Andreas Jaeger af435c7ade [www] Update project-data
Currently the link check fails since ceilometer publishing failed
somehow and did not publish the install directory.

Remove the install_guide and add further flags the link check found.

Note has_in_tree_api_docs not set for heat since is not api

Change-Id: I3923901b7fa07350d4cc9c6bf3c1d21af6780058
2017-07-22 12:09:45 +02:00
2017-07-22 12:09:45 +02:00
2017-07-14 17:05:46 +02:00

.. -*- mode: rst -*-

 Project Data

The projects associated with each release series are listed in a
separate YAML file, all following the same schema defined in

The file should contain an array or list of entries. Each entry must
define the name, service, and type properties.

The name should be the base name of a git repository.

The service string should be taken from the governance repository
definition of the project.

The type must be one of the values listed below:

  service -- A REST API service.

  client -- A library for talking to a service.

  library -- Another type of library.

  tool -- A command line tool or other project that is used with, or used to build, OpenStack.

  networking -- A plugin for the networking service.

  baremetal -- A subproject for the bare metal project, Ironic.

  deployment -- A tool for deploying OpenStack.

  other -- A project that does run in a cloud but does not provide a REST API.

An entry can also optionally define service_type, which must match the
value associated with the name in the service-types-authority

Entries with type client should include a description field with a
short description, such as "keystone client".

Entries may optionally set flags to indicate that the repository
includes particular types of documentation in an expected location, to
include a link to that documentation on the templated landing pages.

  has_install_guide -- produces a link to docs.o.o/name/latest/install/

  has_api_guide -- produces a link to developer.o.o/api-guide/service_type/

  has_api_ref -- produces a link to developer.o.o/api-ref/service_type/

  has_config_ref -- produces a link to docs.o.o/name/latest/configuration/

  has_in_tree_api_docs -- produces a link to docs.o.o/name/latest/api/

  has_admin_guide -- produces a link to docs.o.o/name/latest/admin/

  NOTE: The documentation associated with the flags must exist before
  the flags are set.