We are revaming the networking chapter of the Cloud Admin Guide into a new stand-alone Networking Guide. Part of that process is revamping the networking chapter itself. To make that easier, we are breaking it out into separate files for each section to facilitate editing by multiple authors. This change contains no content changes; all changes are structural. Change-Id: I644168cac44607e9b5657d52110daf36e0ee76a4 Closes-Bug: #1273553
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<section xml:id="section_networking-intro" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0">
<title>Introduction to Networking</title>
<para>The Networking service, code-named Neutron, provides an
API that lets you define network connectivity and addressing in
the cloud. The Networking service enables operators to
leverage different networking technologies to power their
cloud networking. The Networking service also provides an
API to configure and manage a variety of network services
ranging from L3 forwarding and NAT to load balancing, edge
firewalls, and IPSEC VPN.</para>
<para>For a detailed description of the Networking API
abstractions and their attributes, see the <link
><citetitle>OpenStack Networking API v2.0
<section xml:id="section_networking-api">
<title>Networking API</title>
<para>Networking is a virtual network service that
provides a powerful API to define the network
connectivity and IP addressing used by devices from
other services, such as Compute.</para>
<para>The Compute API has a virtual server abstraction to
describe computing resources. Similarly, the
Networking API has virtual network, subnet, and port
abstractions to describe networking resources.</para>
<table rules="all">
<caption>Networking resources</caption>
<col width="10%"/>
<col width="90%"/>
<td><emphasis role="bold"
<td>An isolated L2 segment, analogous to VLAN
in the physical networking world.</td>
<td><emphasis role="bold"
<td>A block of v4 or v6 IP addresses and
associated configuration state.</td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">Port</emphasis></td>
<td>A connection point for attaching a single
device, such as the NIC of a virtual
server, to a virtual network. Also
describes the associated network
configuration, such as the MAC and IP
addresses to be used on that port.</td>
<para>You can configure rich network topologies by
creating and configuring networks and subnets, and
then instructing other OpenStack services like Compute
to attach virtual devices to ports on these
<para>In particular, Networking supports each tenant
having multiple private networks, and allows tenants
to choose their own IP addressing scheme (even if
those IP addresses overlap with those used by other
tenants). The Networking service:</para>
<para>Enables advanced cloud networking use cases,
such as building multi-tiered web applications
and allowing applications to be migrated to
the cloud without changing IP
<para>Offers flexibility for the cloud
administrator to customize network
<para>Enables developers to extend the Networking
API. Over time, the extended functionality
becomes part of the core Networking
<section xml:id="section_plugin-arch">
<title>Plug-in architecture</title>
<para>The original Compute network implementation assumed
a basic model of isolation through Linux VLANs and IP
tables. Networking introduces the concept of a
<emphasis role="italic">plug-in</emphasis>, which
is a back-end implementation of the Networking API. A
plug-in can use a variety of technologies to implement
the logical API requests. Some Networking plug-ins
might use basic Linux VLANs and IP tables, while
others might use more advanced technologies, such as
L2-in-L3 tunneling or OpenFlow, to provide similar
<table rules="all">
<caption>Available networking plug-ins</caption>
<col width="40%"/>
<col width="60%"/>
<td><emphasis role="bold">Big Switch Plug-in
(Floodlight REST
<td>Documentation included in this guide and
<td><emphasis role="bold">Brocade
<td>Documentation included in this guide</td>
<td><emphasis role="bold"
<td><emphasis role="bold">Cloudbase Hyper-V
<td><emphasis role="bold">Linux Bridge
<td><emphasis role="bold">Mellanox
<td><emphasis role="bold">Midonet
<td><emphasis role="bold">ML2 (Modular Layer
2) Plug-in</emphasis></td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">NEC OpenFlow
<td><emphasis role="bold">Nicira NVP
<td>Documentation included in this guide as
well as in <link
>NVP Product Overview</link>, <link
>NVP Product Support</link></td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">Open vSwitch
<td>Documentation included in this guide.</td>
<td><emphasis role="bold"
<td>Documentation included in this guide as
well as in <link
<td><emphasis role="bold">Ryu
<td>Documentation included in this guide as
well as in <link
<para>Plug-ins can have different properties for hardware
requirements, features, performance, scale, or
operator tools. Because Networking supports a large
number of plug-ins, the cloud administrator can weigh
options to decide on the right networking technology
for the deployment.</para>
<para>In the Havana release, OpenStack Networking provides
the <glossterm baseform="Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in">
Modular Layer 2 (ML2) plug-in</glossterm> that can concurrently
use multiple layer 2 networking technologies that are
found in real-world data centers. It currently works
with the existing Open vSwitch, Linux Bridge, and
Hyper-v L2 agents. The ML2 framework simplifies the
addition of support for new L2 technologies and
reduces the effort that is required to add and
maintain them compared to monolithic plug-ins.</para>
<title>Plug-in deprecation notice:</title>
<para>The Open vSwitch and Linux Bridge plug-ins are
deprecated in the Havana release and will be
removed in the Icehouse release. All features have
been ported to the ML2 plug-in in the form of
mechanism drivers. ML2 currently provides Linux
Bridge, Open vSwitch and Hyper-v mechanism
<para>Not all Networking plug-ins are compatible with all
possible Compute drivers:</para>
<table rules="all">
<caption>Plug-in compatibility with Compute
<th>Libvirt (KVM/QEMU)</th>
<td>Big Switch / Floodlight</td>
<td>Cloudbase Hyper-V</td>
<td>Linux Bridge</td>
<td>NEC OpenFlow</td>
<td>Nicira NVP</td>
<td>Open vSwitch</td>
<section xml:id="section_plugin-config">
<title>Plug-in configurations</title>
<para>For configurations options, see <link
>Networking configuration options</link> in
Reference</citetitle>. These sections explain how
to configure specific plug-ins.</para>
<section xml:id="bigswitch_floodlight_plugin">
<title>Configure Big Switch, Floodlight REST Proxy
<title>To use the REST Proxy plug-in with
OpenStack Networking</title>
and set:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">core_plugin = neutron.plugins.bigswitch.plugin.NeutronRestProxyV2</programlisting>
<para>Edit the plug-in configuration file,
and specify a comma-separated list of
<programlisting language="ini">server = <controller-ip>:<port></programlisting>
For database configuration, see <link
>Install Networking Services</link>
in any of the <citetitle>Installation
Guides</citetitle> in the <link
>OpenStack Documentation
index</link>. (The link defaults to
the Ubuntu version.)</para>
<para>To apply the new settings, restart
<systemitem class="service"
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo service neutron-server restart</userinput></screen>
<section xml:id="brocade_plugin">
<title>Configure Brocade plug-in</title>
<title>To use the Brocade plug-in with
OpenStack Networking</title>
<para>Install the Brocade modified Python
netconf client (ncclient) library which is available
at <link
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>git clone https://www.github.com/brocade/ncclient</userinput>
<prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>cd ncclient; sudo python ./setup.py install</userinput></screen>
<para>Edit the
file and set the following option:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">core_plugin = neutron.plugins.brocade.NeutronPlugin.BrocadePluginV2</programlisting>
<para>Edit the
configuration file for the Brocade plug-in
and specify the admin user name, password,
and IP address of the Brocade switch:
<programlisting language="ini">[SWITCH]
username = <replaceable>admin</replaceable>
password = <replaceable>password</replaceable>
address = <replaceable>switch mgmt ip address</replaceable>
ostype = NOS</programlisting>
For database configuration, see <link
>Install Networking Services</link>
in any of the <citetitle>Installation
Guides</citetitle> in the <link
>OpenStack Documentation
index</link>. (The link defaults to
the Ubuntu version.)</para>
<para>To apply the new settings, restart the
<systemitem class="service"
>neutron-server</systemitem> service:
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>service neutron-server restart</userinput></screen>
<section xml:id="openvswitch_plugin">
<title>Configure OVS plug-in</title>
<para>If you use the Open vSwitch (OVS) plug-in in
a deployment with multiple hosts, you will
need to use either tunneling or vlans to
isolate traffic from multiple networks.
Tunneling is easier to deploy because it does
not require configuring VLANs on network
<para>This procedure uses tunneling:</para>
<title>To configure OpenStack Networking to
use the OVS plug-in</title>
</filename> to specify these values
(for database configuration, see <link
>Install Networking Services</link>
in <citetitle>Installation
<programlisting language="ini">enable_tunneling=True
# only required for nodes running agents
<para>If you use the neutron DHCP agent,
add these lines to the
<programlisting language="ini">dnsmasq_config_file=/etc/neutron/dnsmasq-neutron.conf</programlisting>
and add these values to lower the MTU
size on instances and prevent packet
fragmentation over the GRE
<programlisting language="ini">dhcp-option-force=26,1400</programlisting>
<para>After performing that change on the
node running <systemitem
restart <systemitem class="service"
>neutron-server</systemitem> to
apply the new settings:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo service neutron-server restart</userinput></screen>
<section xml:id="nvp_plugin">
<title>Configure Nicira NVP plug-in</title>
<title>To configure OpenStack Networking to
use the NVP plug-in</title>
<para>While the instructions in this section refer to the Nicira NVP
platform, they also apply to VMware NSX.</para>
<para>Install the NVP plug-in, as
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo apt-get install neutron-plugin-nicira</userinput></screen>
and set:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">core_plugin = neutron.plugins.nicira.NeutronPlugin.NvpPluginV2</programlisting>
file for NVP:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">core_plugin = neutron.plugins.nicira.NeutronPlugin.NvpPluginV2
rabbit_host =
allow_overlapping_ips = True</programlisting>
<para>To configure the NVP controller cluster for the Openstack
Networking Service, locate the <literal>[default]</literal> section
in the <filename>/etc/neutron/plugins/nicira/nvp.ini</filename>
file, and add the following entries (for database configuration, see
>Install Networking Services</link> in <citetitle>Installation
Guide</citetitle>): <itemizedlist>
<para>A set of parameters need to establish and configure
the connection with the controller cluster. Such
parameters include NVP API endpoints, access
credentials, and settings for HTTP redirects and retries
in case of connection
failures<programlisting>nvp_user = <admin user name>
nvp_password = <password for nvp_user>
req_timeout = <timeout in seconds for NVP_requests> # default 30 seconds
http_timeout = <tiemout in seconds for single HTTP request> # default 10 seconds
retries = <number of HTTP request retries> # default 2
redirects = <maximum allowed redirects for a HTTP request> # default 3
nvp_controllers = <comma separated list of API endpoints></programlisting></para>
<para>In order to ensure correct operations
<literal>nvp_user</literal> shoud be a user with
administrator credentials on the NVP platform.</para>
<para>A controller API endpoint consists of the
controller's IP address and port; if the port is
omitted, port 443 will be used. If multiple API
endpoints are specified, it is up to the user to ensure
that all these endpoints belong to the same controller
cluster; The Openstack Networking Nicira NVP plugin does
not perform this check, and results might be
<para>When multiple API endpoints are specified, the plugin
will load balance requests on the various API
<para>The UUID of the NVP Transport Zone that should be used
by default when a tenant creates a network. This value
can be retrieved from the NVP Manager's Transport Zones
<programlisting language="ini">default_tz_uuid = <uuid_of_the_transport_zone></programlisting>
<programlisting language="ini">default_l3_gw_service_uuid = <uuid_of_the_gateway_service></programlisting>
<para>Ubuntu packaging currently does not update the
neutron init script to point to the NVP
configuration file. Instead, you must manually
with the following:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG = /etc/neutron/plugins/nicira/nvp.ini</programlisting>
<para>To apply the new settings, restart
<systemitem class="service"
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo service neutron-server restart</userinput></screen>
<para>Example <filename>nvp.ini</filename>
<programlisting language="ini">[DEFAULT]
default_tz_uuid = d3afb164-b263-4aaa-a3e4-48e0e09bb33c
<para>To debug <filename>nvp.ini</filename>
configuration issues, run this command
from the host that runs <systemitem
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>check-nvp-config <path/to/nvp.ini></userinput></screen>
<para>This command tests whether <systemitem
>neutron-server</systemitem> can log
into all of the NVP Controllers and the
SQL server, and whether all UUID values
are correct.</para>
<section xml:id="LBaaS_and_FWaaS">
<title>Loadbalancer-as-a-Service and Firewall-as-a-Service</title>
<para>The NVP LBaaS and FWaaS services use the standard OpenStack API with the exception of requiring routed-insertion extension support.</para>
<para>Below are the main differences between the NVP implementation and the community reference implementation of these services:</para>
<para>The NVP LBaaS and FWaaS plugins require the routed-insertion extension, which adds the <code>router_id</code> attribute to the VIP (Virtual IP address) and firewall resources and binds these services to a logical router.</para>
<para>The community reference implementation of LBaaS only supports a one-arm model, which restricts the VIP to be on the same subnet as the backend servers. The NVP LBaaS plugin only supports a two-arm model between north-south traffic, meaning that the VIP can only be created on the external (physical) network.</para>
<para>The community reference implementation of FWaaS applies firewall rules to all logical routers in a tenant, while the NVP FWaaS plugin applies firewall rules only to one logical router according to the <code>router_id</code> of the firewall entity.</para>
<title>To configure Loadbalancer-as-a-Service and Firewall-as-a-Service with NVP:</title>
<para>Edit <filename>/etc/neutron/neutron.conf</filename> file:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">core_plugin = neutron.plugins.nicira.NeutronServicePlugin.NvpAdvancedPlugin
# Note: comment out service_plugins. LBaaS & FWaaS is supported by core_plugin NvpAdvancedPlugin
# service_plugins = </programlisting>
<para>Edit <filename>/etc/neutron/plugins/nicira/nvp.ini</filename> file:</para>
<para>In addition to the original NVP configuration, the <code>default_l3_gw_service_uuid</code>
is required for the NVP Advanced Plugin and a <code>vcns</code> section must be added as
shown below.</para>
<programlisting language="ini">[DEFAULT]
nvp_password = <replaceable>admin</replaceable>
nvp_user = <replaceable>admin</replaceable>
nvp_controllers = <replaceable></replaceable>
default_l3_gw_service_uuid = <replaceable>aae63e9b-2e4e-4efe-81a1-92cf32e308bf</replaceable>
default_tz_uuid = <replaceable>2702f27a-869a-49d1-8781-09331a0f6b9e</replaceable>
# VSM management URL
manager_uri = <replaceable></replaceable>
# VSM admin user name
user = <replaceable>admin</replaceable>
# VSM admin password
password = <replaceable>default</replaceable>
# UUID of a logical switch on NVP which has physical network connectivity (currently using bridge transport type)
external_network = <replaceable>f2c023cf-76e2-4625-869b-d0dabcfcc638</replaceable>
# ID of deployment_container on VSM. Optional, if not specified, a default global deployment container will be used
# deployment_container_id =
# task_status_check_interval configures status check interval for vCNS asynchronous API. Default is 2000 msec.
# task_status_check_interval =</programlisting>
<section xml:id="PLUMgridplugin">
<title>Configure PLUMgrid plug-in</title>
<title>To use the PLUMgrid plug-in with
OpenStack Networking</title>
and set:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">core_plugin = neutron.plugins.plumgrid.plumgrid_plugin.plumgrid_plugin.NeutronPluginPLUMgridV2</programlisting>
under the
section, and specify the IP address,
port, admin user name, and password of
the PLUMgrid Director:
<programlisting language="ini">[PLUMgridDirector]
director_server = "PLUMgrid-director-ip-address"
director_server_port = "PLUMgrid-director-port"
username = "PLUMgrid-director-admin-username"
password = "PLUMgrid-director-admin-password"</programlisting>
For database configuration, see <link
>Install Networking Services</link>
in <citetitle>Installation
<para>To apply the settings, restart
<systemitem class="service"
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo service neutron-server restart</userinput></screen>
<section xml:id="ryu_plugin">
<title>Configure Ryu plug-in</title>
<title>To use the Ryu plug-in with OpenStack
<para>Install the Ryu plug-in, as
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo apt-get install neutron-plugin-ryu</userinput> </screen>
and set:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">core_plugin = neutron.plugins.ryu.ryu_neutron_plugin.RyuNeutronPluginV2</programlisting>
(for database configuration, see <link
>Install Networking Services</link>
in <citetitle>Installation
Guide</citetitle>), and update the
following in the
section for the
<systemitem>ryu-neutron-agent</systemitem>: <itemizedlist>
is used to tell where Ryu is
listening for REST API. Substitute
based on your Ryu setup.</para>
is used for Ryu to access the
Substitute eth0 based on your set
up. The IP address is derived from
the interface name. If you want to
change this value irrespective of
the interface name,
can be specified. If you use a
non-default port for
it can be specified by
needs to be set to tell what IP
address is used for tunneling (if
tunneling isn't used, this value is
ignored). The IP address is derived
from the network interface
<para>You can use the same configuration
file for many Compute nodes by using a
network interface name with a
different IP address:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">openflow_rest_api = <ip-address>:<port-no> ovsdb_interface = <eth0> tunnel_interface = <eth0></programlisting>
<para>To apply the new settings, restart
<systemitem class="service"
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo service neutron-server restart</userinput></screen>
<section xml:id="install_neutron_agent">
<title>Configure neutron agents</title>
<para>Plug-ins typically have requirements for particular
software that must be run on each node that handles
data packets. This includes any node that runs
<systemitem class="service"
>nova-compute</systemitem> and nodes that run
dedicated OpenStack Networking service agents such as,
<systemitem>neutron-l3-agent</systemitem>, or
<systemitem>neutron-lbaas-agent</systemitem> (see
below for more information about individual service
<para>A data-forwarding node typically has a network
interface with an IP address on the “management
network” and another interface on the “data
<para>This section shows you how to install and configure
a subset of the available plug-ins, which may include
the installation of switching software (for example,
Open vSwitch) as well as agents used to communicate
with the <systemitem class="service"
>neutron-server</systemitem> process running
elsewhere in the data center.</para>
<section xml:id="config_neutron_data_fwd_node">
<title>Configure data-forwarding nodes</title>
<section xml:id="install_neutron_agent_ovs">
<title>Node set up: OVS plug-in</title>
<para>This section also applies to the ML2 plugin when Open vSwitch is
used as a mechanism driver.</para>
</note>If you use the Open vSwitch plug-in, you must install Open vSwitch
and the <systemitem>neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent</systemitem> agent on
each data-forwarding node:</para>
<para>Do not install the openvswitch-brcompat
package as it breaks the security groups
<title>To set up each node for the OVS
<para>Install the OVS agent package (this
pulls in the Open vSwitch software as
a dependency):</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo apt-get install neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent</userinput></screen>
<para>On each node that runs the
<para>Replicate the
file created in the first step onto
the node.</para>
<para>If using tunneling, the
file must also be updated with the
node's IP address configured on the
data network using the
<para>Restart Open vSwitch to properly
load the kernel module:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo service openvswitch-switch restart</userinput></screen>
<para>Restart the agent:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent restart</userinput></screen>
<para>All nodes that run
must have an OVS
<literal>br-int</literal> bridge. .
To create the bridge, run:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-int</userinput></screen>
<section xml:id="install_neutron_agent_nvp">
<title>Node set up: Nicira NVP plug-in</title>
<para>If you use the Nicira NVP plug-in, you must
also install Open vSwitch on each
data-forwarding node. However, you do not need
to install an additional agent on each
<para>It is critical that you are running an
Open vSwitch version that is compatible
with the current version of the NVP
Controller software. Do not use the Open
vSwitch version that is installed by
default on Ubuntu. Instead, use the Open
Vswitch version that is provided on the
Nicira support portal for your NVP
Controller version.</para>
<title>To set up each node for the Nicira NVP
<para>Ensure each data-forwarding node has
an IP address on the "management
network," and an IP address on the
"data network" that is used for
tunneling data traffic. For full
details on configuring your forwarding
node, see the <citetitle>NVP
<para>Use the <citetitle>NVP Administrator
Guide</citetitle> to add the node
as a "Hypervisor" using the NVP
Manager GUI. Even if your forwarding
node has no VMs and is only used for
services agents like
it should still be added to NVP as a
<para>After following the <citetitle>NVP
Administrator Guide</citetitle>,
use the page for this Hypervisor in
the NVP Manager GUI to confirm that
the node is properly connected to the
NVP Controller Cluster and that the
NVP Controller Cluster can see the
integration bridge.</para>
<section xml:id="install_neutron_agent_ryu">
<title>Node set up: Ryu plug-in</title>
<para>If you use the Ryu plug-in, you must install
both Open vSwitch and Ryu, in addition to the
Ryu agent package:</para>
<title>To set up each node for the Ryu
<para>Install Ryu (there isn't currently
an Ryu package for ubuntu):</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo pip install ryu</userinput></screen>
<para>Install the Ryu agent and Open
vSwitch packages:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo apt-get install neutron-plugin-ryu-agent openvswitch-switch python-openvswitch openvswitch-datapath-dkms</userinput></screen>
<para>Replicate the
and <filename>neutron.conf</filename>
files created in the above step on all
nodes running
<para>Restart Open vSwitch to properly
load the kernel module:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo service openvswitch-switch restart</userinput></screen>
<para>Restart the agent:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo service neutron-plugin-ryu-agent restart</userinput> </screen>
<para>All nodes running
also require that an OVS bridge named
"br-int" exists on each node. To
create the bridge, run:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-int</userinput></screen>
<section xml:id="install_neutron_dhcp">
<title>Configure DHCP agent</title>
<para>The DHCP service agent is compatible with all
existing plug-ins and is required for all
deployments where VMs should automatically receive
IP addresses through DHCP.</para>
<title>To install and configure the DHCP
<para>You must configure the host running the
as a "data forwarding node" according to
the requirements for your plug-in (see
<xref linkend="install_neutron_agent"
<para>Install the DHCP agent:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo apt-get install neutron-dhcp-agent</userinput></screen>
<para>Finally, update any options in the
file that depend on the plug-in in use
(see the sub-sections).</para>
<para>If you reboot a node that runs the DHCP agent, you must
run the <command>neutron-ovs-cleanup</command> command before the
<systemitem class="service">neutron-dhcp-agent</systemitem>
service starts.</para>
<para>On Red Hat-based systems, the <systemitem class="service">
neutron-ovs-cleanup</systemitem> service runs the
<command>neutron-ovs-cleanup</command>command automatically.
However, on Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu, you must
manually run this command or write your own system script
that runs on boot before the <systemitem class="service">
neutron-dhcp-agent</systemitem> service starts.</para>
<section xml:id="dhcp_agent_ovs">
<title>DHCP agent setup: OVS plug-in</title>
<para>These DHCP agent options are required in the
file for the OVS plug-in:</para>
<programlisting language="bash">[DEFAULT]
ovs_use_veth = True
enable_isolated_metadata = True
use_namespaces = True
interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver</programlisting>
<section xml:id="dhcp_agent_nvp">
<title>DHCP agent setup: NVP plug-in</title>
<para>These DHCP agent options are required in the
file for the NVP plug-in:</para>
<programlisting language="bash">[DEFAULT]
ovs_use_veth = True
enable_metadata_network = True
enable_isolated_metadata = True
use_namespaces = True
interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver</programlisting>
<section xml:id="dhcp_agent_ryu">
<title>DHCP agent setup: Ryu plug-in</title>
<para>These DHCP agent options are required in the
file for the Ryu plug-in:</para>
<programlisting language="bash">[DEFAULT]
ovs_use_veth = True
use_namespace = True
interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver</programlisting>
<section xml:id="install_neutron-l3">
<title>Configure L3 agent</title>
<para>The OpenStack Networking Service has a widely used API
extension to allow administrators and tenants to
create routers to interconnect L2 networks, and
floating IPs to make ports on private networks
publicly accessible.</para>
<para>Many plug-ins rely on the L3 service agent to
implement the L3 functionality. However, the
following plug-ins already have built-in L3
<para>Nicira NVP plug-in</para>
<para>Big Switch/Floodlight plug-in, which
supports both the open source <link
>Floodlight</link> controller and
the proprietary Big Switch
<para>Only the proprietary BigSwitch
controller implements L3
functionality. When using
Floodlight as your OpenFlow
controller, L3 functionality is not
<para>PLUMgrid plug-in</para>
<para>Do not configure or use
if you use one of these plug-ins.</para>
<title>To install the L3 agent for all other
<para>Install the
binary on the network node:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo apt-get install neutron-l3-agent</userinput></screen>
<para>To uplink the node that runs
to the external network, create a
bridge named "br-ex" and attach the
NIC for the external network to this
<para>For example, with Open vSwitch and
NIC eth1 connected to the external
network, run:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-ex</userinput>
<prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex eth1</userinput></screen>
<para>Do not manually configure an IP
address on the NIC connected to the
external network for the node running
Rather, you must have a range of IP
addresses from the external network
that can be used by OpenStack
Networking for routers that uplink to
the external network. This range must
be large enough to have an IP address
for each router in the deployment, as
well as each floating IP.</para>
uses the Linux IP stack and iptables
to perform L3 forwarding and NAT. In
order to support multiple routers with
potentially overlapping IP addresses,
defaults to using Linux network
namespaces to provide isolated
forwarding contexts. As a result, the
IP addresses of routers will not be
visible simply by running <command>ip
addr list</command> or
<command>ifconfig</command> on the
node. Similarly, you will not be able
to directly <command>ping</command>
fixed IPs.</para>
<para>To do either of these things, you
must run the command within a
particular router's network namespace.
The namespace will have the name
"qrouter-<UUID of the router>.
These example commands run in the
router namespace with UUID
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>ip netns exec qrouter-47af3868-0fa8-4447-85f6-1304de32153b ip addr list</userinput>
<prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>ip netns exec qrouter-47af3868-0fa8-4447-85f6-1304de32153b ping <fixed-ip></userinput></screen>
<para>If you reboot a node that runs the L3 agent, you must run the
<command>neutron-ovs-cleanup</command> command before the <systemitem
class="service">neutron-l3-agent</systemitem> service starts.</para>
<para>On Red Hat-based systems, the <systemitem class="service"
>neutron-ovs-cleanup</systemitem> service runs the
<command>neutron-ovs-cleanup</command> command automatically. However,
on Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu, you must manually run this command
or write your own system script that runs on boot before the <systemitem
class="service">neutron-l3-agent</systemitem> service starts.</para>
<section xml:id="install_neutron-lbaas-agent">
<title>Configure LBaaS agent</title>
<para>Starting with the Havana release, the Neutron
Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) supports an
agent scheduling mechanism, so several
can be run on several nodes (one per one).</para>
<title>To install the LBaas agent and configure
the node</title>
<para>Install the agent by running:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>sudo apt-get install neutron-lbaas-agent</userinput></screen>
<para>If you are using: <itemizedlist>
<para>An OVS-based plug-in (OVS,
NVP, Ryu, NEC,
BigSwitch/Floodlight), you must
<programlisting language="ini">interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver</programlisting>
<para>A plug-in that uses
LinuxBridge, you must set:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver</programlisting>
<para>To use the reference implementation, you
must also set:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">device_driver = neutron.services.loadbalancer.drivers.haproxy.namespace_driver.HaproxyNSDriver</programlisting>
<para>Set this parameter in the
<filename>neutron.conf</filename> file
on the host that runs <systemitem
<programlisting language="ini">service_plugins = neutron.services.loadbalancer.plugin.LoadBalancerPlugin</programlisting>
<section xml:id="install_neutron-fwaas-agent">
<title>Configure FWaaS agent</title>
<para>The Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) agent is
co-located with the Neutron L3 agent and does not
require any additional packages apart from those
required for the Neutron L3 agent. You can enable
the FWaaS functionality by setting the
configuration, as follows.</para>
<title>To configure FWaaS service and
<para>Set this parameter in the
<filename>neutron.conf</filename> file
on the host that runs <systemitem
<programlisting language="ini">service_plugins = neutron.services.firewall.fwaas_plugin.FirewallPlugin</programlisting>
<para>To use the reference implementation, you
must also add a FWaaS driver configuration
to the <filename>neutron.conf</filename>
file on every node where the Neutron L3
agent is deployed:</para>
<programlisting language="ini">[fwaas]
driver = neutron.services.firewall.drivers.linux.iptables_fwaas.IptablesFwaasDriver
enabled = True</programlisting>