From 4f92423f878d3b094f5d530c9ba3212a78e194d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bailey Miller <>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2018 01:51:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Adds Senlin support to openstacksdk

Adds Senlin API to openstacksdk, along with unit and functional tests
for each Senlin function. Allows openstacksdk to create, list, get,
update and delete clusters, cluster policies, cluster profiles, and
cluster receivers. Also allows for attaching and detaching policies
to clusters, updating policies on clusters, and listing policies on clusters.

Change-Id: I7e80e8ba74bdb415c2359f5c9672aa900f441fba
 .zuul.yaml                                    |   21 +
 openstack/cloud/             |  543 +++++++
 openstack/tests/unit/                  |   15 +
 openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v2.json |   14 +
 .../unit/fixtures/catalog-v3-suburl.json      |   15 +-
 openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v3.json |   13 +
 ...added-senlin-support-1eb4e47c31258f66.yaml |    3 +
 shade/tests/functional/     | 1442 +++++++++++++++++
 shade/tests/unit/fixtures/clustering.json     |   27 +
 shade/tests/unit/           |  658 ++++++++
 10 files changed, 2750 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 openstack/cloud/
 create mode 100644 shade/releasenotes/notes/added-senlin-support-1eb4e47c31258f66.yaml
 create mode 100644 shade/tests/functional/
 create mode 100644 shade/tests/unit/fixtures/clustering.json
 create mode 100644 shade/tests/unit/

diff --git a/.zuul.yaml b/.zuul.yaml
index d1eb91d9b..9a7853812 100644
--- a/.zuul.yaml
+++ b/.zuul.yaml
@@ -199,6 +199,25 @@
+- job:
+    name: openstacksdk-functional-devstack-senlin
+    parent: openstacksdk-functional-devstack
+    description: |
+      Run shade functional tests against a master devstack with senlin
+    required-projects:
+      - openstack/senlin
+    vars:
+      devstack_plugins:
+        senlin:
+      devstack_services:
+        s-account: false
+        s-container: false
+        s-object: false
+        s-proxy: false
+      tox_environment:
 - job:
     name: openstacksdk-ansible-functional-devstack
     parent: openstacksdk-functional-devstack
@@ -289,6 +308,7 @@
         - openstacksdk-ansible-stable-2.6-functional-devstack:
             voting: false
         - openstacksdk-functional-devstack
+        - openstacksdk-functional-devstack-senlin
         - openstacksdk-functional-devstack-magnum:
             voting: false
         - openstacksdk-functional-devstack-python3
@@ -304,6 +324,7 @@
               sphinx_python: python3
         - openstacksdk-functional-devstack
         - openstacksdk-functional-devstack-python3
+        - openstacksdk-functional-devstack-senlin
         - neutron-grenade
         - openstack-tox-lower-constraints
         - nodepool-functional-py35-src
diff --git a/openstack/cloud/ b/openstack/cloud/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 104b5ed2f..7650abcd0
--- a/openstack/cloud/
+++ b/openstack/cloud/
@@ -534,6 +534,14 @@ class OpenStackCloud(_normalize.Normalizer):
         return self._raw_clients['container-infra']
+    @property
+    def _clustering_client(self):
+        if 'clustering' not in self._raw_clients:
+            clustering_client = self._get_versioned_client(
+                'clustering', min_version=1, max_version='1.latest')
+            self._raw_clients['clustering'] = clustering_client
+        return self._raw_clients['clustering']
     def _database_client(self):
         if 'database' not in self._raw_clients:
@@ -11386,3 +11394,538 @@ class OpenStackCloud(_normalize.Normalizer):
             data = self._container_infra_client.get('/mservices')
             return self._normalize_magnum_services(
                 self._get_and_munchify('mservices', data))
+    def create_cluster(self, name, profile, config=None, desired_capacity=0,
+                       max_size=None, metadata=None, min_size=None,
+                       timeout=None):
+        profile = self.get_cluster_profile(profile)
+        profile_id = profile['id']
+        body = {
+            'desired_capacity': desired_capacity,
+            'name': name,
+            'profile_id': profile_id
+        }
+        if config is not None:
+            body['config'] = config
+        if max_size is not None:
+            body['max_size'] = max_size
+        if metadata is not None:
+            body['metadata'] = metadata
+        if min_size is not None:
+            body['min_size'] = min_size
+        if timeout is not None:
+            body['timeout'] = timeout
+        data =
+            '/clusters', json={'cluster': body},
+            error_message="Error creating cluster {name}".format(name=name))
+        return self._get_and_munchify(key=None, data=data)
+    def set_cluster_metadata(self, name_or_id, metadata):
+        cluster = self.get_cluster(name_or_id)
+        if not cluster:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Invalid Cluster {cluster}'.format(cluster=name_or_id))
+            '/clusters/{cluster_id}/metadata'.format(cluster_id=cluster['id']),
+            json={'metadata': metadata},
+            error_message='Error updating cluster metadata')
+    def get_cluster_by_id(self, cluster_id):
+        try:
+            data = self._clustering_client.get(
+                "/clusters/{cluster_id}".format(cluster_id=cluster_id),
+                error_message="Error fetching cluster {name}".format(
+                    name=cluster_id))
+            return self._get_and_munchify('cluster', data)
+        except Exception:
+            return None
+    def get_cluster(self, name_or_id, filters=None):
+        return _utils._get_entity(
+            cloud=self, resource='cluster',
+            name_or_id=name_or_id, filters=filters)
+    def update_cluster(self, name_or_id, new_name=None,
+                       profile_name_or_id=None, config=None, metadata=None,
+                       timeout=None, profile_only=False):
+        old_cluster = self.get_cluster(name_or_id)
+        if old_cluster is None:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Invalid Cluster {cluster}'.format(cluster=name_or_id))
+        cluster = {
+            'profile_only': profile_only
+        }
+        if config is not None:
+            cluster['config'] = config
+        if metadata is not None:
+            cluster['metadata'] = metadata
+        if profile_name_or_id is not None:
+            profile = self.get_cluster_profile(profile_name_or_id)
+            if profile is None:
+                raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                    'Invalid Cluster Profile {profile}'.format(
+                        profile=profile_name_or_id))
+            cluster['profile_id'] =
+        if timeout is not None:
+            cluster['timeout'] = timeout
+        if new_name is not None:
+            cluster['name'] = new_name
+        data = self._clustering_client.patch(
+            "/clusters/{cluster_id}".format(cluster_id=old_cluster['id']),
+            json={'cluster': cluster},
+            error_message="Error updating cluster "
+                          "{name}".format(name=name_or_id))
+        return self._get_and_munchify(key=None, data=data)
+    def delete_cluster(self, name_or_id):
+        cluster = self.get_cluster(name_or_id)
+        if cluster is None:
+            self.log.debug("Cluster %s not found for deleting", name_or_id)
+            return False
+        for policy in self.list_policies_on_cluster(name_or_id):
+            detach_policy = self.get_cluster_policy_by_id(
+                policy['policy_id'])
+            self.detach_policy_from_cluster(cluster, detach_policy)
+        for receiver in self.list_cluster_receivers():
+            if cluster["id"] == receiver["cluster_id"]:
+                self.delete_cluster_receiver(receiver["id"], wait=True)
+        self._clustering_client.delete(
+            "/clusters/{cluster_id}".format(cluster_id=name_or_id),
+            error_message="Error deleting cluster {name}".format(
+                name=name_or_id))
+        return True
+    def search_clusters(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None):
+        clusters = self.list_clusters()
+        return _utils._filter_list(clusters, name_or_id, filters)
+    def list_clusters(self):
+        try:
+            data = self._clustering_client.get(
+                '/clusters',
+                error_message="Error fetching clusters")
+            return self._get_and_munchify('clusters', data)
+        except exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e:
+            self.log.debug(str(e), exc_info=True)
+            return []
+    def attach_policy_to_cluster(self, name_or_id, policy_name_or_id,
+                                 is_enabled):
+        cluster = self.get_cluster(name_or_id)
+        policy = self.get_cluster_policy(policy_name_or_id)
+        if cluster is None:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Cluster {cluster} not found for attaching'.format(
+                    cluster=name_or_id))
+        if policy is None:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Policy {policy} not found for attaching'.format(
+                    policy=policy_name_or_id))
+        body = {
+            'policy_id': policy['id'],
+            'enabled': is_enabled
+        }
+            "/clusters/{cluster_id}/actions".format(cluster_id=cluster['id']),
+            error_message="Error attaching policy {policy} to cluster "
+                          "{cluster}".format(
+                policy=policy['id'],
+                cluster=cluster['id']),
+            json={'policy_attach': body})
+        return True
+    def detach_policy_from_cluster(
+            self, name_or_id, policy_name_or_id, wait=False, timeout=3600):
+        cluster = self.get_cluster(name_or_id)
+        policy = self.get_cluster_policy(policy_name_or_id)
+        if cluster is None:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Cluster {cluster} not found for detaching'.format(
+                    cluster=name_or_id))
+        if policy is None:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Policy {policy} not found for detaching'.format(
+                    policy=policy_name_or_id))
+        body = {'policy_id': policy['id']}
+            "/clusters/{cluster_id}/actions".format(cluster_id=cluster['id']),
+            error_message="Error detaching policy {policy} from cluster "
+                          "{cluster}".format(
+                policy=policy['id'],
+                cluster=cluster['id']),
+            json={'policy_detach': body})
+        if not wait:
+            return True
+        value = []
+        for count in _utils._iterate_timeout(
+                timeout, "Timeout waiting for cluster policy to detach"):
+            # TODO(bjjohnson) This logic will wait until there are no policies.
+            # Since we're detaching a specific policy, checking to make sure
+            # that policy is not in the list of policies would be better.
+            policy_status = self.get_cluster_by_id(cluster['id'])['policies']
+            if policy_status == value:
+                break
+        return True
+    def update_policy_on_cluster(self, name_or_id, policy_name_or_id,
+                                 is_enabled):
+        cluster = self.get_cluster(name_or_id)
+        policy = self.get_cluster_policy(policy_name_or_id)
+        if cluster is None:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Cluster {cluster} not found for updating'.format(
+                    cluster=name_or_id))
+        if policy is None:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Policy {policy} not found for updating'.format(
+                    policy=policy_name_or_id))
+        body = {
+            'policy_id': policy['id'],
+            'enabled': is_enabled
+        }
+            "/clusters/{cluster_id}/actions".format(cluster_id=cluster['id']),
+            error_message="Error updating policy {policy} on cluster "
+                          "{cluster}".format(
+                policy=policy['id'],
+                cluster=cluster['id']),
+            json={'policy_update': body})
+        return True
+    def get_policy_on_cluster(self, name_or_id, policy_name_or_id):
+        try:
+            policy = self._clustering_client.get(
+                "/clusters/{cluster_id}/policies/{policy_id}".format(
+                    cluster_id=name_or_id, policy_id=policy_name_or_id),
+                error_message="Error fetching policy "
+                              "{name}".format(name=policy_name_or_id))
+            return self._get_and_munchify('cluster_policy', policy)
+        except Exception:
+            return False
+    def list_policies_on_cluster(self, name_or_id):
+        endpoint = "/clusters/{cluster_id}/policies".format(
+            cluster_id=name_or_id)
+        try:
+            data = self._clustering_client.get(
+                endpoint,
+                error_message="Error fetching cluster policies")
+        except exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e:
+            self.log.debug(str(e), exc_info=True)
+            return []
+        return self._get_and_munchify('cluster_policies', data)
+    def create_cluster_profile(self, name, spec, metadata=None):
+        profile = {
+            'name': name,
+            'spec': spec
+        }
+        if metadata is not None:
+            profile['metadata'] = metadata
+        data =
+            '/profiles', json={'profile': profile},
+            error_message="Error creating profile {name}".format(name=name))
+        return self._get_and_munchify('profile', data)
+    def set_cluster_profile_metadata(self, name_or_id, metadata):
+        profile = self.get_profile(name_or_id)
+        if not profile:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Invalid Profile {profile}'.format(profile=name_or_id))
+            '/profiles/{profile_id}/metadata'.format(profile_id=profile['id']),
+            json={'metadata': metadata},
+            error_message='Error updating profile metadata')
+    def search_cluster_profiles(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None):
+        cluster_profiles = self.list_cluster_profiles()
+        return _utils._filter_list(cluster_profiles, name_or_id, filters)
+    def list_cluster_profiles(self):
+        try:
+            data = self._clustering_client.get(
+                '/profiles',
+                error_message="Error fetching profiles")
+        except exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e:
+            self.log.debug(str(e), exc_info=True)
+            return []
+        return self._get_and_munchify('profiles', data)
+    def get_cluster_profile_by_id(self, profile_id):
+        try:
+            data = self._clustering_client.get(
+                "/profiles/{profile_id}".format(profile_id=profile_id),
+                error_message="Error fetching profile {name}".format(
+                    name=profile_id))
+            return self._get_and_munchify('profile', data)
+        except exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e:
+            self.log.debug(str(e), exc_info=True)
+            return None
+    def get_cluster_profile(self, name_or_id, filters=None):
+        return _utils._get_entity(self, 'cluster_profile', name_or_id, filters)
+    def delete_cluster_profile(self, name_or_id):
+        profile = self.get_cluster_profile(name_or_id)
+        if profile is None:
+            self.log.debug("Profile %s not found for deleting", name_or_id)
+            return False
+        for cluster in self.list_clusters():
+            if (name_or_id, in cluster.items():
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "Profile %s is being used by cluster %s, won't delete",
+                    name_or_id,
+                return False
+        self._clustering_client.delete(
+            "/profiles/{profile_id}".format(profile_id=profile['id']),
+            error_message="Error deleting profile "
+                          "{name}".format(name=name_or_id))
+        return True
+    def update_cluster_profile(self, name_or_id, metadata=None, new_name=None):
+        old_profile = self.get_profile(name_or_id)
+        if not old_profile:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Invalid Profile {profile}'.format(profile=name_or_id))
+        profile = {}
+        if metadata is not None:
+            profile['metadata'] = metadata
+        if new_name is not None:
+            profile['name'] = new_name
+        data = self._clustering_client.patch(
+            "/profiles/{profile_id}".format(,
+            json={'profile': profile},
+            error_message="Error updating profile {name}".format(
+                name=name_or_id))
+        return self._get_and_munchify(key=None, data=data)
+    def create_cluster_policy(self, name, spec):
+        policy = {
+            'name': name,
+            'spec': spec
+        }
+        data =
+            '/policies', json={'policy': policy},
+            error_message="Error creating policy {name}".format(
+                name=policy['name']))
+        return self._get_and_munchify('policy', data)
+    def search_cluster_policies(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None):
+        cluster_policies = self.list_cluster_policies()
+        return _utils._filter_list(cluster_policies, name_or_id, filters)
+    def list_cluster_policies(self):
+        endpoint = "/policies"
+        try:
+            data = self._clustering_client.get(
+                endpoint,
+                error_message="Error fetching cluster policies")
+        except exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e:
+            self.log.debug(str(e), exc_info=True)
+            return []
+        return self._get_and_munchify('policies', data)
+    def get_cluster_policy_by_id(self, policy_id):
+        try:
+            data = self._clustering_client.get(
+                "/policies/{policy_id}".format(policy_id=policy_id),
+                error_message="Error fetching policy {name}".format(
+                    name=policy_id))
+            return self._get_and_munchify('policy', data)
+        except exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e:
+            self.log.debug(str(e), exc_info=True)
+            return None
+    def get_cluster_policy(self, name_or_id, filters=None):
+        return _utils._get_entity(
+            self, 'cluster_policy', name_or_id, filters)
+    def delete_cluster_policy(self, name_or_id):
+        policy = self.get_cluster_policy_by_id(name_or_id)
+        if policy is None:
+            self.log.debug("Policy %s not found for deleting", name_or_id)
+            return False
+        for cluster in self.list_clusters():
+            if (name_or_id, in cluster.items():
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "Policy %s is being used by cluster %s, won't delete",
+                    name_or_id,
+                return False
+        self._clustering_client.delete(
+            "/policies/{policy_id}".format(policy_id=name_or_id),
+            error_message="Error deleting policy "
+                          "{name}".format(name=name_or_id))
+        return True
+    def update_cluster_policy(self, name_or_id, new_name):
+        old_policy = self.get_policy(name_or_id)
+        if not old_policy:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Invalid Policy {policy}'.format(policy=name_or_id))
+        policy = {'name': new_name}
+        data = self._clustering_client.patch(
+            "/policies/{policy_id}".format(,
+            json={'policy': policy},
+            error_message="Error updating policy "
+                          "{name}".format(name=name_or_id))
+        return self._get_and_munchify(key=None, data=data)
+    def create_cluster_receiver(self, name, receiver_type,
+                                cluster_name_or_id=None, action=None,
+                                actor=None, params=None):
+        cluster = self.get_cluster(cluster_name_or_id)
+        if cluster is None:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Invalid cluster {cluster}'.format(cluster=cluster_name_or_id))
+        receiver = {
+            'name': name,
+            'type': receiver_type
+        }
+        if cluster_name_or_id is not None:
+            receiver['cluster_id'] =
+        if action is not None:
+            receiver['action'] = action
+        if actor is not None:
+            receiver['actor'] = actor
+        if params is not None:
+            receiver['params'] = params
+        data =
+            '/receivers', json={'receiver': receiver},
+            error_message="Error creating receiver {name}".format(name=name))
+        return self._get_and_munchify('receiver', data)
+    def search_cluster_receivers(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None):
+        cluster_receivers = self.list_cluster_receivers()
+        return _utils._filter_list(cluster_receivers, name_or_id, filters)
+    def list_cluster_receivers(self):
+        try:
+            data = self._clustering_client.get(
+                '/receivers',
+                error_message="Error fetching receivers")
+        except exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e:
+            self.log.debug(str(e), exc_info=True)
+            return []
+        return self._get_and_munchify('receivers', data)
+    def get_cluster_receiver_by_id(self, receiver_id):
+        try:
+            data = self._clustering_client.get(
+                "/receivers/{receiver_id}".format(receiver_id=receiver_id),
+                error_message="Error fetching receiver {name}".format(
+                    name=receiver_id))
+            return self._get_and_munchify('receiver', data)
+        except exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e:
+            self.log.debug(str(e), exc_info=True)
+            return None
+    def get_cluster_receiver(self, name_or_id, filters=None):
+        return _utils._get_entity(
+            self, 'cluster_receiver', name_or_id, filters)
+    def delete_cluster_receiver(self, name_or_id, wait=False, timeout=3600):
+        receiver = self.get_cluster_receiver(name_or_id)
+        if receiver is None:
+            self.log.debug("Receiver %s not found for deleting", name_or_id)
+            return False
+        receiver_id = receiver['id']
+        self._clustering_client.delete(
+            "/receivers/{receiver_id}".format(receiver_id=receiver_id),
+            error_message="Error deleting receiver {name}".format(
+                name=name_or_id))
+        if not wait:
+            return True
+        for count in _utils._iterate_timeout(
+                timeout, "Timeout waiting for cluster receiver to delete"):
+            receiver = self.get_cluster_receiver_by_id(receiver_id)
+            if not receiver:
+                break
+        return True
+    def update_cluster_receiver(self, name_or_id, new_name=None, action=None,
+                                params=None):
+        old_receiver = self.get_cluster_receiver(name_or_id)
+        if old_receiver is None:
+            raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
+                'Invalid receiver {receiver}'.format(receiver=name_or_id))
+        receiver = {}
+        if new_name is not None:
+            receiver['name'] = new_name
+        if action is not None:
+            receiver['action'] = action
+        if params is not None:
+            receiver['params'] = params
+        data = self._clustering_client.patch(
+            "/receivers/{receiver_id}".format(,
+            json={'receiver': receiver},
+            error_message="Error updating receiver {name}".format(
+                name=name_or_id))
+        return self._get_and_munchify(key=None, data=data)
diff --git a/openstack/tests/unit/ b/openstack/tests/unit/
index f81d97db6..ee0072eb6 100644
--- a/openstack/tests/unit/
+++ b/openstack/tests/unit/
@@ -480,6 +480,12 @@ class TestCase(base.TestCase):
         return dict(method='GET', uri="",
                     text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read())
+    def get_senlin_discovery_mock_dict(self):
+        discovery_fixture = os.path.join(
+            self.fixtures_directory, "clustering.json")
+        return dict(method='GET', uri="",
+                    text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read())
     def use_compute_discovery(
             self, compute_version_json='compute-version.json',
@@ -518,6 +524,15 @@ class TestCase(base.TestCase):
+    def use_senlin(self):
+        # NOTE(elachance): This method is only meant to be used in "setUp"
+        # where the ordering of the url being registered is tightly controlled
+        # if the functionality of .use_senlin is meant to be used during an
+        # actual test case, use .get_senlin_discovery_mock and apply to the
+        # right location in the mock_uris when calling .register_uris
+        self.__do_register_uris([
+            self.get_senlin_discovery_mock_dict()])
     def register_uris(self, uri_mock_list=None):
         """Mock a list of URIs and responses via requests mock.
diff --git a/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v2.json b/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v2.json
index b63669bc9..3d5060a24 100644
--- a/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v2.json
+++ b/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v2.json
@@ -126,6 +126,20 @@
         "type": "dns",
         "name": "designate"
+      },
+      {
+        "endpoints_links": [],
+        "endpoints": [
+          {
+            "adminURL": "",
+            "region": "RegionOne",
+            "publicURL": "",
+            "internalURL": "",
+            "id": "4deb4d0504a044a395d4480741ba624z"
+          }
+        ],
+        "type": "clustering",
+        "name": "senlin"
     "user": {
diff --git a/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v3-suburl.json b/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v3-suburl.json
index 710815d06..ca2b68107 100644
--- a/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v3-suburl.json
+++ b/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v3-suburl.json
@@ -148,8 +148,21 @@
         "endpoints_links": [],
         "name": "designate",
         "type": "dns"
+      },
+      {
+        "endpoints": [
+          {
+            "id": "4deb4d0504a044a395d4480741ba624z",
+            "interface": "public",
+            "region": "RegionOne",
+            "url": ""
+          }
+        ],
+        "endpoint_links": [],
+        "name": "senlin",
+        "type": "clustering"
-    ],
+   ],
     "expires_at": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z",
     "issued_at": "2016-12-17T14:25:05.000000Z",
     "methods": [
diff --git a/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v3.json b/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v3.json
index a08d3ab00..3a2fc9d6c 100644
--- a/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v3.json
+++ b/openstack/tests/unit/fixtures/catalog-v3.json
@@ -148,6 +148,19 @@
         "endpoints_links": [],
         "name": "designate",
         "type": "dns"
+      },
+      {
+        "endpoints": [
+          {
+            "id": "4deb4d0504a044a395d4480741ba624z",
+            "interface": "public",
+            "region": "RegionOne",
+            "url": ""
+          }
+        ],
+        "endpoints_links": [],
+        "name": "senlin",
+        "type": "clustering"
     "expires_at": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z",
diff --git a/shade/releasenotes/notes/added-senlin-support-1eb4e47c31258f66.yaml b/shade/releasenotes/notes/added-senlin-support-1eb4e47c31258f66.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccc38b29e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shade/releasenotes/notes/added-senlin-support-1eb4e47c31258f66.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  - Added support for senlin
diff --git a/shade/tests/functional/ b/shade/tests/functional/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..960245da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shade/tests/functional/
@@ -0,0 +1,1442 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Functional tests for `shade` clustering methods.
+from testtools import content
+from shade.tests.functional import base
+import time
+def wait_for_status(client, client_args, field, value, check_interval=1,
+                    timeout=60):
+    """Wait for an OpenStack resource to enter a specified state
+    :param client: An uncalled client resource to be called with resource_args
+    :param client_args: Arguments to be passed to client
+    :param field: Dictionary field to check
+    :param value: Dictionary value to look for
+    :param check_interval: Interval between checks
+    :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for status to update.
+    :returns: True if correct status was reached
+    :raises: TimeoutException
+    """
+    resource_status = client(**client_args)[field]
+    start = time.time()
+    while resource_status != value:
+        time.sleep(check_interval)
+        resource = client(**client_args)
+        resource_status = resource[field]
+        timed_out = time.time() - start >= timeout
+        if resource_status != value and timed_out:
+            return False
+    return True
+def wait_for_create(client, client_args, check_interval=1, timeout=60):
+    """Wait for an OpenStack resource to be created
+     :param client: An uncalled client resource to be called with resource_args
+     :param client_args: Arguments to be passed to client
+     :param name: Name of the resource (for logging)
+     :param check_interval: Interval between checks
+     :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for status to update.
+     :returns: True if openstack.exceptions.NotFoundException is caught
+     :raises: TimeoutException
+     """
+    resource = client(**client_args)
+    start = time.time()
+    while not resource:
+        time.sleep(check_interval)
+        resource = client(**client_args)
+        timed_out = time.time() - start >= timeout
+        if (not resource) and timed_out:
+            return False
+    return True
+def wait_for_delete(client, client_args, check_interval=1, timeout=60):
+    """Wait for an OpenStack resource to 404/delete
+    :param client: An uncalled client resource to be called with resource_args
+    :param client_args: Arguments to be passed to client
+    :param name: Name of the resource (for logging)
+    :param check_interval: Interval between checks
+    :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for status to update.
+    :returns: True if openstack.exceptions.NotFoundException is caught
+    :raises: TimeoutException
+    """
+    resource = client(**client_args)
+    start = time.time()
+    while resource:
+        time.sleep(check_interval)
+        resource = client(**client_args)
+        timed_out = time.time() - start >= timeout
+        if resource and timed_out:
+            return False
+    return True
+class TestClustering(base.BaseFunctionalTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestClustering, self).setUp()
+        if not self.user_cloud.has_service('clustering'):
+            self.skipTest('clustering service not supported by cloud')
+    def test_create_profile(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(profile['name'], profile_name)
+        self.assertEqual(profile['spec'], spec)
+    def test_create_cluster(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(cluster['cluster']['name'], cluster_name)
+        self.assertEqual(cluster['cluster']['profile_id'], profile['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(cluster['cluster']['desired_capacity'],
+                         desired_capacity)
+    def test_get_cluster_by_id(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        # Test that we get the same cluster with the get_cluster method
+        cluster_get = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(
+            cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(cluster_get['id'], cluster['cluster']['id'])
+    def test_update_cluster(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        # Test that we can update a field on the cluster and only that field
+        # is updated
+        self.user_cloud.update_cluster(cluster['cluster']['id'],
+                                       new_name='new_cluster_name')
+        wait = wait_for_status(
+            self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id,
+            {'name_or_id': cluster['cluster']['id']}, 'status', 'ACTIVE')
+        self.assertTrue(wait)
+        cluster_update = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(
+            cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(cluster_update['id'], cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(cluster_update['name'], 'new_cluster_name')
+        self.assertEqual(cluster_update['profile_id'],
+                         cluster['cluster']['profile_id'])
+        self.assertEqual(cluster_update['desired_capacity'],
+                         cluster['cluster']['desired_capacity'])
+    def test_create_cluster_policy(self):
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(policy['name'], policy_name)
+        self.assertEqual(policy['spec'], spec)
+    def test_attach_policy_to_cluster(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'],
+                        cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        # Test that we can attach policy to cluster and get True returned
+        attach_cluster = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(
+            cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        attach_policy = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_policy_by_id(
+            policy['id'])
+        policy_attach = self.user_cloud.attach_policy_to_cluster(
+            attach_cluster, attach_policy, is_enabled=True)
+        self.assertTrue(policy_attach)
+    def test_detach_policy_from_cluster(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'],
+                        cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        attach_cluster = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(
+            cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        attach_policy = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_policy_by_id(
+            policy['id'])
+        self.user_cloud.attach_policy_to_cluster(
+            attach_cluster, attach_policy, is_enabled=True)
+        wait = wait_for_status(
+            self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id,
+            {'name_or_id': cluster['cluster']['id']}, 'policies',
+            ['{policy}'.format(policy=policy['id'])])
+        policy_detach = self.user_cloud.detach_policy_from_cluster(
+            attach_cluster, attach_policy)
+        self.assertTrue(policy_detach)
+        self.assertTrue(wait)
+    def test_get_policy_on_cluster_by_id(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'],
+                        cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        # Test that we can attach policy to cluster and get True returned
+        attach_cluster = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(
+            cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        attach_policy = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_policy_by_id(
+            policy['id'])
+        policy_attach = self.user_cloud.attach_policy_to_cluster(
+            attach_cluster, attach_policy, is_enabled=True)
+        self.assertTrue(policy_attach)
+        wait = wait_for_status(
+            self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id,
+            {'name_or_id': cluster['cluster']['id']}, 'policies',
+            ["{policy}".format(policy=policy['id'])])
+        # Test that we get the same policy with the get_policy_on_cluster
+        # method
+        cluster_policy_get = self.user_cloud.get_policy_on_cluster(
+            cluster['cluster']["id"], policy['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(cluster_policy_get['cluster_id'],
+                         cluster['cluster']["id"])
+        self.assertEqual(cluster_policy_get['cluster_name'],
+                         cluster['cluster']["name"])
+        self.assertEqual(cluster_policy_get['policy_id'], policy['id']),
+        self.assertEqual(cluster_policy_get['policy_name'], policy['name'])
+        self.assertTrue(wait)
+    def test_list_policies_on_cluster(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'],
+                        cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        attach_cluster = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(
+            cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        attach_policy = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_policy_by_id(
+            policy['id'])
+        self.user_cloud.attach_policy_to_cluster(
+            attach_cluster, attach_policy, is_enabled=True)
+        wait = wait_for_status(
+            self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id,
+            {'name_or_id': cluster['cluster']['id']}, 'policies',
+            ["{policy}".format(policy=policy['id'])])
+        cluster_policy = self.user_cloud.get_policy_on_cluster(
+            name_or_id=cluster['cluster']['id'],
+            policy_name_or_id=policy['id'])
+        policy_list = {"cluster_policies": [cluster_policy]}
+        # Test that we can list the policies on a cluster
+        cluster_policies = self.user_cloud.list_policies_on_cluster(
+            cluster['cluster']["id"])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            cluster_policies, policy_list)
+        self.assertTrue(wait)
+    def test_create_cluster_receiver(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        receiver_name = "example_receiver"
+        receiver_type = "webhook"
+        self.addDetail('receiver', content.text_content(receiver_name))
+        # Test that we can create a receiver and we get it returned
+        receiver = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_receiver(
+            name=receiver_name, receiver_type=receiver_type,
+            cluster_name_or_id=cluster['cluster']['id'],
+            action='CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT')
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_receiver, receiver['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(receiver['name'], receiver_name)
+        self.assertEqual(receiver['type'], receiver_type)
+        self.assertEqual(receiver['cluster_id'], cluster['cluster']["id"])
+    def test_list_cluster_receivers(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        receiver_name = "example_receiver"
+        receiver_type = "webhook"
+        self.addDetail('receiver', content.text_content(receiver_name))
+        # Test that we can create a receiver and we get it returned
+        receiver = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_receiver(
+            name=receiver_name, receiver_type=receiver_type,
+            cluster_name_or_id=cluster['cluster']['id'],
+            action='CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT')
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_receiver, receiver['id'])
+        get_receiver = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_receiver_by_id(
+            receiver['id'])
+        receiver_list = {"receivers": [get_receiver]}
+        # Test that we can list receivers
+        receivers = self.user_cloud.list_cluster_receivers()
+        self.assertEqual(receivers, receiver_list)
+    def test_delete_cluster(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'])
+        # Test that we can attach policy to cluster and get True returned
+        attach_cluster = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(
+            cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        attach_policy = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_policy_by_id(
+            policy['id'])
+        self.user_cloud.attach_policy_to_cluster(
+            attach_cluster, attach_policy, is_enabled=True)
+        receiver_name = "example_receiver"
+        receiver_type = "webhook"
+        self.addDetail('receiver', content.text_content(receiver_name))
+        # Test that we can create a receiver and we get it returned
+        self.user_cloud.create_cluster_receiver(
+            name=receiver_name, receiver_type=receiver_type,
+            cluster_name_or_id=cluster['cluster']['id'],
+            action='CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT')
+        # Test that we can delete cluster and get True returned
+        cluster_delete = self.user_cloud.delete_cluster(
+            cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        self.assertTrue(cluster_delete)
+    def test_list_clusters(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        wait = wait_for_status(
+            self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id,
+            {'name_or_id': cluster['cluster']['id']}, 'status', 'ACTIVE')
+        get_cluster = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(
+            cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        # Test that we can list clusters
+        clusters = self.user_cloud.list_clusters()
+        self.assertEqual(clusters, [get_cluster])
+        self.assertTrue(wait)
+    def test_update_policy_on_cluster(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'],
+                        cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        # Test that we can attach policy to cluster and get True returned
+        attach_cluster = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(
+            cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        attach_policy = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_policy_by_id(
+            policy['id'])
+        self.user_cloud.attach_policy_to_cluster(
+            attach_cluster, attach_policy, is_enabled=True)
+        wait_attach = wait_for_status(
+            self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id,
+            {'name_or_id': cluster['cluster']['id']}, 'policies',
+            ["{policy}".format(policy=policy['id'])])
+        get_old_policy = self.user_cloud.get_policy_on_cluster(
+            cluster['cluster']["id"], policy['id'])
+        # Test that we can update the policy on cluster
+        policy_update = self.user_cloud.update_policy_on_cluster(
+            attach_cluster, attach_policy, is_enabled=False)
+        get_old_policy.update({'enabled': False})
+        wait_update = wait_for_status(
+            self.user_cloud.get_policy_on_cluster,
+            {'name_or_id': cluster['cluster']['id'],
+             'policy_name_or_id': policy['id']}, 'enabled',
+            False)
+        get_new_policy = self.user_cloud.get_policy_on_cluster(
+            cluster['cluster']["id"], policy['id'])
+        get_old_policy['last_op'] = None
+        get_new_policy['last_op'] = None
+        self.assertTrue(policy_update)
+        self.assertEqual(get_new_policy, get_old_policy)
+        self.assertTrue(wait_attach)
+        self.assertTrue(wait_update)
+    def test_list_cluster_profiles(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        # Test that we can list profiles
+        wait = wait_for_create(self.user_cloud.get_cluster_profile_by_id,
+                               {'name_or_id': profile['id']})
+        get_profile = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_profile_by_id(profile['id'])
+        profiles = self.user_cloud.list_cluster_profiles()
+        self.assertEqual(profiles, [get_profile])
+        self.assertTrue(wait)
+    def test_get_cluster_profile_by_id(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        profile_get = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_profile_by_id(profile['id'])
+        # Test that we get the same profile with the get_profile method
+        # Format of the created_at variable differs between policy create
+        # and policy get so if we don't ignore this variable, comparison will
+        # always fail
+        profile['created_at'] = 'ignore'
+        profile_get['created_at'] = 'ignore'
+        self.assertEqual(profile_get, profile)
+    def test_update_cluster_profile(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        # Test that we can update a field on the profile and only that field
+        # is updated
+        profile_update = self.user_cloud.update_cluster_profile(
+            profile['id'], new_name='new_profile_name')
+        self.assertEqual(profile_update['profile']['id'], profile['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(profile_update['profile']['spec'], profile['spec'])
+        self.assertEqual(profile_update['profile']['name'], 'new_profile_name')
+    def test_delete_cluster_profile(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        # Test that we can delete a profile and get True returned
+        profile_delete = self.user_cloud.delete_cluster_profile(profile['id'])
+        self.assertTrue(profile_delete)
+    def test_list_cluster_policies(self):
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'])
+        policy_get = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_policy_by_id(policy['id'])
+        # Test that we can list policies
+        policies = self.user_cloud.list_cluster_policies()
+        # Format of the created_at variable differs between policy create
+        # and policy get so if we don't ignore this variable, comparison will
+        # always fail
+        policies[0]['created_at'] = 'ignore'
+        policy_get['created_at'] = 'ignore'
+        self.assertEqual(policies, [policy_get])
+    def test_get_cluster_policy_by_id(self):
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'])
+        # Test that we get the same policy with the get_policy method
+        policy_get = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_policy_by_id(policy['id'])
+        # Format of the created_at variable differs between policy create
+        # and policy get so if we don't ignore this variable, comparison will
+        # always fail
+        policy['created_at'] = 'ignore'
+        policy_get['created_at'] = 'ignore'
+        self.assertEqual(policy_get, policy)
+    def test_update_cluster_policy(self):
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'])
+        # Test that we can update a field on the policy and only that field
+        # is updated
+        policy_update = self.user_cloud.update_cluster_policy(
+            policy['id'], new_name='new_policy_name')
+        self.assertEqual(policy_update['policy']['id'], policy['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(policy_update['policy']['spec'], policy['spec'])
+        self.assertEqual(policy_update['policy']['name'], 'new_policy_name')
+    def test_delete_cluster_policy(self):
+        policy_name = 'example_policy'
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "adjustment": {
+                    "min_step": 1,
+                    "number": 1,
+                    "type": "CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY"
+                },
+                "event": "CLUSTER_SCALE_IN"
+            },
+            "type": "senlin.policy.scaling",
+            "version": "1.0"
+        }
+        self.addDetail('policy', content.text_content(policy_name))
+        # Test that we can create a policy and we get it returned
+        policy = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_policy(name=policy_name,
+                                                       spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_policy, policy['id'])
+        # Test that we can delete a policy and get True returned
+        policy_delete = self.user_cloud.delete_cluster_policy(
+            policy['id'])
+        self.assertTrue(policy_delete)
+    def test_get_cluster_receiver_by_id(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        receiver_name = "example_receiver"
+        receiver_type = "webhook"
+        self.addDetail('receiver', content.text_content(receiver_name))
+        # Test that we can create a receiver and we get it returned
+        receiver = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_receiver(
+            name=receiver_name, receiver_type=receiver_type,
+            cluster_name_or_id=cluster['cluster']['id'],
+            action='CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT')
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_receiver, receiver['id'])
+        # Test that we get the same receiver with the get_receiver method
+        receiver_get = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_receiver_by_id(
+            receiver['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(receiver_get['id'], receiver["id"])
+    def test_update_cluster_receiver(self):
+        profile_name = "test_profile"
+        spec = {
+            "properties": {
+                "flavor": "m1.tiny",
+                "image": "cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk",
+                "networks": [
+                    {
+                        "network": "private"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "security_groups": [
+                    "default"
+                ]
+            },
+            "type": "os.nova.server",
+            "version": 1.0
+        }
+        self.addDetail('profile', content.text_content(profile_name))
+        # Test that we can create a profile and we get it returned
+        profile = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_profile(name=profile_name,
+                                                         spec=spec)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_profile, profile['id'])
+        cluster_name = 'example_cluster'
+        desired_capacity = 0
+        self.addDetail('cluster', content.text_content(cluster_name))
+        # Test that we can create a cluster and we get it returned
+        cluster = self.user_cloud.create_cluster(
+            name=cluster_name, profile=profile,
+            desired_capacity=desired_capacity)
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_cluster, cluster['cluster']['id'])
+        receiver_name = "example_receiver"
+        receiver_type = "webhook"
+        self.addDetail('receiver', content.text_content(receiver_name))
+        # Test that we can create a receiver and we get it returned
+        receiver = self.user_cloud.create_cluster_receiver(
+            name=receiver_name, receiver_type=receiver_type,
+            cluster_name_or_id=cluster['cluster']['id'],
+            action='CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT')
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_receiver, receiver['id'])
+        # Test that we can update a field on the receiver and only that field
+        # is updated
+        receiver_update = self.user_cloud.update_cluster_receiver(
+            receiver['id'], new_name='new_receiver_name')
+        self.assertEqual(receiver_update['receiver']['id'], receiver['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(receiver_update['receiver']['type'], receiver['type'])
+        self.assertEqual(receiver_update['receiver']['cluster_id'],
+                         receiver['cluster_id'])
+        self.assertEqual(receiver_update['receiver']['name'],
+                         'new_receiver_name')
+    def cleanup_profile(self, name):
+        time.sleep(5)
+        for cluster in self.user_cloud.list_clusters():
+            if name == cluster["profile_id"]:
+                self.user_cloud.delete_cluster(cluster["id"])
+        self.user_cloud.delete_cluster_profile(name)
+    def cleanup_cluster(self, name):
+        self.user_cloud.delete_cluster(name)
+    def cleanup_policy(self, name, cluster_name=None):
+        if cluster_name is not None:
+            cluster = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(cluster_name)
+            policy = self.user_cloud.get_cluster_policy_by_id(name)
+            policy_status = \
+                self.user_cloud.get_cluster_by_id(cluster['id'])['policies']
+            if policy_status != []:
+                self.user_cloud.detach_policy_from_cluster(cluster, policy)
+        self.user_cloud.delete_cluster_policy(name)
+    def cleanup_receiver(self, name):
+        self.user_cloud.delete_cluster_receiver(name)
diff --git a/shade/tests/unit/fixtures/clustering.json b/shade/tests/unit/fixtures/clustering.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..228399c05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shade/tests/unit/fixtures/clustering.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+    "versions": [
+        {
+            "id": "1.0",
+            "links": [
+                {
+                    "href": "/v1/",
+                    "rel": "self"
+                },
+                {
+                    "href": "",
+                    "rel": "help"
+                }
+            ],
+            "max_version": "1.7",
+            "media-types": [
+                {
+                    "base": "application/json",
+                    "type": "application/vnd.openstack.clustering-v1+json"
+                }
+            ],
+            "min_version": "1.0",
+            "status": "CURRENT",
+            "updated": "2016-01-18T00:00:00Z"
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/shade/tests/unit/ b/shade/tests/unit/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42520a427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shade/tests/unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import copy
+import testtools
+import shade
+from shade.tests.unit import base
+    'name': 'fake-name',
+    'profile_id': '1',
+    'desired_capacity': 1,
+    'config': 'fake-config',
+    'max_size': 1,
+    'min_size': 1,
+    'timeout': 100,
+    'metadata': {}
+    'name': 'fake-profile-name',
+    'spec': {},
+    'metadata': {}
+    'name': 'fake-profile-name',
+    'spec': {},
+    'action': 'FAKE_CLUSTER_ACTION',
+    'cluster_id': 'fake-cluster-id',
+    'name': 'fake-receiver-name',
+    'params': {},
+    'type': 'webhook'
+NEW_PROFILE_DICT['id'] = '1'
+NEW_POLICY_DICT['id'] = '1'
+NEW_RECEIVER_DICT['id'] = '1'
+class TestClustering(base.RequestsMockTestCase):
+    def assertAreInstances(self, elements, elem_type):
+        for e in elements:
+            self.assertIsInstance(e, elem_type)
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestClustering, self).setUp()
+        self.use_senlin()
+    def test_create_cluster(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "profiles": [NEW_PROFILE_DICT]}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles']),
+                 json={
+                     "profiles": [NEW_PROFILE_DICT]}),
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters']),
+                 json=NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT)
+        ])
+        profile =['id'])
+        c =
+            name=CLUSTERING_DICT['name'],
+            desired_capacity=CLUSTERING_DICT['desired_capacity'],
+            profile=profile,
+            config=CLUSTERING_DICT['config'],
+            max_size=CLUSTERING_DICT['max_size'],
+            min_size=CLUSTERING_DICT['min_size'],
+            metadata=CLUSTERING_DICT['metadata'],
+            timeout=CLUSTERING_DICT['timeout'])
+        self.assertEqual(NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT, c)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_create_cluster_exception(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "profiles": [NEW_PROFILE_DICT]}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles']),
+                 json={
+                     "profiles": [NEW_PROFILE_DICT]}),
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters']),
+                 status_code=500)
+        ])
+        profile =['id'])
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                shade.exc.OpenStackCloudHTTPError,
+                "Error creating cluster fake-name.*"):
+  'fake-name', profile=profile)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_cluster_by_id(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "cluster": NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT})
+        ])
+        cluster ='1')
+        self.assertEqual(cluster['id'], '1')
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_cluster_not_found_returns_false(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters',
+                                                     'no-cluster']),
+                 status_code=404)
+        ])
+        c ='no-cluster')
+        self.assertFalse(c)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_update_cluster(self):
+        new_max_size = 5
+        updated_cluster = copy.copy(NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT)
+        updated_cluster['max_size'] = new_max_size
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "cluster": NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT}),
+            dict(method='PATCH',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1']),
+                 json=updated_cluster,
+                 )
+        ])
+        cluster ='1')
+        c =, new_max_size)
+        self.assertEqual(updated_cluster, c)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_delete_cluster(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "cluster": NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1',
+                                                     'policies']),
+                 json={"cluster_policies": []}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'receivers']),
+                 json={"receivers": []}),
+            dict(method='DELETE',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1']),
+                 json=NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT)
+        ])
+        self.assertTrue('1'))
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_list_clusters(self):
+        clusters = {'clusters': [NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT]}
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters']),
+                 json=clusters)
+        ])
+        c =
+        self.assertIsInstance(c, list)
+        self.assertAreInstances(c, dict)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_attach_policy_to_cluster(self):
+        policy = {
+            'policy_id': '1',
+            'enabled': 'true'
+        }
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "cluster": NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "policy": NEW_POLICY_DICT}),
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1',
+                                                     'actions']),
+                 json={'policy_attach': policy})
+        ])
+        cluster ='1')
+        policy ='1')
+        p =, policy, 'true')
+        self.assertTrue(p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_detach_policy_from_cluster(self):
+        updated_cluster = copy.copy(NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT)
+        updated_cluster['policies'] = ['1']
+        detached_cluster = copy.copy(NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT)
+        detached_cluster['policies'] = []
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "cluster": NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "policy": NEW_POLICY_DICT}),
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1',
+                                                     'actions']),
+                 json={'policy_detach': {'policy_id': '1'}}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "cluster": updated_cluster}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "cluster": detached_cluster}),
+        ])
+        cluster ='1')
+        policy ='1')
+        p =, policy, wait=True)
+        self.assertTrue(p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_policy_on_cluster_by_id(self):
+        cluster_policy = {
+            "cluster_id": "1",
+            "cluster_name": "cluster1",
+            "enabled": True,
+            "id": "1",
+            "policy_id": "1",
+            "policy_name": "policy1",
+            "policy_type": "senlin.policy.deletion-1.0"
+        }
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1',
+                                                     'policies', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "cluster_policy": cluster_policy})
+        ])
+        policy ='1', '1')
+        self.assertEqual(policy['cluster_id'], '1')
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_policy_on_cluster_not_found_returns_false(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1',
+                                                     'policies', 'no-policy']),
+                 status_code=404)
+        ])
+        p ='1', 'no-policy')
+        self.assertFalse(p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_update_policy_on_cluster(self):
+        policy = {
+            'policy_id': '1',
+            'enabled': 'true'
+        }
+        updated_cluster = copy.copy(NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT)
+        updated_cluster['policies'] = policy
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "cluster": NEW_CLUSTERING_DICT}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies',
+                                                     '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "policy": NEW_POLICY_DICT}),
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1',
+                                                     'actions']),
+                 json={'policies': []})
+        ])
+        cluster ='1')
+        policy ='1')
+        p =, policy, True)
+        self.assertTrue(p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_policy_on_cluster(self):
+        cluster_policy = {
+            'cluster_id': '1',
+            'cluster_name': 'cluster1',
+            'enabled': 'true',
+            'id': '1',
+            'policy_id': '1',
+            'policy_name': 'policy1',
+            'policy_type': 'type'
+        }
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters', '1',
+                                                     'policies', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "cluster_policy": cluster_policy})
+        ])
+        get_policy ='1', '1')
+        self.assertEqual(get_policy, cluster_policy)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_create_cluster_profile(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles']),
+                 json={'profile': NEW_PROFILE_DICT})
+        ])
+        p ='fake-profile-name', {})
+        self.assertEqual(NEW_PROFILE_DICT, p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_create_cluster_profile_exception(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles']),
+                 status_code=500)
+        ])
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                shade.exc.OpenStackCloudHTTPError,
+                "Error creating profile fake-profile-name.*"):
+  'fake-profile-name', {})
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_list_cluster_profiles(self):
+        profiles = {'profiles': [NEW_PROFILE_DICT]}
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles']),
+                 json=profiles)
+        ])
+        p =
+        self.assertIsInstance(p, list)
+        self.assertAreInstances(p, dict)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_cluster_profile_by_id(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "profile": NEW_PROFILE_DICT})
+        ])
+        p ='1')
+        self.assertEqual(p['id'], '1')
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_cluster_profile_not_found_returns_false(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles',
+                                                     'no-profile']),
+                 status_code=404)
+        ])
+        p ='no-profile')
+        self.assertFalse(p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_update_cluster_profile(self):
+        new_name = "new-name"
+        updated_profile = copy.copy(NEW_PROFILE_DICT)
+        updated_profile['name'] = new_name
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='PATCH',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles', '1']),
+                 json=updated_profile,
+                 )
+        ])
+        p ='1', new_name=new_name)
+        self.assertEqual(updated_profile, p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_delete_cluster_profile(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "profile": NEW_PROFILE_DICT}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters']),
+                 json={}),
+            dict(method='DELETE',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'profiles', '1']),
+                 json=NEW_PROFILE_DICT)
+        ])
+        profile ='1')
+        self.assertTrue(
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_create_cluster_policy(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies']),
+                 json={'policy': NEW_POLICY_DICT})
+        ])
+        p ='fake-policy-name', {})
+        self.assertEqual(NEW_POLICY_DICT, p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_create_cluster_policy_exception(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies']),
+                 status_code=500)
+        ])
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                shade.exc.OpenStackCloudHTTPError,
+                "Error creating policy fake-policy-name.*"):
+  'fake-policy-name', {})
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_list_cluster_policies(self):
+        policies = {'policies': [NEW_POLICY_DICT]}
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies']),
+                 json=policies)
+        ])
+        p =
+        self.assertIsInstance(p, list)
+        self.assertAreInstances(p, dict)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_cluster_policy_by_id(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "policy": NEW_POLICY_DICT})
+        ])
+        p ='1')
+        self.assertEqual(p['id'], '1')
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_cluster_policy_not_found_returns_false(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies',
+                                                     'no-policy']),
+                 status_code=404)
+        ])
+        p ='no-policy')
+        self.assertFalse(p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_update_cluster_policy(self):
+        new_name = "new-name"
+        updated_policy = copy.copy(NEW_POLICY_DICT)
+        updated_policy['name'] = new_name
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='PATCH',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies', '1']),
+                 json=updated_policy,
+                 )
+        ])
+        p ='1', new_name=new_name)
+        self.assertEqual(updated_policy, p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_delete_cluster_policy(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "policy": NEW_POLICY_DICT}),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'clusters']),
+                 json={}),
+            dict(method='DELETE',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'policies', '1']),
+                 json=NEW_POLICY_DICT)
+        ])
+        self.assertTrue('1'))
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_create_cluster_receiver(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'receivers']),
+                 json={'receiver': NEW_RECEIVER_DICT})
+        ])
+        r ='fake-receiver-name', {})
+        self.assertEqual(NEW_RECEIVER_DICT, r)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_create_cluster_receiver_exception(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='POST',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'receivers']),
+                 status_code=500)
+        ])
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                shade.exc.OpenStackCloudHTTPError,
+                "Error creating receiver fake-receiver-name.*"):
+  'fake-receiver-name', {})
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_list_cluster_receivers(self):
+        receivers = {'receivers': [NEW_RECEIVER_DICT]}
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'receivers']),
+                 json=receivers)
+        ])
+        r =
+        self.assertIsInstance(r, list)
+        self.assertAreInstances(r, dict)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_cluster_receiver_by_id(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'receivers', '1']),
+                 json={
+                     "receiver": NEW_RECEIVER_DICT})
+        ])
+        r ='1')
+        self.assertEqual(r['id'], '1')
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_get_cluster_receiver_not_found_returns_false(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'receivers',
+                                                     'no-receiver']),
+                 json={'receivers': []})
+        ])
+        p ='no-receiver')
+        self.assertFalse(p)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_update_cluster_receiver(self):
+        new_name = "new-name"
+        updated_receiver = copy.copy(NEW_RECEIVER_DICT)
+        updated_receiver['name'] = new_name
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='PATCH',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'receivers', '1']),
+                 json=updated_receiver,
+                 )
+        ])
+        r ='1', new_name=new_name)
+        self.assertEqual(updated_receiver, r)
+        self.assert_calls()
+    def test_delete_cluster_receiver(self):
+        self.register_uris([
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'receivers']),
+                 json={
+                     "receivers": [NEW_RECEIVER_DICT]}),
+            dict(method='DELETE',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'receivers', '1']),
+                 json=NEW_RECEIVER_DICT),
+            dict(method='GET',
+                 uri=self.get_mock_url(
+                     'clustering', 'public', append=['v1', 'receivers', '1']),
+                 json={}),
+        ])
+        self.assertTrue('1', wait=True))
+        self.assert_calls()