Cleaned up run on sentence added transition word "it" for clarity changed process to processes, needs to be plural Change-Id: I82e01da9b6adeab77fa76bc4555e6d08ced68977
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<chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
<title>OpenStack Architecture</title>
<para><guilabel>Conceptual Architecture</guilabel></para>
<para>The OpenStack project as a whole is designed to deliver a
massively scalable cloud operating system. To achieve this, each
of the constituent services are designed to work together to
provide a complete Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). This
integration is facilitated through public application
programming interfaces (APIs) that each service offers (and in
turn can consume). While these APIs allow each of the services
to use another service, it also allows an implementer to switch
out any service as long as they maintain the API. These are
(mostly) the same APIs that are available to end users of the
<para>Conceptually, you can picture the relationships between the
services as so:</para>
<title>Conceptual Diagram</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/image13.jpg"/>
<para>Dashboard ("Horizon") provides a web front end to the
other OpenStack services</para>
<para>Compute ("Nova") stores and retrieves virtual disks
("images") and associated metadata in Image
<para>Network ("Quantum") provides virtual networking for
<para>Block Storage ("Cinder") provides storage volumes for
<para>Image ("Glance") can store the actual virtual disk files
in the Object Store("Swift")</para>
<para>All the services authenticate with Identity
<para>This is a stylized and simplified view of the architecture,
assuming that the implementer is using all of the services
together in the most common configuration. It also only shows
the "operator" side of the cloud -- it does not picture how
consumers of the cloud may actually use it. For example, many
users will access object storage heavily (and directly).</para>
<para><guilabel>Logical Architecture</guilabel></para>
<para>This picture is consistent with the conceptual architecture
<title>Logical Diagram</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/image31.jpg"/>
<para>End users can interact through a common web interface
(Horizon) or directly to each service through their
<para>All services authenticate through a common source
(facilitated through keystone)</para>
<para>Individual services interact with each other through
their public APIs (except where privileged administrator
commands are necessary)</para>
<para>In the sections below, we'll delve into the architecture for
each of the services.</para>
<para>Horizon is a modular Django web application that provides
an end user and administrator interface to OpenStack
<title>Horizon Dashboard</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/image10.jpg"/>
<para>As with most web applications, the architecture is fairly
<para>Horizon is usually deployed via mod_wsgi in Apache.
The code itself is separated into a reusable python module
with most of the logic (interactions with various
OpenStack APIs) and presentation (to make it easily
customizable for different sites).</para>
<para>A database (configurable as to which one) which relies
mostly on the other services for data. It also stores very
little data of its own.</para>
<para>From a network architecture point of view, this service
will need to be customer accessible as well as be able to talk
to each service's public APIs. If you wish to use the
administrator functionality (i.e. for other services), it will
also need connectivity to their Admin API endpoints (which
should be non-customer accessible).</para>
<para>Nova is the most complicated and distributed component of
OpenStack. A large number of processes cooperate to turn end
user API requests into running virtual machines. Below is a
list of these processes and their functions:</para>
<para>nova-api accepts and responds to end user compute API
calls. It supports OpenStack Compute API, Amazon's EC2 API
and a special Admin API (for privileged users to perform
administrative actions). It also initiates most of the
orchestration activities (such as running an instance) as
well as enforces some policy (mostly quota checks).</para>
<para>The nova-compute process is primarily a worker daemon
that creates and terminates virtual machine instances via
hypervisor's APIs (XenAPI for XenServer/XCP, libvirt for
KVM or QEMU, VMwareAPI for VMware, etc.). The process by
which it does so is fairly complex but the basics are
simple: accept actions from the queue and then perform a
series of system commands (like launching a KVM instance)
to carry them out while updating state in the
<para>nova-volume manages the creation, attaching and
detaching of z volumes to compute instances (similar
functionality to Amazon’s Elastic Block Storage). It can
use volumes from a variety of providers such as iSCSI or
Rados Block Device in Ceph. A new OpenStack project,
Cinder, will eventually replace nova-volume functionality.
In the Folsom release, nova-volume and the Block Storage
service will have similar functionality.</para>
<para>The nova-network worker daemon is very similar to
nova-compute and nova-volume. It accepts networking tasks
from the queue and then performs tasks to manipulate the
network (such as setting up bridging interfaces or
changing iptables rules). This functionality is being
migrated to Quantum, a separate OpenStack service. In the
Folsom release, much of the functionality will be
duplicated between nova-network and Quantum.</para>
<para>The nova-schedule process is conceptually the simplest
piece of code in OpenStack Nova: it takes a virtual machine
instance request from the queue and determines where it
should run (specifically, which compute server host it
should run on).</para>
<para>The queue provides a central hub for passing messages
between daemons. This is usually implemented with RabbitMQ
today, but could be any AMPQ message queue (such as Apache
Qpid). New to the Folsom release is support for Zero
<para>The SQL database stores most of the build-time and
runtime state for a cloud infrastructure. This includes
the instance types that are available for use, instances
in use, networks available and projects. Theoretically,
OpenStack Nova can support any database supported by
SQL-Alchemy but the only databases currently being widely
used are sqlite3 (only appropriate for test and
development work), MySQL and PostgreSQL.</para>
<para>Nova also provides console services to allow end users
to access their virtual instance's console through a
proxy. This involves several daemons (nova-console,
nova-novncproxy and nova-consoleauth).</para>
<para>Nova interacts with many other OpenStack services:
Keystone for authentication, Glance for images and Horizon for
web interface. The Glance interactions are central. The API
process can upload and query Glance while nova-compute will
download images for use in launching images.</para>
<para><guilabel>Object Store</guilabel></para>
<para>The swift architecture is very distributed to prevent any
single point of failure as well as to scale horizontally. It
includes the following components:</para>
<para>Proxy server (swift-proxy-server) accepts incoming
requests via the OpenStack Object API or just raw HTTP. It
accepts files to upload, modifications to metadata or
container creation. In addition, it will also serve files
or container listing to web browsers. The proxy server may
utilize an optional cache (usually deployed with memcache)
to improve performance.</para>
<para>Account servers manage accounts defined with the
object storage service.</para>
<para>Container servers manage a mapping of containers (i.e
folders) within the object store service.</para>
<para>Object servers manage actual objects (i.e. files) on
the storage nodes.</para>
<para>There are also a number of periodic processes which run
to perform housekeeping tasks on the large data store. The
most important of these is the replication services, which
ensures consistency and availability through the cluster.
Other periodic processes include auditors, updaters and
<para>Authentication is handled through configurable WSGI
middleware (which will usually be Keystone).</para>
<para><guilabel>Image Store</guilabel></para>
<para>The Glance architecture has stayed relatively stable since
the Cactus release. The biggest architectural change has been
the addition of authentication, which was added in the Diablo
release. Just as a quick reminder, Glance has four main parts
to it:</para>
<para>glance-api accepts Image API calls for image
discovery, image retrieval and image storage.</para>
<para>glance-registry stores, processes and retrieves
metadata about images (size, type, etc.).</para>
<para>A database to store the image metadata. Like Nova, you
can choose your database depending on your preference (but
most people use MySQL or SQlite).</para>
<para>A storage repository for the actual image files. In
the diagram above, Swift is shown as the image repository,
but this is configurable. In addition to Swift, Glance
supports normal filesystems, RADOS block devices, Amazon
S3 and HTTP. Be aware that some of these choices are
limited to read-only usage.</para>
<para>There are also a number of periodic process which run on
Glance to support caching. The most important of these is the
replication services, which ensures consistency and
availability through the cluster. Other periodic processes
include auditors, updaters and reapers.</para>
<para>As you can see from the diagram in the Conceptual
Architecture section, Glance serves a central role to the
overall IaaS picture. It accepts API requests for images (or
image metadata) from end users or Nova components and can
store its disk files in the object storage service,
<para>Keystone provides a single point of integration for
OpenStack policy, catalog, token and authentication.</para>
<para>keystone handles API requests as well as providing
configurable catalog, policy, token and identity
<para>Each Keystone function has a pluggable backend which
allows different ways to use the particular service. Most
support standard backends like LDAP or SQL, as well as Key
Value Stores (KVS).</para>
<para>Most people will use this as a point of customization for
their current authentication services.</para>
<para>Quantum provides "network connectivity as a service"
between interface devices managed by other OpenStack services
(most likely Nova). The service works by allowing users to
create their own networks and then attach interfaces to them.
Like many of the OpenStack services, Quantum is highly
configurable due to it's plug-in architecture. These plug-ins
accommodate different networking equipment and software. As
such, the architecture and deployment can vary dramatically.
In the above architecture, a simple Linux networking plug-in
is shown.</para>
<para>quantum-server accepts API requests and then routes
them to the appropriate quantum plugin for action.</para>
<para>Quantum plugins and agents perform the actual actions
such as plugging and unplugging ports, creating networks
or subnets and IP addressing. These plugins and agents
differ depending on the vendor and technologies used in
the particular cloud. Quantum ships with plugins and
agents for: Cisco virtual and physical switches, Nicira
NVP product, NEC OpenFlow products, Openvswitch, Linux
bridging and the Ryu Network Operating System.</para>
<para>The common agents are L3 (layer 3), DHCP (dynamic host
IP addressing) and the specific plug-in agent.</para>
<para>Most Quantum installations will also make use of a
messaging queue to route information between the
quantum-server and various agents as well as a database to
store networking state for particular plugins.</para>
<para>Quantum will interact mainly with Nova, where it will
provide networks and connectivity for its instances.</para>
<para><guilabel>Block Storage</guilabel></para>
<para>Cinder separates out the persistent block storage
functionality that was previously part of OpenStack Compute
(in the form of nova-volume) into it's own service. The
OpenStack Block Storage API allows for manipulation of
volumes, volume types (similar to compute flavors) and volume
<para>cinder-api accepts API requests and routes them to
cinder-volume for action.</para>
<para>cinder-volume acts upon the requests by reading or
writing to the Cinder database to maintain state,
interacting with other processes (like cinder-scheduler)
through a message queue and directly upon block storage
providing hardware or software. It can interact with a
variety of storage providers through a driver
architecture. Currently, there are drivers for IBM,
SolidFire, NetApp, Nexenta, Zadara, linux iSCSI and other
storage providers.</para>
<para>Much like nova-scheduler, the cinder-scheduler daemon
picks the optimal block storage provider node to create
the volume on.</para>
<para>Cinder deployments will also make use of a messaging
queue to route information between the cinder processes as
well as a database to store volume state.</para>
<para>Like Quantum, Cinder will mainly interact with Nova,
providing volumes for its instances.</para>