Monty Taylor d26bc12f71
Update docs and pep8 tox environments
Make the docs tox environment use doc/requirements.

For pep8, just install the linters and skip installing the package.
Doing this but leaving in the constraints file keeps us in line with
upper-constraints on linters but lets our pep8 envs be tiny.

Finally, remove the doc8 line-length setting. It's not a big enough
difference to warrant changing it.

Change-Id: I3df81474fb52e2587d22c7789b6b553139eb37f2
2018-01-24 05:43:19 -06:00

99 lines
3.0 KiB

minversion = 1.6
envlist = py35,py27,pypy,pep8
skipsdist = True
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install {opts} {packages}
setenv =
deps =
commands = stestr run {posargs}
stestr slowest
passenv = OS_* OPENSTACKSDK_*
commands = stestr --test-path ./openstack/tests/examples run {posargs}
stestr slowest
basepython = {env:OPENSTACKSDK_TOX_PYTHON:python2}
passenv = OS_* OPENSTACKSDK_*
commands = stestr --test-path ./openstack/tests/functional run --serial {posargs}
stestr slowest
usedevelop = False
skip_install = True
deps =
commands =
doc8 doc/source
python check -r -s
commands = {posargs}
whitelist_externals = find
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
oslo_debug_helper {posargs}
setenv =
PYTHON=coverage run --source shade --parallel-mode
commands =
stestr run {posargs}
coverage combine
coverage html -d cover
coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml
# Need to pass some env vars for the Ansible playbooks
basepython = {env:OPENSTACKSDK_TOX_PYTHON:python2}
passenv = HOME USER
commands = {toxinidir}/extras/ -e {envdir} {posargs}
deps =
commands = sphinx-build -W -d doc/build/doctrees -b html doc/source/ doc/build/html
usedevelop = False
skip_install = True
commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
# The following are ignored on purpose. It's not super worth it to fix them.
# However, if you feel strongly about it, patches will be accepted to fix them
# if they fix ALL of the occurances of one and only one of them.
# H103 Is about the Apache license. It's strangely strict about the use of
# single vs double quotes in the license text. If someone decides to fix
# this, please be sure to preseve all copyright lines.
# H306 Is about alphabetical imports - there's a lot to fix.
# H4 Are about docstrings and there's just a huge pile of pre-existing issues.
# D* Came from sdk, unknown why they're skipped.
ignore = H103,H306,H4,D100,D101,D102,D103,D104,D105,D200,D202,D204,D205,D211,D301,D400,D401
show-source = True
extensions = .rst, .yaml