KATO Tomoyuki 1e125c08d5 Fix the option of setsebool command
Change-Id: Id9c7bc4859ded78c5c9d3d72d5876b166a17ea8b
Closes-Bug: 1452170
2015-05-06 19:40:59 +09:00

138 lines
6.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<section xmlns=""
<title>Integrate Identity with LDAP</title>
<para>The Openstack Identity Service supports integration with
existing LDAP directories for authentication and authorization
<para>When the Openstack Identity service is configured to use LDAP
back ends, you can split authentication (using the
<emphasis>identity</emphasis> feature) and
authorization (using the
<emphasis>assignment</emphasis> feature).</para>
<para>The identity feature enables administrators to manage
users and groups by each domain or the Openstack Identity Service entirely.</para>
<para>The Assignments feature enables administrators to manage
project role authorization using the Openstack Identity service SQL
database, while providing user authentication through the
LDAP directory.</para>
<important os="rhel;fedora;centos">
<para>For OpenStack Identity service to access LDAP servers, you must
enable the <option>authlogin_nsswitch_use_ldap</option> boolean
value for SELinux on the Openstack Identity server. To enable and
make the option persistent across reboots:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>setsebool -P authlogin_nsswitch_use_ldap on</userinput></screen>
<para>Identity configuration is split into two separate back ends: identity
(back end for users and groups) and assignments (back end for domains,
projects, roles, role assignments). To configure identity, set options in the
<filename>/etc/keystone/keystone.conf</filename> file.
See <xref linkend="configuring-keystone-for-ldap-backend-identity"/>
for identity back end configuration examples and
<xref linkend="configuring-keystone-for-ldap-backend-assignments"/>
for assignment back end configuration examples.
Modify these examples as needed.</para>
<para>Multiple back ends are supported. You can integrate the Openstack Identity service
with a single LDAP server (configure both identity and assignments to
LDAP, or set identity and assignments back end with SQL or LDAP),
or multiple back ends using domain-specific configuration files.</para>
<title>To define the destination LDAP server</title>
<para>Define the destination LDAP server in the
<filename>keystone.conf</filename> file:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">[ldap]
url = ldap://localhost
user = dc=Manager,dc=example,dc=org
password = samplepassword
suffix = dc=example,dc=org
use_dumb_member = False
allow_subtree_delete = False</programlisting>
<para>Configure <option>dumb_member</option> if you set <option>use_dumb_member</option> to true.</para>
<programlisting language="ini">[ldap]
dumb_member = cn=dumb,dc=nonexistent</programlisting>
<title>Additional LDAP integration settings</title>
<para>Set these options in the
<filename>/etc/keystone/keystone.conf</filename> file for a single LDAP server, or
<filename>/etc/keystone/domains/keystone.<replaceable>DOMAIN_NAME</replaceable>.conf</filename> files for
multiple back ends.</para>
<term>Query option</term>
<para>Use <option>query_scope</option>
to control the scope level of data
presented (search only the first level or search an entire
sub-tree) through LDAP.</para>
<para>Use <option>page_size</option> to control the maximum
results per page. A value of zero disables paging.</para>
<para>Use <option>alias_dereferencing</option> to control
the LDAP dereferencing option for queries.</para>
<para>Use <option>chase_referrals</option> to override the
system's default referral chasing behavior for queries.</para>
<programlisting language="ini">[ldap]
query_scope = sub
page_size = 0
alias_dereferencing = default
chase_referrals = </programlisting>
<para>Use <option>debug_level</option> to set
the LDAP debugging level for LDAP calls. A value of zero means that
debugging is not enabled.</para>
<programlisting language="ini">[ldap]
debug_level = 0</programlisting>
<warning><para>This value is a bitmask, consult your LDAP
documentation for possible values.</para></warning>
<term>Connection pooling</term>
<para>Use <option>use_pool</option> to enable LDAP connection
pooling. Configure connection pool size, maximum retry,
reconnect trials, timeout (-1 indicates indefinite
wait) and lifetime in seconds.</para>
<programlisting language="ini">[ldap]
use_pool = true
pool_size = 10
pool_retry_max = 3
pool_retry_delay = 0.1
pool_connection_timeout = -1
pool_connection_lifetime = 600</programlisting>
<term>Connection pooling for end user authentication</term>
<para>Use <option>use_auth_pool</option> to enable LDAP
connection pooling for end user authentication.
Configure connection pool size and lifetime in seconds.</para>
<programlisting language="ini">[ldap]
use_auth_pool = false
auth_pool_size = 100
auth_pool_connection_lifetime = 60</programlisting>
<para>When you have finished configuration, restart the Openstack Identity service:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>service keystone restart</userinput></screen>
<warning><para>During service restart, authentication and
authorization are unavailable.</para></warning>
<xi:include href="section_keystone_config_ldap-identity.xml"/>
<xi:include href="section_keystone_config_ldap-assignments.xml"/>
<xi:include href="section_keystone_config_ldap-hardening.xml"/>