openstacksdk Style Commandments

Read the OpenStack Style Commandments


PEP-8 allows for 'visual' indentation. Do not use it. Visual indentation looks
like this:

.. code-block:: python

  return_value = self.some_method(arg1, arg1,
                                  arg3, arg4)

Visual indentation makes refactoring the code base unneccesarily hard.

Instead of visual indentation, use this:

.. code-block:: python

  return_value = self.some_method(
      arg1, arg1, arg3, arg4)

That way, if some_method ever needs to be renamed, the only line that needs
to be touched is the line with some_method. Additionaly, if you need to
line break at the top of a block, please indent the continuation line
an additional 4 spaces, like this:

.. code-block:: python

  for val in self.some_method(
          arg1, arg1, arg3, arg4):

Neither of these are 'mandated' by PEP-8. However, they are prevailing styles
within this code base.

Unit Tests

Unit tests should be virtually instant. If a unit test takes more than 1 second
to run, it is a bad unit test. Honestly, 1 second is too slow.

All unit test classes should subclass `openstack.tests.unit.base.BaseTestCase`. The
base TestCase class takes care of properly creating `OpenStackCloud` objects
in a way that protects against local environment.