
43 lines
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os_user: admin
os_password: password
os_tenant: admin
bmc_flavor: bmc
bmc_image: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud
baremetal_flavor: baremetal
baremetal_image: ipxe-boot
key_name: default
private_net: private
bmc_prefix: bmc
baremetal_prefix: baremetal
node_count: 2
public_net: public
provision_net: provision
# QuintupleO-specific params ignored by virtual-baremetal.yaml
undercloud_name: undercloud
undercloud_image: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud
undercloud_flavor: m1.large
external_net: external
## Uncomment and customize the following to use an existing floating ip
# undercloud_floating_ip_id: 'uuid of floating ip'
# undercloud_floating_ip: 'address of floating ip'
## Uncomment the following to use an existing floating ip
# OS::OVB::UndercloudFloating: templates/undercloud-floating-existing.yaml
## Uncomment the following to use no floating ip
# OS::OVB::UndercloudFloating: templates/undercloud-floating-none.yaml
## Uncomment the following to create a private network
# OS::OVB::PrivateNetwork: templates/private-net-create.yaml
## Uncomment to create all networks required for network-isolation.
## parameter_defaults should be used to override default parameter values
## in baremetal-networks-all.yaml
# OS::OVB::BaremetalNetworks: templates/baremetal-networks-all.yaml
# OS::OVB::BaremetalPorts: templates/baremetal-ports-all.yaml