Editing the nested sections for the compute chapter. Mostly grammar, wording, style, convention, etc. This patch includes service groups, image management, building blocks, management tools, and nova networking. Watch this space for more. Partial-Bug: #1251195 Change-Id: I07c021b653787dd95ffeba70e67f9b66f6eb242c
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<title>Images and instances</title>
<para>Disk images provide templates for virtual machine file systems. The
Image Service controls storage and management of images.</para>
<para>Instances are the individual virtual machines that run on physical
compute nodes. Users can launch any number of instances from the same
image. Each launched instance runs from a copy of the base image so that
any changes made to the instance do not affect the base image. You can
take snapshots of running instances to create an image based on the
current disk state of a particular instance. The Compute service manages
<para>When you launch an instance, you must choose a <literal>flavor</literal>,
which represents a set of virtual resources. Flavors define how many
virtual CPUs an instance has, the amount of RAM available to it, and the
size of its ephemeral disks. Users must select from the set of available
flavors defined on their cloud. OpenStack provides a number of predefined
flavors that you can edit or add to.</para>
<para>For more information about creating and troubleshooting
images, see the <link xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/content/">
<citetitle>OpenStack Virtual Machine Image Guide</citetitle></link>.</para>
<para>For more information about image configuration options,
see the <link xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org/juno/config-reference/content/ch_configuring-openstack-image-service.html">
Image Services</link> section of the <citetitle>OpenStack
Configuration Reference</citetitle>.</para>
<para>For more information about flavors, see <xref linkend="customize-flavors"/>
or <link xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ops/content/flavors.html">
Flavors</link> in the <citetitle>OpenStack Operations
<para>You can add and remove additional resources from running instances,
such as persistent volume storage, or public IP addresses. The example
used in this chapter is of a typical virtual system within an OpenStack
cloud. It uses the <systemitem class="service">cinder-volume</systemitem>
service, which provides persistent block storage, instead of the
ephemeral storage provided by the selected instance flavor.</para>
<para>This diagram shows the system state prior to launching an instance.
The image store, fronted by the Image Service (glance) has a number of
predefined images. Inside the cloud, a compute node contains the
available vCPU, memory, and local disk resources. Additionally, the
<systemitem class="service">cinder-volume</systemitem> service provides
a number of predefined volumes.</para>
<figure xml:id="initial-instance-state-figure">
<title>Base image state with no running instances</title>
<imagedata fileref="../../common/figures/instance-life-1.png"/>
<para>To launch an instance select an image, flavor, and any optional
attributes. The selected flavor provides a root volume, labeled
<literal>vda</literal> in this diagram, and additional ephemeral storage,
labeled <literal>vdb</literal>. In this example, the
<systemitem class="service">cinder-volume</systemitem> store is mapped
to the third virtual disk on this instance, <literal>vdc</literal>.</para>
<figure xml:id="run-instance-state-figure">
<title>Instance creation from image and runtime state</title>
<imagedata fileref="../../common/figures/instance-life-2.png"/>
<para>The base image is copied from the image store to the local disk. The
local disk is the first disk that the instance accesses, labeled
<literal>vda</literal> in this diagram. Your instances will start up
faster if you use smaller images, as less data needs to be copied across
the network.</para>
<para>A new empty ephemeral disk is also created, labeled
<literal>vdb</literal> in this diagram. This disk is destroyed when you
delete the instance.</para>
<para>The compute node connects to the attached
<systemitem class="service">cinder-volume</systemitem> using
ISCSI. The <systemitem class="service">cinder-volume</systemitem>
is mapped to the third disk, labeled <literal>vdc</literal> in this
diagram. After the compute node provisions the vCPU and memory
resources, the instance boots up from root volume <literal>vda</literal>.
The instance runs, and changes data on the disks (highlighted in red
on the diagram). If the volume store is located on a separate network,
the <literal>my_block_storage_ip</literal> option specified in the
storage node configuration file directs image traffic to the compute
<para>Some details in this example scenario might be different in your
environment. For example, you might use a different type of back-end
storage, or different network protocols. One common variant is that
the ephemeral storage used for volumes <literal>vda</literal> and
<literal>vdb</literal> could be backed by network storage rather
than a local disk.</para>
<para>When the instance is deleted, the state is reclaimed with the
exception of the persistent volume. The ephemeral storage is purged;
memory and vCPU resources are released. The image remains unchanged
throughout this process.</para>
<figure xml:id="end-instance-state-figure">
<title>End state of image and volume after instance exits</title>
<imagedata fileref="../../common/figures/instance-life-3.png"/>
<xi:include href="section_compute-image-mgt.xml"/>
<xi:include href="../image/section_glance-property-protection.xml"/>
<xi:include href="../image/section_glance-nova-image-download.xml"/>
<xi:include href="section_compute-instance-building-blocks.xml"/>
<xi:include href="section_compute-instance-mgt-tools.xml"/>
<section xml:id="section_instance-scheduling-constraints">
<title>Control where instances run</title>
<para>The <link xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org/juno/config-reference/content/">
<citetitle>OpenStack Configuration Reference</citetitle></link>
provides detailed information on controlling where your instances
run, including ensuring a set of instances run on different compute
nodes for service resiliency or on the same node for high performance
inter-instance communications.</para>
<para>Administrative users can specify which compute node their
instances run on. To do this, specify the
<parameter>--availability-zone <replaceable>AVAILABILITY_ZONE</replaceable>:<replaceable>COMPUTE_HOST</replaceable></parameter>