# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools import typing as ty import urllib from urllib.parse import urlparse try: import simplejson JSONDecodeError = simplejson.scanner.JSONDecodeError except ImportError: JSONDecodeError = ValueError # type: ignore import iso8601 import jmespath from keystoneauth1 import adapter from openstack import _log from openstack import exceptions from openstack import resource ResourceType = ty.TypeVar('ResourceType', bound=resource.Resource) # The _check_resource decorator is used on Proxy methods to ensure that # the `actual` argument is in fact the type of the `expected` argument. # It does so under two cases: # 1. When strict=False, if and only if `actual` is a Resource instance, # it is checked to see that it's an instance of the `expected` class. # This allows `actual` to be other types, such as strings, when it makes # sense to accept a raw id value. # 2. When strict=True, `actual` must be an instance of the `expected` class. def _check_resource(strict=False): def wrap(method): def check(self, expected, actual=None, *args, **kwargs): if ( strict and actual is not None and not isinstance(actual, resource.Resource) ): raise ValueError("A %s must be passed" % expected.__name__) elif isinstance(actual, resource.Resource) and not isinstance( actual, expected ): raise ValueError( "Expected %s but received %s" % (expected.__name__, actual.__class__.__name__) ) return method(self, expected, actual, *args, **kwargs) return check return wrap def normalize_metric_name(name): name = name.replace('.', '_') name = name.replace(':', '_') return name class Proxy(adapter.Adapter): """Represents a service.""" retriable_status_codes = None """HTTP status codes that should be retried by default. The number of retries is defined by the configuration in parameters called ``_status_code_retries``. """ _resource_registry: ty.Dict[str, ty.Type[resource.Resource]] = {} """Registry of the supported resourses. Dictionary of resource names (key) types (value). """ def __init__( self, session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs, ): # NOTE(dtantsur): keystoneauth defaults retriable_status_codes to None, # override it with a class-level value. kwargs.setdefault( 'retriable_status_codes', self.retriable_status_codes ) super().__init__(session=session, *args, **kwargs) self._statsd_client = statsd_client self._statsd_prefix = statsd_prefix self._prometheus_counter = prometheus_counter self._prometheus_histogram = prometheus_histogram self._influxdb_client = influxdb_client self._influxdb_config = influxdb_config if self.service_type: log_name = 'openstack.{0}'.format(self.service_type) else: log_name = 'openstack' self.log = _log.setup_logging(log_name) def _get_cache_key_prefix(self, url): """Calculate cache prefix for the url""" name_parts = self._extract_name( url, self.service_type, self.session.get_project_id() ) return '.'.join([self.service_type] + name_parts) def _invalidate_cache(self, conn, key_prefix): """Invalidate all cache entries starting with given prefix""" for k in set(conn._api_cache_keys): if k.startswith(key_prefix): conn._cache.delete(k) conn._api_cache_keys.remove(k) def request( self, url, method, error_message=None, raise_exc=False, connect_retries=1, global_request_id=None, *args, **kwargs, ): conn = self._get_connection() if not global_request_id: # Per-request setting should take precedence global_request_id = conn._global_request_id key = None key_prefix = self._get_cache_key_prefix(url) # The caller might want to force cache bypass. skip_cache = kwargs.pop('skip_cache', False) if conn.cache_enabled: # Construct cache key. It consists of: # service.name_parts.URL.str(kwargs) key = '.'.join([key_prefix, url, str(kwargs)]) # Track cache key for invalidating possibility conn._api_cache_keys.add(key) try: if conn.cache_enabled and not skip_cache and method == 'GET': # Get the object expiration time from config # default to 0 to disable caching for this resource type expiration_time = int( conn._cache_expirations.get(key_prefix, 0) ) # Get from cache or execute and cache response = conn._cache.get_or_create( key=key, creator=super().request, creator_args=( [url, method], dict( connect_retries=connect_retries, raise_exc=raise_exc, global_request_id=global_request_id, **kwargs, ), ), expiration_time=expiration_time, ) else: # invalidate cache if we send modification request or user # asked for cache bypass self._invalidate_cache(conn, key_prefix) # Pass through the API request bypassing cache response = super().request( url, method, connect_retries=connect_retries, raise_exc=raise_exc, global_request_id=global_request_id, **kwargs, ) for h in response.history: self._report_stats(h) self._report_stats(response) return response except Exception as e: # If we want metrics to be generated we also need to generate some # in case of exceptions as well, so that timeouts and connection # problems (especially when called from ansible) are being # generated as well. self._report_stats(None, url, method, e) raise @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=256) def _extract_name(self, url, service_type=None, project_id=None): """Produce a key name to use in logging/metrics from the URL path. We want to be able to logic/metric sane general things, so we pull the url apart to generate names. The function returns a list because there are two different ways in which the elements want to be combined below (one for logging, one for statsd) Some examples are likely useful:: /servers -> ['servers'] /servers/{id} -> ['server'] /servers/{id}/os-security-groups -> ['server', 'os-security-groups'] /v2.0/networks.json -> ['networks'] """ url_path = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path.strip() # Remove / from the beginning to keep the list indexes of interesting # things consistent if url_path.startswith('/'): url_path = url_path[1:] # Special case for neutron, which puts .json on the end of urls if url_path.endswith('.json'): url_path = url_path[: -len('.json')] # Split url into parts and exclude potential project_id in some urls url_parts = [ x for x in url_path.split('/') if ( x != project_id and ( not project_id or (project_id and x != 'AUTH_' + project_id) ) ) ] if url_parts[-1] == 'detail': # Special case detail calls # GET /servers/detail # returns ['servers', 'detail'] name_parts = url_parts[-2:] else: # Strip leading version piece so that # GET /v2.0/networks # returns ['networks'] if ( url_parts[0] and url_parts[0][0] == 'v' and url_parts[0][1] and url_parts[0][1].isdigit() ): url_parts = url_parts[1:] name_parts = self._extract_name_consume_url_parts(url_parts) # Keystone Token fetching is a special case, so we name it "tokens" # NOTE(gtema): there is no metric triggered for regular authorization # with openstack.connect(), since it bypassed SDK and goes directly to # keystoneauth1. If you need to measure performance of the token # fetching - trigger a separate call. if url_path.endswith('tokens'): name_parts = ['tokens'] if not name_parts: name_parts = ['discovery'] # Strip out anything that's empty or None return [part for part in name_parts if part] def _extract_name_consume_url_parts(self, url_parts): """Pull out every other URL portion. For example, ``GET /servers/{id}/os-security-groups`` returns ``['server', 'os-security-groups']``. """ name_parts = [] for idx in range(0, len(url_parts)): if not idx % 2 and url_parts[idx]: # If we are on first segment and it end with 's' stip this 's' # to differentiate LIST and GET_BY_ID if ( len(url_parts) > idx + 1 and url_parts[idx][-1] == 's' and url_parts[idx][-2:] != 'is' ): name_parts.append(url_parts[idx][:-1]) else: name_parts.append(url_parts[idx]) return name_parts def _report_stats(self, response, url=None, method=None, exc=None): if self._statsd_client: self._report_stats_statsd(response, url, method, exc) if self._prometheus_counter and self._prometheus_histogram: self._report_stats_prometheus(response, url, method, exc) if self._influxdb_client: self._report_stats_influxdb(response, url, method, exc) def _report_stats_statsd(self, response, url=None, method=None, exc=None): try: if response is not None and not url: url = response.request.url if response is not None and not method: method = response.request.method name_parts = [ normalize_metric_name(f) for f in self._extract_name( url, self.service_type, self.session.get_project_id() ) ] key = '.'.join( [ self._statsd_prefix, normalize_metric_name(self.service_type), method, '_'.join(name_parts), ] ) with self._statsd_client.pipeline() as pipe: if response is not None: duration = int(response.elapsed.total_seconds() * 1000) metric_name = '%s.%s' % (key, str(response.status_code)) pipe.timing(metric_name, duration) pipe.incr(metric_name) if duration > 1000: pipe.incr('%s.over_1000' % key) elif exc is not None: pipe.incr('%s.failed' % key) pipe.incr('%s.attempted' % key) except Exception: # We do not want errors in metric reporting ever break client self.log.exception("Exception reporting metrics") def _report_stats_prometheus( self, response, url=None, method=None, exc=None ): if response is not None and not url: url = response.request.url if response is not None and not method: method = response.request.method parsed_url = urlparse(url) endpoint = "{}://{}{}".format( parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path ) if response is not None: labels = dict( method=method, endpoint=endpoint, service_type=self.service_type, status_code=response.status_code, ) self._prometheus_counter.labels(**labels).inc() self._prometheus_histogram.labels(**labels).observe( response.elapsed.total_seconds() * 1000 ) def _report_stats_influxdb( self, response, url=None, method=None, exc=None ): # NOTE(gtema): status_code is saved both as tag and field to give # ability showing it as a value and not only as a legend. # However Influx is not ok with having same name in tags and fields, # therefore use different names. if response is not None and not url: url = response.request.url if response is not None and not method: method = response.request.method tags = dict( method=method, name='_'.join( [ normalize_metric_name(f) for f in self._extract_name( url, self.service_type, self.session.get_project_id() ) ] ), ) fields = dict(attempted=1) if response is not None: fields['duration'] = int(response.elapsed.total_seconds() * 1000) tags['status_code'] = str(response.status_code) # Note(gtema): emit also status_code as a value (counter) fields[str(response.status_code)] = 1 fields['%s.%s' % (method, response.status_code)] = 1 # Note(gtema): status_code field itself is also very helpful on the # graphs to show what was the code, instead of counting its # occurences fields['status_code_val'] = response.status_code elif exc: fields['failed'] = 1 if 'additional_metric_tags' in self._influxdb_config: tags.update(self._influxdb_config['additional_metric_tags']) measurement = ( self._influxdb_config.get('measurement', 'openstack_api') if self._influxdb_config else 'openstack_api' ) # Note(gtema) append service name into the measurement name measurement = '%s.%s' % (measurement, self.service_type) data = [dict(measurement=measurement, tags=tags, fields=fields)] try: self._influxdb_client.write_points(data) except Exception: self.log.exception('Error writing statistics to InfluxDB') def _get_connection(self): """Get the Connection object associated with this Proxy. When the Session is created, a reference to the Connection is attached to the ``_sdk_connection`` attribute. We also add a reference to it directly on ourselves. Use one of them. """ return getattr( self, '_connection', getattr(self.session, '_sdk_connection', None) ) def _get_resource( self, resource_type: ty.Type[ResourceType], value, **attrs ) -> ResourceType: """Get a resource object to work on :param resource_type: The type of resource to operate on. This should be a subclass of :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` with a ``from_id`` method. :param value: The ID of a resource or an object of ``resource_type`` class if using an existing instance, or ``utils.Munch``, or None to create a new instance. :param attrs: A dict containing arguments for forming the request URL, if needed. """ conn = self._get_connection() if value is None: # Create a bare resource res = resource_type.new(connection=conn, **attrs) elif isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance( value, resource.Resource ): res = resource_type._from_munch(value, connection=conn) res._update(**attrs) elif not isinstance(value, resource_type): # Create from an ID res = resource_type.new(id=value, connection=conn, **attrs) else: # An existing resource instance res = value res._update(**attrs) return res def _get_uri_attribute(self, child, parent, name): """Get a value to be associated with a URI attribute `child` will not be None here as it's a required argument on the proxy method. `parent` is allowed to be None if `child` is an actual resource, but when an ID is given for the child one must also be provided for the parent. An example of this is that a parent is a Server and a child is a ServerInterface. """ if parent is None: value = getattr(child, name) else: value = resource.Resource._get_id(parent) return value def _find( self, resource_type: ty.Type[ResourceType], name_or_id, ignore_missing=True, **attrs, ) -> ty.Optional[ResourceType]: """Find a resource :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a resource to find. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the :meth:`~openstack.resource.Resource.find` method, such as query parameters. :returns: An instance of ``resource_type`` or None """ return resource_type.find( self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing, **attrs ) @_check_resource(strict=False) def _delete( self, resource_type: ty.Type[ResourceType], value, ignore_missing=True, **attrs, ) -> ty.Optional[ResourceType]: """Delete a resource :param resource_type: The type of resource to delete. This should be a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` subclass with a ``from_id`` method. :param value: The value to delete. Can be either the ID of a resource or a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` subclass. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent resource. :param dict attrs: Attributes to be used to form the request URL such as the ID of a parent resource. :returns: The result of the ``delete`` :raises: ``ValueError`` if ``value`` is a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` that doesn't match the ``resource_type``. :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when ignore_missing if ``False`` and a nonexistent resource is attempted to be deleted. """ res = self._get_resource(resource_type, value, **attrs) try: rv = res.delete(self) except exceptions.ResourceNotFound: if ignore_missing: return None raise return rv @_check_resource(strict=False) def _update( self, resource_type: ty.Type[ResourceType], value, base_path=None, **attrs, ) -> ResourceType: """Update a resource :param resource_type: The type of resource to update. :type resource_type: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` :param value: The resource to update. This must either be a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` or an id that corresponds to a resource. :param str base_path: Base part of the URI for updating resources, if different from :data:`~openstack.resource.Resource.base_path`. :param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the :meth:`~openstack.resource.Resource.update` method to be updated. These should correspond to either :class:`~openstack.resource.Body` or :class:`~openstack.resource.Header` values on this resource. :returns: The result of the ``update`` :rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` """ res = self._get_resource(resource_type, value, **attrs) return res.commit(self, base_path=base_path) def _create( self, resource_type: ty.Type[ResourceType], base_path=None, **attrs, ) -> ResourceType: """Create a resource from attributes :param resource_type: The type of resource to create. :type resource_type: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` :param str base_path: Base part of the URI for creating resources, if different from :data:`~openstack.resource.Resource.base_path`. :param path_args: A dict containing arguments for forming the request URL, if needed. :param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the :meth:`~openstack.resource.Resource.create` method to be created. These should correspond to either :class:`~openstack.resource.Body` or :class:`~openstack.resource.Header` values on this resource. :returns: The result of the ``create`` :rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` """ conn = self._get_connection() res = resource_type.new(connection=conn, **attrs) return res.create(self, base_path=base_path) def _bulk_create( self, resource_type: ty.Type[ResourceType], data, base_path=None, ) -> ty.Generator[ResourceType, None, None]: """Create a resource from attributes :param resource_type: The type of resource to create. :type resource_type: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` :param list data: List of attributes dicts to be passed onto the :meth:`~openstack.resource.Resource.create` method to be created. These should correspond to either :class:`~openstack.resource.Body` or :class:`~openstack.resource.Header` values on this resource. :param str base_path: Base part of the URI for creating resources, if different from :data:`~openstack.resource.Resource.base_path`. :returns: A generator of Resource objects. :rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` """ return resource_type.bulk_create(self, data, base_path=base_path) @_check_resource(strict=False) def _get( self, resource_type: ty.Type[ResourceType], value=None, requires_id=True, base_path=None, skip_cache=False, **attrs, ) -> ResourceType: """Fetch a resource :param resource_type: The type of resource to get. :type resource_type: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` :param value: The value to get. Can be either the ID of a resource or a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` subclass. :param str base_path: Base part of the URI for fetching resources, if different from :data:`~openstack.resource.Resource.base_path`. :param bool skip_cache: A boolean indicating whether optional API cache should be skipped for this invocation. :param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the :meth:`~openstack.resource.Resource.get` method. These should correspond to either :class:`~openstack.resource.Body` or :class:`~openstack.resource.Header` values on this resource. :returns: The result of the ``fetch`` :rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` """ res = self._get_resource(resource_type, value, **attrs) return res.fetch( self, requires_id=requires_id, base_path=base_path, skip_cache=skip_cache, error_message="No {resource_type} found for {value}".format( resource_type=resource_type.__name__, value=value ), ) def _list( self, resource_type: ty.Type[ResourceType], paginated=True, base_path=None, jmespath_filters=None, **attrs, ) -> ty.Generator[ResourceType, None, None]: """List a resource :param resource_type: The type of resource to list. This should be a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` subclass with a ``from_id`` method. :param bool paginated: When set to ``False``, expect all of the data to be returned in one response. When set to ``True``, the resource supports data being returned across multiple pages. :param str base_path: Base part of the URI for listing resources, if different from :data:`~openstack.resource.Resource.base_path`. :param str jmespath_filters: A string containing a jmespath expression for further filtering. :param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the :meth:`~openstack.resource.Resource.list` method. These should correspond to either :class:`~openstack.resource.URI` values or appear in :data:`~openstack.resource.Resource._query_mapping`. :returns: A generator of Resource objects. :raises: ``ValueError`` if ``value`` is a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` that doesn't match the ``resource_type``. """ data = resource_type.list( self, paginated=paginated, base_path=base_path, **attrs ) if jmespath_filters and isinstance(jmespath_filters, str): return jmespath.search(jmespath_filters, data) return data def _head( self, resource_type: ty.Type[ResourceType], value=None, base_path=None, **attrs, ) -> ResourceType: """Retrieve a resource's header :param resource_type: The type of resource to retrieve. :type resource_type: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` :param value: The value of a specific resource to retreive headers for. Can be either the ID of a resource, a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` subclass, or ``None``. :param str base_path: Base part of the URI for heading resources, if different from :data:`~openstack.resource.Resource.base_path`. :param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the :meth:`~openstack.resource.Resource.head` method. These should correspond to :class:`~openstack.resource.URI` values. :returns: The result of the ``head`` call :rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` """ res = self._get_resource(resource_type, value, **attrs) return res.head(self, base_path=base_path) def _get_cleanup_dependencies(self): return None def _service_cleanup( self, dry_run=True, client_status_queue=None, identified_resources=None, filters=None, resource_evaluation_fn=None, skip_resources=None, ): return None def _service_cleanup_del_res( self, del_fn, obj, dry_run=True, client_status_queue=None, identified_resources=None, filters=None, resource_evaluation_fn=None, ): need_delete = False try: if resource_evaluation_fn and callable(resource_evaluation_fn): # Ask a user-provided evaluation function if we need to delete # the resource need_del = resource_evaluation_fn( obj, filters, identified_resources ) if isinstance(need_del, bool): # Just double check function returned bool need_delete = need_del else: need_delete = ( self._service_cleanup_resource_filters_evaluation( obj, filters=filters ) ) if need_delete: if client_status_queue: # Put into queue for client status info client_status_queue.put(obj) if identified_resources is not None: # Put into internal dict shared between threads so that # other services might know which other resources were # identified identified_resources[obj.id] = obj if not dry_run: del_fn(obj) except Exception as e: self.log.exception('Cannot delete resource %s: %s', obj, str(e)) return need_delete def _service_cleanup_resource_filters_evaluation(self, obj, filters=None): part_cond = [] if filters is not None and isinstance(filters, dict): for k, v in filters.items(): try: res_val = None if k == 'created_at' and hasattr(obj, 'created_at'): res_val = getattr(obj, 'created_at') if k == 'updated_at' and hasattr(obj, 'updated_at'): res_val = getattr(obj, 'updated_at') if res_val: res_date = iso8601.parse_date(res_val) cmp_date = iso8601.parse_date(v) if res_date and cmp_date and res_date <= cmp_date: part_cond.append(True) else: part_cond.append(False) else: # There are filters set, but we can't get required # attribute, so skip the resource self.log.debug( 'Requested cleanup attribute %s is not ' 'available on the resource' % k ) part_cond.append(False) except Exception: self.log.exception('Error during condition evaluation') if all(part_cond): return True else: return False def should_skip_resource_cleanup(self, resource=None, skip_resources=None): if resource is None or skip_resources is None: return False resource_name = f"{self.service_type.replace('-', '_')}.{resource}" if resource_name in skip_resources: self.log.debug( f"Skipping resource {resource_name} " "in project cleanup" ) return True return False # TODO(stephenfin): Remove this and all users. Use of this generally indicates # a missing Resource type. def _json_response(response, result_key=None, error_message=None): """Temporary method to use to bridge from ShadeAdapter to SDK calls.""" exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=error_message) if not response.content: # This doesn't have any content return response # Some REST calls do not return json content. Don't decode it. if 'application/json' not in response.headers.get('Content-Type'): return response try: result_json = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: return response return result_json