
97 lines
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# *******************************************************************
# This file was created automatically by the sample environment
# generator. Developers should use `tox -e genconfig` to update it.
# Users are recommended to make changes to a copy of the file instead
# of the original, if any customizations are needed.
# *******************************************************************
# title: Base Configuration Options
# description: |
# Basic configuration options needed for all OVB environments
# Recommended to be at least 1 vcpu, 4 GB RAM, 50 GB disk
# Type: string
baremetal_flavor: baremetal
# The base image to use for baremetal instances
# Type: string
baremetal_image: ipxe-boot
# Prefix for the name of the baremetal instances
# Type: string
baremetal_prefix: baremetal
# The Nova flavor to use for the bmc instance
# Type: string
bmc_flavor: m1.small
# The base image for the bmc instance. A CentOS 7 image is currently the
# only one supported.
# Type: string
bmc_image: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud
# Prefix for the name of the bmc instance
# Type: string
bmc_prefix: bmc
# An external network from which floating ips can be provisioned
# Type: string
external_net: external
# Nova keypair to inject into the undercloud and bmc
# Type: string
key_name: default
# Number of baremetal nodes to deploy
# Type: number
node_count: 2
# Name of a private network which can have floating ips associated with it
# Type: string
private_net: private
# Name of a network that will be used for provisioning traffic
# Type: string
provision_net: provision
# Whether this network should be shared across all tenants
# Type: boolean
provision_net_shared: False
# Name of the overcloud external network
# Type: string
public_net: public
# Allocation Pools for the public network
# Type: comma_delimited_list
public_net_allocation_pools: []
# CIDR for external network subnet
# Type: string
# IP version for the public subnet
# Type: number
public_net_ip_version: 4
# Whether this network should be shared across all tenants
# Type: boolean
public_net_shared: False
# The default role for nodes in this environment. This parameter is
# ignored by Heat, but used by build-nodes-json.
# Type: string
role: ''
# Nova flavor to use for the undercloud instance
# Type: string
undercloud_flavor: m1.xlarge
# Image to boot as the undercloud instance
# Type: string
undercloud_image: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud
# Name of the undercloud instance
# Type: string
undercloud_name: undercloud