Matthew Kassawara ad246afa6a [install-guide] Ubuntu release package updates
Update the following items for the Ubuntu release packages

1) Use RabbitMQ packages from the cloud archive repository.

2) Change default role from '_member_' to 'user' to avoid
   potential interference with an internal role.

3) Remove explicit configuration of 'log_dir' option in

4) Remove step to disable default host in Apache.

5) Update CirrOS image to 0.3.4.

Some of these changes apply to all distributions.

Change-Id: If1cdf839ebdc7655b89ab14df694a9c25f0c35cf
Implements: blueprint installguide-kilo
2015-05-16 10:46:49 -05:00

100 lines
4.6 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<section xmlns=""
<title>Configure the Object Storage service</title>
<para>To retrieve storage-oriented events and samples, configure the
Object Storage service to send notifications to the message bus.</para>
<title>To configure prerequisites</title>
<para>The Telemetry service requires access to the Object Storage
service using the <literal>ResellerAdmin</literal> role. Perform
these steps on the controller node.</para>
<para>Source the <literal>admin</literal> credentials to gain
access to admin-only CLI commands.</para>
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>source</userinput></screen>
<para>Create the <literal>ResellerAdmin</literal> role:</para>
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>openstack role create ResellerAdmin</userinput>
| Field | Value |
| id | 462fa46c13fd4798a95a3bfbe27b5e54 |
| name | ResellerAdmin |
<para>Add the <literal>ResellerAdmin</literal> role to the
<literal>service</literal> tenant and <literal>ceilometer</literal>
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>openstack role add --project service --user ceilometer ResellerAdmin</userinput>
| Field | Value |
| id | 462fa46c13fd4798a95a3bfbe27b5e54 |
| name | ResellerAdmin |
<title>To configure notifications</title>
<para>Perform these steps on the controller and any other nodes that
run the Object Storage proxy service.</para>
<para>Edit the <filename>/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf</filename> file
and complete the following actions:</para>
<para>In the <literal>[filter:keystoneauth]</literal> section,
add the <literal>ResellerAdmin</literal> role:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">[filter:keystoneauth]
operator_roles = admin,user,ResellerAdmin</programlisting>
<para>In the <literal>[pipeline:main]</literal> section, add
<programlisting language="ini">[pipeline:main]
pipeline = authtoken cache healthcheck keystoneauth proxy-logging ceilometer proxy-server</programlisting>
<para>In the <literal>[filter:ceilometer]</literal> section, configure
<programlisting language="ini">[filter:ceilometer]
paste.filter_factory = ceilometermiddleware.swift:filter_factory
control_exchange = swift
url = rabbit://openstack:<replaceable>RABBIT_PASS</replaceable>@<replaceable>controller</replaceable>:5672/
driver = messagingv2
topic = notifications
log_level = WARN</programlisting>
<para>Replace <replaceable>RABBIT_PASS</replaceable> with the
password you chose for the <literal>openstack</literal> account in
<para>Add the <literal>swift</literal> system user to the
<literal>ceilometer</literal> system group to permit access to the
Telemetry configuration files by the Object Storage service:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>usermod -a -G ceilometer swift</userinput></screen>
<step os="fedora;centos;rhel">
<!-- Workaround for -->
<para>Install the <package>ceilometermiddleware</package> package:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>pip install ceilometermiddleware</userinput></screen>
<para>Restart the Object Storage proxy service:</para>
<screen os="ubuntu;debian"><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>service swift-proxy restart</userinput></screen>
<screen os="rhel;centos;fedora;opensuse;sles"><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>systemctl restart openstack-swift-proxy.service</userinput></screen>