
509 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Import Common XML Entities -->
<!-- -->
<!-- You can resolve the entites with xmllint -->
<!-- -->
<!-- xmllint -noent identity-admin.wadl -->
<!DOCTYPE application [
<!ENTITY % common SYSTEM "../common/common.ent">
<application xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../common/xsd/api.xsd ../common/xsd/api-common.xsd
<include href="../common/xsd/api.xsd"/>
<include href="../common/xsd/api-common.xsd"/>
<!-- All Resources -->
<!-- We should use SSL in production -->
<resources base="http://localhost:35357">
<resource id="version" path="v2.0">
<method href="#getVersionInfo"/>
<resource id="extensions" path="extensions">
<method href="#listExtensions"/>
<resource id="extension" path="{alias}">
<param name="alias" style="template" type="xsd:string"/>
<method href="#getExtension"/>
<resource id="tokens" path="tokens">
<method href="#authenticate"/>
<resource id="tokenById" path="{tokenId}">
<param name="X-Auth-Token" style="header" type="xsd:string" required="true">
<doc>You need a valid admin token for access.</doc>
<param name="tokenId" style="template" type="xsd:string" required="true"/>
<param name="belongsTo" style="query" type="xsd:string" required="false"/>
<method href="#validateToken"/>
<method href="#checkToken"/>
<resource id="endpointsForToken" path="endpoints">
<method href="#listEndpointsForToken"/>
<resource id="users" path="users">
<param name="X-Auth-Token" style="header" type="xsd:string" required="true">
<doc>You need a valid admin token for access.</doc>
<method href="#getUserByName"/>
<resource id="userid" path="{user_id}">
<param name="user_id" style="template" type="xsd:string" required="true"/>
<method href="#getUserById"/>
<resource id="userRoles" path="roles">
<method href="#listUserGlobalRoles"/>
<resource id="tenants" path="tenants">
<param name="X-Auth-Token" style="header" type="xsd:string" required="true">
<p xmlns="">
You need a valid admin token for access.
<method href="#listTenants"/>
<method href="#getTenantByName"/>
<resource id="tenantById" path="{tenantId}">
<param name="tenantId" style="template" type="xsd:string" required="true"/>
<method href="#getTenantById"/>
<resource id="usersForTenant" path="users">
<resource id="getTenantUser" path="{user_id}">
<param name="user_id" style="template" type="xsd:string" required="true"/>
<resource id="userRolesForTenant" path="roles">
<method href="#listRolesForUserOnTenant"/>
<!-- Resource Types -->
<resource_type id="VersionDetails">
<method href="#getVersionInfo"/>
<resource_type id="ExtensionList">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Extension List">
<p xmlns="">
A list of supported extensions.
<method href="#listExtensions"/>
<!-- All Methods -->
<!-- Version -->
<method name="GET" id="getVersionInfo">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Version Details">
<p xmlns="">
Returns detailed information about this specific version of the API.
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="capi:version">
<param name="location" style="plain" type="xsd:anyURI" required="true" path="/capi:version/atom:link[@rel='self']/@href">
<link resource_type="#VersionDetails" rel="self"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json"/>
<!-- Extensions -->
<method name="GET" id="listExtensions">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Extensions">
<p xmlns="">
Lists supported extensions.
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="capi:extensions">
<param name="next" style="plain" type="xsd:anyURI" path="/capi:extensions/atom:link[@rel='next']/@href">
<link resource_type="#ExtensionList" rel="next"/>
<param name="previous" style="plain" type="xsd:anyURI" path="/capi:extensions/atom:link[@rel='previous']/@href">
<link resource_type="#ExtensionList" rel="previous"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json"/>
<method name="GET" id="getExtension">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Get Extension Details">
<p xmlns="">
Gets details about a specific extension.
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="capi:extension"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json"/>
<!-- Token Operations -->
<method name="POST" id="authenticate">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Authenticate for Service API">
<p xmlns="" class="shortdesc">
Authenticate to generate a token.
<p xmlns="">
This call will return a token if successful. Each REST request against other services (or other
calls on Keystone such as the GET /tenants call)
requires the inclusion of a specific authorization token HTTP x-header, defined as X-Auth-Token.
Clients obtain
this token, along with the URL to other service APIs, by first authenticating against the
Keystone Service and supplying valid credentials.
<p xmlns="">
Client authentication is provided via a REST interface using the POST method,
with v2.0/tokens supplied as the path. A payload of credentials must be included
in the body.
<p xmlns="">
The Keystone Service is a RESTful web service. It is the entry point to all service APIs.
To access the Keystone Service, you must know URL of the Keystone service.
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:auth">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/auth_credentials.xml"/>
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/auth_with_token.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/auth_credentials.json"/>
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/auth_with_token.json"/>
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:access">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/auth.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/auth.json"/>
<response status="403">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:userDisabled"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json"/>
<method name="GET" id="validateToken">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Validate Token">
<p xmlns="" class="shortdesc">
Check that a token is valid and that it belongs to a supplied tenant
and return the permissions relevant to a particular client.
<p xmlns="">
Valid tokens will exist in the
<code>/tokens/{tokenId}</code> path and invalid
tokens will not. In other words, a user should expect an
itemNotFound (<code>404</code>) fault for an
invalid token.
<param name="belongsTo" style="query" required="false" type="xsd:string">
<doc xml:lang="EN">
<p xmlns="">
Validates a token has the supplied tenant in scope.
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:access">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/validatetoken.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/validatetoken.json"/>
<method name="HEAD" id="checkToken">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Check Token">
<p xmlns="" class="shortdesc">
Check that a token is valid and that it belongs to a particular tenant
(For performance).
<param name="belongsTo" style="query" required="false" type="xsd:string">
<doc xml:lang="EN">
<p xmlns="">
Validates a token has the supplied tenant in scope. (for performance).
<p xmlns="">
Valid tokens will exist in the
<code>/tokens/{tokenId}</code> path and invalid
tokens will not. In other words, a user should expect an
itemNotFound (<code>404</code>) fault for an
invalid token.
<p xmlns="">
If `belongsTo` is provided, validates that a token has a specific tenant in scope.
<p xmlns="">
No response body is returned for this method.
<response status="200 203"/>
<!--User Operations-->
<method name="GET" id="getUserByName">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Get a User by Name">
<p xmlns="">
Returns detailed information about a specific user, by user name.
<param name="name" style="query" type="xsd:string" required="true"/>
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:user">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/user.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/user.json"/>
<method name="GET" id="getUserById">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Get a User by ID">
<p xmlns="">
Returns detailed information about a specific user, by user id.
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:user">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/user.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/user.json"/>
<method name="GET" id="listUserGlobalRoles">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="List User Global Roles">
<p xmlns="" class="shortdesc">
Returns global roles for a specific user (excludes tenant roles).
<p xmlns="">Returns a list of global roles associated with a specific
user (excludes tenant roles).</p>
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:roles">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/roles.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/roles.json"/>
<!-- Tenant Operations -->
<method name="GET" id="listTenants">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Get Tenants">
<p xmlns="" class="shortdesc">
Get a list of tenants.
<p xmlns="">
The operation returns a list of tenants which the supplied token provides
access to. This call must be authenticated, so a valid token must
be passed in as a header.
<xsdxt:sample xmlns="" title="Tenants Request with Auth Token">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/tenants-request.txt" language="text"/>
<param name="marker" style="query" required="false" type="xsd:string"/>
<param name="limit" style="query" required="false" type="xsd:int"/>
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:tenants">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/tenants.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/tenants.json"/>
<method name="GET" id="getTenantByName">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Get tenants by name">
<p xmlns="" class="shortdesc">
Returns detailed information about a tenant, by name.
<param name="name" style="query" type="xsd:string" required="true"/>
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:tenant">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/tenant.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/tenant.json"/>
<method name="GET" id="getTenantById">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="Get Tenants by ID">
<p xmlns="" class="shortdesc">
Returns detailed information about a tenant, by id.
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:tenant">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/tenant.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/tenant.json"/>
<method name="GET" id="listEndpointsForToken">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Endoints for a Token">
<p xmlns="">
Returns a list of endpoints associated with a specific token.
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:endpoints">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/endpoints.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/endpoints.json"/>
<method name="GET" id="listRolesForUserOnTenant">
<doc xml:lang="EN" title="List Roles for User on Tenant">
<p xmlns="">
Returns roles for a specific user on a specific tenant (excludes global roles).
<response status="200 203">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" element="identity:roles">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/roles.xml"/>
<representation mediaType="application/json">
<xsdxt:code href="../common/samples/roles.json"/>