#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 Red Hat Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import json import os import yaml import os_client_config def _parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='build-nodes-json.py', description='Tool for collecting virtual IPMI details', ) parser.add_argument('--env', '-e', dest='env', default=None, help='YAML file containing OVB environment details') parser.add_argument('--bmc_prefix', dest='bmc_prefix', default='bmc', help='BMC name prefix') parser.add_argument('--baremetal_prefix', dest='baremetal_prefix', default='baremetal', help='Baremetal name prefix') parser.add_argument('--private_net', dest='private_net', default='private', help='DEPRECATED: This parameter is ignored.') parser.add_argument('--provision_net', dest='provision_net', default='provision', help='DEPRECATED: This parameter is ignored.') parser.add_argument('--nodes_json', dest='nodes_json', default='nodes.json', help='Destination to store the nodes json file to') parser.add_argument('--add_undercloud', dest='add_undercloud', action='store_true', help='DEPRECATED: Use --network_details instead. ' 'Adds the undercloud details to the json file.') parser.add_argument('--network_details', dest='network_details', action='store_true', help='Include addresses for all nodes on all networks ' 'in a network_details key') # TODO(dtantsur): change the default to ipmi when Ocata is not supported parser.add_argument('--driver', default='pxe_ipmitool', help='Bare metal driver to use') parser.add_argument('--physical_network', action='store_true', help='Set the physical network attribute of baremetal ' 'ports. (Requires Rocky or later Ironic)') args = parser.parse_args() return args def _get_names(args): if args.env is None: bmc_base = args.bmc_prefix baremetal_base = args.baremetal_prefix # FIXME: This is not necessarily true. undercloud_name = 'undercloud' else: with open(args.env) as f: e = yaml.safe_load(f) bmc_base = e['parameter_defaults']['bmc_prefix'] baremetal_base = e['parameter_defaults']['baremetal_prefix'] role = e.get('parameter_defaults', {}).get('role') if role and baremetal_base.endswith('-' + role): baremetal_base = baremetal_base[:-len(role) - 1] undercloud_name = e.get('parameter_defaults', {}).get('undercloud_name') # noqa: E501 return bmc_base, baremetal_base, undercloud_name def _get_clients(): cloud = os.environ.get('OS_CLOUD') nova = os_client_config.make_client('compute', cloud=cloud) neutron = os_client_config.make_client('network', cloud=cloud) glance = os_client_config.make_client('image', cloud=cloud) return nova, neutron, glance def _get_ports(neutron, bmc_base, baremetal_base): all_ports = sorted(neutron.list_ports()['ports'], key=lambda x: x['name']) bmc_ports = list([p for p in all_ports if p['name'].startswith(bmc_base)]) bm_ports = list([p for p in all_ports if p['name'].startswith(baremetal_base)]) if len(bmc_ports) != len(bm_ports): raise RuntimeError('Found different numbers of baremetal and ' 'bmc ports. bmc: %s baremetal: %s' % (bmc_ports, bm_ports)) provision_net_map = {} for port in bm_ports: provision_net_map.update({ port.get('id'): neutron.list_subnets( id=port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'])['subnets'][0].get( 'name')}) return bmc_ports, bm_ports, provision_net_map def _build_nodes(nova, glance, bmc_ports, bm_ports, provision_net_map, baremetal_base, undercloud_name, driver, physical_network): node_template = { 'pm_type': driver, 'mac': '', 'cpu': '', 'memory': '', 'disk': '', 'arch': 'x86_64', 'pm_user': 'admin', 'pm_password': 'password', 'pm_addr': '', 'capabilities': 'boot_option:local', 'name': '', } if physical_network: node_template.pop('mac') nodes = [] cache = {} network_details = {} for bmc_port, baremetal_port in zip(bmc_ports, bm_ports): baremetal = nova.servers.get(baremetal_port['device_id']) network_details[baremetal.name] = {} network_details[baremetal.name]['id'] = baremetal.id network_details[baremetal.name]['ips'] = baremetal.addresses node = dict(node_template) node['pm_addr'] = bmc_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] provision_net = provision_net_map.get(baremetal_port['id']) mac = baremetal.addresses[provision_net][0]['OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr'] if physical_network: node.update({'ports': [{'address': mac, 'physical_network': provision_net}]}) else: node['mac'] = [mac] if not cache.get(baremetal.flavor['id']): cache[baremetal.flavor['id']] = nova.flavors.get( baremetal.flavor['id']) flavor = cache.get(baremetal.flavor['id']) node['cpu'] = flavor.vcpus node['memory'] = flavor.ram node['disk'] = flavor.disk # NOTE(bnemec): Older versions of Ironic won't allow _ characters in # node names, so translate to the allowed character - node['name'] = baremetal.name.replace('_', '-') # If a node has uefi firmware ironic needs to be aware of this, in nova # this is set using a image property called "hw_firmware_type" # NOTE(bnemec): Boot from volume does not have an image associated with # the instance so we can't do this. if baremetal.image: if not cache.get(baremetal.image['id']): cache[baremetal.image['id']] = glance.images.get( baremetal.image['id']) image = cache.get(baremetal.image['id']) if image.get('hw_firmware_type') == 'uefi': node['capabilities'] += ",boot_mode:uefi" else: # With boot from volume the flavor disk size doesn't matter. We # need to look up the volume disk size. cloud = os.environ.get('OS_CLOUD') cinder = os_client_config.make_client('volume', cloud=cloud) vol_id = baremetal.to_dict()[ 'os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached'][0]['id'] volume = cinder.volumes.get(vol_id) node['disk'] = volume.size bm_name_end = baremetal.name[len(baremetal_base):] if '-' in bm_name_end: profile = bm_name_end[1:].split('_')[0] node['capabilities'] += ',profile:%s' % profile nodes.append(node) extra_nodes = [] if undercloud_name: undercloud_node_template = { 'name': undercloud_name, 'id': '', 'ips': [], } try: undercloud_instance = nova.servers.list( search_opts={'name': undercloud_name})[0] except IndexError: print('Undercloud %s specified in the environment file is not ' 'available in nova. No undercloud details will be ' 'included in the output.' % undercloud_name) else: undercloud_node_template['id'] = undercloud_instance.id undercloud_node_template['ips'] = nova.servers.ips( undercloud_instance) extra_nodes.append(undercloud_node_template) network_details[undercloud_name] = dict( id=undercloud_instance.id, ips=undercloud_instance.addresses) return nodes, extra_nodes, network_details def _write_nodes(nodes, extra_nodes, network_details, args): with open(args.nodes_json, 'w') as node_file: resulting_json = {'nodes': nodes} if args.add_undercloud and extra_nodes: resulting_json['extra_nodes'] = extra_nodes if args.network_details: resulting_json['network_details'] = network_details contents = json.dumps(resulting_json, indent=2) node_file.write(contents) print(contents) print('Wrote node definitions to %s' % args.nodes_json) def _get_node_profile(node): parts = node['capabilities'].split(',') for p in parts: if p.startswith('profile'): return p.split(':')[-1] return '' def _write_role_nodes(nodes, args): by_profile = {} for n in nodes: by_profile.setdefault(_get_node_profile(n), []).append(n) # Don't write role-specific files if no roles were used. if len(by_profile) == 1 and list(by_profile.keys())[0] == '': return for profile, profile_nodes in by_profile.items(): filepart = profile if not profile: filepart = 'no-profile' outfile = '%s-%s.json' % (os.path.splitext(args.nodes_json)[0], filepart) with open(outfile, 'w') as f: contents = json.dumps({'nodes': profile_nodes}, indent=2) f.write(contents) print(contents) print('Wrote profile "%s" node definitions to %s' % (profile, outfile)) def main(): args = _parse_args() bmc_base, baremetal_base, undercloud_name = _get_names(args) nova, neutron, glance = _get_clients() bmc_ports, bm_ports, provision_net_map = _get_ports(neutron, bmc_base, baremetal_base) (nodes, extra_nodes, network_details) = _build_nodes(nova, glance, bmc_ports, bm_ports, provision_net_map, baremetal_base, undercloud_name, args.driver, args.physical_network) _write_nodes(nodes, extra_nodes, network_details, args) _write_role_nodes(nodes, args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()