# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import warnings import os_service_types from openstack import _log from openstack import exceptions from openstack import proxy as proxy_mod __all__ = [ 'ServiceDescription', ] _logger = _log.setup_logging('openstack') _service_type_manager = os_service_types.ServiceTypes() class _ServiceDisabledProxyShim: def __init__(self, service_type, reason): self.service_type = service_type self.reason = reason def __getattr__(self, item): raise exceptions.ServiceDisabledException( "Service '{service_type}' is disabled because its configuration " "could not be loaded. {reason}".format( service_type=self.service_type, reason=self.reason or '' ) ) class ServiceDescription: #: Dictionary of supported versions and proxy classes for that version supported_versions = None #: main service_type to use to find this service in the catalog service_type = None #: list of aliases this service might be registered as aliases = [] def __init__(self, service_type, supported_versions=None, aliases=None): """Class describing how to interact with a REST service. Each service in an OpenStack cloud needs to be found by looking for it in the catalog. Once the endpoint is found, REST calls can be made, but a Proxy class and some Resource objects are needed to provide an object interface. Instances of ServiceDescription can be passed to `openstack.connection.Connection.add_service`, or a list can be passed to the `openstack.connection.Connection` constructor in the ``extra_services`` argument. All three parameters can be provided at instantation time, or a service-specific subclass can be used that sets the attributes directly. :param string service_type: service_type to look for in the keystone catalog :param list aliases: Optional list of aliases, if there is more than one name that might be used to register the service in the catalog. """ self.service_type = service_type or self.service_type self.supported_versions = ( supported_versions or self.supported_versions or {} ) self.aliases = aliases or self.aliases self.all_types = [service_type] + self.aliases def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self if self.service_type not in instance._proxies: proxy = self._make_proxy(instance) if not isinstance(proxy, _ServiceDisabledProxyShim): # The keystone proxy has a method called get_endpoint # that is about managing keystone endpoints. This is # unfortunate. try: endpoint = proxy_mod.Proxy.get_endpoint(proxy) except IndexError: # It's best not to look to closely here. This is # to support old placement. # There was a time when it had no status entry # in its version discovery doc (OY) In this case, # no endpoints get through version discovery # filtering. In order to deal with that, catch # the IndexError thrown by keystoneauth and # set an endpoint_override for the user to the # url in the catalog and try again. self._set_override_from_catalog(instance.config) proxy = self._make_proxy(instance) endpoint = proxy_mod.Proxy.get_endpoint(proxy) if instance._strict_proxies: self._validate_proxy(proxy, endpoint) proxy._connection = instance instance._proxies[self.service_type] = proxy return instance._proxies[self.service_type] def _set_override_from_catalog(self, config): override = config._get_endpoint_from_catalog( self.service_type, proxy_mod.Proxy, ) config.set_service_value( 'endpoint_override', self.service_type, override, ) def _validate_proxy(self, proxy, endpoint): exc = None service_url = getattr(proxy, 'skip_discovery', None) try: # Don't go too wild for e.g. swift if service_url is None: service_url = proxy.get_endpoint_data().service_url except Exception as e: exc = e if exc or not endpoint or not service_url: raise exceptions.ServiceDiscoveryException( "Failed to create a working proxy for service {service_type}: " "{message}".format( service_type=self.service_type, message=exc or "No valid endpoint was discoverable.", ) ) def _make_proxy(self, instance): """Create a Proxy for the service in question. :param instance: The `openstack.connection.Connection` we're working with. """ config = instance.config if not config.has_service(self.service_type): return _ServiceDisabledProxyShim( self.service_type, config.get_disabled_reason(self.service_type), ) # We don't know anything about this service, so the user is # explicitly just using us for a passthrough REST adapter. # Skip all the lower logic. if not self.supported_versions: temp_client = config.get_session_client( self.service_type, allow_version_hack=True, ) return temp_client # Check to see if we've got config that matches what we # understand in the SDK. version_string = config.get_api_version(self.service_type) endpoint_override = config.get_endpoint(self.service_type) # If the user doesn't give a version in config, but we only support # one version, then just use that version. if not version_string and len(self.supported_versions) == 1: version_string = list(self.supported_versions)[0] proxy_obj = None if endpoint_override and version_string: # Both endpoint override and version_string are set, we don't # need to do discovery - just trust the user. proxy_class = self.supported_versions.get(version_string[0]) if proxy_class: proxy_obj = config.get_session_client( self.service_type, constructor=proxy_class, ) else: warnings.warn( "The configured version, {version} for service" " {service_type} is not known or supported by" " openstacksdk. The resulting Proxy object will only" " have direct passthrough REST capabilities.".format( version=version_string, service_type=self.service_type ), category=exceptions.UnsupportedServiceVersion, ) elif endpoint_override: temp_adapter = config.get_session_client(self.service_type) api_version = temp_adapter.get_endpoint_data().api_version proxy_class = self.supported_versions.get(str(api_version[0])) if proxy_class: proxy_obj = config.get_session_client( self.service_type, constructor=proxy_class, ) else: warnings.warn( "Service {service_type} has an endpoint override set" " but the version discovered at that endpoint, {version}" " is not supported by openstacksdk. The resulting Proxy" " object will only have direct passthrough REST" " capabilities.".format( version=api_version, service_type=self.service_type ), category=exceptions.UnsupportedServiceVersion, ) if proxy_obj: if getattr(proxy_obj, 'skip_discovery', False): # Some services, like swift, don't have discovery. While # keystoneauth will behave correctly and handle such # scenarios, it's not super efficient as it involves trying # and falling back a few times. return proxy_obj data = proxy_obj.get_endpoint_data() if not data and instance._strict_proxies: raise exceptions.ServiceDiscoveryException( "Failed to create a working proxy for service " "{service_type}: No endpoint data found.".format( service_type=self.service_type ) ) # If we've gotten here with a proxy object it means we have # an endpoint_override in place. If the catalog_url and # service_url don't match, which can happen if there is a # None plugin and auth.endpoint like with standalone ironic, # we need to be explicit that this service has an endpoint_override # so that subsequent discovery calls don't get made incorrectly. if data.catalog_url != data.service_url: ep_key = '{service_type}_endpoint_override'.format( service_type=self.service_type.replace('-', '_') ) config.config[ep_key] = data.service_url proxy_obj = config.get_session_client( self.service_type, constructor=proxy_class, ) return proxy_obj # Make an adapter to let discovery take over version_kwargs = {} if version_string: version_kwargs['version'] = version_string else: supported_versions = sorted( [int(f) for f in self.supported_versions] ) version_kwargs['min_version'] = str(supported_versions[0]) version_kwargs['max_version'] = '{version}.latest'.format( version=str(supported_versions[-1]) ) temp_adapter = config.get_session_client( self.service_type, allow_version_hack=True, **version_kwargs ) found_version = temp_adapter.get_api_major_version() if found_version is None: region_name = instance.config.get_region_name(self.service_type) if version_kwargs: raise exceptions.NotSupported( "The {service_type} service for {cloud}:{region_name}" " exists but does not have any supported versions.".format( service_type=self.service_type, cloud=instance.name, region_name=region_name, ) ) else: raise exceptions.NotSupported( "The {service_type} service for {cloud}:{region_name}" " exists but no version was discoverable.".format( service_type=self.service_type, cloud=instance.name, region_name=region_name, ) ) proxy_class = self.supported_versions.get(str(found_version[0])) if proxy_class: return config.get_session_client( self.service_type, allow_version_hack=True, constructor=proxy_class, **version_kwargs ) # No proxy_class # Maybe openstacksdk is being used for the passthrough # REST API proxy layer for an unknown service in the # service catalog that also doesn't have any useful # version discovery? warnings.warn( "Service {service_type} has no discoverable version." " The resulting Proxy object will only have direct" " passthrough REST capabilities.".format( service_type=self.service_type ), category=exceptions.UnsupportedServiceVersion, ) return temp_adapter def __set__(self, instance, value): raise AttributeError('Service Descriptors cannot be set') def __delete__(self, instance): # NOTE(gtema) Some clouds are not very fast (or interested at all) # in bringing their changes upstream. If there are incompatible changes # downstream we need to allow overriding default implementation by # deleting service_type attribute of the connection and then # "add_service" with new implementation. # This is implemented explicitely not very comfortable to use # to show how bad it is not to contribute changes back for service_type in self.all_types: if service_type in instance._proxies: del instance._proxies[service_type]