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<section xml:id="backup-block-storage-disks"
<title>Back up your Block Storage disks</title>
<para>While you can use the snapshot functionality (using
LVM snapshot), you can also back up your volumes. The
advantage of this method is that it reduces the size of the
backup; only existing data will be backed up, instead of the
entire volume. For this example, assume that a 100 GB volume
has been created for an instance, while only 4 gigabytes are
used. This process will back up only those 4 gigabytes, with
the following tools:</para>
<para><command>lvm2</command>, directly
manipulates the volumes.</para>
<para><command>kpartx</command> discovers the
partition table created inside the instance.</para>
<para><command>tar</command> creates a
minimum-sized backup</para>
<para><command>sha1sum</command> calculates the
backup checksum, to check its consistency</para>
<emphasis role="bold">1- Create a snapshot of a used volume</emphasis></para>
<para>In order to backup our volume, we first need
to create a snapshot of it. An LVM snapshot is
the exact copy of a logical volume, which
contains data in a frozen state. This prevents
data corruption, because data will not be
manipulated during the process of creating the
volume itself. Remember the volumes
created through a
<command>nova volume-create</command>
exist in an LVM's logical volume.</para>
<para>Before creating the
snapshot, ensure that you have enough
space to save it. As a precaution, you
should have at least twice as much space
as the potential snapshot size. If
insufficient space is available, there is
a risk that the snapshot could become
<para>Use the following command to obtain a list
of all volumes:
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>lvdisplay</userinput></screen>
this example, we will refer to a volume called
<literal>volume-00000001</literal>, which
is a 10GB volume. This process can be applied
to all volumes, not matter their size. At the
end of the section, we will present a script
that you could use to create scheduled
backups. The script itself exploits what we
discuss here.</para>
<para>First, create the snapshot; this can be
achieved while the volume is attached to an
instance :</para>
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>lvcreate --size 10G --snapshot --name volume-00000001-snapshot /dev/nova-volumes/volume-00000001</userinput></screen>
<para>We indicate to LVM we want a snapshot of an
already existing volume with the
configuration option. The command includes the
size of the space reserved for the snapshot
volume, the name of the snapshot, and the path
of an already existing volume (In most cases,
the path will be
<para>The size doesn't have to be the same as the
volume of the snapshot. The size parameter
designates the space that LVM will reserve for
the snapshot volume. As a precaution, the size
should be the same as that of the original
volume, even if we know the whole space is not
currently used by the snapshot.</para>
<para>We now have a full snapshot, and it only took few seconds !</para>
<para>Run <command>lvdisplay</command> again to
verify the snapshot. You should see now your
<programlisting>--- Logical volume ---
LV Name /dev/nova-volumes/volume-00000001
VG Name nova-volumes
LV UUID gI8hta-p21U-IW2q-hRN1-nTzN-UC2G-dKbdKr
LV Write Access read/write
LV snapshot status source of
/dev/nova-volumes/volume-00000026-snap [active]
LV Status available
# open 1
LV Size 15,00 GiB
Current LE 3840
Segments 1
Allocation inherit
Read ahead sectors auto
- currently set to 256
Block device 251:13
--- Logical volume ---
LV Name /dev/nova-volumes/volume-00000001-snap
VG Name nova-volumes
LV UUID HlW3Ep-g5I8-KGQb-IRvi-IRYU-lIKe-wE9zYr
LV Write Access read/write
LV snapshot status active destination for /dev/nova-volumes/volume-00000026
LV Status available
# open 0
LV Size 15,00 GiB
Current LE 3840
COW-table size 10,00 GiB
COW-table LE 2560
Allocated to snapshot 0,00%
Snapshot chunk size 4,00 KiB
Segments 1
Allocation inherit
Read ahead sectors auto
- currently set to 256
Block device 251:14</programlisting>
<emphasis role="bold">2- Partition table discovery </emphasis></para>
<para>If we want to exploit that snapshot with the
<command>tar</command> program, we first
need to mount our partition on the Block Storage server.</para>
<para><command>kpartx</command> is a small utility
which performs table partition discoveries,
and maps it. It can be used to view partitions
created inside the instance. Without using the
partitions created inside instances, we won' t
be able to see its content and create
efficient backups.</para>
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>kpartx -av /dev/nova-volumes/volume-00000001-snapshot</userinput></screen>
<para>If no errors are displayed, it means the
tools has been able to find it, and map the
partition table. Note that on a Debian flavor
distro, you could also use <command>apt-get
install kpartx</command>.</para>
<para>You can easily check the partition table map
by running the following command:</para>
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>ls /dev/mapper/nova*</userinput></screen>
You should now see a partition called
<para>If you created more than one partition on
that volumes, you should have accordingly
several partitions; for example.
and so forth.</para>
<para>We can now mount our partition:</para>
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>mount /dev/mapper/nova--volumes-volume--volume--00000001--snapshot1 /mnt</userinput></screen>
<para>If there are no errors, you have
successfully mounted the partition.</para>
<para>You should now be able to directly access
the data that were created inside the
instance. If you receive a message asking you
to specify a partition, or if you are unable
to mount it (despite a well-specified
filesystem) there could be two causes:</para>
<para>You didn't allocate enough
space for the snapshot</para>
<command>kpartx</command> was
unable to discover the partition
</itemizedlist>Allocate more space to the
snapshot and try the process again.</para>
<emphasis role="bold"> 3- Use tar in order to create archives</emphasis>
<para>Now that the volume has been mounted,
you can create a backup of it:</para>
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>tar --exclude={"lost+found","some/data/to/exclude"} -czf volume-00000001.tar.gz -C /mnt/ /backup/destination</userinput></screen>
<para>This command will create a tar.gz file
containing the data, <emphasis
role="italic">and data
only</emphasis>. This ensures that you do
not waste space by backing up empty
<emphasis role="bold">4- Checksum calculation I</emphasis>
<para>You should always have the checksum for
your backup files. The checksum is a
unique identifier for a file.</para>
<para>When you transfer that same file over
the network, you can run another checksum
calculation. If the checksums are
different, this indicates that the file is
corrupted; thus, the checksum provides a
method to ensure your file has not been
corrupted during its transfer.</para>
<para>The following command runs a checksum
for our file, and saves the result to a
file :</para>
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>sha1sum volume-00000001.tar.gz > volume-00000001.checksum</userinput></screen>
role="bold">Be aware</emphasis> the
<command>sha1sum</command> should be
used carefully, since the required time
for the calculation is directly
proportional to the file's size.</para>
<para>For files larger than ~4-6 gigabytes,
and depending on your CPU, the process may
take a long time.</para>
<emphasis role="bold">5- After work cleaning</emphasis>
<para>Now that we have an efficient and
consistent backup, the following commands
will clean up the file system.<orderedlist>
<para>Unmount the volume:
<para>Delete the partition table:
<command>kpartx -dv
<para>Remove the snapshot:
<command>lvremove -f
<para>And voila :) You can now repeat these
steps for every volume you have.</para>
<emphasis role="bold">6- Automate your backups</emphasis>
<para>Because you can expect that more and more volumes
will be allocated to your Block Storage service, you may
want to automate your backups. This script <link
>here</link> will assist you on this task. The
script performs the operations from the previous
example, but also provides a mail report and runs the
backup based on the
<literal>backups_retention_days</literal> setting.
It is meant to be launched from the server which runs
the Block Storage component.</para>
<para>Here is an example of a mail report:</para>
<programlisting>Backup Start Time - 07/10 at 01:00:01
Current retention - 7 days
The backup volume is mounted. Proceed...
Removing old backups... : /BACKUPS/EBS-VOL/volume-00000019/volume-00000019_28_09_2011.tar.gz
/BACKUPS/EBS-VOL/volume-00000019 - 0 h 1 m and 21 seconds. Size - 3,5G
The backup volume is mounted. Proceed...
Removing old backups... : /BACKUPS/EBS-VOL/volume-0000001a/volume-0000001a_28_09_2011.tar.gz
/BACKUPS/EBS-VOL/volume-0000001a - 0 h 4 m and 15 seconds. Size - 6,9G
Total backups size - 267G - Used space : 35%
Total execution time - 1 h 75 m and 35 seconds</programlisting>
<para>The script also provides the ability to SSH to your
instances and run a mysqldump into them. In order to
make this to work, ensure the connection via the
nova's project keys is enabled. If you don't want to
run the mysqldumps, you can turn off this
functionality by adding
<literal>enable_mysql_dump=0</literal> to the