
21 lines
735 B

# DEPRECATED: This sample environment file has been replaced by the one in
# environments/base-role.yaml.
# This file should not be used for new OVB deployments.
baremetal_flavor: baremetal
key_name: default
node_count: 2
# Set a default role for the nodes in this environment. This parameter is
# ignored by Heat, but used by build-nodes-json.
role: compute
## Uncomment to create all networks required for network-isolation.
## parameter_defaults should be used to override default parameter values
## in baremetal-networks-all.yaml
# OS::OVB::BaremetalNetworks: templates/baremetal-networks-all.yaml
# OS::OVB::BaremetalPorts: templates/baremetal-ports-all.yaml