The top-level network template directories have been copied to the overcloud-templates directory. The old locations are left for backwards compatibility, but any existing references to them should be updated to use the version in overcloud-templates instead.
Generated Network Isolation Templates ------------------------------------- These templates were generated by the UI tool at https://github.com/cybertron/tripleo-scripts#net-iso-genpy ui-settings.pickle is specific to the tool. TripleO will not use it when doing deployments with these templates, but it is needed to be able to load the templates into the UI again. Note that the UI only reads this file, so any changes made by hand to the templates will not be reflected in the UI. The network-isolation.yaml file needs to reference the port files shipped with tripleo-heat-templates, so by default the tool generates the paths assuming network-isolation.yaml will be copied into the environments/ directory of tripleo-heat-templates. If the standard tripleo-heat-templates are in use, then the network-isolation-absolute.yaml file can be used instead. It has hard-coded references to the port files in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates. If the generated network isolation templates are at ~/generated-templates, an example deployment command would look like: openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e ~/generated-templates/network-isolation-absolute.yaml -e ~/generated-templates/network-environment.yaml