hypermedia yang "
"digunakan untuk World Wide Web."
msgid ""
"A lightweight SQL database, used as the default persistent storage method in "
"many OpenStack services."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah database SQL ringan, digunakan sebagai default metode penyimpanan "
"persisten di banyak layanan OpenStack."
msgid ""
"A list of API endpoints that are available to a user after authentication "
"with the Identity service."
msgstr ""
"Daftar endpoint API yang tersedia untuk pengguna setelah otentikasi dengan "
"layanan Identity."
msgid ""
"A list of URL and port number endpoints that indicate where a service, such "
"as Object Storage, Compute, Identity, and so on, can be accessed."
msgstr ""
"Daftar URL dan nomor port endpoint yang menunjukkan dimana layanan, seperti "
"Object Storage, Compute, Identitas, dan sebagainya, dapat diakses."
msgid "A list of VM images that are available through Image service."
msgstr "Sebuah daftar image VM yang tersedia melalui layanan Image."
msgid ""
"A list of permissions attached to an object. An ACL specifies which users or "
"system processes have access to objects. It also defines which operations "
"can be performed on specified objects. Each entry in a typical ACL specifies "
"a subject and an operation. For instance, the ACL entry ``(Alice, delete)`` "
"for a file gives Alice permission to delete the file."
msgstr ""
"Daftar izin dilengketkan (attached) ke objek. ACL menentukan mana pengguna "
"atau proses sistem memiliki akses ke objek. Hal ini juga mendefinisikan "
"dimana operasi dapat dilakukan pada objek tertentu. Setiap entri dalam ACL "
"tipikal menentukan subjek dan operasi. Misalnya, masuknya ACL `` (Alice, "
"menghapus) `` untuk file memberikan izin Alice untuk menghapus file."
msgid ""
"A list of projects that can access a given VM image within Image service."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah daftar proyek yang dapat mengakses image VM yang ada dalam layanan "
msgid ""
"A load balancer is a logical device that belongs to a cloud account. It is "
"used to distribute workloads between multiple back-end systems or services, "
"based on the criteria defined as part of its configuration."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah penyeimbang beban (load balancer) adalah perangkat logis milik akun "
"cloud. Hal ini digunakan untuk mendistribusikan beban kerja antara beberapa "
"sistem back-end atau layanan, berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan sebagai "
"bagian dari konfigurasi."
msgid ""
"A logical set of devices, such as web servers, that you group together to "
"receive and process traffic. The load balancing function chooses which "
"member of the pool handles the new requests or connections received on the "
"VIP address. Each VIP has one pool."
msgstr ""
"Satu set logis dari perangkat, seperti server web, bahwa kelompok Anda "
"bersama-sama untuk menerima dan lalu lintas proses. Fungsi load balancing "
"memilih dimana anggota dari kolam (pool) menangani permintaan baru atau "
"koneksi yang diterima pada alamat VIP. Setiap VIP memiliki satu kolam renang."
msgid ""
"A mechanism that allows IPv6 packets to be transmitted over an IPv4 network, "
"providing a strategy for migrating to IPv6."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah mekanisme yang memungkinkan paket IPv6 untuk ditransmisikan melalui "
"jaringan IPv4, menyediakan strategi untuk migrasi ke IPv6."
msgid ""
"A mechanism that allows many resources (for example, fonts, JavaScript) on a "
"web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which "
"the resource originated. In particular, JavaScript's AJAX calls can use the "
"XMLHttpRequest mechanism."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah mekanisme yang memungkinkan banyak sumber daya (misalnya, font, "
"JavaScript) pada halaman web yang akan diminta dari domain lain di luar "
"domain yang sumber daya berasal. Secara khusus, panggilan AJAX JavaScript "
"dapat menggunakan mekanisme XMLHttpRequest."
msgid ""
"A message that is stored both in memory and on disk. The message is not lost "
"after a failure or restart."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah pesan yang disimpan baik dalam memori dan pada disk. Pesan tidak "
"hilang setelah kegagalan atau restart."
msgid ""
"A message that is stored in memory and is lost after the server is restarted."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah pesan yang disimpan dalam memori dan hilang setelah server restart."
msgid ""
"A method for making file systems available over the network. Supported by "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah metode untuk membuat file sistem yang tersedia melalui jaringan. "
"Didukung oleh OpenStack."
msgid ""
"A method of VM live migration used by KVM to evacuate instances from one "
"host to another with very little downtime during a user-initiated "
"switchover. Does not require shared storage. Supported by Compute."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah metode migrasi hidup (live) VM digunakan oleh KVM untuk mengevakuasi "
"instance dari satu host ke yang lain dengan sangat sedikit downtime selama "
"peralihan dimulai oleh pengguna. Tidak memerlukan penyimpanan bersama. "
"Didukung oleh Compute."
msgid ""
"A method of operating system installation where a finalized disk image is "
"created and then used by all nodes without modification."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah metode instalasi sistem operasi dimana disk image selesai dibuat dan "
"kemudian digunakan oleh semua node tanpa modifikasi."
msgid ""
"A method to establish trusts between identity providers and the OpenStack "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah metode untuk membangun trust antara penyedia identitas dan awan "
msgid ""
"A method to further subdivide availability zones into hypervisor pools, a "
"collection of common hosts."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah metode untuk membagi zona ketersediaan ke kolam (pool) hypervisor, "
"suatu koleksi host umum."
msgid ""
"A minimal Linux distribution designed for use as a test image on clouds such "
"as OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah distribusi Linux yang minimal dirancang untuk digunakan sebagai image "
"tes di cloud seperti OpenStack."
msgid ""
"A model that enables access to a shared pool of configurable computing "
"resources, such as networks, servers, storage, applications, and services, "
"that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort "
"or service provider interaction."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah model yang mengaktifkan akses ke kolam bersama (shared pool) sumber "
"daya komputasi yang dikonfigurasi, seperti jaringan, server, penyimpanan, "
"aplikasi, dan layanan, yang dapat dengan cepat ditetapkan dan dirilis dengan "
"upaya manajemen yang minimal atau interaksi penyedia layanan."
msgid ""
"A network authentication protocol which works on the basis of tickets. "
"Kerberos allows nodes communication over a non-secure network, and allows "
"nodes to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah protokol otentikasi jaringan yang bekerja atas dasar tiket. Kerberos "
"mengaktifkan komunikasi node melalui jaringan non-aman, dan mengaktifkan "
"node untuk membuktikan identitas mereka satu sama lain dengan cara yang aman."
msgid ""
"A network protocol that configures devices that are connected to a network "
"so that they can communicate on that network by using the Internet Protocol "
"(IP). The protocol is implemented in a client-server model where DHCP "
"clients request configuration data, such as an IP address, a default route, "
"and one or more DNS server addresses from a DHCP server. A method to "
"automatically configure networking for a host at boot time. Provided by both "
"Networking and Compute."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah protokol jaringan yang mengkonfigurasi perangkat yang terhubung ke "
"jaringan sehingga mereka dapat berkomunikasi pada jaringan yang menggunakan "
"Internet Protocol (IP). Protokol diimplementasikan dalam model client-server "
"dimana klien DHCP meminta data konfigurasi, seperti alamat IP, rute default, "
"dan satu atau lebih alamat server DNS dari server DHCP. Sebuah metode untuk "
"secara otomatis mengkonfigurasi jaringan untuk host pada saat boot. "
"Disediakan oleh Networking ataupun Compute."
msgid ""
"A network protocol used by a network client to obtain an IP address from a "
"configuration server. Provided in Compute through the dnsmasq daemon when "
"using either the FlatDHCP manager or VLAN manager network manager."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah protokol jaringan yang digunakan oleh klien jaringan untuk "
"mendapatkan alamat IP dari server konfigurasi. Tersedia di Compute melalui "
"daemon dnsmasq saat menggunakan sebagai manajer FlatDHCP ataupun VLAN "
"manajer jaringan manager."
msgid ""
"A network protocol used by network devices for control messages. For "
"example, :command:`ping` uses ICMP to test connectivity."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah protokol jaringan yang digunakan oleh perangkat jaringan untuk pesan "
"kontrol. Sebagai contoh, :perintah: `ping` menggunakan ICMP untuk menguji "
msgid "A network segment typically used for instance Internet access."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah segmen jaringan biasanya digunakan untuk akses misalnya Internet."
msgid ""
"A network segment used for administration, not accessible to the public "
msgstr ""
"Segmen jaringan yang digunakan untuk administrasi, tidak dapat diakses ke "
"Internet umum."
msgid ""
"A network segment used for instance traffic tunnels between compute nodes "
"and the network node."
msgstr ""
"Segmen jaringan yang digunakan untuk terowongan misalnya lalu lintas antara "
"node komputasi dan node jaringan."
msgid ""
"A network virtualization technology that attempts to reduce the scalability "
"problems associated with large cloud computing deployments. It uses a VLAN-"
"like encapsulation technique to encapsulate Ethernet frames within UDP "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah teknologi virtualisasi jaringan yang mencoba untuk mengurangi masalah "
"skalabilitas yang terkait dengan penyebaran komputasi cloud besar. "
"Menggunakan teknik enkapsulasi VLAN-seperti untuk merangkum frame Ethernet "
"dalam paket UDP."
msgid "A node that provides the Object Storage proxy service."
msgstr "Sebuah node yang menyediakan layanan proxy Object Storage."
msgid ""
"A node that runs Object Storage account, container, and object services."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah node yang berjalan layanan akun, kontainer, dan objek Object Storage."
msgid ""
"A node that runs network, volume, API, scheduler, and image services. Each "
"service may be broken out into separate nodes for scalability or "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah node yang menjalankan layanan jaringan, volume, API, scheduler, dan "
"image. Setiap layanan dapat dipecah menjadi node terpisah untuk skalabilitas "
"dan ketersediaan."
msgid ""
"A node that runs the nova-compute daemon that manages VM instances that "
"provide a wide range of services, such as web applications and analytics."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah node yang menjalankan daemon nova-compute yang mengelola VM instance "
"yang menyediakan berbagai layanan, seperti aplikasi web dan analisis."
msgid ""
"A notification driver that monitors VM instances and updates the capacity "
"cache as needed."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah driver pemberitahuan yang memantau VM instance dan update cache "
"kapasitas yang diperlukan."
msgid ""
"A number within a database that is incremented each time a change is made. "
"Used by Object Storage when replicating."
msgstr ""
"Angka dalam database yang bertambah setiap kali perubahan dibuat. Digunakan "
"oleh Object Storage saat replikasi."
msgid ""
"A package commonly installed in VM images that performs initialization of an "
"instance after boot using information that it retrieves from the metadata "
"service, such as the SSH public key and user data."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah paket yang biasa dipasang di image VM yang melakukan inisialisasi "
"dari sebuah image setelah boot menggunakan informasi yang mengambil dari "
"layanan metadata, seperti SSH kunci publik (public key) dan data pengguna."
msgid "A persistent storage method supported by XenAPI, such as iSCSI or NFS."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah metode penyimpanan persisten didukung oleh XenAPI, seperti iSCSI atau "
msgid "A person who plans, designs, and oversees the creation of clouds."
msgstr "Seseorang yang merencanakan, mendesain, dan mengawasi pembuatan cloud."
msgid ""
"A personality that a user assumes to perform a specific set of operations. A "
"role includes a set of rights and privileges. A user assuming that role "
"inherits those rights and privileges."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah kepribadian yang pengguna mengasumsikan untuk melakukan serangkaian "
"tertentu operasi. Peran mencakup seperangkat hak dan hak istimewa. Seorang "
"pengguna mengasumsikan perannya mewarisi hak-hak (rights) dan hak istimewa "
msgid "A physical computer, not a VM instance (node)."
msgstr "Sebuah komputer fisik, bukan instance VM (node)."
msgid ""
"A physical or virtual device that provides connectivity to another device or "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah perangkat fisik atau virtual yang menyediakan konektivitas ke "
"perangkat lain atau media."
msgid ""
"A physical or virtual network device that passes network traffic between "
"different networks."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah perangkat jaringan fisik atau virtual yang melewatkan lalu lintas "
"jaringan antara jaringan yang berbeda."
msgid ""
"A piece of software that makes available another piece of software over a "
msgstr "Sebuah software yang membuat tersedia software lain melalui jaringan."
msgid ""
"A platform that provides a suite of desktop environments that users access "
"to receive a desktop experience from any location. This may provide general "
"use, development, or even homogeneous testing environments."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah platform yang menyediakan paket lingkungan desktop yang pengguna "
"mengakses menerima pengalaman desktop dari lokasi manapun. Ini dapat "
"memberikan penggunaan umum, pembangunan, atau bahkan pengujian homogen "
msgid "A plug-in for the OpenStack Dashboard (horizon)."
msgstr "Plug-in untuk OpenStack Dashboard (horizon)."
msgid ""
"A point-in-time copy of an OpenStack storage volume or image. Use storage "
"volume snapshots to back up volumes. Use image snapshots to back up data, or "
"as \"gold\" images for additional servers."
msgstr ""
"Salinan point-in-time dari volume penyimpanan OpenStack atau image. Gunakan "
"snapshot volume penyimpanan volume cadangan. Gunakan snapshot image untuk "
"membuat cadangan data, atau sebagai \"gold\" image untuk server tambahan."
msgid ""
"A pre-made VM image that serves as a cloudpipe server. Essentially, OpenVPN "
"running on Linux."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah image VM pre-made yang berfungsi sebagai server cloudpipe. Pada "
"dasarnya, OpenVPN berjalan di Linux."
msgid ""
"A process that is created when a RPC call is executed; used to push the "
"message to the topic exchange."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah proses yang dibuat ketika panggilan RPC dijalankan; digunakan untuk "
"mendorong pesan ke pertukaran topik."
msgid ""
"A process that runs in the background and waits for requests. May or may not "
"listen on a TCP or UDP port. Do not confuse with a worker."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah proses yang berjalan di latar belakang dan menunggu permintaan. "
"Mungkin atau mungkin tidak mendengarkan pada TCP atau port UDP. Jangan rancu "
"dengan pekerja (worker)."
msgid ""
"A program that keeps the Image service VM image cache at or below its "
"configured maximum size."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah program yang membuat cache image VM layanan Image pada atau di bawah "
"ukurannya maksimum terkonfigurasi."
msgid ""
"A programming language that is used to create systems that involve more than "
"one computer by way of a network."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan untuk membuat sistem yang "
"melibatkan lebih dari satu komputer dengan cara jaringan."
msgid ""
"A project that is not officially endorsed by the OpenStack Foundation. If "
"the project is successful enough, it might be elevated to an incubated "
"project and then to a core project, or it might be merged with the main code "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah proyek yang tidak secara resmi didukung oleh OpenStack Foundation. "
"Jika proyek ini cukup berhasil, mungkin akan diangkat ke sebuah proyek "
"diinkubasi dan kemudian ke sebuah proyek inti, atau mungkin digabung dengan "
"batang kode utama."
msgid ""
"A project that ports the shell script-based project named DevStack to Python."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah proyek yang port proyek berbasis shell script bernama DevStack untuk "
msgid "A recommended architecture for an OpenStack cloud."
msgstr "Sebuah arsitektur dianjurkan untuk cloud OpenStack."
msgid ""
"A record that specifies information about a particular domain and belongs to "
"the domain."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah catatan yang menentukan informasi tentang domain tertentu dan milik "
msgid ""
"A remote, mountable file system in the context of the :term:`Shared File "
"Systems service<Shared File Systems service (manila)>`. You can mount a "
"share to, and access a share from, several hosts by several users at a time."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah remote, sistem file mountable dalam konteks :term:`Shared File "
"Systems service<Shared File Systems service (manila)>`. Anda dapat me-mount "
"share to, dan mengakses share from, beberapa host oleh beberapa pengguna "
"pada satu waktu."
msgid "A routing algorithm in the Compute RabbitMQ."
msgstr "Sebuah algoritma routing yang di Compute RabbitMQ."
msgid ""
"A routing table that is created within the Compute RabbitMQ during RPC "
"calls; one is created for each RPC call that is invoked."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah tabel routing yang dibuat dalam Compute RabbitMQ selama panggilan "
"RPC; satu dibuat untuk setiap panggilan RPC yang dipanggil."
msgid ""
"A running VM, or a VM in a known state such as suspended, that can be used "
"like a hardware server."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah running VM, atau VM dalam keadaan terkenal seperti ditangguhkan "
"(suspended), instance dapat digunakan seperti server hardware."
msgid ""
"A scheduling method used by Compute that randomly chooses an available host "
"from the pool."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah metode penjadwalan yang digunakan oleh Compute yang secara acak "
"memilih sebuah host yang tersedia dari kolam (pool)."
msgid "A scripting language that is used to build web pages."
msgstr "Sebuah bahasa scripting yang digunakan untuk membangun halaman web."
msgid ""
"A security model that focuses on data confidentiality and controlled access "
"to classified information. This model divides the entities into subjects and "
"objects. The clearance of a subject is compared to the classification of the "
"object to determine if the subject is authorized for the specific access "
"mode. The clearance or classification scheme is expressed in terms of a "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah model keamanan yang berfokus pada kerahasiaan data dan dikendalikan "
"akses ke informasi rahasia. Model ini membagi entitas menjadi subyek dan "
"obyek. Clearance subjek dibandingkan dengan klasifikasi objek untuk "
"menentukan apakah subjek berwenang untuk modus akses khusus. Clearance atau "
"klasifikasi skema yang dinyatakan dalam kisi (lattice)."
msgid ""
"A set of OpenStack resources created and managed by the Orchestration "
"service according to a given template (either an AWS CloudFormation template "
"or a Heat Orchestration Template (HOT))."
msgstr ""
"Satu set sumber OpenStack dibuat dan dikelola oleh layanan Orchestration "
"menurut sebuah template yang diberikan (baik template AWS CloudFormation "
"atau Heat Orchestration Template (HOT))."
msgid ""
"A set of network traffic filtering rules that are applied to a Compute "
msgstr ""
"Satu set lalu lintas jaringan aturan penyaringan yang diterapkan untuk "
"instance Compute."
msgid ""
"A set of segment objects that Object Storage combines and sends to the "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah set objek segmen dimana Object Storage menggabungkan dan mengirim ke "
msgid ""
"A special Object Storage object that contains the manifest for a large "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah objek Storage Object spesial yang berisi manifest untuk objek besar."
msgid ""
"A special type of VM image that is booted when an instance is placed into "
"rescue mode. Allows an administrator to mount the file systems for an "
"instance to correct the problem."
msgstr ""
"Jenis khusus dari image VM yang boot ketika sebuah instance ditempatkan ke "
"mode rescue. Memungkinkan administrator untuk me-mount sistem file instance "
"untuk memperbaiki masalah."
msgid ""
"A specification that, when implemented by a physical PCIe device, enables it "
"to appear as multiple separate PCIe devices. This enables multiple "
"virtualized guests to share direct access to the physical device, offering "
"improved performance over an equivalent virtual device. Currently supported "
"in OpenStack Havana and later releases."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah spesifikasi yang ketika diimplementasikan oleh perangkat PCIe fisik, "
"mengaktifkan untuk muncul sebagai beberapa perangkat PCIe terpisah. Hal ini "
"mengaktifkan beberapa guest virtual untuk berbagi akses langsung ke "
"perangkat fisik, menawarkan peningkatan kinerja melalui perangkat virtual "
"setara. Saat ini didukung dalam OpenStack Havana dan rilis."
msgid ""
"A standardized interface for managing compute, data, and network resources, "
"currently unsupported in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah antarmuka standar untuk mengelola komputasi, data, dan sumber daya "
"jaringan, saat ini tidak didukung di OpenStack."
msgid ""
"A string of text provided to the client after authentication. Must be "
"provided by the user or process in subsequent requests to the API endpoint."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah string teks yang diberikan kepada klien setelah otentikasi. Harus "
"disediakan oleh pengguna atau proses permintaan berikutnya ke API endpoint."
msgid ""
"A subset of API calls that are accessible to authorized administrators and "
"are generally not accessible to end users or the public Internet. They can "
"exist as a separate service (keystone) or can be a subset of another API "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah subset dari panggilan API yang dapat diakses administrator yang "
"berwenang dan umumnya tidak dapat diakses oleh pengguna akhir (end user) "
"atau Internet publik. Mereka bisa eksis sebagai layanan terpisah (keystone) "
"atau dapat menjadi bagian dari API lain (nova)."
msgid ""
"A system by which Internet domain name-to-address and address-to-name "
"resolutions are determined. DNS helps navigate the Internet by translating "
"the IP address into an address that is easier to remember. For example, "
"translating into All domains and their "
"components, such as mail servers, utilize DNS to resolve to the appropriate "
"locations. DNS servers are usually set up in a master-slave relationship "
"such that failure of the master invokes the slave. DNS servers might also be "
"clustered or replicated such that changes made to one DNS server are "
"automatically propagated to other active servers. In Compute, the support "
"that enables associating DNS entries with floating IP addresses, nodes, or "
"cells so that hostnames are consistent across reboots."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah sistem dimana domain Internet nama-to-address dan resolusi address-to-"
"nama ditentukan. DNS membantu menavigasi Internet dengan menerjemahkan "
"alamat IP ke alamat yang mudah diingat. Misalnya, menerjemahkan "
" ke Semua domain dan komponen mereka, seperti "
"mail server, memanfaatkan DNS untuk menyelesaikan ke lokasi yang tepat. "
"server DNS biasanya ditetapkan dalam hubungan tuan-budak sehingga kegagalan "
"master memanggil budak. server DNS mungkin juga berkerumun atau direplikasi "
"sehingga perubahan yang dibuat untuk satu server DNS secara otomatis "
"disebarkan ke server aktif lainnya. Dalam Compute, dukungan yang "
"memungkinkan menghubungkan entri DNS dengan alamat mengambang IP, node, atau "
"sel-sel sehingga hostname konsisten di reboot."
msgid ""
"A system that provides services to other system entities. In case of "
"federated identity, OpenStack Identity is the service provider."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah sistem yang menyediakan layanan untuk entitas sistem lainnya. Dalam "
"kasus identitas federasi, OpenStack Identity adalah penyedia layanan."
msgid ""
"A tool to automate system configuration and installation on Debian-based "
"Linux distributions."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah alat untuk mengotomatisasi konfigurasi sistem dan instalasi pada "
"distro Linux berbasis Debian."
msgid ""
"A tool to automate system configuration and installation on Red Hat, Fedora, "
"and CentOS-based Linux distributions."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah alat untuk mengotomatisasi konfigurasi sistem dan instalasi pada Red "
"Hat, Fedora, dan distribusi Linux berbasis CentOS."
msgid "A type of VM image that exists as a single, bootable file."
msgstr "Sebuah tipe image VM yang ada sebagai file bootable, single."
msgid ""
"A type of image file that is commonly used for animated images on web pages."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah jenis file image yang umum digunakan untuk image animasi pada halaman "
msgid ""
"A type of reboot where a physical or virtual power button is pressed as "
"opposed to a graceful, proper shutdown of the operating system."
msgstr ""
"Jenis reboot dimana tombol daya fisik atau virtual ditekan sebagai kebalikan "
"dari halus, shutdown yang tepat dari sistem operasi."
msgid "A unique ID given to each replica of an Object Storage database."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah ID unik yang diberikan untuk masing-masing replika database Object "
msgid ""
"A unit of storage within Object Storage used to store objects. It exists on "
"top of devices and is replicated for fault tolerance."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah unit penyimpanan dalam Object Storage digunakan untuk menyimpan benda-"
"benda. Itu ada di atas perangkat dan direplikasi untuk toleransi kesalahan."
msgid ""
"A user-created Python module that is loaded by horizon to change the look "
"and feel of the dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah modul Python yang dibuat pengguna yang dimuat oleh horizon untuk "
"mengubah tampilan dan nuansa dari dashboard."
msgid ""
"A virtual network port within Networking; VIFs / vNICs are connected to a "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah port jaringan virtual dalam Networking; VIF/vNIC terhubung ke port."
msgid ""
"A virtual network that provides connectivity between entities. For example, "
"a collection of virtual ports that share network connectivity. In Networking "
"terminology, a network is always a layer-2 network."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah jaringan virtual yang menyediakan konektivitas antara entitas. "
"Misalnya, koleksi port virtual yang berbagi konektivitas jaringan. Dalam "
"Jaringan terminologi, jaringan selalu jaringan lapisan-2."
msgid "A web framework used extensively in horizon."
msgstr "Sebuah kerangka web yang digunakan secara luas di horizon."
msgid ""
"A worker process that verifies the integrity of Object Storage objects, "
"containers, and accounts. Auditors is the collective term for the Object "
"Storage account auditor, container auditor, and object auditor."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah proses pekerja yang memverifikasi integritas objek Object Storage, "
"kontainer, dan akun. Auditor adalah istilah kolektif untuk akun auditor "
"Object Storage, kontainer auditor, dan objek auditor."
msgid ""
"A wrapper used by the Image service that contains a VM image and its "
"associated metadata, such as machine state, OS disk size, and so on."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah wrapper digunakan oleh layanan Image yang berisi image VM dan "
"metadata yang terkait, seperti keadaan mesin, ukuran disk OS, dan sebagainya."
msgid "API endpoint"
msgstr "API endpoint (endpoint API)"
msgid "API extension"
msgstr "API extension (ekstensi API)"
msgid "API extension plug-in"
msgstr "API ekstensi plug-in"
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API key"
msgid "API server"
msgstr "API server (Server API)"
msgid "API token"
msgstr "API Token"
msgid ""
"API used to access OpenStack :term:`Object Storage<Object Storage service "
msgstr ""
"API yang digunakan untuk mengakses OpenStack :term:`Object Storage<Object "
"Storage service (swift)>`."
msgid ""
"API used to access OpenStack Networking. Provides an extensible architecture "
"to enable custom plug-in creation."
msgstr ""
"API yang digunakan untuk mengakses OpenStack Networking. Memberikan sebuah "
"arsitektur extensible untuk mengaktifkan pembuatan plug-in kustom."
msgid "API version"
msgstr "API version (versi API)"
msgid "ATA over Ethernet (AoE)"
msgstr "ATA over Ethernet (AoE)"
msgid ""
"AWS CloudFormation allows Amazon Web Services (AWS) users to create and "
"manage a collection of related resources. The Orchestration service supports "
"a CloudFormation-compatible format (CFN)."
msgstr ""
"AWS CloudFormation memungkinkan pengguna Amazon Web Services (AWS) untuk "
"membuat dan mengelola koleksi sumber daya terkait. Layanan Orchestration "
"mendukung format CloudFormation-kompatibel (CFN)."
msgid "AWS CloudFormation template"
msgstr "AWS CloudFormation template"
msgid ""
"Absolute limit on the amount of network traffic a Compute VM instance can "
"send and receive."
msgstr ""
"Batas absolut pada jumlah lalu lintas jaringan instance Compute VM dapat "
"mengirim dan menerima."
msgid "Active Directory"
msgstr "Active Directory (Direktori Aktif)"
msgid ""
"Acts as the gatekeeper to Object Storage and is responsible for "
"authenticating the user."
msgstr ""
"Bertindak sebagai penjaga gerbang ke Obyek Storage dan bertanggung jawab "
"untuk otentikasi pengguna."
msgid "Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)"
msgstr "Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)"
msgid "Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)"
msgstr "Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)"
msgid "Advanced RISC Machine (ARM)"
msgstr "Advanced RISC Machine (ARM)"
msgid ""
"All OpenStack core projects are provided under the terms of the Apache "
"License 2.0 license."
msgstr ""
"Semua proyek inti OpenStack disediakan di bawah persyaratan Apache License "
"2.0 lisensi."
msgid ""
"Allows a user to set a flag on an :term:`Object Storage<Object Storage "
"service (swift)>` container so that all objects within the container are "
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan pengguna untuk menetapkan tanda (flag) pada kontainer :term:"
"`Object Storage<Object Storage service (swift)>` sehingga semua objek di "
"dalam kontainer diberi versi."
msgid "Alphanumeric ID assigned to each Identity service role."
msgstr "Alfanumerik ID ditugaskan untuk setiap peran layanan Identity."
msgid "Alternative name for the :term:`Image API`."
msgstr "Nama alternatif untuk :term:`Image API`."
msgid "Alternative name for the Block Storage API."
msgstr "Nama alternatif untuk Block Storage API."
msgid "Alternative term for a Networking plug-in or Networking API extension."
msgstr ""
"Istilah alternatif untuk Networking plug-in atau Networking ekstensi API."
msgid "Alternative term for a RabbitMQ message exchange."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk pertukaran pesan RabbitMQ."
msgid "Alternative term for a VM image."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk image VM."
msgid "Alternative term for a VM instance type."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk VM jenis instance (VM instance type)."
msgid "Alternative term for a VM or guest."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk VM atau guest."
msgid "Alternative term for a cloud controller node."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk cloud controller node."
msgid "Alternative term for a cloudpipe."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk cloudpipe."
msgid "Alternative term for a fixed IP address."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk alamat IP tetap."
msgid "Alternative term for a flavor ID."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk ID flavor."
msgid "Alternative term for a non-durable exchange."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk pertukaran non-durable."
msgid "Alternative term for a non-durable queue."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk antrian non-durable."
msgid "Alternative term for a virtual network."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk jaringan virtual."
msgid "Alternative term for a volume plug-in."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk volume plug-in."
msgid ""
"Alternative term for an API extension or plug-in. In the context of Identity "
"service, this is a call that is specific to the implementation, such as "
"adding support for OpenID."
msgstr ""
"Istilah alternatif untuk perpanjangan API atau plug-in. Dalam konteks "
"layanan Identity, ini adalah panggilan yang khusus untuk pelaksanaan, "
"seperti menambahkan dukungan untuk OpenID."
msgid "Alternative term for an API token."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk token API."
msgid "Alternative term for an Amazon EC2 access key. See EC2 access key."
msgstr ""
"Istilah alternatif untuk kunci akses Amazon EC2. Lihat tombol akses EC2."
msgid "Alternative term for an Identity service catalog."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk katalog layanan Identity."
msgid "Alternative term for an Identity service default token."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk token standar layanan Identity."
msgid "Alternative term for an Object Storage authorization node."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk kewenangan simpul (node) Object Storage."
msgid "Alternative term for an admin API."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk admin API."
msgid "Alternative term for an ephemeral volume."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk ephemeral volume"
msgid "Alternative term for an image."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk image."
msgid "Alternative term for instance UUID."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif instance UUID."
msgid "Alternative term for non-durable."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk non-durable."
msgid "Alternative term for project."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk proyek."
msgid "Alternative term for the :term:`Compute API <Compute API (nova API)>`."
msgstr "istilah alternatif untuk :term:`Compute API <Compute API (nova API)>`."
msgid "Alternative term for the Identity service API."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk layanan Identity API."
msgid "Alternative term for the Identity service catalog."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk katalog layanan Identity."
msgid "Alternative term for the Image service :term:`image registry`."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk layanan Image :term:`image registry`."
msgid "Alternative term for the Image service registry."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk registri layanan Image."
msgid "Amazon Kernel Image (AKI)"
msgstr "Amazon Kernel Image (AKI)"
msgid "Amazon Machine Image (AMI)"
msgstr "Amazon Machine Image (AMI)"
msgid "Amazon Ramdisk Image (ARI)"
msgstr "Amazon Ramdisk Image (ARI)"
msgid ""
"An API endpoint used for both service-to-service communication and end-user "
msgstr ""
"Endpoint API digunakan untuk komunikasiservice-to-service dan interaksi end-"
msgid ""
"An API on a separate endpoint for attaching, detaching, and creating block "
"storage for compute VMs."
msgstr ""
"API pada titik akhir (endpoint) terpisah untuk menyatukan (attaching), "
"memisahkan (detaching), dan menciptakan penyimpanan blok untuk menghitung VM."
msgid "An API that is accessible to projects."
msgstr "Sebuah API yang dapat diakses oleh proyek."
msgid ""
"An Amazon EBS storage volume that contains a bootable VM image, currently "
"unsupported in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Volume penyimpanan Amazon EBS yang berisi image VM bootable, saat ini tidak "
"didukung di OpenStack."
msgid ""
"An Amazon EC2 concept of an isolated area that is used for fault tolerance. "
"Do not confuse with an OpenStack Compute zone or cell."
msgstr ""
"Konsep Amazon EC2 dari daerah terisolasi yang digunakan untuk toleransi "
"kesalahan. Jangan rancu dengan zona OpenStack Compute atau sel."
msgid ""
"An HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP "
"proxy server."
msgstr ""
"HTTP dan server proxy reverse, server proxy mail, dan server proxy TCP/UDP "
msgid ""
"An IP address that a project can associate with a VM so that the instance "
"has the same public IP address each time that it boots. You create a pool of "
"floating IP addresses and assign them to instances as they are launched to "
"maintain a consistent IP address for maintaining DNS assignment."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah alamat IP yang proyek dapat mengaitkan dengan VM sehingga instance "
"memiliki alamat IP publik yang sama setiap kali boot. Anda membuat kolam "
"dari alamat IP mengambang dan menetapkan mereka untuk instance seperti yang "
"diluncurkan untuk menjaga alamat IP yang konsisten untuk mempertahankan DNS "
msgid ""
"An IP address that can be assigned to a VM instance within the shared IP "
"group. Public IP addresses can be shared across multiple servers for use in "
"various high-availability scenarios. When an IP address is shared to another "
"server, the cloud network restrictions are modified to enable each server to "
"listen to and respond on that IP address. You can optionally specify that "
"the target server network configuration be modified. Shared IP addresses can "
"be used with many standard heartbeat facilities, such as keepalive, that "
"monitor for failure and manage IP failover."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah alamat IP yang dapat ditugaskan ke instances VM dalam kelompok IP "
"bersama. alamat IP publik dapat dibagi di beberapa server untuk digunakan "
"dalam berbagai skenario ketersediaan tinggi. Ketika sebuah alamat IP dibagi "
"ke server lain, pembatasan jaringan cloud dimodifikasi untuk mengaktifkan "
"setiap server untuk mendengarkan dan menanggapi pada alamat IP. Anda dapat "
"menentukan bahwa target konfigurasi server jaringan dimodifikasi. alamat IP "
"bersama dapat digunakan dengan berbagai fasilitas detak jantung standar "
"(standard heartbeat facilities), seperti keepalive, monitor kegagalan dan "
"mengelola IP failover."
msgid "An IP address that is accessible to end-users."
msgstr "Sebuah alamat IP yang dapat diakses oleh pengguna akhir."
msgid ""
"An IP address that is associated with the same instance each time that "
"instance boots, is generally not accessible to end users or the public "
"Internet, and is used for management of the instance."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah alamat IP yang berhubungan dengan instance yang sama setiap kali "
"instance boot, umumnya tidak dapat diakses oleh pengguna akhir atau Internet "
"publik, dan digunakan untuk pengelolaan misalnya."
msgid ""
"An IP address used for management and administration, not available to the "
"public Internet."
msgstr ""
"Alamat IP yang digunakan untuk manajemen dan administrasi, tidak tersedia ke "
"Internet umum."
msgid ""
"An IP address, typically assigned to a router, that passes network traffic "
"between different networks."
msgstr ""
"Alamat IP, biasanya ditugaskan untuk router, yang lewat lalu lintas jaringan "
"antara jaringan yang berbeda."
msgid ""
"An Identity API v3 entity. Represents a collection of projects, groups and "
"users that defines administrative boundaries for managing OpenStack Identity "
"entities. On the Internet, separates a website from other sites. Often, the "
"domain name has two or more parts that are separated by dots. For example, "
",,, or Also, a domain is an "
"entity or container of all DNS-related information containing one or more "
msgstr ""
"API Identitas v3 entitas. Merupakan koleksi proyek, kelompok dan pengguna "
"yang mendefinisikan batas-batas administratif untuk mengelola entitas "
"OpenStack Identity. Di Internet, memisahkan sebuah website dari situs lain. "
"Seringkali, nama domain memiliki dua atau lebih bagian yang dipisahkan oleh "
"titik. Misalnya,,,, atau Juga, "
"domain adalah suatu entitas atau wadah (container) dari semua informasi yang "
"terkait DNS yang mengandung satu atau lebih catatan."
msgid ""
"An Identity service API access token that is associated with a specific "
msgstr ""
"API access token layanan Identity yang berhubungan dengan proyek tertentu."
msgid ""
"An Identity service API endpoint that is associated with one or more "
msgstr ""
"Layanan Identity API endpoint yang dikaitkan dengan satu proyek atau lebih."
msgid ""
"An Identity service component that manages and validates tokens after a user "
"or project has been authenticated."
msgstr ""
"Komponen layanan Identity yang mengelola dan memvalidasi token setelah "
"pengguna atau proyek telah dikonfirmasi."
msgid ""
"An Identity service feature that enables services, such as Compute, to "
"automatically register with the catalog."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah fitur layanan Identity yang memungkinkan layanan, seperti Compute, "
"untuk secara otomatis mendaftar dengan katalog."
msgid ""
"An Identity service that lists API endpoints that are available to a user "
"after authentication with the Identity service."
msgstr ""
"Layanan Identity yang berisi daftar endpoint API yang tersedia untuk "
"pengguna setelah otentikasi dengan layanan Identity."
msgid ""
"An Identity service token that is not associated with a specific project and "
"is exchanged for a scoped token."
msgstr ""
"Token layanan Identitas yang tidak terkait dengan proyek tertentu dan "
"dipertukarkan untuk scoped token."
msgid ""
"An Identity v3 API entity. Represents a collection of users that is owned by "
"a specific domain."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah v3 Identity API entitas. Merupakan kumpulan pengguna yang dimiliki "
"oleh domain tertentu."
msgid "An Image service VM image that is available to all projects."
msgstr " Image VM layanan Image yang tersedia untuk semua proyek."
msgid "An Image service VM image that is only available to specified projects."
msgstr " Image VM layanan Image yang hanya tersedia untuk proyek tertentu."
msgid ""
"An Image service container format that indicates that no container exists "
"for the VM image."
msgstr ""
"Layanan Image format container yang menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada wadah "
"(container) berwujud image VM."
msgid ""
"An Image service that provides VM image metadata information to clients."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah layanan Image yang menyediakan VM image metadata informasi kepada "
msgid ""
"An Internet Protocol (IP) address configured on the load balancer for use by "
"clients connecting to a service that is load balanced. Incoming connections "
"are distributed to back-end nodes based on the configuration of the load "
msgstr ""
"Internet Protocol (IP) address dikonfigurasi pada load balancer untuk "
"digunakan oleh klien menghubungkan ke layanan penyeimbang beban. Koneksi "
"masuk didistribusikan ke back-end node berdasarkan konfigurasi penyeimbang "
msgid "An L2 network segment within Networking."
msgstr "Sebuah segmen jaringan L2 dalam Networking."
msgid "An Object Storage component that collects meters."
msgstr "Komponen Object Storage yang mengumpulkan meter."
msgid ""
"An Object Storage component that copies an object to remote partitions for "
"fault tolerance."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Storage Obyek yang menyalin objek partisi remote untuk toleransi "
"kesalahan (fault tolerance)."
msgid ""
"An Object Storage component that copies changes in the account, container, "
"and object databases to other nodes."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Object Storage yang menyalin perubahan dalam akun, kontainer, dan "
"database objek ke node lain."
msgid "An Object Storage component that is responsible for managing objects."
msgstr "Komponen Object Storage yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola objek."
msgid ""
"An Object Storage component that provides account services such as list, "
"create, modify, and audit. Do not confuse with OpenStack Identity service, "
"OpenLDAP, or similar user-account services."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Storage Obyek yang menyediakan layanan akun seperti daftar, "
"membuat, memodifikasi, dan audit. Jangan bingung dengan layanan OpenStack "
"Identity, OpenLDAP, atau layanan user-akun yang sama."
msgid ""
"An Object Storage large object that has been broken up into pieces. The re-"
"assembled object is called a concatenated object."
msgstr ""
"Obyek Storage objek besar yang telah dipecah menjadi potongan-potongan. "
"Objek ulang dirakit (re-assembled) disebut objek bersambung."
msgid ""
"An Object Storage middleware component that enables creation of URLs for "
"temporary object access."
msgstr ""
"Komponen middleware Object Storage yang mengaktifkan penciptaan URL untuk "
"akses objek sementara."
msgid "An Object Storage node that provides authorization services."
msgstr "Node Storage Obyek yang menyediakan layanan otorisasi."
msgid ""
"An Object Storage node that provides container services, account services, "
"and object services; controls the account databases, container databases, "
"and object storage."
msgstr ""
"Node Object Storage yang menyediakan layanan kontainer, layanan akun, dan "
"layanan objek; mengontrol database akun, database kontainer, dan penyimpanan "
msgid "An Object Storage server that manages containers."
msgstr "Server Object Storage yang mengelola kontainer."
msgid ""
"An Object Storage worker that scans for and deletes account databases and "
"that the account server has marked for deletion."
msgstr ""
"Seorang pekerja Storage Obyek yang memindai dan menghapus database account "
"dan bahwa server akun telah ditandai untuk penghapusan."
msgid ""
"An OpenStack grouped release of projects that came out in the spring of "
"2011. It included Compute (nova), Object Storage (swift), and the Image "
"service (glance). Cactus is a city in Texas, US and is the code name for the "
"third release of OpenStack. When OpenStack releases went from three to six "
"months long, the code name of the release changed to match a geography "
"nearest the previous summit."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah rilis OpenStack dikelompokkan proyek yang keluar pada musim semi "
"2011. Ini termasuk Compute (nova), Object Storage (swift), dan layanan Image "
"(glance). Kaktus adalah sebuah kota di Texas, AS dan adalah nama kode untuk "
"rilis ketiga dari OpenStack. Ketika OpenStack rilis berjalan dari tiga "
"sampai enam bulan lama, nama kode rilis berubah untuk mencocokkan geografi "
"terdekat KTT sebelumnya."
msgid ""
"An OpenStack service, such as Compute, Object Storage, or Image service. "
"Provides one or more endpoints through which users can access resources and "
"perform operations."
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack, seperti Compute, Object Storage, atau layanan Image. "
"Memberikan satu atau lebih endpoints di mana pengguna dapat mengakses sumber "
"daya dan melakukan operasi."
msgid "An OpenStack-provided image."
msgstr "Sebuah OpenStack-menyediakan image."
msgid "An OpenStack-supported hypervisor."
msgstr "Sebuah OpenStack didukung hypervisor."
msgid ""
"An OpenStack-supported hypervisor. KVM is a full virtualization solution for "
"Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-"
"V), ARM, IBM Power, and IBM zSeries. It consists of a loadable kernel "
"module, that provides the core virtualization infrastructure and a processor "
"specific module."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah hypervisor didukung OpenStack. KVM adalah solusi virtualisasi penuh "
"untuk Linux pada hardware x86 yang berisi ekstensi virtualisasi (Intel VT "
"atau AMD-V), ARM, IBM Power, dan IBM zSeries. Ini terdiri dari modul kernel "
"loadable, yang menyediakan infrastruktur virtualisasi inti dan modul "
"prosesor tertentu."
msgid "An administrator who has access to all hosts and instances."
msgstr "Administrator yang memiliki akses ke semua host dan instance."
msgid ""
"An administrator-defined token used by Compute to communicate securely with "
"the Identity service."
msgstr ""
"Token yang ditetapkan oleh administrator yang digunakan oleh Compute untuk "
"berkomunikasi secara aman dengan layanan Identity."
msgid ""
"An alpha-numeric string of text used to access OpenStack APIs and resources."
msgstr ""
"String alfa-numerik dari teks yang digunakan untuk mengakses API OpenStack "
"dan sumber daya."
msgid ""
"An alternative name for :term:`Networking API <Networking API (Neutron "
msgstr ""
"Nama alternatif untuk :term:`Networking API <Networking API (Neutron API)>`."
msgid "An alternative term for :term:`project ID`."
msgstr "Istilah alternatif untuk :term:`project ID`."
msgid ""
"An application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory "
"information services over an IP network."
msgstr ""
"Protokol aplikasi untuk mengakses dan memelihara layanan informasi direktori "
"didistribusikan melalui jaringan IP."
msgid ""
"An application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia "
"information systems. It is the foundation of data communication for the "
"World Wide Web. Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links "
"(hyperlinks) between nodes containing text. HTTP is the protocol to exchange "
"or transfer hypertext."
msgstr ""
"Protokol aplikasi untuk sistem terdistribusikan, kolaboratif, informasi "
"hypermedia. Ini adalah dasar dari komunikasi data untuk World Wide Web. "
"Hypertext adalah teks terstruktur yang menggunakan link logis (hyperlink) "
"antar node yang berisi teks. HTTP adalah protokol untuk menukar atau "
"mentransfer hypertext."
msgid ""
"An application that runs on the back-end server in a load-balancing system."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah aplikasi yang berjalan pada server back-end dalam sistem load-"
msgid ""
"An authentication and authorization service for Object Storage, implemented "
"through WSGI middleware; uses Object Storage itself as the persistent "
"backing store."
msgstr ""
"Layanan otentikasi dan otorisasi untuk Object Storage, dilaksanakan melalui "
"WSGI middleware; menggunakan Object Storage dirinya sebagai penyimpan "
"dukungan persisten."
msgid ""
"An authentication facility within Object Storage that enables Object Storage "
"itself to perform authentication and authorization. Frequently used in "
"testing and development."
msgstr ""
"Fasilitas otentikasi dalam Object Storage yang mengaktifkan Object Storage "
"sendiri untuk melakukan otentikasi dan otorisasi. Sering digunakan dalam "
"pengujian dan pengembangan."
msgid ""
"An easy method to create a local LDAP directory for testing Identity and "
"Compute. Requires Redis."
msgstr ""
"Metode yang mudah untuk membuat direktori LDAP lokal untuk pengujian "
"Identitas dan Compute. Membutuhkan Redis."
msgid ""
"An element of the Compute RabbitMQ that comes to life when a RPC call is "
"executed. It connects to a direct exchange through a unique exclusive queue, "
"sends the message, and terminates."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah elemen dari Compute RabbitMQ yang datang untuk hidup ketika panggilan "
"RPC dijalankan. Menghubungkan ke pertukaran langsung melalui antrian "
"eksklusif yang unik, mengirim pesan, dan berakhir."
msgid ""
"An element of the Compute capacity cache that is calculated based on the "
"number of build, snapshot, migrate, and resize operations currently in "
"progress on a given host."
msgstr ""
"Unsur cache kapasitas Compute yang dihitung berdasarkan jumlah build, "
"snapshot, bermigrasi, dan operasi pengubahan ukuran sedang berlangsung pada "
"host yang diberikan."
msgid ""
"An encrypted communications protocol for secure communication over a "
"computer network, with especially wide deployment on the Internet. "
"Technically, it is not a protocol in and of itself; rather, it is the result "
"of simply layering the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on top of the TLS "
"or SSL protocol, thus adding the security capabilities of TLS or SSL to "
"standard HTTP communications. Most OpenStack API endpoints and many inter-"
"component communications support HTTPS communication."
msgstr ""
"Protokol komunikasi terenkripsi untuk komunikasi yang aman melalui jaringan "
"komputer, dengan penyebaran terutama luas di Internet. Secara teknis, itu "
"bukan protokol di dan dari dirinya sendiri; bukan, itu adalah hasil dari "
"hanya layering Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) di atas TLS atau SSL "
"protokol, sehingga menambah kemampuan keamanan TLS atau SSL untuk komunikasi "
"HTTP standar. Kebanyakan API endpoint OpenStack dan banyak komunikasi antar-"
"komponen mendukung HTTPS komunikasi."
msgid ""
"An entity in the context of the :term:`Shared File Systems service<Shared "
"File Systems service (manila)>` that encapsulates interaction with the "
"Networking service. If the driver you selected runs in the mode requiring "
"such kind of interaction, you need to specify the share network to create a "
msgstr ""
"Entitas dalam konteks :term:`Shared File Systems service<Shared File Systems "
"service (manila)>` yang merangkum interaksi dengan layanan Networking. Jika "
"driver yang Anda pilih berjalan dalam mode yang membutuhkan semacam "
"interaksi, Anda perlu menentukan jaringan berbagi (share network) untuk "
"membuat share."
msgid ""
"An entity that maps Object Storage data to partitions. A separate ring "
"exists for each service, such as account, object, and container."
msgstr ""
"Entitas yang memetakan Object Data Storage untuk partisi. Sebuah cincin "
"(ring) terpisah berada untuk setiap layanan, seperti rekening, objek, dan "
msgid "An extra but helpful piece of practical advice."
msgstr "Tambahan tapi bermanfaat nasihat praktis."
msgid "An iSCSI authentication method supported by Compute."
msgstr "Metode otentikasi iSCSI didukung oleh Compute."
msgid ""
"An in-progress specification for cloud management. Currently unsupported in "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah spesifikasi in-progress untuk manajemen cloud. Saat ini tidak "
"didukung di OpenStack."
msgid ""
"An integrated project that provides scalable and reliable Cloud Database-as-"
"a-Service functionality for both relational and non-relational database "
msgstr ""
"Proyek terintegrasi yang menyediakan Cloud Database-as-a-Service scalable "
"dan dapat diandalkan untuk mesin database relasional maupun non-relasional."
msgid ""
"An interface that is plugged into a port in a Networking network. Typically "
"a virtual network interface belonging to a VM."
msgstr ""
"Antarmuka yang terhubung ke port di jaringan Networking. Biasanya antarmuka "
"jaringan virtual milik VM."
msgid ""
"An object state in Object Storage where a new replica of the object is "
"automatically created due to a drive failure."
msgstr ""
"Kondisi objek dalam Object Storage dimana replika baru dari objek secara "
"otomatis dibuat karena kegagalan drive."
msgid "An object within Object Storage that is larger than 5 GB."
msgstr "Sebuah objek dalam Storage Object yang lebih besar dari 5GB."
msgid ""
"An official OpenStack service defined as core by DefCore Committee. "
"Currently, consists of Block Storage service (cinder), Compute service "
"(nova), Identity service (keystone), Image service (glance), Networking "
"service (neutron), and Object Storage service (swift)."
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack resmi didefinisikan sebagai inti oleh Komite DefCore. Saat "
"ini, terdiri dari layanan Block Storage (cinder), Compute layanan (nova), "
"layanan Identity (keystone), layanan Image (glance), layanan Networking "
"(neutron), dan layanan Object Storage (swift)."
msgid ""
"An official OpenStack service defined as optional by DefCore Committee. "
"Currently, consists of Dashboard (horizon), Telemetry service (Telemetry), "
"Orchestration service (heat), Database service (trove), Bare Metal service "
"(ironic), and so on."
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack resmi didefinisikan sebagai opsional oleh DefCore "
"Committee. Saat ini, terdiri dari Dashboard (horizon), layanan telemetri "
"(Telemetry), layanan Orchestration (heat), layanan Database (trove), layanan "
"Bare Metal (ironic), dan sebagainya."
msgid "An open source LDAP server. Supported by both Compute and Identity."
msgstr "Open source server LDAP. Didukung oleh Compute dan Identity."
msgid "An open source SQL toolkit for Python, used in OpenStack."
msgstr "Open source SQL toolkit untuk Python, yang digunakan dalam OpenStack."
msgid ""
"An open source community project by SUSE that aims to provide all necessary "
"services to quickly deploy and manage clouds."
msgstr ""
"Proyek komunitas open source dengan SUSE yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan "
"semua layanan yang diperlukan untuk pengerahan (deploy) dengan cepat dan "
"pengelolaan cloud."
msgid ""
"An operating system configuration management tool supporting OpenStack "
msgstr ""
"Alat operasi manajemen konfigurasi sistem yang mendukung OpenStack "
"pengerahan (deployment)."
msgid ""
"An operating system configuration-management tool supported by OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah sistem operasi alat konfigurasi manajemen yang didukung oleh "
msgid "An operating system instance running under the control of a hypervisor."
msgstr "Sebuah sistem operasi misalnya berjalan di bawah kendali hypervisor."
msgid ""
"An operating system instance that runs on top of a hypervisor. Multiple VMs "
"can run at the same time on the same physical host."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah sistem operasi instance yang berjalan di atas hypervisor. Beberapa VM "
"dapat berjalan pada waktu yang sama pada host fisik yang sama."
msgid ""
"An option within Compute that enables administrators to create and manage "
"users through the ``nova-manage`` command as opposed to using the Identity "
msgstr ""
"Pilihan dalam Computer yang mengaktifkan administrator untuk membuat dan "
"mengelola pengguna melalui perintah ``nova-manage`` sebagai lawan "
"menggunakan layanan Identity."
msgid ""
"An option within Image service so that an image is deleted after a "
"predefined number of seconds instead of immediately."
msgstr ""
"Pilihan dalam layanan Image sehingga image dihapus setelah sejumlah detik "
"standar (predefined) bukannya segera."
msgid "Anvil"
msgstr "Anvil (landasan)"
msgid ""
"Any business that provides Internet access to individuals or businesses."
msgstr ""
"Setiap bisnis yang menyediakan akses Internet untuk individu atau bisnis."
msgid ""
"Any client software that enables a computer or device to access the Internet."
msgstr ""
"Setiap perangkat lunak klien yang mengaktifkan komputer atau perangkat untuk "
"mengakses internet."
msgid "Any compute node that runs the network worker daemon."
msgstr "Setiap node komputasi yang menjalankan daemon pekerja jaringan."
msgid ""
"Any deployment-specific information is helpful, such as whether you are "
"using Ubuntu 14.04 or are performing a multi-node installation."
msgstr ""
"Setiap informasi penyebaran spesifik membantu, seperti apakah Anda "
"menggunakan Ubuntu 14.04 atau melakukan instalasi multi-node."
msgid ""
"Any kind of text that contains a link to some other site, commonly found in "
"documents where clicking on a word or words opens up a different website."
msgstr ""
"Setiap jenis teks yang berisi link ke beberapa situs lain, umumnya ditemukan "
"dalam dokumen saat mengklik sebuah kata atau kata-kata membuka situs web "
"yang berbeda."
msgid "Any node running a daemon or worker that provides an API endpoint."
msgstr ""
"Setiap node menjalankan daemon atau pekerja yang menyediakan endpoint API."
msgid ""
"Any piece of hardware or software that wants to connect to the network "
"services provided by Networking, the network connectivity service. An entity "
"can make use of Networking by implementing a VIF."
msgstr ""
"Setiap bagian dari perangkat keras atau perangkat lunak yang ingin terhubung "
"ke layanan jaringan yang disediakan oleh Networking, layanan konektivitas "
"jaringan. Entitas dapat menggunakan Networking dengan menerapkan VIF a."
msgid ""
"Any user, including the ``root`` user, can run commands that are prefixed "
"with the ``$`` prompt."
msgstr ""
"Setiap pengguna, termasuk pengguna ``root``, dapat menjalankan perintah yang "
"diawali dengan ``$`` prompt."
msgid "Apache"
msgstr "Apache"
msgid ""
"Apache Hadoop is an open source software framework that supports data-"
"intensive distributed applications."
msgstr ""
"Apache Hadoop adalah kerangka kerja perangkat lunak open source yang "
"mendukung aplikasi data-intensif terdistribusikan."
msgid "Apache License 2.0"
msgstr "Apache License 2.0"
msgid "Apache Web Server"
msgstr "Apache Web Server (Server Web Apache)"
msgid "Application Catalog service (murano)"
msgstr "Layanan Application Catalog (murano)"
msgid "Application Programming Interface (API)"
msgstr "Application Programming Interface (API)"
msgid "Application Service Provider (ASP)"
msgstr "Application Service Provider (ASP)"
msgid ""
"Association of an interface ID to a logical port. Plugs an interface into a "
msgstr "Asosiasi ID antarmuka ke port logis. Colokan (plug) antarmuka ke port."
msgid "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)"
msgstr "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)"
msgid ""
"Attachment point where a virtual interface connects to a virtual network."
msgstr ""
"Titik hubungan (attachment point) dimana antarmuka virtual terhubung ke "
"jaringan virtual."
msgid "Austin"
msgstr "Austin"
msgid "AuthN"
msgstr "AuthN"
msgid "AuthZ"
msgstr "AuthZ"
msgid ""
"Authentication and identity service by Microsoft, based on LDAP. Supported "
"in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Layanan otentikasi dan identitas oleh Microsoft, berdasarkan LDAP. Didukung "
"dalam OpenStack."
msgid "Authentication method that uses keys rather than passwords."
msgstr "Metode otentikasi yang menggunakan kunci daripada password."
msgid ""
"Authentication method that uses two or more credentials, such as a password "
"and a private key. Currently not supported in Identity."
msgstr ""
"Metode otentikasi yang menggunakan dua atau lebih kredensial, seperti "
"password dan kunci pribadi (private key). Saat ini tidak didukung dalam "
msgid "Auto ACK"
msgstr "Auto ACK"
msgid ""
"Automated software test suite designed to run against the trunk of the "
"OpenStack core project."
msgstr ""
"Test suite perangkat lunak otomatis yang dirancang untuk dijalankan terhadap "
"badan (trunk) proyek inti OpenStack."
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"
msgid "BMC (Baseboard Management Controller)"
msgstr "BMC (Baseboard Management Controller)"
msgid "Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery service (freezer)"
msgstr "Backup, Restore, dan layanan Disaster Recovery (freezer)"
msgid "Bare Metal service (ironic)"
msgstr "Layanan Bare Metal (ironic)"
msgid ""
"Be sure to include the software and package versions that you are using, "
"especially if you are using a development branch, such as, ``\"Kilo release"
"\" vs git commit bc79c3ecc55929bac585d04a03475b72e06a3208``."
msgstr ""
"Pastikan untuk menyertakan perangkat lunak dan paket versi yang Anda "
"gunakan, terutama jika Anda menggunakan cabang pengembangan, seperti, ``"
"\"Kilo release\" vs git commit bc79c3ecc55929bac585d04a03475b72e06a3208``."
msgid "Bell-LaPadula model"
msgstr "Bell-LaPadula model"
msgid ""
"Belongs to a particular domain and is used to specify information about the "
"domain. There are several types of DNS records. Each record type contains "
"particular information used to describe the purpose of that record. Examples "
"include mail exchange (MX) records, which specify the mail server for a "
"particular domain; and name server (NS) records, which specify the "
"authoritative name servers for a domain."
msgstr ""
"Kepemilikan domain tertentu dan digunakan untuk merinci informasi tentang "
"domain. Ada beberapa tipe rekor DNS. Setiap tipe rekor berisi informasi "
"tertentu yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan tujuan rekor itu. Contohnya "
"termasuk mail exchange (MX), yang merinci mail server untuk domain tertentu; "
"dan nama server (NS) rekor, yang merinci server nama otoritatif untuk domain."
msgid "Benchmark service (rally)"
msgstr "Layanan Benchmark (rally)"
msgid "Bexar"
msgstr "Bexar"
msgid "Block Storage API"
msgstr "Block Storage API"
msgid "Block Storage service (cinder)"
msgstr "Layanan Block Storage (cinder)"
msgid ""
"Block storage that is simultaneously accessible by multiple clients, for "
"example, NFS."
msgstr ""
"Blok penyimpanan yang bersamaan dapat diakses oleh beberapa klien, misalnya, "
msgid "Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)"
msgstr "Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)"
msgid "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)"
msgstr "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)"
msgid ""
"Both Image service and Compute support encrypted virtual machine (VM) images "
"(but not instances). In-transit data encryption is supported in OpenStack "
"using technologies such as HTTPS, SSL, TLS, and SSH. Object Storage does not "
"support object encryption at the application level but may support storage "
"that uses disk encryption."
msgstr ""
"Layanan Image dan dukungan Compute dienkripsi mesin virtual (VM) image (tapi "
"tidak instance). Enkripsi data in-transit didukung di OpenStack menggunakan "
"teknologi seperti HTTPS, SSL, TLS, dan SSH. Object Storage tidak mendukung "
"enkripsi objek pada tingkat aplikasi tetapi dapat mendukung penyimpanan yang "
"menggunakan enkripsi disk."
msgid "Both a VM container format and disk format. Supported by Image service."
msgstr ""
"Kedua format kontainer VM dan disk format. Didukung oleh layanan Image."
msgid ""
"Builds and manages rings within Object Storage, assigns partitions to "
"devices, and pushes the configuration to other storage nodes."
msgstr ""
"Membangun dan mengelola cincin dalam Object Storage, memberikan partisi ke "
"perangkat, dan mendorong konfigurasi untuk node penyimpanan lainnya."
msgid "C"
msgstr "C"
msgid "CALL"
msgstr "CALL"
msgid "CAST"
msgstr "CAST"
msgid "CRL"
msgstr "CRL"
msgid "Cactus"
msgstr "Cactus"
msgid ""
"Can concurrently use multiple layer-2 networking technologies, such as "
"802.1Q and VXLAN, in Networking."
msgstr ""
"Bersamaan dapat menggunakan beberapa lapisan-2 teknologi jaringan, seperti "
"802.1Q dan VLAN, di Networking."
msgid ""
"Causes the network interface to pass all traffic it receives to the host "
"rather than passing only the frames addressed to it."
msgstr ""
"Penyebab antarmuka jaringan untuk luluskan semua lalu lintas yang "
"diterimanya ke host bukan hanya melewatkan frame ditujukan untuk itu."
msgid "CentOS"
msgstr "CentOS"
msgid "Ceph"
msgstr "Ceph"
msgid ""
"Ceph component that enables a Linux block device to be striped over multiple "
"distributed data stores."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Ceph yang mengaktifkan blok perangkat Linux akan bergaris (to be "
"striped) selama beberapa penyimpanan data terdistribusi."
msgid "CephFS"
msgstr "CephFS"
msgid "Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)"
msgstr "Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)"
msgid "Changes to these types of disk volumes are saved."
msgstr "Perubahan jenis volume disk disimpan."
msgid ""
"Checks for and deletes unused VMs; the component of Image service that "
"implements delayed delete."
msgstr ""
"Cek untuk dan menghapus VM terpakai; komponen pelayanan Image yang "
"mengimplementasikan delete tertunda."
msgid ""
"Checks for missing replicas and incorrect or corrupted objects in a "
"specified Object Storage account by running queries against the back-end "
"SQLite database."
msgstr ""
"Cek untuk hilang replika dan benda-benda yang salah atau rusak dalam akun "
"Storage Object ditentukan dengan menjalankan query terhadap back-end "
"database SQLite."
msgid ""
"Checks for missing replicas or incorrect objects in specified Object Storage "
"containers through queries to the SQLite back-end database."
msgstr ""
"Cek untuk kehilangan replika atau benda yang salah dalam wadah (container) "
"Obyek Storage ditentukan melalui query ke SQLite database back-end."
msgid "Chef"
msgstr "Chef"
msgid ""
"Choosing a host based on the existence of a GPU is currently unsupported in "
msgstr ""
"Memilih host berdasarkan keberadaan GPU saat ini tidak didukung di OpenStack."
msgid "CirrOS"
msgstr "CirrOS"
msgid "Cisco neutron plug-in"
msgstr "Cisco neutron plug-in"
msgid "Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF)"
msgstr "Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF)"
msgid ""
"Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) is a specification for audit event "
"data. CADF is supported by OpenStack Identity."
msgstr ""
"Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) adalah spesifikasi untuk data kejadian "
"audit. CARD didukung oleh OpenStack Identity."
msgid "Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI)"
msgstr "Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI)"
msgid "Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface (CIMI)"
msgstr "Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface (CIMI)"
msgid "Cloudbase-Init"
msgstr "Cloudbase-Init"
msgid "Clustering service (senlin)"
msgstr "Layanan Clustering (senlin)"
msgid "Code name for :term:`Workflow service <Workflow service (mistral)>`."
msgstr "Code name untuk :term:`Workflow service <Workflow service (mistral)>`."
msgid ""
"Code name for the :term:`Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery service "
"<Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery service (freezer)>`."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk :term:`Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery service "
"<Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery service (freezer)>`."
msgid ""
"Code name for the :term:`Clustering service <Clustering service (senlin)>`."
msgstr ""
"Kode nama untuk :term:`Clustering service <Clustering service (senlin)>`."
msgid ""
"Code name for the :term:`Containers Infrastructure Management "
"service<Container Infrastructure Management service (magnum)>`."
msgstr ""
"Code name untuk :term:`Containers Infrastructure Management "
"service<Container Infrastructure Management service (magnum)>`."
msgid "Code name for the :term:`DNS service <DNS service (designate)>`."
msgstr "Nama kode untuk :term:`DNS service <DNS service (designate)>`."
msgid ""
"Code name for the :term:`Governance service <Governance service (congress)>`."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk :term:`Governance service <Governance service (congress)>`."
msgid ""
"Code name for the :term:`Infrastructure Optimization service <Infrastructure "
"Optimization service (watcher)>`."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk :term:`Infrastructure Optimization service <Infrastructure "
"Optimization service (watcher)>`."
msgid ""
"Code name for the :term:`Load-balancing service <Load-balancing service "
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk :term:`Load-balancing service <Load-balancing service "
msgid ""
"Code name for the :term:`NFV Orchestration service <NFV Orchestration "
"service (tacker)>`"
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk :term:`NFV Orchestration service <NFV Orchestration service "
msgid ""
"Code name for the :term:`Root Cause Analysis service <Root Cause Analysis "
"(RCA) service (Vitrage)>`."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk :term:`Root Cause Analysis service <Root Cause Analysis "
"(RCA) service (Vitrage)>`."
msgid ""
"Code name for the :term:`Software Development Lifecycle Automation service "
"<Software Development Lifecycle Automation service (solum)>`."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk :term:`Software Development Lifecycle Automation service "
"<Software Development Lifecycle Automation service (solum)>`."
msgid ""
"Code name of the :term:`Key Manager service <Key Manager service "
msgstr ""
"Nama kode dari :term:`Key Manager service <Key Manager service (barbican)>`."
msgid ""
"Codename for :term:`Block Storage service <Block Storage service (cinder)>`."
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk :term:`Block Storage service <Block Storage service "
msgid ""
"Codename for OpenStack :term:`Compute service <Compute service (nova)>`."
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk OpenStack :term:`Compute service <Compute service (nova)>`."
msgid ""
"Codename for OpenStack :term:`Database service <Database service (trove)>`."
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk OpenStack :term:`Database service <Database service (trove)>`."
msgid "Codename for OpenStack :term:`Monitoring <Monitoring (monasca)>`."
msgstr "Codename untuk OpenStack :term:`Monitoring <Monitoring (monasca)>`."
msgid ""
"Codename for OpenStack :term:`Networking service <Networking Service "
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk OpenStack :term:`Networking service <Networking Service "
msgid ""
"Codename for OpenStack :term:`Object Storage service<Object Storage service "
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk OpenStack :term:`Object Storage service<Object Storage "
"service (swift)>`."
msgid ""
"Codename for OpenStack :term:`Shared File Systems service<Shared File "
"Systems service (manila)>`."
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk OpenStack :term:`Shared File Systems service<Shared File "
"Systems service (manila)>`."
msgid ""
"Codename for the :term:`Application Catalog service <Application Catalog "
"service (murano)>`."
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk :term:`Application Catalog service <Application Catalog "
"service (murano)>`."
msgid ""
"Codename for the :term:`Bare Metal service <Bare Metal service (ironic)>`."
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk :term:`Bare Metal service <Bare Metal service (ironic)>`."
msgid "Codename for the :term:`Benchmark service<Benchmark service (rally)>`."
msgstr "Codename untuk :term:`Benchmark service<Benchmark service (rally)>`."
msgid ""
"Codename for the :term:`Common Libraries project<Common Libraries (oslo)>`."
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk :term:`Common Libraries project<Common Libraries (oslo)>`."
msgid "Codename for the :term:`Dashboard <Dashboard (horizon)>`."
msgstr "Codename untuk :term:`Dashboard <Dashboard (horizon)>`."
msgid ""
"Codename for the :term:`Data Processing service<Data Processing service "
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk :term:`Data Processing service<Data Processing service "
msgid "Codename for the :term:`Image service<Image service (glance)>`."
msgstr "Codename untuk :term:`Image service<Image service (glance)>`."
msgid "Codename for the :term:`Message service <Message service (zaqar)>`."
msgstr "Codename untuk :term:`Message service <Message service (zaqar)>`."
msgid ""
"Codename for the :term:`Orchestration service <Orchestration service "
msgstr ""
"Codename untuk :term:`Orchestration service <Orchestration service (heat)>`."
msgid "Codename of the :term:`Identity service <Identity service (keystone)>`."
msgstr "Codename untuk :term:`Identity service <Identity service (keystone)>`."
msgid ""
"Collection of Compute components that represent the global state of the "
"cloud; talks to services, such as Identity authentication, Object Storage, "
"and node/storage workers through a queue."
msgstr ""
"Kumpulan komponen Compute yang mewakili keadaan global cloud; pembicaraan "
"untuk layanan, seperti otentikasi identitas, Object Storage, dan pekerja "
"node/storage melalui antrian."
msgid ""
"Collective name for the Object Storage object services, container services, "
"and account services."
msgstr ""
"Nama kolektif untuk layanan objek Object Storage, layanan kontainer, dan "
"layanan akun."
msgid ""
"Collective term for Object Storage components that provide additional "
msgstr ""
"Istilah kolektif untuk komponen Object Storage yang menyediakan "
"fungsionalitas tambahan."
msgid ""
"Collective term for a group of Object Storage components that processes "
"queued and failed updates for containers and objects."
msgstr ""
"Istilah kolektif untuk sekelompok komponen Object Storage bahwa proses "
"update antrian dan kegagalan untuk kontainer dan objek."
msgid ""
"Combination of a URI and UUID used to access Image service VM images through "
"the image API."
msgstr ""
"Kombinasi dari URI dan UUID digunakan untuk mengakses layanan Image image VM "
"melalui image API."
msgid "Command prompts"
msgstr "Petunjuknya perintah (command prompts)"
msgid "Common Internet File System (CIFS)"
msgstr "Common Internet File System (CIFS)"
msgid "Common Libraries (oslo)"
msgstr "Common Libraries (oslo)"
msgid ""
"Community project that captures Compute AMQP communications; useful for "
msgstr ""
"Proyek komunitas yang menangkap komunikasi Compute AMQP; berguna untuk "
msgid ""
"Community project that uses shell scripts to quickly build complete "
"OpenStack development environments."
msgstr ""
"Proyek komunitas yang menggunakan skrip shell untuk segera membangun "
"lingkungan pengembangan OpenStack lengkap."
msgid ""
"Community project used to run automated tests against the OpenStack API."
msgstr ""
"Proyek komunitas yang digunakan untuk menjalankan tes terhadap API OpenStack "
msgid "Community support"
msgstr "Dukungan Komunitas"
msgid ""
"Companies that rent specialized applications that help businesses and "
"organizations provide additional services with lower cost."
msgstr ""
"Perusahaan yang menyewa aplikasi khusus yang membantu bisnis dan organisasi "
"memberikan layanan tambahan dengan biaya yang lebih rendah."
msgid ""
"Component of Identity that provides a rule-management interface and a rule-"
"based authorization engine."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Identity yang menyediakan antarmuka aturan-manajemen dan mesin "
"otorisasi berbasis aturan."
msgid "Compute API (Nova API)"
msgstr "Compute API (Nova API)"
msgid "Compute service (nova)"
msgstr "Layanan Compute (nova)"
msgid ""
"Computer that provides explicit services to the client software running on "
"that system, often managing a variety of computer operations. A server is a "
"VM instance in the Compute system. Flavor and image are requisite elements "
"when creating a server."
msgstr ""
"Komputer yang menyediakan layanan eksplisit untuk perangkat lunak klien yang "
"berjalan pada sistem itu, sering mengelola berbagai operasi komputer. Server "
"adalah sebuah instance VM dalam sistem Compute. Flavor dan image adalah "
"elemen yang diperlukan saat membuat server."
msgid ""
"Configurable option within Object Storage to limit database writes on a per-"
"account and/or per-container basis."
msgstr ""
"Opsi dikonfigurasi dalam Object Storage untuk membatasi database menulis "
"pada basis per-akun dan / atau per-kontainer."
msgid ""
"Configuration setting within RabbitMQ that enables or disables message "
"acknowledgment. Enabled by default."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan konfigurasi dalam RabbitMQ yang mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan "
"pesan pengakuan. Diaktifkan secara default."
msgid ""
"Connected to by a direct consumer in RabbitMQ—Compute, the message can be "
"consumed only by the current connection."
msgstr ""
"Terhubung oleh konsumen langsung di RabbitMQ-Compute, pesan dapat dikonsumsi "
"hanya dengan sambungan saat ini."
msgid "Container Infrastructure Management service (magnum)"
msgstr "Layanan Container Infrastructure Management (magnum)"
msgid ""
"Contains configuration information that Object Storage uses to reconfigure a "
"ring or to re-create it from scratch after a serious failure."
msgstr ""
"Berisi informasi konfigurasi yang Object Storage digunakan untuk "
"mengkonfigurasi sebuah cincin (ring) atau untuk menciptakan kembali dari "
"awal (scratch) setelah kegagalan serius."
msgid ""
"Contains information about a user as provided by the identity provider. It "
"is an indication that a user has been authenticated."
msgstr ""
"Berisi informasi tentang pengguna yang disediakan oleh penyedia identitas. "
"Ini merupakan indikasi bahwa pengguna telah dikonfirmasi."
msgid ""
"Contains the locations of all Object Storage partitions within the ring."
msgstr "Berisi lokasi dari semua partisi Object Storage dalam cincin (ring)."
msgid "Contains the output from a Linux VM console in Compute."
msgstr "Berisi output dari konsol Linux VM di Compute."
msgid "Contractual obligations that ensure the availability of a service."
msgstr "Kewajiban kontrak yang menjamin ketersediaan layanan."
msgid "Conventions"
msgstr "Konvensi (Convention)"
msgid ""
"Converts an existing server to a different flavor, which scales the server "
"up or down. The original server is saved to enable rollback if a problem "
"occurs. All resizes must be tested and explicitly confirmed, at which time "
"the original server is removed."
msgstr ""
"Mengkonversi sebuah server yang ada untuk flavor yang berbeda, yang "
"melakukan skala server naik atau turun. Server asli disimpan untuk "
"mengaktifkan rollback jika terjadi masalah. Semua mengubah ukuran harus "
"diuji dan secara eksplisit menegaskan, pada saat server asli dihapus."
msgid ""
"Creates a full Object Storage development environment within a single VM."
msgstr ""
"Menciptakan lingkungan pengembangan Object Storage penuh dalam VM tunggal."
msgid "Critical information about the risk of data loss or security issues."
msgstr ""
"Informasi penting tentang risiko kehilangan data atau masalah keamanan."
msgid "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)"
msgstr "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)"
msgid "Crowbar"
msgstr "Crowbar"
msgid "Custom modules that extend some OpenStack core APIs."
msgstr "Modul kustom yang memperpanjang beberapa API OpenStack inti."
msgid "D"
msgstr "D"
msgid "DHCP agent"
msgstr "DHCP agent"
msgid "DNS record"
msgstr "DNS record"
msgid "DNS service (designate)"
msgstr "Layanan DNS (designate)"
msgid ""
"Daemon that provides DNS, DHCP, BOOTP, and TFTP services for virtual "
msgstr ""
"Daemon yang menyediakan DNS, DHCP, BOOTP, dan layanan TFTP untuk jaringan "
msgid "Dashboard (horizon)"
msgstr "Dashboard (horizon)"
msgid "Data Processing service (sahara)"
msgstr "Layanan Data Processing (sahara)"
msgid "Data loss prevention (DLP) software"
msgstr "Data loss prevention (DLP) software"
msgid ""
"Data that is only known to or accessible by a user and used to verify that "
"the user is who he says he is. Credentials are presented to the server "
"during authentication. Examples include a password, secret key, digital "
"certificate, and fingerprint."
msgstr ""
"Data yang hanya diketahui atau diakses oleh pengguna dan digunakan untuk "
"memverifikasi bahwa pengguna adalah orang yang katanya dia. Kredensial "
"disajikan ke server selama otentikasi. Contohnya termasuk password, kunci "
"rahasia (secret key), sertifikat digital (digital certificate), dan sidik "
"jari (fingerprint)."
msgid "Database service (trove)"
msgstr "Layanan Database (trove)"
msgid "Debian"
msgstr "Debian"
msgid ""
"Defines resources for a cell, including CPU, storage, and networking. Can "
"apply to the specific services within a cell or a whole cell."
msgstr ""
"Mendefinisikan sumber daya untuk sel, termasuk CPU, penyimpanan, dan "
"jaringan. Dapat berlaku untuk layanan tertentu dalam sel atau sel utuh."
msgid ""
"Denial of service (DoS) is a short form for denial-of-service attack. This "
"is a malicious attempt to prevent legitimate users from using a service."
msgstr ""
"Penolakan layanan, Denial of service (DoS) adalah bentuk singkat untuk "
"serangan denial-of-service. Ini adalah upaya berbahaya untuk mencegah "
"pengguna yang sah dari penggunaan layanan."
msgid ""
"Depending on context, the core API is either the OpenStack API or the main "
"API of a specific core project, such as Compute, Networking, Image service, "
"and so on."
msgstr ""
"Tergantung pada konteks, inti API meliputi OpenStack API ataupun API utama "
"dari proyek inti spesific, seperti Compute, Networking, layanan Image, dan "
msgid ""
"Describes the parameters of the various virtual machine images that are "
"available to users; includes parameters such as CPU, storage, and memory. "
"Alternative term for flavor."
msgstr ""
"Menjelaskan parameter dari berbagai Image mesin virtual yang tersedia untuk "
"pengguna; termasuk parameter seperti CPU, penyimpanan, dan memori. Istilah "
"alternatif untuk flavor."
msgid "Desktop-as-a-Service"
msgstr "Desktop-as-a-Service"
msgid ""
"Determines whether back-end members of a VIP pool can process a request. A "
"pool can have several health monitors associated with it. When a pool has "
"several monitors associated with it, all monitors check each member of the "
"pool. All monitors must declare a member to be healthy for it to stay active."
msgstr ""
"Menentukan apakah anggota back-end dari kolam VIP dapat memproses "
"permintaan. Sebuah kolam (pool) dapat memiliki beberapa monitor kesehatan "
"yang berhubungan dengan itu. Ketika kolam memiliki beberapa monitor yang "
"terkait dengan itu, semua monitor memeriksa setiap anggota dari kolam. Semua "
"monitor harus menyatakan anggota untuk menjadi sehat untuk itu untuk tetap "
msgid "DevStack"
msgstr "DevStack"
msgid ""
"Device plugged into a PCI slot, such as a fibre channel or network card."
msgstr ""
"Perangkat terhubung ke slot PCI, seperti saluran serat atau kartu jaringan."
msgid "Diablo"
msgstr "Diablo"
msgid ""
"Disables server-side message acknowledgment in the Compute RabbitMQ. "
"Increases performance but decreases reliability."
msgstr ""
"Nonaktifkan pengakuan pesan server-side dalam Compute RabbitMQ. Meningkatkan "
"kinerja tetapi menurun kehandalan."
msgid "Discretionary Access Control (DAC)"
msgstr "Discretionary Access Control (DAC)"
msgid ""
"Disk-based data storage generally represented as an iSCSI target with a file "
"system that supports extended attributes; can be persistent or ephemeral."
msgstr ""
" Penyimpanan data berbasis disk umumnya direpresentasikan sebagai target "
"iSCSI dengan sistem file yang mendukung atribut diperpanjang (extended); "
"dapat lama (persisten) dan singkat (ephemeral)."
msgid ""
"Disk-based virtual memory used by operating systems to provide more memory "
"than is actually available on the system."
msgstr ""
"Memori virtual berbasis disk yang digunakan oleh sistem operasi untuk "
"menyediakan memori lebih dari yang sebenarnya tersedia pada sistem."
msgid "Distributed block storage system for QEMU, supported by OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Sistem penyimpanan blok terdistribusi untuk QEMU, didukung oleh OpenStack."
msgid ""
"Distributes partitions proportionately across Object Storage devices based "
"on the storage capacity of each device."
msgstr ""
"Mendistribusikan partisi secara proporsional di seluruh perangkat Object "
"Storage berdasarkan kapasitas penyimpanan masing-masing perangkat."
msgid "Django"
msgstr "Django"
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasi"
msgid "Documentation feedback"
msgstr "Umpan balik dokumentasi"
msgid "Domain Name System (DNS)"
msgstr "Domain Name System (DNS)"
msgid ""
"During the set up or testing of OpenStack, you might have questions about "
"how a specific task is completed or be in a situation where a feature does "
"not work correctly. Use the ` <>`_ "
"site to ask questions and get answers. When you visit the `Ask OpenStack "
"<>`_ site, scan the recently asked questions to see "
"whether your question has already been answered. If not, ask a new question. "
"Be sure to give a clear, concise summary in the title and provide as much "
"detail as possible in the description. Paste in your command output or stack "
"traces, links to screen shots, and any other information which might be "
msgstr ""
"Selama pengaturan atau pengujian OpenStack, Anda mungkin memiliki pertanyaan "
"tentang bagaimana tugas tertentu selesai atau berada dalam situasi di mana "
"fitur tidak bekerja dengan benar. Gunakan situs ` <https://"
">`_ untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan mendapatkan jawaban. "
"Ketika Anda mengunjungi situs `Ask OpenStack <>`_, "
"tindailah pertanyaan yang diminta untuk melihat apakah pertanyaan Anda telah "
"dijawab. Jika tidak, ajukan pertanyaan baru. Pastikan untuk memberikan yang "
"jelas, ringkasan singkat dalam judul dan memberikan sedetail mungkin dalam "
"deskripsi. Tempel output perintah atau tumpukan jejak, link Anda ke layar "
"screen shot, dan informasi lainnya yang mungkin berguna."
msgid "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)"
msgstr "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)"
msgid "Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (DHTML)"
msgstr "Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (DHTML)"
msgid "E"
msgstr "E"
msgid "EBS boot volume"
msgstr "EBS boot volume"
msgid "EC2"
msgstr "EC2"
msgid "EC2 API"
msgstr "EC2 API"
msgid "EC2 Compatibility API"
msgstr "EC2 Compatibility API"
msgid "EC2 access key"
msgstr "EC2 access key"
msgid "EC2 secret key"
msgstr "EC2 secret key"
msgid "ESXi"
msgstr "ESXi"
msgid "ETag"
msgstr "ETag"
msgid ""
"Either a soft or hard reboot of a server. With a soft reboot, the operating "
"system is signaled to restart, which enables a graceful shutdown of all "
"processes. A hard reboot is the equivalent of power cycling the server. The "
"virtualization platform should ensure that the reboot action has completed "
"successfully, even in cases in which the underlying domain/VM is paused or "
msgstr ""
"Reboot lembut (soft) ataupun keras (hard) dari server. Dengan soft reboot, "
"sistem operasi ditandai restart, yang mengaktifkan shutdown lembut dari "
"semua proses. Sebuah hard reboot adalah setara dengan kekuatan putaran "
"server. Platform virtualisasi harus memastikan bahwa tindakan restart telah "
"selesai dengan sukses, bahkan dalam kasus-kasus dimana domain/VM yang "
"mendasari dijeda atau dihentikan/berhenti."
msgid "Elastic Block Storage (EBS)"
msgstr "Elastic Block Storage (EBS)"
msgid "Element of RabbitMQ that provides a response to an incoming MQ message."
msgstr "Unsur RabbitMQ yang menyediakan respon terhadap pesan MQ masuk."
msgid ""
"Enables Compute and Networking integration, which enables Networking to "
"perform network management for guest VMs."
msgstr ""
"Aktifkan integrasi Compute dan Networking, yang mengaktifkan Networking "
"untuk melakukan manajemen jaringan untuk guest VM."
msgid ""
"Enables Compute to communicate with NetApp storage devices through the "
"NetApp OnCommand Provisioning Manager."
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan komputer untuk berkomunikasi dengan perangkat penyimpanan "
"NetApp melalui NetApp OnCommand Provisioning Manager."
msgid ""
"Enables Networking to distribute incoming requests evenly between designated "
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan Networking untuk mendistribusikan permintaan yang masuk secara "
"merata antara instance yang ditunjuk."
msgid ""
"Enables a Linux bridge to understand a Networking port, interface "
"attachment, and other abstractions."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan jembatan Linux (Linux bridge) untuk memahami port Networking, "
"sambungan antarmuka (interface attachment), dan abstraksi lainnya."
msgid "Essex"
msgstr "Essex"
msgid "Eucalyptus Kernel Image (EKI)"
msgstr "Eucalyptus Kernel Image (EKI)"
msgid "Eucalyptus Machine Image (EMI)"
msgstr "Eucalyptus Machine Image (EMI)"
msgid "Eucalyptus Ramdisk Image (ERI)"
msgstr "Eucalyptus Ramdisk Image (ERI)"
msgid ""
"Extension to iptables that allows creation of firewall rules that match "
"entire \"sets\" of IP addresses simultaneously. These sets reside in indexed "
"data structures to increase efficiency, particularly on systems with a large "
"quantity of rules."
msgstr ""
"Ekstensi untuk iptables yang memungkinkan penciptaan aturan firewall yang "
"cocok seluruh \"set\" alamat IP secara bersamaan. Set ini berada dalam "
"struktur data diindeks untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, terutama pada sistem "
"dengan jumlah besar aturan."
msgid "F"
msgstr "F"
msgid ""
"Facility in Compute that allows each virtual machine instance to have more "
"than one VIF connected to it."
msgstr ""
"Fasilitas di komputer yang memungkinkan setiap instance mesin virtual untuk "
"memiliki lebih dari satu VIF terhubung."
msgid "FakeLDAP"
msgstr "FakeLDAP"
msgid ""
"Feature in modern Ethernet networks that supports frames up to approximately "
"9000 bytes."
msgstr ""
"Fitur dalam jaringan Ethernet modern yang mendukung frame sampai sekitar "
"9000 byte."
msgid ""
"Feature of certain network interface drivers that combines many smaller "
"received packets into a large packet before delivery to the kernel IP stack."
msgstr ""
"Fitur driver jaringan tertentu antarmuka yang menggabungkan banyak paket "
"yang diterima lebih kecil ke dalam paket besar sebelum pengiriman ke stack "
"IP kernel."
msgid "Fedora"
msgstr "Fedora"
msgid "Fibre Channel"
msgstr "Fibre Channel"
msgid "Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)"
msgstr "Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)"
msgid ""
"File system option that enables storage of additional information beyond "
"owner, group, permissions, modification time, and so on. The underlying "
"Object Storage file system must support extended attributes."
msgstr ""
"Pilihan sistem file yang mengaktifkan penyimpanan informasi tambahan di "
"luar owner, group, permissions, modification time, dan sebagainya. Sistem "
"file Object Storage mendasari harus mendukung atribut diperpanjang (extended "
msgid ""
"Filtering tool for a Linux bridging firewall, enabling filtering of network "
"traffic passing through a Linux bridge. Used in Compute along with "
"arptables, iptables, and ip6tables to ensure isolation of network "
msgstr ""
"Alat penyaringan untuk Linux menjembatani firewall, mengaktifkan penyaringan "
"lalu lintas jaringan melewati jembatan Linux. Digunakan dalam Compute "
"bersama dengan arptables, iptables, dan ip6tables untuk memastikan isolasi "
"komunikasi jaringan."
msgid "FireWall-as-a-Service (FWaaS)"
msgstr "FireWall-as-a-Service (FWaaS)"
msgid "Flat Manager"
msgstr "Flat Manager"
msgid "FlatDHCP Manager"
msgstr "FlatDHCP Manager"
msgid "Folsom"
msgstr "Folsom"
msgid ""
"For IaaS, ability for a regular (non-privileged) account to manage a virtual "
"infrastructure component such as networks without involving an administrator."
msgstr ""
"Untuk IaaS, kemampuan untuk akun biasa (non-hak istimewa) untuk mengelola "
"komponen infrastruktur virtual seperti jaringan tanpa melibatkan "
msgid ""
"For a given service, SFC is the abstracted view of the required service "
"functions and the order in which they are to be applied."
msgstr ""
"Untuk layanan yang diberikan, SFC adalah gambaran yang disarikan dari fungsi "
"layanan yang diperlukan dan urutan dimana mereka harus diterapkan."
msgid ""
"For the available OpenStack documentation, see ` <https://"
msgstr ""
"Untuk dokumentasi OpenStack yang tersedia, lihat ` "
msgid "FormPost"
msgstr "FormPost"
msgid "G"
msgstr "G"
msgid ""
"Generally, extra properties on an Image service image to which only cloud "
"administrators have access. Limits which user roles can perform CRUD "
"operations on that property. The cloud administrator can configure any image "
"property as protected."
msgstr ""
"Umumnya, sifat ekstra pada image layanan Image yang hanya cloud "
"administrator yang memiliki akses. Batas dimana peran pengguna dapat "
"melakukan operasi CRUD pada properti itu. Administrator awan dapat "
"mengkonfigurasi properti image sebagai dilindungi."
msgid "Give a clear, concise summary."
msgstr "Memberikan ringkasan yang jelas, singkat."
msgid ""
"Gives guest VMs exclusive access to a PCI device. Currently supported in "
"OpenStack Havana and later releases."
msgstr ""
"Memberikan guest VM akses eksklusif ke perangkat PCI. Saat ini didukung "
"dalam OpenStack Havana dan rilis."
msgid "Glossary"
msgstr "Glosarium"
msgid "GlusterFS"
msgstr "GlusterFS"
msgid "Governance service (congress)"
msgstr "Layanan Governance (congress)"
msgid ""
"Governs the ability of subjects to access objects, while enabling users to "
"make policy decisions and assign security attributes. The traditional UNIX "
"system of users, groups, and read-write-execute permissions is an example of "
msgstr ""
"Mengatur kemampuan subyek untuk mengakses objek, sementara memungkinkan "
"pengguna untuk membuat keputusan kebijakan dan menetapkan atribut keamanan. "
"Sistem UNIX tradisional untuk pengguna, kelompok, dan izin membaca-menulis-"
"eksekusi (read-write-execute) adalah contoh dari DAC."
msgid "Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)"
msgstr "Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)"
msgid "Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)"
msgstr "Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)"
msgid "Green Threads"
msgstr "Green Threads"
msgid "Grizzly"
msgstr "Grizzly"
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Group"
msgid "H"
msgstr "H"
msgid "HAProxy"
msgstr "HAProxy"
msgid "Hadoop"
msgstr "Hadoop"
msgid "Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)"
msgstr "Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)"
msgid "Havana"
msgstr "Havana"
msgid "Heat Orchestration Template (HOT)"
msgstr "Heat Orchestration Template (HOT)"
msgid "Heat input in the format native to OpenStack."
msgstr "Masukan panas (heat input) dalam format asli untuk OpenStack."
msgid "Helpful information that prevents the user from making mistakes."
msgstr "Informasi bermanfaat yang mencegah pengguna dari membuat kesalahan."
msgid ""
"High-availability mode for legacy (nova) networking. Each compute node "
"handles NAT and DHCP and acts as a gateway for all of the VMs on it. A "
"networking failure on one compute node doesn't affect VMs on other compute "
msgstr ""
"Modus ketersediaan tinggi untuk jaringan legacy (nova). Setiap node "
"menghitung menangani NAT dan DHCP dan bertindak sebagai gateway untuk semua "
"VM di atasnya. Sebuah kegagalan jaringan pada satu menghitung node tidak "
"mempengaruhi VM pada node komputasi lainnya."
msgid ""
"High-performance 64-bit file system created by Silicon Graphics. Excels in "
"parallel I/O operations and data consistency."
msgstr ""
"Sistem file 64-bit performa tinggi yang dibuat oleh Silicon Graphics. Unggul "
"secara paralel operasi I/O dan konsistensi data."
msgid "Host Bus Adapter (HBA)"
msgstr "Host Bus Adapter (HBA)"
msgid "Hyper-V"
msgstr "Hyper-V"
msgid "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)"
msgstr "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)"
msgid "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)"
msgstr "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)"
msgid "I"
msgstr "I"
msgid "ID number"
msgstr "ID number"
msgid "IETF"
msgstr "IETF"
msgid "INI format"
msgstr "Format INI"
msgid ""
"IOPS are a common performance measurement used to benchmark computer storage "
"devices like hard disk drives, solid state drives, and storage area networks."
msgstr ""
"IOPS adalah pengukuran kinerja yang umum digunakan untuk patokan (benchmark) "
"perangkat penyimpanan komputer seperti hard disk drive, solid state drive, "
"dan storage area networks."
msgid "IP Address Management (IPAM)"
msgstr "IP Address Management (IPAM)"
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "IP address"
msgid ""
"IPMI is a standardized computer system interface used by system "
"administrators for out-of-band management of computer systems and monitoring "
"of their operation. In layman's terms, it is a way to manage a computer "
"using a direct network connection, whether it is turned on or not; "
"connecting to the hardware rather than an operating system or login shell."
msgstr ""
"IPMI adalah antarmuka sistem komputer standar yang digunakan oleh "
"administrator sistem untuk manajemen out-of-band sistem komputer dan "
"pemantauan operasi mereka. Dalam istilah awam, itu adalah cara untuk "
"mengelola komputer menggunakan koneksi jaringan langsung, apakah itu "
"diaktifkan atau tidak; menghubungkan ke perangkat keras daripada sistem "
"operasi atau login shell."
msgid ""
"IQN is the format most commonly used for iSCSI names, which uniquely "
"identify nodes in an iSCSI network. All IQNs follow the pattern iqn.yyyy-mm."
"domain:identifier, where 'yyyy-mm' is the year and month in which the domain "
"was registered, 'domain' is the reversed domain name of the issuing "
"organization, and 'identifier' is an optional string which makes each IQN "
"under the same domain unique. For example, '"
msgstr ""
"IQN adalah format yang paling umum digunakan untuk nama iSCSI, dimana secara "
"unik mengidentifikasi node dalam jaringan iSCSI. Semua IQNs mengikuti pola "
"iqn.yyyy-mm.domain: identifier, dimana 'yyyy-mm' adalah tahun dan bulan "
"dimana domain terdaftar, 'domain' adalah nama domain dibalik dari organisasi "
"penerbitan, dan 'identifier' adalah string opsional yang membuat setiap IQN "
"bawah domain yang sama yang unik. Misalnya, '"
msgid "ISO9660"
msgstr "ISO9660"
msgid ""
"IaaS is a provisioning model in which an organization outsources physical "
"components of a data center, such as storage, hardware, servers, and "
"networking components. A service provider owns the equipment and is "
"responsible for housing, operating and maintaining it. The client typically "
"pays on a per-use basis. IaaS is a model for providing cloud services."
msgstr ""
"IaaS is a provisioning model in which an organization outsources physical "
"components of a data center, such as storage, hardware, servers, and "
"networking components. A service provider owns the equipment and is "
"responsible for housing, operating and maintaining it. The client typically "
"pays on a per-use basis. IaaS is a model for providing cloud services."
msgid "Icehouse"
msgstr "Icehouse"
msgid "Identity API"
msgstr "Identity API"
msgid "Identity back end"
msgstr "Identity back end"
msgid "Identity service (keystone)"
msgstr "Layanan Identity (keystone)"
msgid "Identity service API"
msgstr "Identity service API"
msgid ""
"If Object Storage finds objects, containers, or accounts that are corrupt, "
"they are placed in this state, are not replicated, cannot be read by "
"clients, and a correct copy is re-replicated."
msgstr ""
"Jika Object Storage menemukan benda, wadah, atau rekening yang korup, mereka "
"ditempatkan di keadaan ini, tidak direplikasi, tidak dapat dibaca oleh "
"klien, dan salinan yang benar kembali direplikasi."
msgid ""
"If a requested resource such as CPU time, disk storage, or memory is not "
"available in the parent cell, the request is forwarded to its associated "
"child cells. If the child cell can fulfill the request, it does. Otherwise, "
"it attempts to pass the request to any of its children."
msgstr ""
"Jika sumber daya yang diminta seperti CPU time, penyimpanan disk, atau "
"memori tidak tersedia dalam sel induk, permintaan tersebut diteruskan ke sel "
"anak yang terkait. Jika sel anak dapat memenuhi permintaan, itu akan "
"melakukannya. Jika tidak, ia mencoba untuk mengirim permintaan ke salah satu "
"dari anak-anaknya."
msgid ""
"If a requested resource, such as CPU time, disk storage, or memory, is not "
"available in the parent cell, the request is forwarded to associated child "
msgstr ""
"Jika sumber daya yang diminta, seperti waktu CPU, penyimpanan disk, atau "
"memori, tidak tersedia dalam sel induk, permintaan tersebut diteruskan ke "
"sel anak yang terkait."
msgid "Image API"
msgstr "Image API"
msgid "Image service (glance)"
msgstr "Layanan Image (glance)"
msgid ""
"Impassable limits for guest VMs. Settings include total RAM size, maximum "
"number of vCPUs, and maximum disk size."
msgstr ""
"Batas dilalui untuk tamu (guest) VM. Pengaturan mencakup ukuran total RAM, "
"jumlah maksimum vCPU, dan ukuran disk maksimum."
msgid ""
"In Compute and Block Storage, the ability to set resource limits on a per-"
"project basis."
msgstr ""
"Dalam Compute dan Block Storage, kemampuan untuk menetapkan batas sumber "
"daya pada basis per-proyek."
msgid ""
"In Compute, conductor is the process that proxies database requests from the "
"compute process. Using conductor improves security because compute nodes do "
"not need direct access to the database."
msgstr ""
"Dalam Compute, konduktor adalah proses dimana database proxy meminta dari "
"proses penghitungan. Penggunaan konduktor meningkatkan keamanan karena "
"menghitung node tidak memerlukan akses langsung ke database."
msgid ""
"In Object Storage, tools to test and ensure dispersion of objects and "
"containers to ensure fault tolerance."
msgstr ""
"Dalam Object Storage, alat untuk menguji dan memastikan dispersi dari objek "
"dan kontainer untuk memastikan toleransi kesalahan."
msgid ""
"In OpenStack Identity, entities represent individual API consumers and are "
"owned by a specific domain. In OpenStack Compute, a user can be associated "
"with roles, projects, or both."
msgstr ""
"Dalam OpenStack Identity, entitas mewakili konsumen API individu dan "
"dimiliki oleh domain tertentu. Dalam OpenStack Compute, pengguna dapat "
"dikaitkan dengan peran, proyek, atau keduanya."
msgid ""
"In OpenStack, the API version for a project is part of the URL. For example, "
msgstr ""
"Dalam OpenStack, versi API untuk sebuah proyek adalah bagian dari URL. "
"Misalnya, ````."
msgid ""
"In a high-availability setup with an active/active configuration, several "
"systems share the load together and if one fails, the load is distributed to "
"the remaining systems."
msgstr ""
"Dalam setup ketersediaan tinggi dengan aktif / konfigurasi aktif, beberapa "
"sistem berbagi beban bersama-sama dan jika salah satu gagal, beban "
"didistribusikan ke sistem yang tersisa."
msgid ""
"In a high-availability setup with an active/passive configuration, systems "
"are set up to bring additional resources online to replace those that have "
msgstr ""
"Dalam setup ketersediaan tinggi dengan / konfigurasi pasif aktif, sistem "
"yang dibentuk untuk membawa sumber daya online tambahan untuk menggantikan "
"mereka yang telah gagal."
msgid ""
"In cryptography, an entity that issues digital certificates. The digital "
"certificate certifies the ownership of a public key by the named subject of "
"the certificate. This enables others (relying parties) to rely upon "
"signatures or assertions made by the private key that corresponds to the "
"certified public key. In this model of trust relationships, a CA is a "
"trusted third party for both the subject (owner) of the certificate and the "
"party relying upon the certificate. CAs are characteristic of many public "
"key infrastructure (PKI) schemes. In OpenStack, a simple certificate "
"authority is provided by Compute for cloudpipe VPNs and VM image decryption."
msgstr ""
"Dalam kriptografi, sebuah entitas yang mengeluarkan sertifikat digital. "
"Sertifikat digital mengesahkan kepemilikan kunci publik (public key) oleh "
"subjek bernama sertifikat. Hal ini memungkinkan orang lain (mengandalkan "
"pihak) bergantung pada tanda tangan (signature) atau pernyataan yang dibuat "
"oleh kunci pribadi (private key) yang sesuai dengan kunci publik "
"bersertifikat (certified public key). Dalam model ini hubungan kepercayaan, "
"CA adalah pihak ketiga yang dipercaya untuk kedua subjek (pemilik) "
"sertifikat dan pihak mengandalkan sertifikat. CA merupakan ciri khas dari "
"beberapa skema infrastruktur kunci publik (public key infrastructure) (PKI). "
"Dalam OpenStack, otoritas sertifikat sederhana disediakan oleh Compute untuk "
"cloudpipe VPN dan dekripsi image VM."
msgid ""
"In the context of Object Storage, this is a process that is not terminated "
"after an upgrade, restart, or reload of the service."
msgstr ""
"Dalam konteks Object Storage, ini adalah proses yang tidak berakhir setelah "
"upgrade, restart, atau ulang layanan."
msgid ""
"In the context of the Identity service, the worker process that provides "
"access to the admin API."
msgstr ""
"Dalam konteks pelayanan Identity, proses pekerja yang menyediakan akses ke "
"admin API."
msgid ""
"Information that consists solely of ones and zeroes, which is the language "
"of computers."
msgstr ""
"Informasi yang hanya terdiri dari satu dan nol, yang merupakan bahasa "
msgid "Infrastructure Optimization service (watcher)"
msgstr "Layanan Infrastructure Optimization (watcher)"
msgid "Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)"
msgstr "Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)"
msgid "Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS)"
msgstr "Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS)"
msgid "Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)"
msgstr "Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)"
msgid ""
"Interactions and processes that are obfuscated from the user, such as "
"Compute volume mount, data transmission to an iSCSI target by a daemon, or "
"Object Storage object integrity checks."
msgstr ""
"Interaksi dan proses yang disamarkan dari pengguna, seperti mount volume "
"Compute, transmisi data ke target iSCSI oleh daemon, atau pemeriksaan "
"integritas objek Object Storage."
msgid ""
"Interface within Networking that enables organizations to create custom plug-"
"ins for advanced features, such as QoS, ACLs, or IDS."
msgstr ""
"Antarmuka dalam Networking yang mengaktifkan organisasi untuk membuat custom "
"plug-in untuk fitur-fitur canggih, seperti QoS, ACL, atau IDS."
msgid "Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)"
msgstr "Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)"
msgid ""
"Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is an open standards organization "
"that develops Internet standards, particularly the standards pertaining to "
msgstr ""
"Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) adalah sebuah organisasi standar "
"terbuka yang mengembangkan standar internet, khususnya standar yang "
"berkaitan dengan TCP/IP."
msgid "Internet Service Provider (ISP)"
msgstr "Internet Service Provider (ISP)"
msgid "Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)"
msgstr "Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)"
msgid "Internet protocol (IP)"
msgstr "Internet protocol (IP)"
msgid "J"
msgstr "J"
msgid "Java"
msgstr "Java"
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
msgid "JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)"
msgstr "JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)"
msgid "Juno"
msgstr "Juno"
msgid "K"
msgstr "K"
msgid "Kerberos"
msgstr "Kerberos"
msgid "Key Manager service (barbican)"
msgstr "Layanan Key Manager (barbican)"
msgid "Kickstart"
msgstr "Kickstart"
msgid "Kilo"
msgstr "Kilo"
msgid "L"
msgstr "L"
msgid ""
"LBaaS feature that provides availability monitoring using the ``ping`` "
"command, TCP, and HTTP/HTTPS GET."
msgstr ""
"Fitur LBaaS yang menyediakan monitoring ketersediaan menggunakan perintah "
"``ping``, TCP, dan HTTP / HTTPS GET."
msgid "Launchpad"
msgstr "Launchpad"
msgid "Layer-2 (L2) agent"
msgstr "Layer-2 (L2) agent"
msgid "Layer-2 network"
msgstr "Layer-2 network (jaringan lapisan-2)"
msgid "Layer-3 (L3) agent"
msgstr "Layer-3 (L3) agent"
msgid "Layer-3 network"
msgstr "Layer-3 network (jaringan lapisan-3)"
msgid "Liberty"
msgstr "Liberty"
msgid "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)"
msgstr "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)"
msgid "Linux"
msgstr "Linux"
msgid "Linux Bridge neutron plug-in"
msgstr "Linux Bridge neutron plug-in"
msgid "Linux bridge"
msgstr "Linux bridge (jembatan Linux)"
msgid "Linux containers (LXC)"
msgstr "Linux containers (LXC)"
msgid ""
"Linux kernel feature that provides independent virtual networking instances "
"on a single host with separate routing tables and interfaces. Similar to "
"virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) services on physical network equipment."
msgstr ""
"Fitur kernel Linux yang menyediakan instance jaringan virtual independen "
"pada satu host dengan tabel routing yang terpisah dan interface. Mirip "
"layanan routing virtual dan forwarding (VRF) pada peralatan jaringan fisik."
msgid ""
"Linux kernel security module that provides the mechanism for supporting "
"access control policies."
msgstr ""
"Linux kernel modul keamanan yang menyediakan mekanisme untuk mendukung "
"kebijakan kontrol akses."
msgid "Lists allowed commands within the Compute rootwrap facility."
msgstr "Daftar perintah yang diperbolehkan dalam fasilitas rootwrap Compute."
msgid ""
"Lists containers in Object Storage and stores container information in the "
"account database."
msgstr ""
"Daftar kontainer di Object Storage dan menyimpan informasi kontainer dalam "
"database akun."
msgid "Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS)"
msgstr "Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS)"
msgid "Load-balancing service (octavia)"
msgstr "Layanan Load Balancing (octavia)"
msgid "Logical Volume Manager (LVM)"
msgstr "Logical Volume Manager (LVM)"
msgid ""
"Logical groupings of related code, such as the Block Storage volume manager "
"or network manager."
msgstr ""
"Pengelompokan logis dari kode terkait, seperti volume manager Block Storage "
"atau network manager."
msgid "Logical subdivision of an IP network."
msgstr "Subdivisi logis dari jaringan IP."
msgid ""
"Lower power consumption CPU often found in mobile and embedded devices. "
"Supported by OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Daya CPU konsumsi rendah sering ditemukan pada perangkat mobile dan "
"embedded. Didukung oleh OpenStack."
msgid "M"
msgstr "M"
msgid ""
"MD5 hash of an object within Object Storage, used to ensure data integrity."
msgstr ""
"MD5 hash dari sebuah objek dalam Object Storage, digunakan untuk memastikan "
"integritas data."
msgid "Maps Object Storage partitions to physical storage devices."
msgstr "Pemetaan partisi Object Storage ke perangkat penyimpanan fisik."
msgid ""
"Massively scalable distributed storage system that consists of an object "
"store, block store, and POSIX-compatible distributed file system. Compatible "
"with OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Sistem penyimpanan besar-besaran scalable terdistribusi yang terdiri dari "
"sebuah penyimpanan objek, blok penyimpanan, dan POSIX-kompatibel sistem file "
"terdistribusi. Kompatibel dengan OpenStack."
msgid ""
"Maximum frame or packet size for a particular network medium. Typically 1500 "
"bytes for Ethernet networks."
msgstr ""
"Bingkai maksimum atau ukuran paket untuk media jaringan tertentu. Biasanya "
"1500 byte untuk jaringan Ethernet."
msgid ""
"Mechanism for highly available multi-host routing when using OpenStack "
"Networking (neutron)."
msgstr ""
"Mekanisme untuk routing multi-host yang sangat tersedia ketika menggunakan "
"OpenStack Networking (neutron)."
msgid ""
"Mechanism in IP networks to detect end-to-end MTU and adjust packet size "
msgstr ""
"Mekanisme dalam jaringan IP untuk mendeteksi end-to-end MTU dan menyesuaikan "
"ukuran paket sesuai."
msgid ""
"Message exchange that is cleared when the service restarts. Its data is not "
"written to persistent storage."
msgstr ""
"Pertukaran pesan yang dihapus ketika layanan restart. datanya tidak ditulis "
"ke penyimpanan persisten."
msgid ""
"Message queue software supported by OpenStack. An alternative to RabbitMQ. "
"Also spelled 0MQ."
msgstr ""
"Software pesan antrian didukung oleh OpenStack. Sebuah alternatif untuk "
"RabbitMQ. Juga dieja 0MQ."
msgid ""
"Message queue software supported by OpenStack; an alternative to RabbitMQ."
msgstr ""
"Software pesan antrian didukung oleh OpenStack; alternatif untuk RabbitMQ."
msgid ""
"Message queue that is cleared when the service restarts. Its data is not "
"written to persistent storage."
msgstr ""
"Antrian pesan yang dihapus ketika layanan restart. datanya tidak ditulis ke "
"penyimpanan persisten."
msgid "Message service (zaqar)"
msgstr "Layanan Message (zaqar)"
msgid "Meta-Data Server (MDS)"
msgstr "Meta-Data Server (MDS)"
msgid "Metadata agent"
msgstr "Metadata agent"
msgid ""
"Method of keeping a clock for a host or node correct via communication with "
"a trusted, accurate time source."
msgstr ""
"Metode menjaga jam untuk host atau node yang benar melalui komunikasi dengan "
"dunia, sumber waktu yang akurat."
msgid ""
"Method to access VM instance consoles using a web browser. Supported by "
msgstr ""
"Metode untuk mengakses VM instance konsol menggunakan web browser. Didukung "
"oleh Compute."
msgid "Mitaka"
msgstr "Mitaka"
msgid "Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in"
msgstr "Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in"
msgid ""
"Modular system that allows the underlying message queue software of Compute "
"to be changed. For example, from RabbitMQ to ZeroMQ or Qpid."
msgstr ""
"Sistem modular yang memungkinkan perangkat lunak antrian pesan yang "
"mendasari Compute harus diubah. Misalnya, dari RabbitMQ ke ZeroMQ atau Qpid."
msgid "Monitor (LBaaS)"
msgstr "Monitor (LBaaS)"
msgid "Monitor (Mon)"
msgstr "Monitor (Mon)"
msgid "Monitoring (monasca)"
msgstr "Monitoring (monasca)"
msgid "N"
msgstr "N"
msgid "NFV Orchestration Service (tacker)"
msgstr "Layanan NFV Orchestration (tacker)"
msgid "Nebula"
msgstr "Nebula"
msgid "NetApp volume driver"
msgstr "NetApp volume driver"
msgid "Network Address Translation (NAT)"
msgstr "Network Address Translation (NAT)"
msgid "Network File System (NFS)"
msgstr "Network File System (NFS)"
msgid "Network Service Header (NSH)"
msgstr "Network Service Header (NSH)"
msgid "Network Time Protocol (NTP)"
msgstr "Network Time Protocol (NTP)"
msgid ""
"Network traffic between a user or client (north) and a server (south), or "
"traffic into the cloud (south) and out of the cloud (north). See also east-"
"west traffic."
msgstr ""
"Lalu lintas jaringan antara pengguna atau klien (utara) dan server "
"(selatan), atau lalu lintas ke dalam cloud (selatan) dan keluar dari cloud "
"(utara). Lihat juga lalu lintas timur-barat."
msgid ""
"Network traffic between servers in the same cloud or data center. See also "
"north-south traffic."
msgstr ""
"Lalu lintas jaringan antara server di awan yang sama atau datacenter. Lihat "
"juga lalu lintas utara-selatan."
msgid "Networking API (Neutron API)"
msgstr "Networking API (Neutron API)"
msgid "Networking service (neutron)"
msgstr "Layanan Networking (neutron)"
msgid ""
"New users are assigned to this project if no project is specified when a "
"user is created."
msgstr ""
"Pengguna baru ditugaskan untuk proyek ini jika ada proyek yang ditentukan "
"ketika pengguna dibuat."
msgid "Newton"
msgstr "Newton"
msgid "Nexenta volume driver"
msgstr "Nexenta volume driver"
msgid "Nginx"
msgstr "Nginx"
msgid "No ACK"
msgstr "No ACK"
msgid "Notices"
msgstr "Pemberitahuan (Notice)"
msgid "Notices take these forms:"
msgstr "Pemberitahuan mengambil bentuk-bentuk:"
msgid "Nova API"
msgstr "Nova API"
msgid ""
"Number that is unique to every computer system on the Internet. Two versions "
"of the Internet Protocol (IP) are in use for addresses: IPv4 and IPv6."
msgstr ""
"Angka yang unik untuk setiap sistem komputer di Internet. Dua versi dari "
"Internet Protocol (IP) yang digunakan untuk alamat: IPv4 dan IPv6."
msgid "O"
msgstr "O"
msgid "Object Storage API"
msgstr "Object Storage API"
msgid "Object Storage Device (OSD)"
msgstr "Object Storage Device (OSD)"
msgid ""
"Object Storage middleware that uploads (posts) an image through a form on a "
"web page."
msgstr ""
"Object Storage middleware yang di upload (posting) image melalui formulir di "
"halaman web."
msgid "Object Storage service (swift)"
msgstr "Layanan Object Storage (swift)"
msgid "Ocata"
msgstr "Ocata"
msgid "Octavia"
msgstr "Octavia"
msgid "Oldie"
msgstr "Oldie"
msgid ""
"One of the RPC primitives used by the OpenStack message queue software. "
"Sends a message and does not wait for a response."
msgstr ""
"Salah satu primitif RPC digunakan oleh perangkat lunak pesan antrian "
"OpenStack. Mengirim pesan dan tidak menunggu jawaban."
msgid ""
"One of the RPC primitives used by the OpenStack message queue software. "
"Sends a message and waits for a response."
msgstr ""
"Salah satu primitif RPC digunakan oleh perangkat lunak pesan antrian "
"OpenStack. Mengirim pesan dan menunggu respons."
msgid "One of the VM image disk formats supported by Image service."
msgstr "Salah satu VM format disk image didukung oleh layanan Image."
msgid ""
"One of the VM image disk formats supported by Image service; an unstructured "
"disk image."
msgstr ""
"Salah satu format disk image VM didukung oleh layanan Image; disk image "
"tidak terstruktur."
msgid ""
"One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system and the default role "
"assigned to a new user."
msgstr ""
"Salah satu peran default di sistem Compute RBAC dan peran default ditugaskan "
"untuk pengguna baru."
msgid ""
"One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system. Enables a user to add "
"other users to a project, interact with VM images that are associated with "
"the project, and start and stop VM instances."
msgstr ""
"Salah satu peran default di sistem Compute RBAC. Mengaktifkan pengguna untuk "
"menambahkan pengguna lain untuk proyek, berinteraksi dengan VM image yang "
"terkait dengan proyek, dan mulai dan berhenti VM instance."
msgid ""
"One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system. Enables the user to "
"allocate publicly accessible IP addresses to instances and change firewall "
msgstr ""
"Salah satu peran default di sistem Compute RBAC. Memungkinkan pengguna untuk "
"mengalokasikan alamat IP dapat diakses publik untuk instance dan mengubah "
"aturan firewall."
msgid ""
"One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system. Grants complete system "
msgstr ""
"Salah satu peran default di sistem Compute RBAC. Melakukan hibah (grant) "
"akses sistem yang lengkap."
msgid "One of the hypervisors supported by OpenStack."
msgstr "Salah satu hypervisors didukung oleh OpenStack."
msgid "One of the supported response formats in OpenStack."
msgstr "Salah satu format respon didukung dalam OpenStack."
msgid "Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI)"
msgstr "Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI)"
msgid "Open Virtualization Format (OVF)"
msgstr "Open Virtualization Format (OVF)"
msgid ""
"Open source GUI and CLI tools used for remote console access to VMs. "
"Supported by Compute."
msgstr ""
"Alat GUI dan CLI open source digunakan untuk akses remote konsol untuk VMs. "
"Didukung oleh Compute."
msgid ""
"Open source tool used to access remote hosts through an encrypted "
"communications channel, SSH key injection is supported by Compute."
msgstr ""
"Alat open source yang digunakan untuk mengakses host remote melalui saluran "
"komunikasi terenkripsi, SSH key injection didukung oleh Compute."
msgid "Open vSwitch"
msgstr "Open vSwitch"
msgid "Open vSwitch (OVS) agent"
msgstr "Open vSwitch (OVS) agent"
msgid ""
"Open vSwitch is a production quality, multilayer virtual switch licensed "
"under the open source Apache 2.0 license. It is designed to enable massive "
"network automation through programmatic extension, while still supporting "
"standard management interfaces and protocols (for example NetFlow, sFlow, "
"SPAN, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag)."
msgstr ""
"Open vSwitch adalah kualitas produksi, multilayer virtual switch "
"dilisensikan di bawah open source lisensi Apache 2.0. Hal ini dirancang "
"untuk memungkinkan otomatisasi jaringan besar melalui ekstensi program, "
"sementara masih mendukung antarmuka manajemen standar dan protokol (misalnya "
"NetFlow, sFlow, SPAN, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag)."
msgid "Open vSwitch neutron plug-in"
msgstr "Open vSwitch neutron plug-in"
msgid "OpenLDAP"
msgstr "OpenLDAP"
msgid "OpenStack"
msgstr "OpenStack"
msgid ""
"OpenStack Networking agent that provides DHCP services for virtual networks."
msgstr ""
"Agen OpenStack Networking yang menyediakan layanan DHCP untuk jaringan "
msgid ""
"OpenStack Networking agent that provides layer-2 connectivity for virtual "
msgstr ""
"Agen OpenStack Networking yang menyediakan lapisan-2 konektivitas untuk "
"jaringan virtual."
msgid ""
"OpenStack Networking agent that provides layer-3 (routing) services for "
"virtual networks."
msgstr ""
"agen OpenStack Networking yang menyediakan lapisan-3 (routing) layanan untuk "
"jaringan virtual."
msgid ""
"OpenStack Networking agent that provides metadata services for instances."
msgstr ""
"Agen OpenStack Networking yang menyediakan layanan metadata untuk instance."
msgid "OpenStack code name"
msgstr "OpenStack code name"
msgid "OpenStack distribution packages"
msgstr "Paket distribusi OpenStack"
msgid ""
"OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, "
"storage, and networking resources throughout a data center, all managed "
"through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their "
"users to provision resources through a web interface. OpenStack is an open "
"source project licensed under the Apache License 2.0."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack adalah sistem operasi cloud yang mengontrol kolam (pool) besar "
"komputasi, storage, dan sumber daya jaringan di seluruh pusat data, semua "
"dikelola melalui dashboard yang memberikan administrator mengontrol "
"sekaligus memberdayakan pengguna mereka untuk penyediaan sumber daya melalui "
"antarmuka web. OpenStack adalah sebuah proyek open source berlisensi di "
"bawah Lisensi Apache 2.0."
msgid "OpenStack mailing lists"
msgstr "OpenStack milis"
msgid ""
"OpenStack project that aims to make cloud services easier to consume and "
"integrate with application development process by automating the source-to-"
"image process, and simplifying app-centric deployment."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack yang bertujuan untuk membuat layanan cloud lebih mudah "
"untuk mengkonsumsi dan mengintegrasikan dengan proses pengembangan aplikasi "
"dengan mengotomatisasi proses source-to-image, dan menyederhanakan "
"pengerahan app-centric."
msgid ""
"OpenStack project that aims to organize, analyze and visualize OpenStack "
"alarms and events, yield insights regarding the root cause of problems and "
"deduce their existence before they are directly detected."
msgstr ""
"proyek OpenStack yang bertujuan untuk mengatur, menganalisis dan "
"memvisualisasikan alarm dan peristiwa (event) OpenStack, menghasilkan "
"wawasan (insight) tentang akar penyebab masalah dan menyimpulkan keberadaan "
"mereka sebelum mereka terdeteksi langsung."
msgid ""
"OpenStack project that aims to provide a flexible and scalable resource "
"optimization service for multi-project OpenStack-based clouds."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan layanan optimalisasi "
"sumber daya yang fleksibel dan scalable untuk multi-proyek awan berbasis "
msgid ""
"OpenStack project that provides a framework for performance analysis and "
"benchmarking of individual OpenStack components as well as full production "
"OpenStack cloud deployments."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack yang menyediakan kerangka kerja untuk analisis kinerja dan "
"benchmarking komponen OpenStack secara individual maupun produksi penuh "
"pengerahan cloud OpenStack."
msgid ""
"OpenStack project that provides a scalable data-processing stack and "
"associated management interfaces."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack yang menyediakan setumpuk pengolahan data terukur dan "
"antarmuka manajemen terkait."
msgid ""
"OpenStack project that provides scalable, on demand, self service access to "
"authoritative DNS services, in a technology-agnostic manner."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack yang menyediakan layanan scalable, berdasarkan permintaan, "
"self-service akses ke layanan DNS otoritatif, secara technology-agnostic. "
msgid ""
"OpenStack project which provides an extensible, unified, web-based user "
"interface for all OpenStack services."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack yang menyediakan user interface extensible, terpadu, "
"berbasis web untuk semua layanan OpenStack."
msgid ""
"OpenStack service that aims to implement Network Function Virtualization "
"(NFV) orchestration services and libraries for end-to-end life-cycle "
"management of network services and Virtual Network Functions (VNFs)."
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack yang bertujuan untuk menerapkan perpustakaan dan layanan "
"orkestrasi Network Function Virtualization (NFV) untuk mengelola layanan "
"jaringan end-to-end life-cycle dan Virtual Network Functions (VNF)."
msgid "OpenStack supports accessing the Amazon EC2 API through Compute."
msgstr "OpenStack mendukung mengakses Amazon EC2 API melalui Compute."
msgid ""
"OpenStack supports encryption technologies such as HTTPS, SSH, SSL, TLS, "
"digital certificates, and data encryption."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack mendukung teknologi enkripsi seperti HTTPS, SSH, SSL, TLS, "
"sertifikat digital, dan enkripsi data."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-on-OpenStack program. The code name for the OpenStack Deployment "
msgstr ""
"Program OpenStack-on-OpenStack. Nama kode untuk program OpenStack Deployment."
msgid ""
"Opens all objects for an object server and verifies the MD5 hash, size, and "
"metadata for each object."
msgstr ""
"Membuka semua objek untuk server objek dan memverifikasi MD5 hash, ukuran, "
"dan metadata untuk setiap objek."
msgid "Orchestration service (heat)"
msgstr "Layanan Orchestration (heat)"
msgid ""
"Organizes and stores objects in Object Storage. Similar to the concept of a "
"Linux directory but cannot be nested. Alternative term for an Image service "
"container format."
msgstr ""
"Mengatur dan menyimpan objek dalam Object Storage. Mirip dengan konsep "
"sebuah direktori Linux tetapi tidak dapat bersarang. Istilah alternatif "
"untuk format kontainer layanan Image."
msgid "Oslo"
msgstr "Oslo"
msgid "P"
msgstr "P"
msgid "PCI passthrough"
msgstr "PCI passthrough"
msgid ""
"Pages that use HTML, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets to enable users "
"to interact with a web page or show simple animation."
msgstr ""
"Halaman yang menggunakan HTML, JavaScript, dan Cascading Style Sheets untuk "
"mengaktifkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi dengan halaman web atau menunjukkan "
"animasi sederhana."
msgid ""
"Part of the OpenStack :term:`Telemetry service <Telemetry service "
"(telemetry)>`; gathers and stores metrics from other OpenStack services."
msgstr ""
"Bagian dari OpenStack :term:`Telemetry service <Telemetry service "
"(telemetry)>`; mengumpulkan dan menyimpan metrik dari layanan OpenStack "
msgid ""
"Part of the OpenStack :term:`Telemetry service <Telemetry service "
"(telemetry)>`; provides alarming functionality."
msgstr ""
"Bagian dari OpenStack :term:`Telemetry service <Telemetry service "
"(telemetry)>`; menyediakan tanda bahaya secara fungsiional."
msgid ""
"Part of the OpenStack :term:`Telemetry service <Telemetry service "
"(telemetry)>`; provides an indexer and time-series database."
msgstr ""
"Bagian dari OpenStack :term:`Telemetry service <Telemetry service "
"(telemetry)>`; menyediakan database indexer dan time-series."
msgid ""
"Part of the OpenStack :term:`Telemetry service <Telemetry service "
"(telemetry)>`; provides event storage."
msgstr ""
"Bagian dari OpenStack :term:`Telemetry service <Telemetry service "
"(telemetry)>`; menyediakan event storage."
msgid ""
"Passed to API requests and used by OpenStack to verify that the client is "
"authorized to run the requested operation."
msgstr ""
"Diluluskan permintaan API dan digunakan oleh OpenStack untuk memverifikasi "
"bahwa klien berwenang untuk menjalankan operasi yang diminta."
msgid ""
"Passes requests from clients to the appropriate workers and returns the "
"output to the client after the job completes."
msgstr ""
"Melewati permintaan dari klien untuk para pekerja yang sesuai dan "
"mengembalikan output ke klien setelah pekerjaan selesai."
msgid "Physical host dedicated to running compute nodes."
msgstr "Host fisik yang didedikasikan untuk menjalankan menghitung node."
msgid "Pike"
msgstr "Pike"
msgid "Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)"
msgstr "Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)"
msgid ""
"Point in time since the last container and accounts database sync among "
"nodes within Object Storage."
msgstr ""
"Titik waktu (point in time) sejak sinkronisasi terakhir container and "
"accounts database antara node dalam Object Storage."
msgid ""
"Principal communications protocol in the internet protocol suite for "
"relaying datagrams across network boundaries."
msgstr ""
"Protokol komunikasi utama di internet protokol untuk menyampaikan datagram "
"melintasi batas-batas jaringan."
msgid ""
"Process of modifying IP address information while in transit. Supported by "
"Compute and Networking."
msgstr ""
"Proses memodifikasi informasi alamat IP saat transit. Didukung oleh Compute "
"dan Networking."
msgid ""
"Process whereby the system firmware validates the authenticity of the code "
"involved in the boot process."
msgstr ""
"Proses dimana firmware sistem memvalidasi keaslian kode yang terlibat dalam "
"proses boot."
msgid "Programming language used extensively in OpenStack."
msgstr "Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan secara luas di OpenStack."
msgid ""
"Project name for OpenStack Network Information Service. To be merged with "
msgstr ""
"Nama proyek untuk OpenStack Network Information Service. Untuk digabung "
"dengan Networking."
msgid ""
"Projects represent the base unit of “ownership” in OpenStack, in that all "
"resources in OpenStack should be owned by a specific project. In OpenStack "
"Identity, a project must be owned by a specific domain."
msgstr ""
"Proyek merupakan unit dasar dari \"ownership\" di OpenStack, dalam bahwa "
"semua sumber daya dalam OpenStack harus dimiliki oleh suatu proyek tertentu. "
"Dalam OpenStack Identity, sebuah proyek harus dimiliki oleh domain tertentu."
msgid ""
"Protocol that encapsulates a wide variety of network layer protocols inside "
"virtual point-to-point links."
msgstr ""
"Protokol yang merangkum berbagai protokol lapisan jaringan dalam virtual "
"point-to-point links."
msgid ""
"Provide as much detail as possible in the description. Paste in your command "
"output or stack traces, links to screen shots, and any other information "
"which might be useful."
msgstr ""
"Menyediakan detail sebanyak mungkin dalam deskripsi. Tempel di output "
"perintah atau tumpukan jejak, link Anda ke layar tembakan, dan informasi "
"lainnya yang mungkin berguna."
msgid ""
"Provided by Compute in the form of cloudpipes, specialized instances that "
"are used to create VPNs on a per-project basis."
msgstr ""
"Disediakan oleh Compute dalam bentuk cloudpipes, instance spesial yang "
"digunakan untuk membuat VPN pada basis per-proyek."
msgid "Provided in Compute through the system usage data facility."
msgstr "Tersedia di Compute melalui fasilitas data penggunaan sistem."
msgid ""
"Provides a mechanism for metadata exchange along the instantiated service "
msgstr ""
"Menyediakan mekanisme untuk pertukaran metadata sejalan dengan layanan "
"instantiated (pemberian contoh)."
msgid ""
"Provides a mechanism to implement packet forwarding and routing according to "
"the policies defined by the network administrator."
msgstr ""
"Menyediakan mekanisme untuk mengimplementasikan forwarding dan routing paket "
"sesuai dengan kebijakan yang ditetapkan oleh administrator jaringan."
msgid ""
"Provides a method of allocating space on mass-storage devices that is more "
"flexible than conventional partitioning schemes."
msgstr ""
"Menyediakan metode mengalokasikan ruang pada perangkat penyimpanan massal "
"yang lebih fleksibel daripada skema partisi konvensional."
msgid ""
"Provides a predefined list of actions that the user can perform, such as "
"start or stop VMs, reset passwords, and so on. Supported in both Identity "
"and Compute and can be configured using the dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Memberikan daftar standar tindakan dimana pengguna dapat melakukan, seperti "
"start atau berhenti VM, reset password, dan sebagainya. Didukung di kedua "
"layanan Identitas dan Compute dan dapat dikonfigurasi menggunakan dashboard."
msgid ""
"Provides an approach for network administrators to manage computer network "
"services through abstraction of lower-level functionality."
msgstr ""
"Memberikan pendekatan untuk administrator jaringan untuk mengelola layanan "
"jaringan komputer melalui abstraksi dari fungsi lower-level."
msgid ""
"Provides an interface to the underlying Open vSwitch service for the "
"Networking plug-in."
msgstr ""
"Menyediakan sebuah antarmuka untuk layanan Open vSwitch mendasari untuk "
"Networking plug-in."
msgid ""
"Provides data redundancy and fault tolerance by creating copies of Object "
"Storage objects, accounts, and containers so that they are not lost when the "
"underlying storage fails."
msgstr ""
"Menyediakan redundansi data dan toleransi kesalahan dengan membuat salinan "
"objek Object Storage, rekening, dan kontainer sehingga mereka tidak hilang "
"ketika gagal penyimpanan yang mendasari."
msgid ""
"Provides logical partitioning of Compute resources in a child and parent "
"relationship. Requests are passed from parent cells to child cells if the "
"parent cannot provide the requested resource."
msgstr ""
"Memberikan partisi logis dari sumber daya komputer dalam hubungan anak dan "
"inang. Permintaan diwariskan dari sel induk ke sel anak jika inang tidak "
"dapat memberikan sumber daya yang diminta."
msgid "Provides support for NexentaStor devices in Compute."
msgstr "Memberikan dukungan untuk perangkat NexentaStor di Compute."
msgid "Provides support for Open vSwitch in Networking."
msgstr "Memberikan dukungan untuk Open vSwitch di Networking."
msgid "Provides support for VMware NSX in Neutron."
msgstr "Memberikan dukungan untuk VMware NSX di Neutron."
msgid ""
"Provides support for new and specialized types of back-end storage for the "
"Block Storage volume manager."
msgstr ""
"Memberikan dukungan untuk jenis baru dan khusus penyimpanan back-end untuk "
"manajer volume Block Storage."
msgid "Puppet"
msgstr "Puppet"
msgid "Python"
msgstr "Python"
msgid "Q"
msgstr "Q"
msgid "QEMU Copy On Write 2 (QCOW2)"
msgstr "QEMU Copy On Write 2 (QCOW2)"
msgid ""
"QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. One of "
"the hypervisors supported by OpenStack, generally used for development "
msgstr ""
"QEMU adalah mesin emulator dan virtualizer generik dan open source. Salah "
"satu hypervisors didukung oleh OpenStack, umumnya digunakan untuk tujuan "
msgid "Qpid"
msgstr "Qpid"
msgid "Quality of Service (QoS)"
msgstr "Quality of Service (QoS)"
msgid "Queens"
msgstr "Queens"
msgid "Quick EMUlator (QEMU)"
msgstr "Quick EMUlator (QEMU)"
msgid "R"
msgstr "R"
msgid "RADOS Block Device (RBD)"
msgstr "RADOS Block Device (RBD)"
msgid "RAM filter"
msgstr "RAM filter"
msgid "RAM overcommit"
msgstr "RAM overcommit"
msgid "RESTful"
msgstr "RESTful"
msgid "RPC driver"
msgstr "RPC driver"
msgid "RXTX cap"
msgstr "RXTX cap"
msgid "RXTX quota"
msgstr "RXTX quota"
msgid "RabbitMQ"
msgstr "RabbitMQ"
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgid "Recon"
msgstr "Recon"
msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)"
msgstr "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)"
msgid ""
"Reducing the size of files by special encoding, the file can be decompressed "
"again to its original content. OpenStack supports compression at the Linux "
"file system level but does not support compression for things such as Object "
"Storage objects or Image service VM images."
msgstr ""
"Mengurangi ukuran file dengan encoding khusus, file dapat didekompresi lagi "
"untuk konten aslinya. OpenStack mendukung kompresi pada tingkat sistem file "
"Linux tetapi tidak mendukung kompresi untuk hal-hal seperti benda Object "
"Storage atau image VM dari layanan Image "
msgid "Released as open source by NASA in 2010 and is the basis for Compute."
msgstr ""
"Dirilis sebagai open source oleh NASA pada tahun 2010 dan merupakan dasar "
"untuk Compute."
msgid ""
"Released as open source by Rackspace in 2010; the basis for Object Storage."
msgstr ""
"Dirilis sebagai open source oleh Rackspace pada tahun 2010; dasar Object "
msgid "Reliable, Autonomic Distributed Object Store"
msgstr "Reliable, Autonomic Distributed Object Store"
msgid "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)"
msgstr "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)"
msgid ""
"Removes all data on the server and replaces it with the specified image. "
"Server ID and IP addresses remain the same."
msgstr ""
"Menghapus semua data pada server dan menggantikannya dengan image yang "
"ditentukan. Server ID dan alamat IP tetap sama."
msgid "Represents a virtual, isolated OSI layer-2 subnet in Networking."
msgstr "Merupakan virtual, terisolasi OSI lapisan-2 subnet di Networking."
msgid ""
"Responsible for managing Shared File System Service devices, specifically "
"the back-end devices."
msgstr ""
"Bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola perangkat Shared File System Service, "
"khususnya perangkat back-end."
msgid "Role Based Access Control (RBAC)"
msgstr "Role Based Access Control (RBAC)"
msgid "Root Cause Analysis (RCA) service (Vitrage)"
msgstr "Layanan Root Cause Analysis (RCA) (vitrage)"
msgid "Runs automated tests against the core OpenStack API; written in Rails."
msgstr ""
"Menjalankan tes otomatis terhadap inti OpenStack API; ditulis dalam Rails."
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"
msgid "SAML assertion"
msgstr "SAML assertion"
msgid "SELinux"
msgstr "SELinux"
msgid ""
"SINA standard that defines a RESTful API for managing objects in the cloud, "
"currently unsupported in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"standar SINA yang mendefinisikan RESTful API untuk mengelola objek di cloud, "
"saat ini tidak didukung di OpenStack."
msgid ""
"SPICE provides remote desktop access to guest virtual machines. It is an "
"alternative to VNC. SPICE is supported by OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"SPICE menyediakan akses desktop ke mesin virtual guest. Ini adalah sebuah "
"alternatif untuk VNC. SPICE didukung oleh OpenStack."
msgid "SQLAlchemy"
msgstr "SQLAlchemy"
msgid "SQLite"
msgstr "SQLite"
msgid "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)"
msgstr "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)"
msgid "See API endpoint."
msgstr "Lihat API endpoint."
msgid "Service Function Chain (SFC)"
msgstr "Service Function Chain (SFC)"
msgid "Service Level Agreement (SLA)"
msgstr "Service Level Agreement (SLA)"
msgid ""
"Set of bits that make up a single character; there are usually 8 bits to a "
msgstr ""
"Kumpulan bit yang membentuk karakter tunggal; biasanya ada 8 bit untuk byte."
msgid ""
"Setting for the Compute RabbitMQ message delivery mode; can be set to either "
"transient or persistent."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan untuk mode pengiriman pesan Compute RabbitMQ; dapat diatur untuk "
"baik sementara atau persisten."
msgid "Shared File Systems API"
msgstr "Shared File Systems API"
msgid "Shared File Systems service (manila)"
msgstr "Layanan Shared File Systems (manila)"
msgid "Sheepdog"
msgstr "Sheepdog"
msgid "Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM)"
msgstr "Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM)"
msgid "Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments (SPICE)"
msgstr "Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments (SPICE)"
msgid "Single-root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV)"
msgstr "Single-root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV)"
msgid "SmokeStack"
msgstr "SmokeStack"
msgid ""
"Soft limit on the amount of network traffic a Compute VM instance can send "
"and receive."
msgstr ""
"Batas lunak pada jumlah lalu lintas jaringan instance VM Compute dapat "
"mengirim dan menerima."
msgid "Software Development Lifecycle Automation service (solum)"
msgstr "Layanan Software Development Lifecycle Automation (solum)"
msgid ""
"Software component providing the actual implementation for Networking APIs, "
"or for Compute APIs, depending on the context."
msgstr ""
"Komponen perangkat lunak menyediakan implementasi aktual untuk Networking "
"API, atau untuk API Compute, tergantung pada konteksnya."
msgid ""
"Software programs used to protect sensitive information and prevent it from "
"leaking outside a network boundary through the detection and denying of the "
"data transportation."
msgstr ""
"Program perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk melindungi informasi sensitif "
"dan mencegah dari bocor luar batas jaringan melalui deteksi dan menyangkal "
"dari transportasi data."
msgid ""
"Software that arbitrates and controls VM access to the actual underlying "
msgstr ""
"Software yang memediasi dan mengontrol akses VM ke hardware yang sebenarnya."
msgid ""
"Software that enables multiple VMs to share a single physical NIC within "
msgstr ""
"Perangkat lunak yang mengaktifkan beberapa VM berbagi NIC fisik tunggal "
"dalam Compute."
msgid ""
"Software that runs on a host or node and provides the features and functions "
"of a hardware-based network switch."
msgstr ""
"Software yang berjalan pada host atau node dan menyediakan fitur dan fungsi "
"dari switch jaringan berbasis hardware."
msgid "Software-defined networking (SDN)"
msgstr "Software-defined networking (SDN)"
msgid "SolidFire Volume Driver"
msgstr "SolidFire Volume Driver"
msgid "Some tips:"
msgstr "Beberapa tips:"
msgid "Something you must be aware of before proceeding."
msgstr "Sesuatu yang Anda harus menyadari sebelum melanjutkan."
msgid ""
"Special project that contains all services that are listed in the catalog."
msgstr "Proyek khusus yang berisi semua layanan yang tercantum dalam katalog."
msgid ""
"Specialized microprocessor for incorporating cryptographic keys into devices "
"for authenticating and securing a hardware platform."
msgstr ""
"Mikroprosesor spesial untuk menggabungkan keys kriptografi ke dalam "
"perangkat untuk otentikasi dan mengamankan platform hardware."
msgid ""
"Specification for managing identity in the cloud, currently unsupported by "
msgstr ""
"Spesifikasi untuk mengelola identitas di cloud, saat ini tidak didukung oleh "
msgid ""
"Specifies additional requirements when Compute determines where to start a "
"new instance. Examples include a minimum amount of network bandwidth or a "
msgstr ""
"Menentukan persyaratan tambahan ketika Compute menentukan dimana untuk "
"memulai sebuah instance baru. Contohnya termasuk jumlah minimum bandwidth "
"jaringan atau GPU."
msgid ""
"Specifies the authentication source used by Image service or Identity. In "
"the Database service, it refers to the extensions implemented for a data "
msgstr ""
"Menentukan sumber otentikasi yang digunakan oleh layanan Image atau "
"Identity. Dalam layanan database, mengacu pada ekstensi diimplementasikan "
"untuk menyimpan data."
msgid "StackTach"
msgstr "StackTach"
msgid "Standard for packaging VM images. Supported in OpenStack."
msgstr "Standar untuk kemasan VM image. Didukung dalam OpenStack."
msgid "StaticWeb"
msgstr "StaticWeb"
msgid ""
"Storage protocol similar in concept to TCP/IP; encapsulates SCSI commands "
"and data."
msgstr ""
"Protokol penyimpanan mirip dalam konsep TCP / IP; dikemas perintah SCSI dan "
msgid ""
"Storage protocol that encapsulates SCSI frames for transport over IP "
"networks. Supported by Compute, Object Storage, and Image service."
msgstr ""
"Protokol penyimpanan yang merangkum frame SCSI untuk transportasi melalui "
"jaringan IP. Didukung oleh layanan Compute, Object Storage, dan Image."
msgid "Stores CephFS metadata."
msgstr "Penyimpanan CephFS metadata."
msgid ""
"String of text known only by the user; used along with an access key to make "
"requests to the Compute API."
msgstr ""
"String teks hanya dikenal oleh pengguna; digunakan bersama dengan access key "
"untuk membuat permintaan ke API Compute."
msgid "Subdivides physical CPUs. Instances can then use those divisions."
msgstr ""
"Membagi CPU fisik. Instance kemudian dapat menggunakan pembagian tersebut."
msgid "Supports interaction with VMware products in Compute."
msgstr "Interaksi dukungan (support) dengan produk VMware di Compute."
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"
msgid "Telemetry service (telemetry)"
msgstr "Layanan Telemetry (telemetry)"
msgid "TempAuth"
msgstr "TempAuth"
msgid "TempURL"
msgstr "TempURL"
msgid "Tempest"
msgstr "Tempest"
msgid "Tenant API"
msgstr "Tenant API"
msgid ""
"Term for an :term:`Object Storage<Object Storage service (swift)>` process "
"that runs for a long time. Can indicate a hung process."
msgstr ""
"Istilah untuk proses :term:`Object Storage<Object Storage service (swift)>` "
"yang berjalan dalam waktu yang lama. Dapat menunjukkan proses bergantung "
"(hung process)."
msgid ""
"Term used in the OSI network architecture for the data link layer. The data "
"link layer is responsible for media access control, flow control and "
"detecting and possibly correcting errors that may occur in the physical "
msgstr ""
"Istilah yang digunakan dalam arsitektur jaringan OSI untuk lapisan data "
"link. Data link layer bertanggung jawab untuk kontrol akses media, kontrol "
"aliran dan mendeteksi dan mungkin memperbaiki kesalahan yang mungkin terjadi "
"pada lapisan fisik."
msgid ""
"Term used in the OSI network architecture for the network layer. The network "
"layer is responsible for packet forwarding including routing from one node "
"to another."
msgstr ""
"Istilah yang digunakan dalam arsitektur jaringan OSI untuk lapisan jaringan. "
"Lapisan jaringan yang bertanggung jawab untuk forwarding paket termasuk rute "
"dari satu node ke yang lain."
msgid ""
"The API used to access the OpenStack Identity service provided through "
msgstr ""
"API yang digunakan untuk mengakses layanan OpenStack Identity disediakan "
"melalui keystone."
msgid "The Amazon commercial block storage product."
msgstr "Amazon produk penyimpanan blok komersial."
msgid "The Amazon commercial compute product, similar to Compute."
msgstr "Amazon produk komputasi komersial, mirip dengan Compute."
msgid ""
"The Apache Software Foundation supports the Apache community of open-source "
"software projects. These projects provide software products for the public "
msgstr ""
"Apache Software Foundation mendukung komunitas Apache proyek software open-"
"source. Proyek-proyek ini menyediakan produk perangkat lunak untuk "
"kepentingan publik."
msgid "The Block Storage driver for the SolidFire iSCSI storage appliance."
msgstr "Driver Blokir Storage untuk alat penyimpanan SolidFire iSCSI."
msgid ""
"The Border Gateway Protocol is a dynamic routing protocol that connects "
"autonomous systems. Considered the backbone of the Internet, this protocol "
"connects disparate networks to form a larger network."
msgstr ""
"Border Gateway Protocol adalah protokol routing dinamis yang menghubungkan "
"sistem otonom. Dianggap sebagai tulang punggung Internet, protokol ini "
"menghubungkan jaringan yang berbeda untuk membentuk jaringan yang lebih "
msgid "The Ceph storage daemon."
msgstr "Ceph daemon penyimpanan."
msgid ""
"The Compute RabbitMQ message exchange that remains active when the server "
msgstr ""
"Pertukaran pesan Compute RabbitMQ yang tetap aktif saat server restart."
msgid ""
"The Compute VM scheduling algorithm that attempts to start a new VM on the "
"host with the least amount of load."
msgstr ""
"Algoritma penjadwalan Compute VM yang mencoba untuk memulai VM baru pada "
"host dengan sedikit jumlah beban."
msgid ""
"The Compute component that chooses suitable hosts on which to start VM "
msgstr ""
"Komponen Compute yang memilih host yang sesuai dimana untuk memulai VM "
msgid ""
"The Compute component that contains a list of the current capabilities of "
"each host within the cell and routes requests as appropriate."
msgstr ""
"Komponen komputer yang berisi daftar kemampuan saat ini masing-masing host "
"dalam sel dan rute permintaan yang sesuai."
msgid ""
"The Compute component that gives IP addresses to authorized nodes and "
"assumes DHCP, DNS, and routing configuration and services are provided by "
"something else."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Compute yang memberikan alamat IP ke node resmi dan mengasumsikan "
"DHCP, DNS, dan konfigurasi routing dan layanan yang disediakan oleh sesuatu "
"hal lain."
msgid ""
"The Compute component that manages various network components, such as "
"firewall rules, IP address allocation, and so on."
msgstr ""
"Komponen komputer yang mengelola berbagai komponen jaringan, seperti aturan "
"firewall, alokasi alamat IP, dan sebagainya."
msgid ""
"The Compute component that provides dnsmasq (DHCP, DNS, BOOTP, TFTP) and "
"radvd (routing) services."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Compute yang menyediakan dnsmasq (DHCP, DNS, BOOTP, TFTP) dan "
"layanan radvd (routing)."
msgid ""
"The Compute component that runs on each compute node and manages the VM "
"instance lifecycle, including run, reboot, terminate, attach/detach volumes, "
"and so on. Provided by the nova-compute daemon."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Compute yang berjalan pada setiap node komputasi dan mengelola "
"siklus hidup VM instance, termasuk menjalankan (run), reboot, menghentikan "
"(terminate), melekatkan/melepaskan (attach/detach) volume, dan sebagainya. "
"Disediakan oleh daemon nova-compute."
msgid ""
"The Compute direct exchanges, fanout exchanges, and topic exchanges use this "
"key to determine how to process a message; processing varies depending on "
"exchange type."
msgstr ""
"Compute pertukaran langsung, pertukaran fanout, dan pertukaran topik "
"menggunakan kunci ini untuk menentukan bagaimana proses pesan; pengolahan "
"bervariasi tergantung pada jenis pertukaran."
msgid ""
"The Compute scheduling method that attempts to fill a host with VMs rather "
"than starting new VMs on a variety of hosts."
msgstr ""
"Metode penjadwalan Compute yang mencoba untuk mengisi host dengan VM "
"daripada mulai VM baru di berbagai host."
msgid ""
"The Compute service can send alerts through its notification system, which "
"includes a facility to create custom notification drivers. Alerts can be "
"sent to and displayed on the dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Layanan Compute dapat mengirim peringatan melalui sistem pemberitahuan, yang "
"mencakup fasilitas untuk membuat driver pemberitahuan khusus. Alarm dapat "
"dikirim ke dan ditampilkan pada dashboard."
msgid ""
"The Compute service provides accounting information through the event "
"notification and system usage data facilities."
msgstr ""
"Layanan Compute memberikan informasi akuntansi melalui pemberitahuan acara "
"dan penggunaan sistem fasilitas data."
msgid "The Compute setting that enables or disables RAM overcommitment."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan Compute yang mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan RAM berlebih-lebihan."
msgid "The Identity component that provides high-level authorization services."
msgstr "Komponen Identity yang menyediakan layanan otorisasi tingkat tinggi."
msgid "The Identity service component that provides authentication services."
msgstr "Komponen layanan Identity yang menyediakan layanan otentikasi."
msgid ""
"The Identity service endpoint template that contains services available to "
"all projects."
msgstr ""
"Template endpoint layanan Identity yang berisi layanan yang tersedia untuk "
"semua proyek."
msgid ""
"The Image service API endpoint for management of VM images. Processes client "
"requests for VMs, updates Image service metadata on the registry server, and "
"communicates with the store adapter to upload VM images from the back-end "
msgstr ""
"Layanan Image API endpoint untuk manajemen images VM. Memproses permintaan "
"klien VM, update metadata layanan Image pada server registry, dan "
"berkomunikasi dengan adaptor penyimpanan untuk meng-upload image VM dari "
"penyimpanan back-end."
msgid "The Launchpad Bugs area"
msgstr "Tentang Launchpad Bugs"
msgid ""
"The Network Controller provides virtual networks to enable compute servers "
"to interact with each other and with the public network. All machines must "
"have a public and private network interface. A VLAN network is a private "
"network interface, which is controlled by the ``vlan_interface`` option with "
"VLAN managers."
msgstr ""
"Network Controller memberikan jaringan virtual untuk mengaktifkan server "
"komputasi untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain dan dengan jaringan publik. "
"Semua mesin harus memiliki antarmuka jaringan publik dan private. Sebuah "
"jaringan VLAN adalah antarmuka jaringan private, yang dikendalikan oleh opsi "
"``vlan_interface`` dengan manajer VLAN."
msgid ""
"The Network Controller provides virtual networks to enable compute servers "
"to interact with each other and with the public network. All machines must "
"have a public and private network interface. A private network interface can "
"be a flat or VLAN network interface. A flat network interface is controlled "
"by the flat_interface with flat managers. A VLAN network interface is "
"controlled by the ``vlan_interface`` option with VLAN managers."
msgstr ""
"Network Controller memberikan jaringan virtual untuk mengaktifkan server "
"komputasi untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain dan dengan jaringan publik. "
"Semua mesin harus memiliki antarmuka jaringan publik dan private. Sebuah "
"antarmuka jaringan private dapat menjadi antarmuka jaringan datar (flat) "
"atau VLAN. Sebuah antarmuka jaringan datar dikontrol oleh flat_interface "
"dengan manajer datar (flat). Sebuah antarmuka jaringan VLAN dikendalikan "
"oleh opsi ``vlan_interface`` dengan manajer VLAN."
msgid ""
"The Network Controller provides virtual networks to enable compute servers "
"to interact with each other and with the public network. All machines must "
"have a public and private network interface. The public network interface is "
"controlled by the ``public_interface`` option."
msgstr ""
"Network Controller memberikan jaringan virtual untuk mengaktifkan server "
"komputasi untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain dan dengan jaringan publik. "
"Semua mesin harus memiliki antarmuka jaringan publik dan private. Antarmuka "
"jaringan publik dikendalikan oleh opsi ``public_interface``."
msgid ""
"The Object Storage back-end process that creates and manages object replicas."
msgstr ""
"Proses back-end Object Storage yang menciptakan dan mengelola replika objek."
msgid ""
"The Object Storage component that provides container services, such as "
"create, delete, list, and so on."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Storage Obyek yang menyediakan layanan kontainer, seperti membuat, "
"menghapus, daftar, dan sebagainya."
msgid ""
"The Object Storage context of an account. Do not confuse with a user account "
"from an authentication service, such as Active Directory, /etc/passwd, "
"OpenLDAP, OpenStack Identity, and so on."
msgstr ""
"Objek Storage konteks akun. Jangan bingung dengan akun pengguna dari layanan "
"otentikasi, seperti Active Directory, /etc/passwd, OpenLDAP, OpenStack "
"Identitas, dan sebagainya."
msgid "The OpenStack IRC channel"
msgstr "OpenStack IRC channel (saluran IRC OpenStack)"
msgid ""
"The OpenStack configuration files use an INI format to describe options and "
"their values. It consists of sections and key value pairs."
msgstr ""
"File-file konfigurasi OpenStack menggunakan format INI untuk menggambarkan "
"pilihan dan nilai-nilai mereka. Ini terdiri dari bagian dan pasangan nilai "
"kunci (key value pairs)."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack core project that implements services and associated libraries "
"to provide massively-scalable, on-demand, self-service access to compute "
"resources, including bare metal, virtual machines, and containers."
msgstr ""
"Proyek inti OpenStack yang mengimplementasikan layanan dan perpustakaan "
"terkait untuk memberikan massively-scalable, akses on-demand self-service ke "
"komputasi sumber daya, termasuk bare meta, mesin virtual, dan kontainer."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack core project that provides eventually consistent and redundant "
"storage and retrieval of fixed digital content."
msgstr ""
"Proyek inti OpenStack yang menyediakan penyimpanan konsisten dan redundant "
"pada akhirnya dan pengambilan konten digital tetap."
msgid "The OpenStack documentation uses several typesetting conventions."
msgstr "Dokumentasi OpenStack menggunakan beberapa konvensi typesetting."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack project which collects measurements of the utilization of the "
"physical and virtual resources comprising deployed clouds, persists this "
"data for subsequent retrieval and analysis, and triggers actions when "
"defined criteria are met."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack yang mengumpulkan pengukuran pemanfaatan sumber daya fisik "
"dan virtual yang terdiri dari deployed cloud, melangsungkan data ini untuk "
"pengambilan dan analisis berikutnya, dan memicu tindakan ketika kriteria "
"yang ditetapkan terpenuhi."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack project which implements services and associated libraries to "
"provide on-demand, scalable, and technology-agnostic network abstraction."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack yang mengimplementasikan layanan dan perpustakaan terkait "
"untuk menyediakan abstraksi jaringan on-demand, scalable, dan technology-"
msgid ""
"The OpenStack service that implement services and libraries to provide on-"
"demand, self-service access to Block Storage resources via abstraction and "
"automation on top of other block storage devices."
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack yang menerapkan layanan dan perpustakaan untuk menyediakan "
"sumber on-demand , self-service akses ke Block Storage melalui abstraksi dan "
"otomatisasi di atas perangkat penyimpanan blok lainnya."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack service that provide services and associated libraries to "
"store, browse, share, distribute and manage bootable disk images, other data "
"closely associated with initializing compute resources, and metadata "
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack yang menyediakan layanan dan perpustakaan terkait untuk "
"menyimpan, menelusuri, membagikan, mendistribusikan dan mengelola image disk "
"bootable, data lain yang terkait erat dengan inisialisasi sumber daya "
"komputasi, dan definisi metadata."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack service that provides a multi-project, highly scalable, "
"performant, fault-tolerant monitoring-as-a-service solution for metrics, "
"complex event processing and logging. To build an extensible platform for "
"advanced monitoring services that can be used by both operators and projects "
"to gain operational insight and visibility, ensuring availability and "
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack yang menyediakan multi-proyek, sangat scalable, berkinerja "
"tinggi, solusi fault-tolerant monitoring-as-a-service untuk metrik, "
"processing dan logging event yang kompleks. Untuk membangun sebuah platform "
"extensible untuk layanan pemantauan canggih yang dapat digunakan oleh "
"operator dan proyek untuk mendapatkan wawasan operasional dan visibilitas, "
"pastikan ketersediaan dan stabilitas."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack service that provides a service and associated libraries "
"capable of managing and provisioning physical machines in a security-aware "
"and fault-tolerant manner."
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack yang menyediakan layanan dan terkait perpustakaan mampu "
"mengelola dan penyediaan mesin fisik dengan cara security-aware dan fault-"
msgid ""
"The OpenStack service that provides a simple YAML-based language to write "
"workflows (tasks and transition rules) and a service that allows to upload "
"them, modify, run them at scale and in a highly available manner, manage and "
"monitor workflow execution state and state of individual tasks."
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack yang menyediakan bahasa berbasis YAML sederhana untuk "
"menulis alur kerja (tugas dan aturan transisi) dan layanan yang memungkinkan "
"untuk upload, memodifikasi, menjalankan mereka di skala dan dalam cara yang "
"sangat tersedia, mengelola dan memantau keadaan eksekusi workflow dan "
"keadaan tugas individu."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack service which orchestrates composite cloud applications using "
"a declarative template format through an OpenStack-native REST API."
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack yang menyusun aplikasi cloud komposit menggunakan format "
"template deklaratif melalui OpenStack-native REST API."
msgid "The OpenStack wiki"
msgstr "OpenStack wiki"
msgid "The POSIX-compliant file system provided by Ceph."
msgstr "Sistem file POSIX-compliant disediakan oleh Ceph."
msgid "The Xen administrative API, which is supported by Compute."
msgstr "Xen administrative API, yang didukung oleh Compute."
msgid ""
"The ``nova-network`` worker daemon; provides services such as giving an IP "
"address to a booting nova instance."
msgstr ""
"Daemon pekerja ``nova-network``; menyediakan layanan seperti memberikan "
"alamat IP ke instance nova booting."
msgid ""
"The ``root`` user must run commands that are prefixed with the ``#`` prompt. "
"You can also prefix these commands with the :command:`sudo` command, if "
"available, to run them."
msgstr ""
"Pengguna ``root`` harus menjalankan perintah yang diawali dengan ``#`` "
"prompt. Anda juga dapat awalan perintah ini dengan perintah :command:`sudo`, "
"jika tersedia, untuk menjalankannya."
msgid ""
"The ability to encrypt data at the file system, disk partition, or whole-"
"disk level. Supported within Compute VMs."
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan untuk mengenkripsi data pada sistem file, partisi disk, atau "
"tingkat keseluruhan disk. Didukung dalam Compute VM."
msgid ""
"The ability to guarantee certain network or storage requirements to satisfy "
"a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between an application provider and end "
"users. Typically includes performance requirements like networking "
"bandwidth, latency, jitter correction, and reliability as well as storage "
"performance in Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS), throttling "
"agreements, and performance expectations at peak load."
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan untuk menjamin jaringan atau penyimpanan persyaratan tertentu "
"untuk memenuhi Service Level Agreement (SLA) antara penyedia aplikasi dan "
"pengguna akhir. Biasanya meliputi persyaratan kinerja seperti bandwidth "
"jaringan, latency, koreksi jitter, dan kehandalan serta kinerja storage "
"dalam Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS), perjanjian throttling, dan "
"ekspektasi kinerja pada beban puncak."
msgid ""
"The ability to start new VM instances based on the actual memory usage of a "
"host, as opposed to basing the decision on the amount of RAM each running "
"instance thinks it has available. Also known as RAM overcommit."
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan untuk memulai instance VM baru berdasarkan penggunaan memori yang "
"sebenarnya dari sebuah host, yang bertentangan dengan mendasarkan keputusan "
"pada jumlah RAM setiap instance menjalankan perhitungan (think) itu telah "
"tersedia. Juga dikenal sebagai RAM overcommit."
msgid ""
"The ability to start new VM instances based on the actual memory usage of a "
"host, as opposed to basing the decision on the amount of RAM each running "
"instance thinks it has available. Also known as memory overcommit."
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan untuk memulai instance VM baru berdasarkan penggunaan memori yang "
"sebenarnya dari sebuah host, yang bertentangan dengan mendasarkan keputusan "
"pada jumlah RAM setiap instance menjalankan perhitungan (think) itu telah "
"tersedia. Juga dikenal sebagai overcommit memori."
msgid ""
"The ability within Compute to move running virtual machine instances from "
"one host to another with only a small service interruption during switchover."
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan dalam Compute untuk bergerak menjalankan instance mesin virtual "
"dari satu host ke yang lain dengan hanya gangguan layanan kecil selama "
msgid ""
"The act of verifying that a user, process, or client is authorized to "
"perform an action."
msgstr ""
"Tindakan memverifikasi bahwa pengguna, proses, atau klien berwenang untuk "
"melakukan tindakan."
msgid ""
"The amount of available data used by communication resources, such as the "
"Internet. Represents the amount of data that is used to download things or "
"the amount of data available to download."
msgstr ""
"Jumlah data yang tersedia digunakan oleh sumber daya komunikasi, seperti "
"internet. Merupakan jumlah data yang digunakan untuk men-download hal-hal "
"atau jumlah data yang tersedia untuk men-download."
msgid ""
"The amount of time it takes for a new Object Storage object to become "
"accessible to all clients."
msgstr ""
"Jumlah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk objek Object Storage baru agar bisa "
"diakses oleh semua klien."
msgid ""
"The association between an Image service VM image and a project. Enables "
"images to be shared with specified projects."
msgstr ""
"Hubungan antara VM image layanan Image dan proyek. Memungkinkan image untuk "
"dibagikan dengan proyek tertentu."
msgid ""
"The back-end store used by Image service to store VM images, options include "
"Object Storage, locally mounted file system, RADOS block devices, VMware "
"datastore, or HTTP."
msgstr ""
"Penyimpanan back-end yang digunakan oleh layanan Image untuk menyimpan image "
"VM, opsinya meliputi Object Storage, sistem file mount secara lokal, "
"perangkat blok RADOS, datastore VMware, atau HTTP."
msgid ""
"The code name for the eighth release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in Portland, Oregon, US and Havana is an unincorporated community in "
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis kedelapan OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di "
"Portland, Oregon, Amerika Serikat dan Havana adalah komunitas tak "
"berhubungan di Oregon."
msgid ""
"The code name for the eleventh release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in Paris, France. Due to delays in the name selection, the release was "
"known only as K. Because ``k`` is the unit symbol for kilo and the kilogram "
"reference artifact is stored near Paris in the Pavillon de Breteuil in "
"Sèvres, the community chose Kilo as the release name."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis kesebelas dari OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di "
"Paris, Perancis. Karena keterlambatan dalam pemilihan nama, rilis itu hanya "
"dikenal sebagai K. Karena `` k`` adalah simbol unit untuk kilo dan artefak "
"referensi kilogram disimpan dekat Paris di Pavillon de Breteuil di Sèvres, "
"masyarakat memilih Kilo sebagai nama rilis."
msgid ""
"The code name for the fifteenth release of OpenStack. The design summit will "
"take place in Barcelona, Spain. Ocata is a beach north of Barcelona."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis kelima belas dari OpenStack. KTT desain akan "
"berlangsung di Barcelona, Spanyol. Ocata adalah utara pantai Barcelona."
msgid ""
"The code name for the fourteenth release of OpenStack. The design summit "
"took place in Austin, Texas, US. The release is named after \"Newton House\" "
"which is located at 1013 E. Ninth St., Austin, TX. which is listed on the "
"National Register of Historic Places."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis keempat belas OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di "
"Austin, Texas, AS. Rilis ini dinamai \"Newton House\" yang terletak di 1013 "
"E. Ninth St., Austin, TX. yang terdaftar di National Register of Historic "
msgid ""
"The code name for the initial release of OpenStack. The first design summit "
"took place in Austin, Texas, US."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis awal OpenStack. KTT desain pertama berlangsung di "
"Austin, Texas, AS."
msgid ""
"The code name for the ninth release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in Hong Kong and Ice House is a street in that city."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis kesembilan OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di Hong "
"Kong dan Ice House adalah sebuah jalan di kota itu."
msgid ""
"The code name for the seventeenth release of OpenStack. The design summit "
"will take place in Sydney, Australia. The release is named after the Queens "
"Pound river in the South Coast region of New South Wales."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis ketujuh belas dari OpenStack. KTT desain akan "
"berlangsung di Sydney, Australia. Rilis ini dinamai sungai Queens Pound di "
"wilayah Pantai Selatan New South Wales."
msgid ""
"The code name for the seventh release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in San Diego, California, US and Grizzly is an element of the state "
"flag of California."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis ketujuh OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di San "
"Diego, California, Amerika Serikat dan Grizzly merupakan elemen dari bendera "
"negara bagian California."
msgid ""
"The code name for the sixteenth release of OpenStack. The design summit will "
"take place in Boston, Massachusetts, US. The release is named after the "
"Massachusetts Turnpike, abbreviated commonly as the Mass Pike, which is the "
"easternmost stretch of Interstate 90."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis keenam belas dari OpenStack. KTT desain akan "
"berlangsung di Boston, Massachusetts, AS. Rilis ini dinamai Massachusetts "
"Turnpike, disingkat umum sebagai Mass Pike, yang merupakan bentangan "
"Interstate 90paling timur."
msgid ""
"The code name for the tenth release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in Atlanta, Georgia, US and Juno is an unincorporated community in "
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis kesepuluh OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di "
"Atlanta, Georgia, Amerika Serikat dan Juno adalah komunitas tak berhubungan "
"di Georgia."
msgid ""
"The code name for the thirteenth release of OpenStack. The design summit "
"took place in Tokyo, Japan. Mitaka is a city in Tokyo."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis ketiga belas dari OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di "
"Tokyo, Jepang. Mitaka adalah sebuah kota di Tokyo."
msgid ""
"The code name for the twelfth release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in Vancouver, Canada and Liberty is the name of a village in the "
"Canadian province of Saskatchewan."
msgstr ""
"Nama kode untuk rilis kedua belas OpenStack. KTT desain berlangsung di "
"Vancouver, Kanada dan Liberty adalah nama sebuah desa di provinsi Kanada "
msgid "The collaboration site for OpenStack."
msgstr "Situs kolaborasi untuk OpenStack."
msgid ""
"The cooperative threading model used by Python; reduces race conditions and "
"only context switches when specific library calls are made. Each OpenStack "
"service is its own thread."
msgstr ""
"Model threading koperatif digunakan oleh Python; mengurangi kondisi ras dan "
"hanya switch konteks saat panggilan perpustakaan spesific yang dibuat. "
"Setiap layanan OpenStack adalah memiliki thread sendiri."
msgid "The current state of a guest VM image."
msgstr "Keadaan saat tamu (guest) VM image."
msgid ""
"The current status of a VM image in Image service, not to be confused with "
"the status of a running instance."
msgstr ""
"Status image VM dalam pelayanan Image, tidak menjadi rancu dengan status "
"instance menjalankan."
msgid ""
"The daemon, worker, or service that a client communicates with to access an "
"API. API endpoints can provide any number of services, such as "
"authentication, sales data, performance meters, Compute VM commands, census "
"data, and so on."
msgstr ""
"Daemon, pekerja, atau layanan dimana klien berkomunikasi dengan untuk "
"mengakses API. Endpoints API dapat memberikan sejumlah layanan, seperti "
"otentikasi, data penjualan, kinerja meter, perintah Compute VM, data sensus, "
"dan sebagainya."
msgid "The default message queue software used by OpenStack."
msgstr "software antrian pesan default digunakan oleh OpenStack."
msgid "The default panel that is displayed when a user accesses the dashboard."
msgstr "Panel default yang ditampilkan ketika pengguna mengakses dashboard."
msgid "The fibre channel protocol tunneled within Ethernet."
msgstr "Protokol saluran serat terowongan dalam Ethernet."
msgid "The following Launchpad Bugs areas are available:"
msgstr "Tempat Launchpad Bugs berikut tersedia:"
msgid ""
"The following Linux distributions provide community-supported packages for "
msgstr ""
"Distribusi Linux berikut ini memberikan paket yang didukung komunitas untuk "
msgid ""
"The following books explain how to configure and run an OpenStack cloud:"
msgstr ""
"Buku-buku berikut ini menjelaskan cara mengkonfigurasi dan menjalankan cloud "
msgid ""
"The following books explain how to install an OpenStack cloud and its "
"associated components:"
msgstr ""
"Buku-buku berikut ini menjelaskan cara menginstal cloud OpenStack dan "
"komponen terkait:"
msgid ""
"The following documentation provides reference and guidance information for "
"the OpenStack APIs:"
msgstr ""
"Dokumentasi berikut memberikan informasi referensi dan pedoman bagi API "
msgid ""
"The following guide provides how to contribute to OpenStack documentation:"
msgstr "Panduan berikut memberikan cara berkontribusi dokumentasi OpenStack:"
msgid ""
"The following resources are available to help you run and use OpenStack. The "
"OpenStack community constantly improves and adds to the main features of "
"OpenStack, but if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Use the "
"following resources to get OpenStack support and troubleshoot your "
msgstr ""
"Sumber daya berikut ini tersedia untuk membantu Anda menjalankan dan "
"menggunakan OpenStack. Komunitas OpenStack terus-menerus meningkatkan dan "
"menambah fitur utama dari OpenStack, tetapi jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, "
"jangan ragu untuk bertanya. Gunakan sumber daya berikut untuk mendapatkan "
"dukungan OpenStack dan memecahkan masalah instalasi Anda."
msgid ""
"The intelligence in the IPMI architecture, which is a specialized micro-"
"controller that is embedded on the motherboard of a computer and acts as a "
"server. Manages the interface between system management software and "
"platform hardware."
msgstr ""
"Kecerdasan dalam arsitektur IPMI, yang merupakan micro-controller khusus "
"yang tertanam pada motherboard komputer dan bertindak sebagai server. "
"Mengelola antarmuka antara perangkat lunak sistem manajemen dan hardware "
msgid ""
"The main virtual communication line used by all AMQP messages for inter-"
"cloud communications within Compute."
msgstr ""
"Jalur komunikasi virtual utama yang digunakan oleh semua pesan AMQP untuk "
"komunikasi antar-cloud dalam Compute."
msgid ""
"The method of storage used by horizon to track client sessions, such as "
"local memory, cookies, a database, or memcached."
msgstr ""
"Metode penyimpanan yang digunakan oleh horizon untuk melacak sesi klien, "
"seperti memori lokal, cookies, database, atau memcached."
msgid ""
"The method that a service uses for persistent storage, such as iSCSI, NFS, "
"or local disk."
msgstr ""
"Metode yang layanan menggunakan untuk penyimpanan persisten, seperti iSCSI, "
"NFS, atau disk lokal."
msgid ""
"The method used by the Compute RabbitMQ for intra-service communications."
msgstr ""
"Metode yang digunakan oleh Compute RabbitMQ untuk komunikasi intra-service."
msgid "The most common web server software currently used on the Internet."
msgstr ""
"Perangkat lunak web server yang paling umum saat ini digunakan di Internet."
msgid ""
"The nova-api daemon provides access to nova services. Can communicate with "
"other APIs, such as the Amazon EC2 API."
msgstr ""
"Daemon nova-api menyediakan akses ke layanan nova. Dapat berkomunikasi "
"dengan API lainnya, seperti API Amazon EC2."
msgid "The number of replicas of the data in an Object Storage ring."
msgstr "Jumlah replika data dalam cincin Object Storage."
msgid ""
"The open standard messaging protocol used by OpenStack components for intra-"
"service communications, provided by RabbitMQ, Qpid, or ZeroMQ."
msgstr ""
"Protokol standar pesan terbuka yang digunakan oleh komponen OpenStack untuk "
"komunikasi intra-service, yang disediakan oleh RabbitMQ, Qpid, vs ZeroMQ."
msgid ""
"The persistent data store used to save and retrieve information for a "
"service, such as lists of Object Storage objects, current state of guest "
"VMs, lists of user names, and so on. Also, the method that the Image service "
"uses to get and store VM images. Options include Object Storage, locally "
"mounted file system, RADOS block devices, VMware datastore, and HTTP."
msgstr ""
"Penyimpanan data persisten yang digunakan untuk menyimpan dan mengambil "
"informasi untuk layanan, seperti daftar objek Storage Object, keadaan saat "
"guest VM, daftar nama pengguna, dan sebagainya. Juga, metode yang "
"menggunakan layanan Image untuk mendapatkan dan menyimpan image VM. Opsi "
"termasuk Object Storage, sistem file mount secara lokal, perangkat blok "
"RADOS, datastore VMware, dan HTTP."
msgid ""
"The person responsible for installing, configuring, and managing an "
"OpenStack cloud."
msgstr ""
"Orang yang bertanggung jawab untuk menginstal, mengkonfigurasi, dan "
"mengelola awan OpenStack."
msgid ""
"The person responsible for planning and maintaining an OpenStack "
msgstr ""
"Orang yang bertanggung jawab untuk merencanakan dan memelihara instalasi "
msgid ""
"The point where a user interacts with a service; can be an API endpoint, the "
"dashboard, or a command-line tool."
msgstr ""
"Titik dimana pengguna berinteraksi dengan layanan; bisa menjadi API "
"endpoint, dashboard, atau alat command-line"
msgid ""
"The practice of placing one packet type within another for the purposes of "
"abstracting or securing data. Examples include GRE, MPLS, or IPsec."
msgstr ""
"Praktek menempatkan satu jenis paket dalam lain untuk tujuan abstrak atau "
"mengamankan data. Contohnya termasuk GRE, MPLS, atau IPsec."
msgid ""
"The practice of utilizing a secondary environment to elastically build "
"instances on-demand when the primary environment is resource constrained."
msgstr ""
"Praktek memanfaatkan lingkungan sekunder secara elastis membangun instance "
"on-demand ketika lingkungan primer sumber daya terbatas."
msgid ""
"The process associating a Compute floating IP address with a fixed IP "
msgstr ""
"Proses mengaitkan alamat IP mengambang (floating) Compute dengan alamat IP "
msgid ""
"The process of automating IP address allocation, deallocation, and "
"management. Currently provided by Compute, melange, and Networking."
msgstr ""
"Proses mengotomatisasi alokasi alamat IP, dealokasi, dan manajemen. Saat ini "
"disediakan oleh Compute, melange, dan Networking."
msgid ""
"The process of connecting a VIF or vNIC to a L2 network in Networking. In "
"the context of Compute, this process connects a storage volume to an "
msgstr ""
"Proses menghubungkan VIF atau vNIC ke jaringan L2 di Networking. Dalam "
"konteks Compute, proses ini menghubungkan volume penyimpanan ke sebuah "
msgid ""
"The process of copying data to a separate physical device for fault "
"tolerance and performance."
msgstr ""
"Proses menyalin data ke perangkat fisik terpisah untuk toleransi kesalahan "
"dan kinerja."
msgid ""
"The process of distributing Object Storage partitions across all drives in "
"the ring; used during initial ring creation and after ring reconfiguration."
msgstr ""
"Proses penyebaran partisi Object Storage di semua drive di ring; digunakan "
"selama pembuatan cincin awal dan setelah konfigurasi ulang cincin."
msgid ""
"The process of filtering incoming network traffic. Supported by Compute."
msgstr ""
"Proses penyaringan lalu lintas jaringan yang masuk. Didukung oleh Compute."
msgid ""
"The process of finding duplicate data at the disk block, file, and/or object "
"level to minimize storage use—currently unsupported within OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Proses menemukan data ganda pada blok disk, file, dan/atau tingkat objek "
"untuk meminimalkan penyimpanan use—currently yang tidak didukung dalam "
msgid ""
"The process of migrating one or all virtual machine (VM) instances from one "
"host to another, compatible with both shared storage live migration and "
"block migration."
msgstr ""
"Proses migrasi satu atau semua mesin virtual (VM) instance dari satu host ke "
"yang lain, kompatibel dengan penyimpanan bersama migrasi hidup dan migrasi "
msgid "The process of moving a VM instance from one host to another."
msgstr "Proses pemindahan instance VM dari satu host ke yang lain."
msgid ""
"The process of putting a file into a virtual machine image before the "
"instance is started."
msgstr ""
"Proses meletakkan file menjadi image mesin virtual sebelum instance dimulai."
msgid ""
"The process of removing the association between a floating IP address and a "
"fixed IP address. Once this association is removed, the floating IP returns "
"to the address pool."
msgstr ""
"Proses menghilangkan hubungan antara alamat IP mengambang (floating IP "
"address) dan alamat IP tetap (fixed IP address). Setelah hubungan ini "
"dihapus, IP mengambang kembali ke kolam alamat (address pool)."
msgid ""
"The process of removing the association between a floating IP address and "
"fixed IP and thus returning the floating IP address to the address pool."
msgstr ""
"Proses menghilangkan hubungan antara alamat IP mengambang dan tetap IP dan "
"dengan demikian kembali alamat IP mengambang ke kolam alamat (address pool)."
msgid ""
"The process of spreading client requests between two or more nodes to "
"improve performance and availability."
msgstr ""
"Proses penyebaran permintaan klien antara dua atau lebih node untuk "
"meningkatkan kinerja dan ketersediaan."
msgid ""
"The process of taking a floating IP address from the address pool so it can "
"be associated with a fixed IP on a guest VM instance."
msgstr ""
"Proses mengambil alamat IP mengambang dari kolam alamat sehingga dapat "
"dikaitkan dengan IP tetap pada tamu (guest) VM instance."
msgid ""
"The process that confirms that the user, process, or client is really who "
"they say they are through private key, secret token, password, fingerprint, "
"or similar method."
msgstr ""
"Proses yang menegaskan bahwa pengguna, proses, atau klien adalah benar-benar "
"yang mereka katakan melalui private key, tanda rahasia (secret token), "
"password, sidik jari (fingerprint), atau metode yang serupa."
msgid ""
"The project that aims to provide scalable, on demand, self service access to "
"load-balancer services, in technology-agnostic manner."
msgstr ""
"Proyek yang bertujuan untuk memberikan scalable, on demand, akses self "
"service ke layanan load-balancer, dengan cara teknologi-agnostik."
msgid ""
"The project that implements clustering services and libraries for the "
"management of groups of homogeneous objects exposed by other OpenStack "
msgstr ""
"Proyek yang mengimplementasikan layanan clustering dan perpustakaan untuk "
"pengelolaan kelompok objek homogen yang dibuka oleh layanan OpenStack "
msgid ""
"The project that produces a secret storage and generation system capable of "
"providing key management for services wishing to enable encryption features."
msgstr ""
"Proyek yang menghasilkan penyimpanan rahasia dan sistem generasi yang mampu "
"memberikan manajemen kunci untuk layanan yang ingin mengaktifkan fitur "
msgid ""
"The project that produces a set of python libraries containing code shared "
"by OpenStack projects. The APIs provided by these libraries should be high "
"quality, stable, consistent, documented and generally applicable."
msgstr ""
"Proyek yang menghasilkan satu set library python yang berisi kode bersama "
"(code shared) oleh proyek OpenStack. API yang disediakan oleh perpustakaan "
"ini harus berkualitas tinggi, stabil, konsisten, didokumentasikan dan "
"berlaku umum."
msgid ""
"The project that provides Governance-as-a-Service across any collection of "
"cloud services in order to monitor, enforce, and audit policy over dynamic "
msgstr ""
"Proyek yang menyediakan Governance-as-a-Service di setiap koleksi layanan "
"cloud untuk memantau, menegakkan, dan melakukan audit kebijakan atas "
"infrastruktur yang dinamis."
msgid ""
"The project that provides a messaging service that affords a variety of "
"distributed application patterns in an efficient, scalable and highly "
"available manner, and to create and maintain associated Python libraries and "
msgstr ""
"Proyek yang menyediakan layanan pesan yang memberi berbagai pola aplikasi "
"terdistribusi secara efisien, terukur dan sangat tersedia, dan untuk membuat "
"dan memelihara perpustakaan Python terkait dan dokumentasi."
msgid ""
"The project that provides an application catalog service so that users can "
"compose and deploy composite environments on an application abstraction "
"level while managing the application lifecycle."
msgstr ""
"Proyek yang menyediakan layanan katalog aplikasi sehingga pengguna dapat "
"menulis dan mengerahkan lingkungan komposit pada tingkat abstraksi aplikasi "
"dan juga mengelola siklus hidup aplikasi (application lifecycle)."
msgid ""
"The project that provides integrated tooling for backing up, restoring, and "
"recovering file systems, instances, or database backups."
msgstr ""
"Proyek yang menyediakan perkakas terintegrasi untuk pembuatan cadangan, "
"penyimpanan, dan pemulihan sistem file, instance, atau backup basis data."
msgid ""
"The project which provides a set of services for provisioning, scaling, and "
"managing container orchestration engines."
msgstr ""
"Proyek yang menyediakan satu set layanan untuk mesin provisioning, scaling, "
"dan mengelola container orchestration engine."
msgid "The project who owns an Image service virtual machine image."
msgstr "Proyek yang memiliki image mesin virtual layanan Image."
msgid ""
"The protocol by which layer-3 IP addresses are resolved into layer-2 link "
"local addresses."
msgstr ""
"Protokol dimana alamat lapisan-3 IP diselesaikan (resolved) ke dalam "
"lapisan-2 menghubungkan (link) alamat lokal."
msgid ""
"The router advertisement daemon, used by the Compute VLAN manager and "
"FlatDHCP manager to provide routing services for VM instances."
msgstr ""
"Router advertisement daemon, digunakan oleh manajer Compute VLAN dan manager "
"FlatDHCP untuk menyediakan layanan routing untuk instance VM."
msgid ""
"The service that provides a set of services for management of shared file "
"systems in a multi-project cloud environment, similar to how OpenStack "
"provides block-based storage management through the OpenStack :term:`Block "
"Storage service<Block Storage service (cinder)>` project. With the Shared "
"File Systems service, you can create a remote file system and mount the file "
"system on your instances. You can also read and write data from your "
"instances to and from your file system."
msgstr ""
"Layanan yang menyediakan satu set layanan untuk pengelolaan sistem file "
"bersama dalam lingkungan awan multi-proyek, mirip dengan bagaimana OpenStack "
"menyediakan manajemen penyimpanan berbasis blok melalui OpenStack proyek :"
"term:`Block Storage service<Block Storage service (cinder)>`. Dengan layanan "
"Shared File Systems, Anda dapat membuat sistem file jarak jauh dan me-mount "
"sistem file pada instance Anda. Anda juga dapat membaca dan menulis data "
"dari instance Anda ke dan dari sistem file Anda."
msgid ""
"The software package used to provide AMQP messaging capabilities within "
"Compute. Default package is RabbitMQ."
msgstr ""
"Paket perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk menyediakan kemampuan messaging "
"AMQP dalam Compute. Paket default adalah RabbitMQ."
msgid ""
"The source used by Identity service to retrieve user information; an "
"OpenLDAP server, for example."
msgstr ""
"Sumber yang digunakan oleh layanan Identity untuk mengambil informasi "
"pengguna; server openldap, misalnya."
msgid ""
"The step in the Compute scheduling process when hosts that cannot run VMs "
"are eliminated and not chosen."
msgstr ""
"Langkah dalam proses penjadwalan Compute ketika host yang tidak dapat "
"menjalankan VM disisihkan dan tidak dipilih."
msgid ""
"The storage method used by the Identity service catalog service to store and "
"retrieve information about API endpoints that are available to the client. "
"Examples include an SQL database, LDAP database, or KVS back end."
msgstr ""
"Cara penyimpanan yang digunakan oleh layanan Identity layanan katalog untuk "
"menyimpan dan mengambil informasi tentang endpoint API yang tersedia untuk "
"klien. Contohnya memasukan database SQL, Database LDAP, atau KVS back end."
msgid ""
"The sum of each cost used when deciding where to start a new VM instance in "
msgstr ""
"Jumlah biaya yang digunakan ketika memutuskan dimana untuk memulai sebuah "
"instance VM baru di Compute."
msgid ""
"The transfer of data, usually in the form of files, from one computer to "
msgstr ""
"Transfer data, biasanya dalam bentuk file, dari satu komputer ke komputer "
msgid ""
"The underlying format that a disk image for a VM is stored as within the "
"Image service back-end store. For example, AMI, ISO, QCOW2, VMDK, and so on."
msgstr ""
"Yang mendasari format yang disk image untuk VM disimpan sebagai dalam "
"layanan Image penyimpanan back-end. Misalnya, AMI, ISO, QCOW2, VMDK, dan "
msgid ""
"The universal measurement of how quickly data is transferred from place to "
msgstr ""
"Pengukuran universal seberapa cepat data ditransfer dari satu tempat ke "
msgid ""
"This glossary offers a list of terms and definitions to define a vocabulary "
"for OpenStack-related concepts."
msgstr ""
"Glossary ini menawarkan daftar istilah dan definisi untuk mendefinisikan "
"kosakata untuk konsep OpenStack terkait."
msgid ""
"To add to OpenStack glossary, clone the `openstack/openstack-manuals "
"repository <>`__ "
"and update the source file ``doc/common/glossary.rst`` through the OpenStack "
"contribution process."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menambah OpenStack glossary, mengkloning `openstack/openstack-manuals "
"repository <>`__ "
"dan memperbarui file sumber ``doc/common/glossary.rst`` melalui proses "
"kontribusi OpenStack."
msgid ""
"To provide feedback on documentation, join and use the openstack-docs@lists."
" mailing list at `OpenStack Documentation Mailing List <http://"
">`_, join our IRC "
"channel ``#openstack-doc`` on the freenode IRC network, or `report a bug "
msgstr ""
"Untuk memberikan umpan balik pada dokumentasi, bergabung dan menggunakan "
"milis di `OpenStack Documentation Mailing "
"List <>`_, "
"bergabung bersama IRC channel ``#openstack-doc`` pada jaringa freenode IRC, "
"atau `report a bug <>`_."
msgid ""
"Tool used for maintaining Address Resolution Protocol packet filter rules in "
"the Linux kernel firewall modules. Used along with iptables, ebtables, and "
"ip6tables in Compute to provide firewall services for VMs."
msgstr ""
"Alat yang digunakan untuk menjaga aturan filter paket Address Resolution "
"Protocol di modul firewall kernel Linux. Digunakan bersama dengan iptables, "
"ebtables, dan ip6tables di Compute untuk menyediakan layanan firewall untuk "
msgid ""
"Tool used in OpenStack development to ensure correctly ordered testing of "
"changes in parallel."
msgstr ""
"Alat yang digunakan dalam pembangunan OpenStack untuk memastikan benar "
"memerintahkan pengujian perubahan secara paralel."
msgid ""
"Tool used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IPv6 packet filter "
"rules in the Linux kernel. In OpenStack Compute, ip6tables is used along "
"with arptables, ebtables, and iptables to create firewalls for both nodes "
"and VMs."
msgstr ""
"Alat yang digunakan untuk mengatur, menjaga, dan memeriksa tabel IPv6 aturan "
"filter paket di kernel Linux. Dalam OpenStack Compute, ip6tables digunakan "
"bersama dengan arptables, ebtables, dan iptables untuk membuat firewall "
"untuk kedua node dan VM."
msgid "Torpedo"
msgstr "Torpedo"
msgid "TripleO"
msgstr "TripleO"
msgid ""
"Type of Compute scheduler that evenly distributes instances among available "
msgstr ""
"Jenis Compute scheduler yang mendistribusikan merata instance antara host "
"yang tersedia."
msgid "U"
msgstr "U"
msgid "UUID for each Compute or Image service VM flavor or instance type."
msgstr ""
"UUID untuk setiap komputer atau Image layanan VM rasa atau jenis instance."
msgid "UUID used by Image service to uniquely identify each VM image."
msgstr ""
"UUID digunakan oleh layanan Image untuk mengidentifikasi secara unik setiap "
"image VM."
msgid "Ubuntu"
msgstr "Ubuntu"
msgid ""
"Under the Compute distributed scheduler, this is calculated by looking at "
"the capabilities of each host relative to the flavor of the VM instance "
"being requested."
msgstr ""
"Di bawah scheduler Compute didistribusikan, ini dihitung dengan melihat "
"kemampuan masing-masing tuan rumah relatif terhadap rasa instance VM yang "
msgid ""
"Unique ID applied to each storage volume under the Block Storage control."
msgstr ""
"ID unik yang diterapkan pada setiap volume penyimpanan di bawah kendali "
"Block Storage."
msgid "Unique ID assigned to each Networking VIF."
msgstr "Unik ID ditugaskan untuk setiap Networking VIF."
msgid ""
"Unique ID assigned to each Object Storage request; used for debugging and "
msgstr ""
"Unik ID ditugaskan untuk setiap permintaan Object Storage; digunakan untuk "
"debugging dan tracing."
msgid "Unique ID assigned to each guest VM instance."
msgstr "Unik ID ditugaskan untuk setiap tamu (guest) VM instance."
msgid ""
"Unique ID assigned to each network segment within Networking. Same as "
"network UUID."
msgstr ""
"Unik ID ditugaskan untuk setiap segmen jaringan dalam Networking. Sama "
"seperti UUID jaringan."
msgid "Unique ID assigned to each project by the Identity service."
msgstr "ID unik yang ditugaskan untuk setiap proyek oleh layanan Identity."
msgid "Unique ID assigned to each request sent to Compute."
msgstr "Unik ID ditugaskan untuk setiap permintaan yang dikirim ke Compute."
msgid ""
"Unique ID assigned to each service that is available in the Identity service "
msgstr ""
"Unik ID ditugaskan untuk setiap layanan yang tersedia dalam katalog layanan "
msgid "Unique ID for a Networking VIF or vNIC in the form of a UUID."
msgstr "Unik ID untuk VIF Networking atau vNIC dalam bentuk UUID."
msgid "Unique ID for a Networking network segment."
msgstr "Unik ID untuk segmen jaringan Networking."
msgid "Unique ID for a Networking port."
msgstr "Unik ID untuk port Networking."
msgid "Unique ID for an Object Storage object."
msgstr "ID unik untuk sebuah objek Object Storage."
msgid ""
"Unique numeric ID associated with each user in Identity, conceptually "
"similar to a Linux or LDAP UID."
msgstr ""
"Numerik ID unik yang terkait dengan setiap pengguna di Identity, secara "
"konseptual mirip dengan UID Linux atau LDAP ."
msgid ""
"Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and "
"open-source software development and distribution."
msgstr ""
"Sistem operasi komputer unix-like yang dirakit di bawah model pengembangan "
"dan pendistubusian perangkat lunak bebas dan open-source."
msgid ""
"Used along with an EC2 access key when communicating with the Compute EC2 "
"API; used to digitally sign each request."
msgstr ""
"Digunakan bersama dengan EC2 access key ketika berkomunikasi dengan Compute "
"EC2 API; digunakan untuk menandatangani (sign) secara digital setiap "
msgid "Used along with an EC2 secret key to access the Compute EC2 API."
msgstr ""
"Digunakan bersama dengan EC2 kunci rahasia untuk mengakses Compute EC2 API."
msgid "Used along with an EKI to create an EMI."
msgstr "Digunakan bersama dengan EKI untuk menciptakan EMI."
msgid "Used along with an ERI to create an EMI."
msgstr "Digunakan bersama dengan ERI untuk menciptakan EMI."
msgid ""
"Used along with arptables and ebtables, iptables create firewalls in "
"Compute. iptables are the tables provided by the Linux kernel firewall "
"(implemented as different Netfilter modules) and the chains and rules it "
"stores. Different kernel modules and programs are currently used for "
"different protocols: iptables applies to IPv4, ip6tables to IPv6, arptables "
"to ARP, and ebtables to Ethernet frames. Requires root privilege to "
msgstr ""
"Digunakan bersama dengan arptables dan ebtables, iptables buat firewall di "
"Compute. iptables adalah tabel yang disediakan oleh firewall kernel Linux "
"(diimplementasikan sebagai modul Netfilter yang berbeda) dan rantai dan "
"aturan menyimpan. Modul kernel dan program yang berbeda saat ini digunakan "
"untuk protokol yang berbeda: iptables berlaku untuk IPv4, ip6tables ke IPv6, "
"arptables untuk ARP, dan ebtables untuk frame Ethernet. Membutuhkan hak "
"istimewa root untuk memanipulasi."
msgid ""
"Used by Image service to obtain images on the local host rather than re-"
"downloading them from the image server each time one is requested."
msgstr ""
"Digunakan oleh layanan Image untuk mendapatkan image pada host lokal "
"daripada-download ulang mereka dari server image setiap kali salah satu yang "
msgid ""
"Used by Object Storage devices to determine which storage devices are "
"suitable for the job. Devices are weighted by size."
msgstr ""
"Digunakan oleh perangkat Object Storage untuk menentukan perangkat "
"penyimpanan yang cocok untuk pekerjaan itu. Perangkat yang ditimbang "
"(weighted) dengan ukuran."
msgid ""
"Used by Object Storage to determine the location of an object in the ring. "
"Maps objects to partitions."
msgstr ""
"Digunakan oleh Object Storage untuk menentukan lokasi suatu objek di atas "
"ring. Melakukan pemetaan objek untuk partisi."
msgid ""
"Used by Object Storage to determine which partition data should reside on."
msgstr ""
"Digunakan oleh Object Storage untuk menentukan data partisi harus berada "
msgid "Used by Object Storage to push object replicas."
msgstr "Digunakan oleh Object Storage untuk mendorong replika objek."
msgid ""
"Used to mark Object Storage objects that have been deleted; ensures that the "
"object is not updated on another node after it has been deleted."
msgstr ""
"Digunakan untuk menandai objek Object Storage yang telah dihapus; memastikan "
"bahwa objek tidak diperbarui pada node lain setelah sudah dihapus."
msgid ""
"Used to restrict communications between hosts and/or nodes, implemented in "
"Compute using iptables, arptables, ip6tables, and ebtables."
msgstr ""
"Digunakan untuk membatasi komunikasi antara host dan/atau node, dilaksanakan "
"di Compute menggunakan iptables, arptables, ip6tables, dan iptables."
msgid "Used to track segments of a large object within Object Storage."
msgstr "Digunakan untuk melacak segmen dari objek besar dalam Object Storage."
msgid "User Mode Linux (UML)"
msgstr "User Mode Linux (UML)"
msgid ""
"Users of Object Storage interact with the service through the proxy server, "
"which in turn looks up the location of the requested data within the ring "
"and returns the results to the user."
msgstr ""
"Pengguna Object Storage berinteraksi dengan layanan melalui server proxy, "
"yang pada gilirannya mendongak lokasi data yang diminta dalam cincin dan "
"mengembalikan hasilnya ke pengguna."
msgid "V"
msgstr "V"
msgid "VIF UUID"
msgstr "VIF UUID"
msgid "VLAN manager"
msgstr "VLAN manager"
msgid "VLAN network"
msgstr "VLAN network"
msgid "VM Remote Control (VMRC)"
msgstr "VM Remote Control (VMRC)"
msgid "VM disk (VMDK)"
msgstr "VM disk (VMDK)"
msgid "VM image"
msgstr "VM image"
msgid "VM image container format supported by Image service."
msgstr "VM format kontainer image yang didukung oleh layanan Image."
msgid "VMware API"
msgstr "VMware API"
msgid "VMware NSX Neutron plug-in"
msgstr "VMware NSX Neutron plug-in"
msgid "VNC proxy"
msgstr "VNC proxy"
msgid "Virtual Central Processing Unit (vCPU)"
msgstr "Virtual Central Processing Unit (vCPU)"
msgid "Virtual Disk Image (VDI)"
msgstr "Virtual Disk Image (VDI)"
msgid "Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN)"
msgstr "Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN)"
msgid "Virtual Hard Disk (VHD)"
msgstr "Virtual Hard Disk (VHD)"
msgid "Virtual Network Computing (VNC)"
msgstr "Virtual Network Computing (VNC)"
msgid "Virtual Network InterFace (VIF)"
msgstr "Virtual Network InterFace (VIF)"
msgid ""
"Virtual network type that uses neither VLANs nor tunnels to segregate "
"project traffic. Each flat network typically requires a separate underlying "
"physical interface defined by bridge mappings. However, a flat network can "
"contain multiple subnets."
msgstr ""
"Tipe jaringan virtual yang menggunakan bukan VLAN atau bukan terowongan "
"untuk memisahkan lalu lintas proyek. Setiap jaringan datar (flat network) "
"biasanya memerlukan antarmuka fisik yang mendasari terpisah yang "
"didefinisikan oleh pemetaan jembatan (bridge mapping). Namun, jaringan datar "
"dapat berisi beberapa subnet."
msgid "VirtualBox"
msgstr "VirtualBox"
msgid ""
"Virtualization API library used by OpenStack to interact with many of its "
"supported hypervisors."
msgstr ""
"Virtualisasi API library yang digunakan oleh OpenStack untuk berinteraksi "
"dengan banyak hypervisors yang didukung."
msgid "Vitrage"
msgstr "Vitrage"
msgid "Volume API"
msgstr "Volume API"
msgid ""
"Volume that does not save the changes made to it and reverts to its original "
"state when the current user relinquishes control."
msgstr ""
"Volume yang tidak menyimpan perubahan yang dilakukan untuk itu dan beralih "
"ke keadaan semula ketika pengguna saat melepas kontrol."
msgid "W"
msgstr "W"
msgid ""
"WSGI middleware component of Object Storage that serves container data as a "
"static web page."
msgstr ""
"Komponen middleware WSGI dari Object Storage yang berfungsi data kontainer "
"sebagai halaman web statis."
msgid "Watcher"
msgstr "Watcher"
msgid ""
"Within RabbitMQ and Compute, it is the messaging interface that is used by "
"the scheduler service to receive capability messages from the compute, "
"volume, and network nodes."
msgstr ""
"Dalam RabbitMQ dan Compute, itu adalah antarmuka pesan yang digunakan oleh "
"layanan scheduler untuk menerima pesan kemampuan dari node komputasi, "
"volume, dan jaringan."
msgid "Workflow service (mistral)"
msgstr "Layanan Workflow (mistral)"
msgid "X"
msgstr "X"
msgid "X.509"
msgstr "X.509"
msgid ""
"X.509 is the most widely used standard for defining digital certificates. It "
"is a data structure that contains the subject (entity) identifiable "
"information such as its name along with its public key. The certificate can "
"contain a few other attributes as well depending upon the version. The most "
"recent and standard version of X.509 is v3."
msgstr ""
"X.509 merupakan standar yang paling banyak digunakan untuk mendefinisikan "
"sertifikat digital. Ini adalah struktur data yang berisi subjek (entitas) "
"informasi identitas seperti nama bersama dengan kunci publik. Sertifikat "
"dapat berisi beberapa atribut lain juga tergantung pada versi. Versi terbaru "
"dan standar X.509 adalah v3."
msgid "XFS"
msgstr "XFS"
msgid "Xen"
msgstr "Xen"
msgid "Xen API"
msgstr "Xen API"
msgid "Xen Cloud Platform (XCP)"
msgstr "Xen Cloud Platform (XCP)"
msgid "Xen Storage Manager Volume Driver"
msgstr "Xen Storage Manager Volume Driver"
msgid ""
"Xen is a hypervisor using a microkernel design, providing services that "
"allow multiple computer operating systems to execute on the same computer "
"hardware concurrently."
msgstr ""
"Xen hypervisor menggunakan desain microkernel, menyediakan layanan yang "
"mengaktifkan beberapa sistem operasi komputer untuk mengeksekusi pada "
"perangkat keras komputer yang sama secara bersamaan."
msgid "XenServer"
msgstr "XenServer"
msgid "Z"
msgstr "Z"
msgid "ZeroMQ"
msgstr "ZeroMQ"
msgid "Zuul"
msgstr "Zuul"
msgid "`API Guide <>`_"
msgstr "`API Guide <>`_"
msgid "`Administrator Guide <>`_"
msgstr "`Administrator Guide <>`_"
msgid "`Architecture Design Guide <>`_"
msgstr "`Architecture Design Guide <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: Application catalog (murano) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: Application catalog (murano) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: Bare metal service (ironic) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: Bare metal service (ironic) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: Clustering service (senlin) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: Clustering service (senlin) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: Container Infrastructure Management service (magnum) <https://bugs."
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: Container Infrastructure Management service (magnum) <https://bugs."
msgid "`Bugs: DNS service (designate) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: DNS service (designate) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: Data processing service (sahara) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: Data processing service (sahara) <>`_"
msgid "`Bugs: Database service (trove) <>`_"
msgstr "`Bugs: Database service (trove) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: Key Manager Service (barbican) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: Key Manager Service (barbican) <>`_"
msgid "`Bugs: Messaging service (zaqar) <>`_"
msgstr "`Bugs: Messaging service (zaqar) <>`_"
msgid "`Bugs: Monitoring (monasca) <>`_"
msgstr "`Bugs: Monitoring (monasca) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack API Documentation ( <https://bugs."
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack API Documentation ( <https://bugs."
msgid ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Block Storage (cinder) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Block Storage (cinder) <>`_"
msgid "`Bugs: OpenStack Compute (nova) <>`_"
msgstr "`Bugs: OpenStack Compute (nova) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Dashboard (horizon) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Dashboard (horizon) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Identity (keystone) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Identity (keystone) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Image service (glance) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Image service (glance) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Networking (neutron) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Networking (neutron) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Object Storage (swift) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: OpenStack Object Storage (swift) <>`_"
msgid "`Bugs: Orchestration (heat) <>`_"
msgstr "`Bugs: Orchestration (heat) <>`_"
msgid "`Bugs: Rating (cloudkitty) <>`_"
msgstr "`Bugs: Rating (cloudkitty) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: Shared file systems (manila) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: Shared file systems (manila) <>`_"
msgid "`Bugs: Telemetry (ceilometer) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: Telemetry (ceilometer) <>`_"
msgid "`Bugs: Telemetry v3 (gnocchi) <>`_"
msgstr "`Bugs: Telemetry v3 (gnocchi) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Bugs: Workflow service (mistral) <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Bugs: Workflow service (mistral) <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Command-Line Interface Reference <"
msgstr ""
"`Command-Line Interface Reference <"
msgid ""
"`Configuration Reference <"
msgstr ""
"`Configuration Reference <"
msgid ""
"`Documentation Contributor Guide <"
msgstr ""
"`Documentation Contributor Guide <"
msgid "`High Availability Guide <>`_"
msgstr "`High Availability Guide <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Installation Tutorial for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and CentOS 7 <https://"
msgstr ""
"`Installation Tutorial for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and CentOS 7 <https://"
msgid ""
"`Installation Tutorial for Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS) <"
msgstr ""
"`Installation Tutorial for Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS) <"
msgid ""
"`Installation Tutorial for openSUSE Leap 42.2 and SUSE Linux Enterprise "
"Server 12 SP2 <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Installation Tutorial for openSUSE Leap 42.2 and SUSE Linux Enterprise "
"Server 12 SP2 <>`_"
msgid "`Security Guide <>`_"
msgstr "`Security Guide <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Virtual Machine Image Guide <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Virtual Machine Image Guide <>`_"
msgid "absolute limit"
msgstr "absolute limit"
msgid "access control list (ACL)"
msgstr "access control list (ACL)"
msgid "access key"
msgstr "access key (kunci akses)"
msgid "account"
msgstr "account (akun)"
msgid "account auditor"
msgstr "account auditor (akun auditor)"
msgid "account database"
msgstr "account database (akun database)"
msgid "account reaper"
msgstr "account reaper (akun reaper)"
msgid "account server"
msgstr "account server (akun server)"
msgid "account service"
msgstr "account service (akun layanan)"
msgid "accounting"
msgstr "accounting (akuntansi)"
msgid "active/active configuration"
msgstr "active/active configuration (konfigurasi aktif/aktif)"
msgid "active/passive configuration"
msgstr "active/passive configuration (konfigurasi pasif/aktif)"
msgid "address pool"
msgstr "address pool (kolam alamat)"
msgid "admin API"
msgstr "admin API "
msgid "admin server"
msgstr "admin server"
msgid "administrator"
msgstr "administrator"
msgid "alert"
msgstr "alert (peringatan)"
msgid "allocate"
msgstr "allocate (alokasi)"
msgid "aodh"
msgstr "aodh"
msgid "applet"
msgstr "applet"
msgid "application server"
msgstr "application server"
msgid "arptables"
msgstr "arptables"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "associate"
msgstr "associate"
msgid "attach"
msgstr "attach (menghubungkan/melekatkan)"
msgid "attachment (network)"
msgstr "attachment (network)"
msgid "auditing"
msgstr "auditing"
msgid "auditor"
msgstr "auditor"
msgid "auth node"
msgstr "auth node"
msgid "authentication"
msgstr "authentication (otentikasi)"
msgid "authentication token"
msgstr "authentication token"
msgid "authorization"
msgstr "authorization (otorisasi)"
msgid "authorization node"
msgstr "authorization node"
msgid "auto declare"
msgstr "auto declare"
msgid "availability zone"
msgstr "availability zone"
msgid "back end"
msgstr "back end"
msgid "back-end catalog"
msgstr "back-end catalog"
msgid "back-end store"
msgstr "back-end store"
msgid "bandwidth"
msgstr "bandwidth"
msgid "barbican"
msgstr "barbican"
msgid "bare"
msgstr "bare"
msgid "base image"
msgstr "base image"
msgid "binary"
msgstr "binary"
msgid "bit"
msgstr "bit"
msgid "bits per second (BPS)"
msgstr "bits per second (BPS)"
msgid "block device"
msgstr "block device (perangkat blok)"
msgid "block migration"
msgstr "block migration"
msgid "bootable disk image"
msgstr "bootable disk image"
msgid "browser"
msgstr "browser"
msgid "builder file"
msgstr "builder file"
msgid "bursting"
msgstr "bursting"
msgid "button class"
msgstr "button class"
msgid "byte"
msgstr "byte"
msgid "cache pruner"
msgstr "cache pruner"
msgid "capability"
msgstr "capability"
msgid "capacity cache"
msgstr "capacity cache"
msgid "capacity updater"
msgstr "capacity updater (kapasitas updater)"
msgid "catalog"
msgstr "catalog"
msgid "catalog service"
msgstr "catalog service"
msgid "ceilometer"
msgstr "ceilometer"
msgid "cell"
msgstr "cell (sel)"
msgid "cell forwarding"
msgstr "cell forwarding"
msgid "cell manager"
msgstr "cell manager"
msgid "certificate authority (CA)"
msgstr "certificate authority (CA)"
msgid "chance scheduler"
msgstr "chance scheduler"
msgid "changes since"
msgstr "changes since"
msgid "child cell"
msgstr "child cell"
msgid "cinder"
msgstr "cinder"
msgid "cloud architect"
msgstr "cloud architect"
msgid "cloud computing"
msgstr "cloud computing"
msgid "cloud controller"
msgstr "cloud controller"
msgid "cloud controller node"
msgstr "cloud controller node"
msgid "cloud-init"
msgstr "cloud-init"
msgid "cloudadmin"
msgstr "cloudadmin"
msgid "cloudpipe"
msgstr "cloudpipe"
msgid "cloudpipe image"
msgstr "cloudpipe image"
msgid "command filter"
msgstr "command filter"
msgid "community project"
msgstr "community project"
msgid "compression"
msgstr "compression"
msgid "compute controller"
msgstr "compute controller"
msgid "compute host"
msgstr "compute host"
msgid "compute node"
msgstr "compute node"
msgid "compute worker"
msgstr "compute worker"
msgid "concatenated object"
msgstr "concatenated object"
msgid "conductor"
msgstr "conductor"
msgid "congress"
msgstr "congress"
msgid "consistency window"
msgstr "consistency window"
msgid "console log"
msgstr "console log"
msgid "container"
msgstr "container"
msgid "container auditor"
msgstr "container auditor"
msgid "container database"
msgstr "container database"
msgid "container format"
msgstr "container format"
msgid "container server"
msgstr "container server"
msgid "container service"
msgstr "container service"
msgid "content delivery network (CDN)"
msgstr "content delivery network (CDN)"
msgid "controller node"
msgstr "controller node"
msgid "core API"
msgstr "core API (inti API)"
msgid "core service"
msgstr "core service"
msgid "cost"
msgstr "cost"
msgid "credentials"
msgstr "credentials"
msgid "current workload"
msgstr "current workload"
msgid "customer"
msgstr "customer"
msgid "customization module"
msgstr "customization module"
msgid "daemon"
msgstr "daemon"
msgid "data encryption"
msgstr "data encryption"
msgid "data store"
msgstr "data store"
msgid "database ID"
msgstr "database ID"
msgid "database replicator"
msgstr "database replicator"
msgid "deallocate"
msgstr "deallocate"
msgid "deduplication"
msgstr "deduplication"
msgid "default panel"
msgstr "default panel"
msgid "default project"
msgstr "default project"
msgid "default token"
msgstr "default token"
msgid "delayed delete"
msgstr "delayed delete"
msgid "delivery mode"
msgstr "delivery mode"
msgid "denial of service (DoS)"
msgstr "denial of service (DoS)"
msgid "deprecated auth"
msgstr "deprecated auth"
msgid "designate"
msgstr "designate"
msgid "developer"
msgstr "developer"
msgid "device ID"
msgstr "device ID"
msgid "device weight"
msgstr "device weight"
msgid "direct consumer"
msgstr "direct consumer"
msgid "direct exchange"
msgstr "direct exchange"
msgid "direct publisher"
msgstr "direct publisher"
msgid "disassociate"
msgstr "disassociate"
msgid "disk encryption"
msgstr "disk encryption"
msgid "disk format"
msgstr "disk format"
msgid "dispersion"
msgstr "dispersion"
msgid "distributed virtual router (DVR)"
msgstr "distributed virtual router (DVR)"
msgid "dnsmasq"
msgstr "dnsmasq"
msgid "domain"
msgstr "domain"
msgid "download"
msgstr "download"
msgid "durable exchange"
msgstr "durable exchange"
msgid "durable queue"
msgstr "durable queue"
msgid "east-west traffic"
msgstr "east-west traffic"
msgid "ebtables"
msgstr "ebtables"
msgid "encapsulation"
msgstr "encapsulation"
msgid "encryption"
msgstr "encryption"
msgid "endpoint"
msgstr "endpoint"
msgid "endpoint registry"
msgstr "endpoint registry"
msgid "endpoint template"
msgstr "endpoint template"
msgid "entity"
msgstr "entity"
msgid "ephemeral image"
msgstr "ephemeral image"
msgid "ephemeral volume"
msgstr "ephemeral volume"
msgid "euca2ools"
msgstr "euca2ools"
msgid "evacuate"
msgstr "evacuate"
msgid "exchange"
msgstr "exchange"
msgid "exchange type"
msgstr "exchange type"
msgid "exclusive queue"
msgstr "exclusive queue"
msgid "extended attributes (xattr)"
msgstr "extended attributes (xattr)"
msgid "extension"
msgstr "extension"
msgid "external network"
msgstr "external network"
msgid "extra specs"
msgstr "extra specs"
msgid "fan-out exchange"
msgstr "fan-out exchange"
msgid "federated identity"
msgstr "federated identity"
msgid "fill-first scheduler"
msgstr "fill-first scheduler"
msgid "filter"
msgstr "filter"
msgid "firewall"
msgstr "firewall"
msgid "fixed IP address"
msgstr "fixed IP address"
msgid "flat mode injection"
msgstr "flat mode injection"
msgid "flat network"
msgstr "flat network (jaringan datar)"
msgid "flavor"
msgstr "flavor"
msgid "flavor ID"
msgstr "flavor ID"
msgid "floating IP address"
msgstr "floating IP address"
msgid "freezer"
msgstr "freezer"
msgid "front end"
msgstr "front end"
msgid "gateway"
msgstr "gateway"
msgid "generic receive offload (GRO)"
msgstr "generic receive offload (GRO)"
msgid "generic routing encapsulation (GRE)"
msgstr "generic routing encapsulation (GRE)"
msgid "glance"
msgstr "glance"
msgid "glance API server"
msgstr "glance API server"
msgid "glance registry"
msgstr "glance registry"
msgid "global endpoint template"
msgstr "global endpoint template"
msgid "gnocchi"
msgstr "gnocchi"
msgid "golden image"
msgstr "golden image"
msgid "guest OS"
msgstr "guest OS"
msgid "handover"
msgstr "handover"
msgid "hard reboot"
msgstr "hard reboot"
msgid "health monitor"
msgstr "health monitor"
msgid "heat"
msgstr "heat"
msgid "high availability (HA)"
msgstr "high availability (HA)"
msgid "horizon"
msgstr "horizon"
msgid "horizon plug-in"
msgstr "horizon plug-in"
msgid "host"
msgstr "host"
msgid "host aggregate"
msgstr "host aggregate"
msgid "hybrid cloud"
msgstr "hybrid cloud (awan hibrida)"
msgid "hyperlink"
msgstr "hyperlink"
msgid "hypervisor"
msgstr "hypervisor"
msgid "hypervisor pool"
msgstr "hypervisor pool"
msgid "iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN)"
msgstr "iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN)"
msgid "identity provider"
msgstr "identity provider"
msgid "image"
msgstr "image (gambar)"
msgid "image ID"
msgstr "image ID"
msgid "image UUID"
msgstr "image UUID"
msgid "image cache"
msgstr "image cache"
msgid "image membership"
msgstr "image membership"
msgid "image owner"
msgstr "image owner"
msgid "image registry"
msgstr "image registry"
msgid "image status"
msgstr "image status"
msgid "image store"
msgstr "image store"
msgid "incubated project"
msgstr "incubated project"
msgid "ingress filtering"
msgstr "ingress filtering"
msgid "injection"
msgstr "injection"
msgid "instance"
msgstr "instance"
msgid "instance ID"
msgstr "instance ID"
msgid "instance UUID"
msgstr "instance UUID"
msgid "instance state"
msgstr "instance state"
msgid "instance tunnels network"
msgstr "instance tunnels network"
msgid "instance type"
msgstr "instance type"
msgid "instance type ID"
msgstr "instance type ID"
msgid "interface"
msgstr "interface"
msgid "interface ID"
msgstr "interface ID"
msgid "ip6tables"
msgstr "ip6tables"
msgid "ipset"
msgstr "ipset"
msgid "iptables"
msgstr "iptables"
msgid "ironic"
msgstr "ironic"
msgid "itsec"
msgstr "itsec"
msgid "jumbo frame"
msgstr "jumbo frame"
msgid "kernel-based VM (KVM)"
msgstr "kernel-based VM (KVM)"
msgid "keystone"
msgstr "keystone"
msgid "large object"
msgstr "large object"
msgid "libvirt"
msgstr "libvirt"
msgid "live migration"
msgstr "live migration"
msgid "load balancer"
msgstr "load balancer"
msgid "load balancing"
msgstr "load balancing"
msgid "magnum"
msgstr "magnum"
msgid "management API"
msgstr "management API"
msgid "management network"
msgstr "management network"
msgid "manager"
msgstr "manager"
msgid "manifest"
msgstr "manifest"
msgid "manifest object"
msgstr "manifest object"
msgid "manila"
msgstr "manila"
msgid "manila-share"
msgstr "manila-share"
msgid "maximum transmission unit (MTU)"
msgstr "maximum transmission unit (MTU)"
msgid "mechanism driver"
msgstr "mechanism driver"
msgid "melange"
msgstr "melange"
msgid "membership"
msgstr "membership"
msgid "membership list"
msgstr "membership list"
msgid "memcached"
msgstr "memcached"
msgid "memory overcommit"
msgstr "memory overcommit"
msgid "message broker"
msgstr "message broker"
msgid "message bus"
msgstr "message bus"
msgid "message queue"
msgstr "message queue"
msgid "migration"
msgstr "migration"
msgid "mistral"
msgstr "mistral"
msgid "monasca"
msgstr "monasca"
msgid "multi-factor authentication"
msgstr "multi-factor authentication"
msgid "multi-host"
msgstr "multi-host"
msgid "multinic"
msgstr "multinic"
msgid "murano"
msgstr "murano"
msgid "netadmin"
msgstr "netadmin"
msgid "network"
msgstr "network"
msgid "network ID"
msgstr "network ID"
msgid "network UUID"
msgstr "network UUID"
msgid "network controller"
msgstr "network controller"
msgid "network manager"
msgstr "network manager"
msgid "network namespace"
msgstr "network namespace"
msgid "network node"
msgstr "network node"
msgid "network segment"
msgstr "network segment"
msgid "network worker"
msgstr "network worker"
msgid "neutron"
msgstr "neutron"
msgid "neutron API"
msgstr "neutron API"
msgid "neutron manager"
msgstr "neutron manager"
msgid "neutron plug-in"
msgstr "neutron plug-in"
msgid "node"
msgstr "node"
msgid "non-durable exchange"
msgstr "non-durable exchange"
msgid "non-durable queue"
msgstr "non-durable queue"
msgid "non-persistent volume"
msgstr "non-persistent volume"
msgid "north-south traffic"
msgstr "north-south traffic"
msgid "nova"
msgstr "nova"
msgid "nova-network"
msgstr "nova-network"
msgid "object"
msgstr "object"
msgid "object auditor"
msgstr "object auditor"
msgid "object expiration"
msgstr "object expiration (objek kedaluwarsa)"
msgid "object hash"
msgstr "object hash"
msgid "object path hash"
msgstr "object path hash"
msgid "object replicator"
msgstr "object replicator"
msgid "object server"
msgstr "object server"
msgid "object versioning"
msgstr "object versioning"
msgid "openSUSE"
msgstr "openSUSE"
msgid "operator"
msgstr "operator"
msgid "optional service"
msgstr "optional service (layanan opsional)"
msgid "orphan"
msgstr "orphan"
msgid "panko"
msgstr "panko"
msgid "parent cell"
msgstr "parent cell"
msgid "partition"
msgstr "partition"
msgid "partition index"
msgstr "partition index"
msgid "partition shift value"
msgstr "partition shift value"
msgid "path MTU discovery (PMTUD)"
msgstr "path MTU discovery (PMTUD)"
msgid "pause"
msgstr "pause"
msgid "persistent message"
msgstr "persistent message"
msgid "persistent volume"
msgstr "persistent volume"
msgid "personality file"
msgstr "personality file"
msgid "plug-in"
msgstr "plug-in"
msgid "policy service"
msgstr "policy service"
msgid "policy-based routing (PBR)"
msgstr "policy-based routing (PBR)"
msgid "pool"
msgstr "pool"
msgid "pool member"
msgstr "pool member"
msgid "port"
msgstr "port"
msgid "port UUID"
msgstr "port UUID"
msgid "preseed"
msgstr "preseed"
msgid "private IP address"
msgstr "private IP address"
msgid "private image"
msgstr "private image"
msgid "private network"
msgstr "private network"
msgid "project"
msgstr "project"
msgid "project ID"
msgstr "project ID"
msgid "project VPN"
msgstr "project VPN"
msgid "promiscuous mode"
msgstr "promiscuous mode"
msgid "protected property"
msgstr "protected property"
msgid "provider"
msgstr "provider"
msgid "proxy node"
msgstr "proxy node"
msgid "proxy server"
msgstr "proxy server"
msgid "public API"
msgstr "public API"
msgid "public IP address"
msgstr "public IP address"
msgid "public image"
msgstr "public image"
msgid "public key authentication"
msgstr "public key authentication"
msgid "public network"
msgstr "public network"
msgid "quarantine"
msgstr "quarantine"
msgid "quota"
msgstr "quota"
msgid "radvd"
msgstr "radvd"
msgid "rally"
msgstr "rally"
msgid "rate limit"
msgstr "rate limit"
msgid "raw"
msgstr "raw"
msgid "rebalance"
msgstr "rebalance"
msgid "reboot"
msgstr "reboot"
msgid "rebuild"
msgstr "rebuild"
msgid "record"
msgstr "record"
msgid "record ID"
msgstr "record ID"
msgid "reference architecture"
msgstr "reference architecture"
msgid "region"
msgstr "region"
msgid "registry"
msgstr "registry"
msgid "registry server"
msgstr "registry server"
msgid "replica"
msgstr "replica"
msgid "replica count"
msgstr "replica count"
msgid "replication"
msgstr "replication"
msgid "replicator"
msgstr "replicator"
msgid "request ID"
msgstr "request ID"
msgid "rescue image"
msgstr "rescue image"
msgid "resize"
msgstr "resize"
msgid "ring"
msgstr "ring"
msgid "ring builder"
msgstr "ring builder"
msgid "role"
msgstr "role"
msgid "role ID"
msgstr "role ID"
msgid "rootwrap"
msgstr "rootwrap"
msgid "round-robin scheduler"
msgstr "round-robin scheduler"
msgid "router"
msgstr "router"
msgid "routing key"
msgstr "routing key"
msgid "rsync"
msgstr "rsync"
msgid "sahara"
msgstr "sahara"
msgid "scheduler manager"
msgstr "scheduler manager"
msgid "scoped token"
msgstr "scoped token"
msgid "scrubber"
msgstr "scrubber"
msgid "secret key"
msgstr "secret key"
msgid "secure boot"
msgstr "secure boot"
msgid "secure shell (SSH)"
msgstr "secure shell (SSH)"
msgid "security group"
msgstr "security group"
msgid "segmented object"
msgstr "segmented object"
msgid "self-service"
msgstr "self-service"
msgid "senlin"
msgstr "senlin"
msgid "server"
msgstr "server"
msgid "server UUID"
msgstr "server UUID"
msgid "server image"
msgstr "server image"
msgid "service"
msgstr "service"
msgid "service ID"
msgstr "service ID"
msgid "service catalog"
msgstr "service catalog"
msgid "service project"
msgstr "service project"
msgid "service provider"
msgstr "service provider"
msgid "service registration"
msgstr "service registration"
msgid "service token"
msgstr "service token"
msgid "session back end"
msgstr "session back end"
msgid "session persistence"
msgstr "session persistence"
msgid "session storage"
msgstr "session storage"
msgid "share"
msgstr "share"
msgid "share network"
msgstr "share network"
msgid "shared IP address"
msgstr "shared IP address"
msgid "shared IP group"
msgstr "shared IP group"
msgid "shared storage"
msgstr "shared storage"
msgid "snapshot"
msgstr "snapshot"
msgid "soft reboot"
msgstr "soft reboot"
msgid "solum"
msgstr "solum"
msgid "spread-first scheduler"
msgstr "spread-first scheduler"
msgid "stack"
msgstr "stack"
msgid "static IP address"
msgstr "static IP address"
msgid "storage back end"
msgstr "storage back end"
msgid "storage manager"
msgstr "storage manager"
msgid "storage manager back end"
msgstr "storage manager back end"
msgid "storage node"
msgstr "storage node"
msgid "storage services"
msgstr "storage services"
msgid "strategy"
msgstr "strategy"
msgid "subdomain"
msgstr "subdomain"
msgid "subnet"
msgstr "subnet"
msgid "suspend"
msgstr "suspend"
msgid "swap"
msgstr "swap"
msgid "swauth"
msgstr "swauth"
msgid "swift"
msgstr "swift"
msgid "swift All in One (SAIO)"
msgstr "swift All in One (SAIO)"
msgid "swift middleware"
msgstr "swift middleware"
msgid "swift proxy server"
msgstr "swift proxy server"
msgid "swift storage node"
msgstr "swift storage node"
msgid "sync point"
msgstr "sync point"
msgid "sysadmin"
msgstr "sysadmin"
msgid "system usage"
msgstr "system usage"
msgid "tacker"
msgstr "tacker"
msgid "tenant"
msgstr "tenant (penyewa)"
msgid "tenant ID"
msgstr "tenant ID"
msgid "tenant endpoint"
msgstr "tenant endpoint"
msgid "token"
msgstr "token"
msgid "token services"
msgstr "token services"
msgid "tombstone"
msgstr "tombstone"
msgid "topic publisher"
msgstr "topic publisher"
msgid "transaction ID"
msgstr "transaction ID"
msgid "transient"
msgstr "transient"
msgid "transient exchange"
msgstr "transient exchange"
msgid "transient message"
msgstr "transient message"
msgid "transient queue"
msgstr "transient queue"
msgid "trove"
msgstr "trove"
msgid "trusted platform module (TPM)"
msgstr "trusted platform module (TPM)"
msgid "unscoped token"
msgstr "unscoped token"
msgid "updater"
msgstr "updater"
msgid "user"
msgstr "user"
msgid "user data"
msgstr "user data"
msgid "vSphere"
msgstr "vSphere"
msgid "virtual IP address (VIP)"
msgstr "virtual IP address (VIP)"
msgid "virtual VLAN"
msgstr "virtual VLAN"
msgid "virtual machine (VM)"
msgstr "virtual machine (VM)"
msgid "virtual network"
msgstr "virtual network"
msgid "virtual networking"
msgstr "virtual networking"
msgid "virtual port"
msgstr "virtual port"
msgid "virtual private network (VPN)"
msgstr "virtual private network (VPN)"
msgid "virtual server"
msgstr "virtual server"
msgid "virtual switch (vSwitch)"
msgstr "virtual switch (vSwitch)"
msgid "volume"
msgstr "volume"
msgid "volume ID"
msgstr "volume ID"
msgid "volume controller"
msgstr "volume controller"
msgid "volume driver"
msgstr "volume driver"
msgid "volume manager"
msgstr "volume manager"
msgid "volume node"
msgstr "volume node"
msgid "volume plug-in"
msgstr "volume plug-in"
msgid "volume worker"
msgstr "volume worker"
msgid "weight"
msgstr "weight"
msgid "weighted cost"
msgstr "weighted cost"
msgid "weighting"
msgstr "weighting"
msgid "worker"
msgstr "worker"
msgid "zaqar"
msgstr "zaqar"