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<para>Hardware selection involves three key areas:</para>
<para>For each of these areas, the selection of hardware for a
general purpose OpenStack cloud must reflect the fact that a
the cloud has no pre-defined usage model. This means that
there will be a wide variety of applications running on this
cloud that will have varying resource usage requirements. Some
applications will be RAM-intensive, some applications will be
CPU-intensive, while others will be storage-intensive.
Therefore, choosing hardware for a general purpose OpenStack
cloud must provide balanced access to all major
<para>Certain hardware form factors may be better suited for use
in a general purpose OpenStack cloud because of the need for
an equal or nearly equal balance of resources. Server hardware
for a general purpose OpenStack architecture design must
provide an equal or nearly equal balance of compute capacity
(RAM and CPU), network capacity (number and speed of links),
and storage capacity (gigabytes or terabytes as well as Input/Output
Operations Per Second (<glossterm>IOPS</glossterm>).</para>
<para>Server hardware is evaluated around four conflicting
<term>Server density</term>
<para>A measure of how many servers can
fit into a given measure of physical space, such as a
rack unit [U].</para>
<term>Resource capacity</term>
<para>The number of CPU cores, how much
RAM, or how much storage a given server will
<para>The number of additional resources
that can be added to a server before it has reached
its limit.</para>
<para>The relative purchase price of the hardware
weighted against the level of design effort needed to
build the system.</para>
<para>Increasing server density means sacrificing resource
capacity or expandability, however, increasing resource
capacity and expandability increases cost and decreases server
density. As a result, determining the best server hardware for
a general purpose OpenStack architecture means understanding
how choice of form factor will impact the rest of the
<para>Blade servers typically support dual-socket
multi-core CPUs, which is the configuration generally
considered to be the "sweet spot" for a general
purpose cloud deployment. Blades also offer
outstanding density. As an example, both HP
BladeSystem and Dell PowerEdge M1000e support up to 16
servers in only 10 rack units. However, the blade
servers themselves often have limited storage and
networking capacity. Additionally, the expandability
of many blade servers can be limited.</para>
<para>1U rack-mounted servers occupy only a single rack
unit. Their benefits include high density, support for
dual-socket multi-core CPUs, and support for
reasonable RAM amounts. This form factor offers
limited storage capacity, limited network capacity,
and limited expandability.</para>
<para>2U rack-mounted servers offer the expanded storage
and networking capacity that 1U servers tend to lack,
but with a corresponding decrease in server density
(half the density offered by 1U rack-mounted
<para>Larger rack-mounted servers, such as 4U servers,
will tend to offer even greater CPU capacity, often
supporting four or even eight CPU sockets. These
servers often have much greater expandability so will
provide the best option for upgradability. This means,
however, that the servers have a much lower server
density and a much greater hardware cost.</para>
<para>"Sled servers" are rack-mounted servers that support
multiple independent servers in a single 2U or 3U
enclosure. This form factor offers increased density
over typical 1U-2U rack-mounted servers but tends to
suffer from limitations in the amount of storage or
network capacity each individual server
<para>Given the wide selection of hardware and general user
requirements, the best form factor for the server hardware
supporting a general purpose OpenStack cloud is driven by
outside business and cost factors. No single reference
architecture will apply to all implementations; the decision
must flow out of the user requirements, technical
considerations, and operational considerations. Here are some
of the key factors that influence the selection of server
<term>Instance density</term>
<para>Sizing is an important
consideration for a general purpose OpenStack cloud.
The expected or anticipated number of instances that
each hypervisor can host is a common metric used in
sizing the deployment. The selected server hardware
needs to support the expected or anticipated instance
<term>Host density</term>
<para>Physical data centers have limited
physical space, power, and cooling. The number of
hosts (or hypervisors) that can be fitted into a given
metric (rack, rack unit, or floor tile) is another
important method of sizing. Floor weight is an often
overlooked consideration. The data center floor must
be able to support the weight of the proposed number
of hosts within a rack or set of racks. These factors
need to be applied as part of the host density
calculation and server hardware selection.</para>
<term>Power density</term>
<para>Data centers have a specified amount
of power fed to a given rack or set of racks. Older
data centers may have a power density as power as low
as 20 AMPs per rack, while more recent data centers
can be architected to support power densities as high
as 120 AMP per rack. The selected server hardware must
take power density into account.</para>
<term>Network connectivity</term>
<para>The selected server hardware
must have the appropriate number of network
connections, as well as the right type of network
connections, in order to support the proposed
architecture. Ensure that, at a minimum, there are at
least two diverse network connections coming into each
rack. For architectures requiring even more
redundancy, it might be necessary to confirm that the
network connections are from diverse telecom
providers. Many data centers have that capacity
<para>The selection of certain form factors or architectures will
affect the selection of server hardware. For example, if the
design calls for a scale-out storage architecture (such as
leveraging Ceph, Gluster, or a similar commercial
solution), then the server hardware selection will need to be
carefully considered to match the requirements set by the
commercial solution. Ensure that the selected server hardware
is configured to support enough storage capacity (or storage
expandability) to match the requirements of selected scale-out
storage solution. For example, if a centralized storage
solution is required, such as a centralized storage array from
a storage vendor that has InfiniBand or FDDI connections, the
server hardware will need to have appropriate network adapters
installed to be compatible with the storage array vendor's
<para>Similarly, the network architecture will have an impact on
the server hardware selection and vice versa. For example,
make sure that the server is configured with enough additional
network ports and expansion cards to support all of the
networks required. There is variability in network expansion
cards, so it is important to be aware of potential impacts or
interoperability issues with other components in the
architecture. This is especially true if the architecture uses
InfiniBand or another less commonly used networking
<section xml:id="selecting-storage-hardware">
<title>Selecting storage hardware</title>
<para>The selection of storage hardware is largely determined by
the proposed storage architecture. Factors that need to be
incorporated into the storage architecture include:
<para>Storage can be a significant portion of the
overall system cost that should be factored into the
design decision. For an organization that is concerned
with vendor support, a commercial storage solution is
advisable, although it is comes with a higher price
tag. If initial capital expenditure requires
minimization, designing a system based on commodity
hardware would apply. The trade-off is potentially
higher support costs and a greater risk of
incompatibility and interoperability issues.</para>
<para>Storage performance, measured by
observing the latency of storage I-O requests, is not
a critical factor for a general purpose OpenStack
cloud as overall systems performance is not a design
<para>The term "scalability" refers to how
well the storage solution performs as it expands up to
its maximum designed size. A solution that continues
to perform well at maximum expansion is considered
scalable. A storage solution that performs well in
small configurations but has degrading performance as
it expands was not designed to be not scalable.
Scalability, along with expandability, is a major
consideration in a general purpose OpenStack cloud. It
might be difficult to predict the final intended size
of the implementation because there are no established
usage patterns for a general purpose cloud. Therefore,
it may become necessary to expand the initial
deployment in order to accommodate growth and user
demand. The ability of the storage solution to
continue to perform well as it expands is
<para>This refers to the overall ability of
the solution to grow. A storage solution that expands
to 50 PB is considered more expandable than a solution
that only scales to 10 PB. This metric is related to,
but different, from scalability, which is a measure of
the solution's performance as it expands.
Expandability is a major architecture factor for
storage solutions with general purpose OpenStack
cloud. For example, the storage architecture for a
cloud that is intended for a development platform may
not have the same expandability and scalability
requirements as a cloud that is intended for a
commercial product.</para>
<para>Storage hardware architecture is largely determined by the
selected storage architecture. The selection of storage
architecture, as well as the corresponding storage hardware,
is determined by evaluating possible solutions against the
critical factors, the user requirements, technical
considerations, and operational considerations. A combination
of all the factors and considerations will determine which
approach will be best.</para>
<para>Using a scale-out storage solution with direct-attached
storage (DAS) in the servers is well suited for a general
purpose OpenStack cloud. In this scenario, it is possible to
populate storage in either the compute hosts similar to a grid
computing solution or into hosts dedicated to providing block
storage exclusively. When deploying storage in the compute
hosts, appropriate hardware which can support both the storage
and compute services on the same hardware will be required.
This approach is referred to as a grid computing architecture
because there is a grid of modules that have both compute and
storage in a single box.</para>
<para>Understanding the requirements of cloud services will help
determine if Ceph, Gluster, or a similar scale-out solution
should be used. It can then be further determined if a single,
highly expandable and highly vertical, scalable, centralized
storage array should be included in the design. Once the
approach has been determined, the storage hardware needs to be
chosen based on this criteria. If a centralized storage array
fits the requirements best, then the array vendor will
determine the hardware. For cost reasons it may be decided to
build an open source storage array using solutions such as
OpenFiler, Nexenta Open Source, or BackBlaze Open
<para>This list expands upon the potential impacts for including a
particular storage architecture (and corresponding storage
hardware) into the design for a general purpose OpenStack
<para>Ensure that, if storage protocols
other than Ethernet are part of the storage solution,
the appropriate hardware has been selected. Some
examples include InfiniBand, FDDI and Fibre Channel.
If a centralized storage array is selected, ensure
that the hypervisor will be able to connect to that
storage array for image storage.</para>
<para>How the particular storage architecture will
be used is critical for determining the architecture.
Some of the configurations that will influence the
architecture include whether it will be used by the
hypervisors for ephemeral instance storage or if
OpenStack Object Storage will use it for object storage. All of
these usage models are affected by the selection of
particular storage architecture and the corresponding
storage hardware to support that architecture.</para>
<term>Instance and image locations</term>
Where instances and images will be stored will influence
the architecture. For example, instances can be stored
in a number of options. OpenStack Block Storage is a
good location for instances because it is persistent
block storage, however, OpenStack Object Storage can be
used if storage latency is less of a concern. The same
argument applies to the appropriate image storage
<term>Server hardware</term>
<para>If the solution is a scale-out
storage architecture that includes DAS, naturally that
will affect the server hardware selection. This could
ripple into the decisions that affect host density,
instance density, power density, OS-hypervisor,
management tools and others.</para>
<para>General purpose OpenStack cloud has multiple options. As a
result, there is no single decision that will apply to all
implementations. The key factors that will have an influence
on selection of storage hardware for a general purpose
OpenStack cloud are as follows:
<para>Hardware resources selected for the
resource nodes should be capable of supporting enough
storage for the cloud services that will use them. It
is important to clearly define the initial
requirements and ensure that the design can support
adding capacity as resources are used in the cloud, as
workloads are relatively unknown. Hardware nodes
selected for object storage should be capable of
supporting a large number of inexpensive disks and
should not have any reliance on RAID controller cards.
Hardware nodes selected for block storage should be
capable of supporting higher speed storage solutions
and RAID controller cards to provide performance and
redundancy to storage at the hardware level. Selecting
hardware RAID controllers that can automatically
repair damaged arrays will further assist with
replacing and repairing degraded or destroyed storage
devices within the cloud.</para>
<para>Disks selected for the object storage
service do not need to be fast performing disks. It is
recommended that object storage nodes take advantage
of the best cost per terabyte available for storage at
the time of acquisition and avoid enterprise class
drives. In contrast, disks chosen for the block
storage service should take advantage of performance
boosting features and may entail the use of SSDs or
flash storage to provide for high performing block
storage pools. Storage performance of ephemeral disks
used for instances should also be taken into
consideration. If compute pools are expected to have a
high utilization of ephemeral storage or requires very
high performance, it would be advantageous to deploy
similar hardware solutions to block storage in order
to increase the storage performance.</para>
<term>Fault tolerance</term>
<para>Object storage resource nodes have
no requirements for hardware fault tolerance or RAID
controllers. It is not necessary to plan for fault
tolerance within the object storage hardware because
the object storage service provides replication
between zones as a feature of the service. Block
storage nodes, compute nodes and cloud controllers
should all have fault tolerance built in at the
hardware level by making use of hardware RAID
controllers and varying levels of RAID configuration.
The level of RAID chosen should be consistent with the
performance and availability requirements of the
<section xml:id="selecting-networking-hardware">
<title>Selecting networking hardware</title>
<para>As is the case with storage architecture, selecting a
network architecture often determines which network hardware
will be used. The networking software in use is determined by
the selected networking hardware. Some design impacts are
obvious, for example, selecting networking hardware that only
supports Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) will naturally have an impact
on many different areas of the overall design. Similarly,
deciding to use 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10 GbE) has a number of
impacts on various areas of the overall design.</para>
<para>As an example, selecting Cisco networking hardware implies
that the architecture will be using Cisco networking software
like IOS or NX-OS. Conversely, selecting Arista networking
hardware means the network devices will use the Arista networking
software called Extensible Operating System (EOS). In addition,
there are more subtle design
impacts that need to be considered. The selection of certain
networking hardware (and therefore the networking software)
could affect the management tools that can be used. There are
exceptions to this; the rise of "open" networking software
that supports a range of networking hardware means that there
are instances where the relationship between networking
hardware and networking software are not as tightly defined.
An example of this type of software is Cumulus Linux, which is
capable of running on a number of switch vendor’s hardware
<para>Some of the key considerations that should be included in
the selection of networking hardware include:
<term>Port count</term>
<para>The design will require networking
hardware that has the requisite port count.</para>
<term>Port density</term>
<para>The network design will be affected by
the physical space that is required to provide the
requisite port count. A switch that can provide 48
10 GbE ports in 1U has a much higher port density than a
switch that provides 24 10 GbE ports in 2U. A higher
port density is preferred, as it leaves more rack
space for compute or storage components that may be
required by the design. This can also lead into
concerns about fault domains and power density that
should be considered. Higher density switches are more
expensive and should also be considered, as it is
important not to over design the network if it is not
<term>Port speed</term>
The networking hardware must support the proposed
network speed, for example: 1 GbE, 10 GbE, or
40 GbE (or even 100 GbE).
<para>The level of network hardware redundancy
required is influenced by the user requirements for
high availability and cost considerations. Network
redundancy can be achieved by adding redundant power
supplies or paired switches. If this is a requirement,
the hardware will need to support this configuration.
User requirements will determine if a completely
redundant network infrastructure is required.</para>
<term>Power requirements</term>
<para>Make sure that the physical data
center provides the necessary power for the selected
network hardware. This is not an issue for top of rack
(ToR) switches, but may be an issue for spine switches
in a leaf and spine fabric, or end of row (EoR)
<para>There is no single best practice architecture for the
networking hardware supporting a general purpose OpenStack
cloud that will apply to all implementations. Some of the key
factors that will have a strong influence on selection of
networking hardware include:
<para>All nodes within an OpenStack cloud
require some form of network connectivity. In some
cases, nodes require access to more than one network
segment. The design must encompass sufficient network
capacity and bandwidth to ensure that all
communications within the cloud, both north-south and
east-west traffic have sufficient resources
<para>The chosen network design should
encompass a physical and logical network design that
can be easily expanded upon. Network hardware should
offer the appropriate types of interfaces and speeds
that are required by the hardware nodes.</para>
<para>To ensure that access to nodes within
the cloud is not interrupted, it is recommended that
the network architecture identify any single points of
failure and provide some level of redundancy or fault
tolerance. With regard to the network infrastructure
itself, this often involves use of networking
protocols such as LACP, VRRP or others to achieve a
highly available network connection. In addition, it
is important to consider the networking implications
on API availability. In order to ensure that the APIs,
and potentially other services in the cloud are highly
available, it is recommended to design load balancing
solutions within the network architecture to
accommodate for these requirements.</para>
<section xml:id="software-selection">
<title>Software selection</title>
<para>Software selection for a general purpose OpenStack
architecture design needs to include these three areas:</para>
<para>Operating system (OS) and hypervisor</para>
<para>OpenStack components</para>
<para>Supplemental software</para>
<section xml:id="os-and-hypervisor">
<title>Operating system and hypervisor</title>
The selection of operating system (OS) and hypervisor has a
tremendous impact on the overall design. Selecting a particular
operating system and hypervisor can also directly affect server
hardware selection. It is recommended to make sure the storage
hardware selection and topology support the selected operating
system and hypervisor combination. Finally, it is important to
ensure that the networking hardware selection and topology will
work with the chosen operating system and hypervisor
combination. For example, if the design uses Link Aggregation
Control Protocol (LACP), the OS and hypervisor both need to
support it.</para>
<para>Some areas that could be impacted by the selection of OS and
hypervisor include:
<para>Selecting a commercially supported hypervisor,
such as Microsoft Hyper-V, will result in a different
cost model rather than community-supported open source
hypervisors including <glossterm
baseform="kernel-based VM (KVM)">KVM</glossterm>,
Kinstance or <glossterm>Xen</glossterm>. When
comparing open source OS solutions, choosing Ubuntu
over Red Hat (or vice versa) will have an impact on
cost due to support contracts. On the other hand,
business or application requirements may dictate a
specific or commercially supported hypervisor.</para>
<para>Depending on the selected
hypervisor, the staff should have the appropriate
training and knowledge to support the selected OS and
hypervisor combination. If they do not, training will
need to be provided which could have a cost impact on
the design.</para>
<term>Management tools</term>
<para>The management tools used for
Ubuntu and Kinstance differ from the management tools
for VMware vSphere. Although both OS and hypervisor
combinations are supported by OpenStack, there will be
very different impacts to the rest of the design as a
result of the selection of one combination versus the
<term>Scale and performance</term>
<para>Ensure that selected OS and
hypervisor combinations meet the appropriate scale and
performance requirements. The chosen architecture will
need to meet the targeted instance-host ratios with
the selected OS-hypervisor combinations.</para>
<para>Ensure that the design can accommodate the
regular periodic installation of application security
patches while maintaining the required workloads. The
frequency of security patches for the proposed
OS-hypervisor combination will have an impact on
performance and the patch installation process could
affect maintenance windows.</para>
<term>Supported features</term>
<para>Determine which features of
OpenStack are required. This will often determine the
selection of the OS-hypervisor combination. Certain
features are only available with specific OSs or
hypervisors. For example, if certain features are not
available, the design might need to be modified to
meet the user requirements.</para>
<para>Consideration should be given to
the ability of the selected OS-hypervisor combination
to interoperate or co-exist with other OS-hypervisors
as well as other software solutions in the overall
design (if required). Operational troubleshooting
tools for one OS-hypervisor combination may differ
from the tools used for another OS-hypervisor
combination and, as a result, the design will need to
address if the two sets of tools need to interoperate.
<section xml:id="openstack-components">
<title>OpenStack components</title>
<para>The selection of which OpenStack components are included has
a significant impact on the overall design. While there are
certain components that will always be present, (Compute and
Image Service, for example) there are other services that may not be
required. As an example, a certain design might not need
<glossterm>Orchestration</glossterm>. Omitting
Orchestration would not have a significant
impact on the overall design of a cloud; however, if the
architecture uses a replacement for OpenStack Object Storage for its
storage component, it could potentially have significant
impacts on the rest of the design.</para>
<para>The exclusion of certain OpenStack components might also
limit or constrain the functionality of other components. If
the architecture includes Orchestration but excludes Telemetry, then
the design will not be able to take advantage of Orchestrations' auto
scaling functionality (which relies on information from
Telemetry). It is important to research the component
interdependencies in conjunction with the technical
requirements before deciding what components need to be
included and what components can be dropped from the final
<section xml:id="supplemental-components">
<title>Supplemental components</title>
<para>While OpenStack is a fairly complete collection of software
projects for building a platform for cloud services, there are
invariably additional pieces of software that need to be
considered in any given OpenStack design.</para>
<section xml:id="networking-software">
<title>Networking software</title>
<para>OpenStack Networking provides a wide variety of networking
services for instances. There are many additional networking
software packages that might be useful to manage the OpenStack
components themselves. Some examples include software to
provide load balancing, network redundancy protocols, and
routing daemons. Some of these software packages are described
in more detail in the <citetitle>OpenStack High Availability
Guide</citetitle> (refer to the <link
controller cluster stack chapter</link> of the OpenStack High
Availability Guide).</para>
<para>For a general purpose OpenStack cloud, the OpenStack
infrastructure components will need to be highly available. If
the design does not include hardware load balancing,
networking software packages like HAProxy will need to be
<section xml:id="management-software">
<title>Management software</title>
<para>The selected supplemental software solution impacts and
affects the overall OpenStack cloud design. This includes
software for providing clustering, logging, monitoring and
<para>Inclusion of clustering software, such as Corosync or
Pacemaker, is determined primarily by the availability
requirements. Therefore, the impact of including (or not
including) these software packages is primarily determined by
the availability of the cloud infrastructure and the
complexity of supporting the configuration after it is
deployed. The <link xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org/high-availability-guide/"><citetitle>OpenStack High Availability Guide</citetitle></link>
provides more
details on the installation and configuration of Corosync and
Pacemaker, should these packages need to be included in the
<para>Requirements for logging, monitoring, and alerting are
determined by operational considerations. Each of these
sub-categories includes a number of various options. For
example, in the logging sub-category one might consider
Logstash, Splunk, instanceware Log Insight, or some other log
aggregation-consolidation tool. Logs should be stored in a
centralized location to make it easier to perform analytics
against the data. Log data analytics engines can also provide
automation and issue notification by providing a mechanism to
both alert and automatically attempt to remediate some of the
more commonly known issues.</para>
<para>If any of these software packages are required, then the
design must account for the additional resource consumption
(CPU, RAM, storage, and network bandwidth for a log
aggregation solution, for example). Some other potential
design impacts include:</para>
<para>OS-hypervisor combination: Ensure that the
selected logging, monitoring, or alerting tools
support the proposed OS-hypervisor combination.</para>
<para>Network hardware: The network hardware selection
needs to be supported by the logging, monitoring, and
alerting software.</para>
<section xml:id="database-software">
<title>Database software</title>
<para>A large majority of the OpenStack components require access
to back-end database services to store state and configuration
information. Selection of an appropriate back-end database
that will satisfy the availability and fault tolerance
requirements of the OpenStack services is required. OpenStack
services supports connecting to any database that is supported
by the SQLAlchemy python drivers, however, most common
database deployments make use of MySQL or variations of it. It
is recommended that the database which provides back-end
service within a general purpose cloud be made highly
available when using an available technology which can
accomplish that goal. Some of the more common software
solutions used include Galera, MariaDB and MySQL with
multi-master replication.</para>
<section xml:id="addressing-performance-sensitive-workloads">
<title>Addressing performance-sensitive workloads</title>
<para>Although one of the key defining factors for a general
purpose OpenStack cloud is that performance is not a
determining factor, there may still be some
performance-sensitive workloads deployed on the general
purpose OpenStack cloud. For design guidance on
performance-sensitive workloads, it is recommended to refer to
the focused scenarios later in this guide. The
resource-focused guides can be used as a supplement to this
guide to help with decisions regarding performance-sensitive
<section xml:id="compute-focused-workloads">
<title>Compute-focused workloads</title>
<para>In an OpenStack cloud that is compute-focused, there are
some design choices that can help accommodate those workloads.
Compute-focused workloads are generally those that would place
a higher demand on CPU and memory resources with lower
priority given to storage and network performance, other than
what is required to support the intended compute workloads.
For guidance on designing for this type of cloud, please refer
to <xref linkend="compute_focus"/>.</para>
<section xml:id="network-focused-workloads">
<title>Network-focused workloads</title>
<para>In a network-focused OpenStack cloud some design choices can
improve the performance of these types of workloads.
Network-focused workloads have extreme demands on network
bandwidth and services that require specialized consideration
and planning. For guidance on designing for this type of
cloud, please refer to <xref linkend="network_focus"/>.</para>
<section xml:id="storage-focused-workloads">
<title>Storage-focused workloads</title>
Storage focused OpenStack clouds need to be designed to
accommodate workloads that have extreme demands on either
object or block storage services that require specialized
consideration and planning. For guidance on designing for this
type of cloud, please refer to <xref linkend="storage_focus"/>.