Update routed-networks docs

Reference sample environments in environment index.
Update the deploy command to use the default env files.

Add Note regarding TripleO Undercloud physical network
name of ``local_subnet``.

Fixes some typos.
This commit is contained in:
Harald Jensås 2018-10-17 12:52:41 +02:00
parent 3ffed11ada
commit 8de7f81dd1
2 changed files with 35 additions and 97 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
.. _env-index:
Sample Environment Index
@ -136,6 +138,8 @@ Disable the Undercloud in a QuintupleO Stack
.. _env-routed-networks-role:
Base Role Configuration for Routed Networks
@ -145,6 +149,8 @@ Base Role Configuration for Routed Networks
deploying with routed networks.
.. _env-enable-routed-networks:
Enable Routed Networks

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@ -166,110 +166,32 @@ environment with routers and DHCP-relay service. This environment is targeted
for TripleO development, however it should be useful for non-TripleO users of
OVB as well.
#. Create environment file's ``env-routed.yaml``, ``env-role-leaf1.yaml`` and
#. When deploying QuintupleO with routed networks environment files to enable
routed networks must be included, as well as one or more role environment
files. See :ref:`env-enable-routed-networks` and
:ref:`env-routed-networks-role` in the :ref:`env-index` for details.
Example ``env-routed.yaml``::
#. Copy the example env file and edit it to reflect the host environment::
baremetal_flavor: m1.large
baremetal_image: ipxe-boot
baremetal_prefix: baremetal
bmc_flavor: m1.small
bmc_image: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud
bmc_prefix: bmc
external_net: external_net
key_name: default
node_count: 1
private_net: private
provision_net: ctlplane
provision_net2: ctlplane-leaf1
provision_net3: ctlplane-leaf2
provision_net_shared: False
public_net: public
public_net_shared: False
# The default role for nodes in this environment. This parameter is
# ignored by Heat, but used by build-nodes-json.
# Type: string
role: ''
undercloud_flavor: m1.large
undercloud_image: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud
undercloud_name: undercloud
dhcp_relay_image: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud
dhcp_relay_flavor: m1.small
Example ``env-role-leaf1.yaml``::
baremetal_flavor: m1.large
key_name: default
node_count: 1
role: leaf1
provision_net: ctlplane-leaf1
overcloud_internal_net: overcloud_internal
overcloud_storage_net: overcloud_storage
overcloud_storage_mgmt_net: overcloud_storage_mgmt
overcloud_tenant_net: overcloud_tenant
Example ``env-role-leaf2.yaml``::
baremetal_flavor: m1.large2
key_name: default
node_count: 1
role: leaf2
provision_net: ctlplane-leaf2
overcloud_internal_net: overcloud_internal2
overcloud_storage_net: overcloud_storage2
overcloud_storage_mgmt_net: overcloud_storage_mgmt2
overcloud_tenant_net: overcloud_tenant2
#. To enable routed networks and the DHCP-relay service the following registry
overrides are required.
- ``OS::OVB::UndercloudNetworks:``
Use the ``templates/undercloud-networks-routed.yaml`` template. This
template will create three provisioning networks and a router. The
router is wired up to each provision network to enable L3 connectivity
between endpoints in each network.
- ``OS::OVB::DHCPRelay:``
Use the ``templates/dhcp-relay.yaml`` template. This template deploys
the DHCP-relay instance, connects it to the three provisioning networks
and configures the ``dhcrelay`` service to relay DHCP request to the
dhcp server provided in the ``dhcp_ips`` parameter.
- ``OS::OVB::BaremetalNetworks:``
Use the ``templates/baremetal-networks-routed.yaml`` template. This
template deploys a 8 different networks and 4 routers. The routers is
wired to networks in pairs, enabling L3 connectivity between endpoints
on each network pair.
Example custom registry - ``env-custom-registry.yaml``::
OS::OVB::UndercloudNetworks: templates/undercloud-networks-routed.yaml
OS::OVB::DHCPRelay: templates/dhcp-relay.yaml
OS::OVB::BaremetalNetworks: templates/baremetal-networks-routed.yaml
cp environments/base.yaml env.yaml
vi env.yaml
#. Deploy the QuintupleO routed networks environment by running the deploy.py
command. For example::
./bin/deploy.py --env env-routed-lab.yaml \
./bin/deploy.py --env env.yaml \
--quintupleo \
--env environments/all-networks-port-security.yaml \
--env env-custom-registry.yaml \
--role env-role-leaf1.yaml \
--role env-role-leaf2.yaml
--env environments/routed-networks.yaml \
--role environments/routed-networks-role.yaml
#. When generateomg the ``nodes.json`` file for TripleO undercloud node import
#. When generateing the ``nodes.json`` file for TripleO undercloud node import
the environment ``env-routed.yaml`` should be specified. Also to include
physical network attributes of the node ports in ``nodes.json`` specify the
``--physical_network`` option when running ``build-nodes-json``. For
bin/build-nodes-json --env env-routed-lab.yaml --physical_network
bin/build-nodes-json --physical_network
The following is an example node definition produced when using the
``--physical-network`` options. (Notice that ports are defined with both
@ -284,7 +206,7 @@ OVB as well.
"pm_addr": "",
"ports": [
"physical_network": "ctlplane-leaf1",
"physical_network": "provision2",
"address": "fa:16:3e:2f:a1:cf"
@ -296,7 +218,17 @@ OVB as well.
"pm_user": "admin"
#. The router addresses in the environment is dynamically allocated. For
.. NOTE:: Due to technical debet (backward compatibility) the TripleO
Undercloud uses ``ctlplane`` as the physical network name for the
subnet that is local to the Undercloud itself. Either override
the name of the provision network in the ovb environment by
setting: ``provision_net: ctlplane`` in the
``parameters_defaults`` section or edit the generated nodes.json
file, replacing:
``"physical_network": "<name-used-for-provision_net>"`` with
``"physical_network": "ctlplane"``.
#. The router addresses in the environment are dynamically allocated. For
convinience these are made available via the ``network_environment_data``
key in the stack output of the quintupleo heat stack. To retrive this data
run the ``openstack stack show`` command. For example::
@ -344,10 +276,10 @@ OVB as well.
undercloud_public_host =
undercloud_admin_host =
undercloud_nameservers =,
local_subnet = ctlplane-subnet
subnets = ctlplane-subnet,ctlplane-leaf1,ctlplane-leaf2
local_subnet = provision
subnets = provision,provision2,provision3
cidr =
dhcp_start =
dhcp_end =
@ -355,7 +287,7 @@ OVB as well.
inspection_iprange =,
masquerade = true
cidr =
dhcp_start =
dhcp_end =
@ -363,7 +295,7 @@ OVB as well.
inspection_iprange =,
masquerade = true
cidr =
dhcp_start =
dhcp_end =