
460 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import simplejson
JSONDecodeError = simplejson.scanner.JSONDecodeError
except ImportError:
JSONDecodeError = ValueError
from six.moves import urllib
from keystoneauth1 import adapter
from openstack import exceptions
from openstack import resource
def _extract_name(url, service_type=None):
'''Produce a key name to use in logging/metrics from the URL path.
We want to be able to logic/metric sane general things, so we pull
the url apart to generate names. The function returns a list because
there are two different ways in which the elements want to be combined
below (one for logging, one for statsd)
Some examples are likely useful:
/servers -> ['servers']
/servers/{id} -> ['servers']
/servers/{id}/os-security-groups -> ['servers', 'os-security-groups']
/v2.0/networks.json -> ['networks']
url_path = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path.strip()
# Remove / from the beginning to keep the list indexes of interesting
# things consistent
if url_path.startswith('/'):
url_path = url_path[1:]
# Special case for neutron, which puts .json on the end of urls
if url_path.endswith('.json'):
url_path = url_path[:-len('.json')]
url_parts = url_path.split('/')
if url_parts[-1] == 'detail':
# Special case detail calls
# GET /servers/detail
# returns ['servers', 'detail']
name_parts = url_parts[-2:]
# Strip leading version piece so that
# GET /v2.0/networks
# returns ['networks']
if (url_parts[0]
and url_parts[0][0] == 'v'
and url_parts[0][1] and url_parts[0][1].isdigit()):
url_parts = url_parts[1:]
name_parts = []
# Pull out every other URL portion - so that
# GET /servers/{id}/os-security-groups
# returns ['servers', 'os-security-groups']
for idx in range(0, len(url_parts)):
if not idx % 2 and url_parts[idx]:
# Keystone Token fetching is a special case, so we name it "tokens"
if url_path.endswith('tokens'):
name_parts = ['tokens']
# Getting the root of an endpoint is doing version discovery
if not name_parts:
if service_type == 'object-store':
name_parts = ['account']
name_parts = ['discovery']
# Strip out anything that's empty or None
return [part for part in name_parts if part]
# The _check_resource decorator is used on Proxy methods to ensure that
# the `actual` argument is in fact the type of the `expected` argument.
# It does so under two cases:
# 1. When strict=False, if and only if `actual` is a Resource instance,
# it is checked to see that it's an instance of the `expected` class.
# This allows `actual` to be other types, such as strings, when it makes
# sense to accept a raw id value.
# 2. When strict=True, `actual` must be an instance of the `expected` class.
def _check_resource(strict=False):
def wrap(method):
def check(self, expected, actual=None, *args, **kwargs):
if (strict and actual is not None and not
isinstance(actual, resource.Resource)):
raise ValueError("A %s must be passed" % expected.__name__)
elif (isinstance(actual, resource.Resource) and not
isinstance(actual, expected)):
raise ValueError("Expected %s but received %s" % (
expected.__name__, actual.__class__.__name__))
return method(self, expected, actual, *args, **kwargs)
return check
return wrap
class Proxy(adapter.Adapter):
"""Represents a service."""
retriable_status_codes = None
"""HTTP status codes that should be retried by default.
The number of retries is defined by the configuration in parameters called
def __init__(
statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None,
prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None,
*args, **kwargs):
# NOTE(dtantsur): keystoneauth defaults retriable_status_codes to None,
# override it with a class-level value.
super(Proxy, self).__init__(session=session, *args, **kwargs)
self._statsd_client = statsd_client
self._statsd_prefix = statsd_prefix
self._prometheus_counter = prometheus_counter
self._prometheus_histogram = prometheus_histogram
def request(
self, url, method, error_message=None,
raise_exc=False, connect_retries=1, *args, **kwargs):
response = super(Proxy, self).request(
url, method,
connect_retries=connect_retries, raise_exc=False,
for h in response.history:
return response
def _report_stats(self, response):
if self._statsd_client:
if self._prometheus_counter and self._prometheus_histogram:
def _report_stats_statsd(self, response):
name_parts = _extract_name(response.request.url, self.service_type)
key = '.'.join(
[self._statsd_prefix, self.service_type, response.request.method]
+ name_parts)
self._statsd_client.timing(key, int(response.elapsed.seconds * 1000))
def _report_stats_prometheus(self, response):
labels = dict(
def _version_matches(self, version):
api_version = self.get_api_major_version()
if api_version:
return api_version[0] == version
return False
def _get_connection(self):
"""Get the Connection object associated with this Proxy.
When the Session is created, a reference to the Connection is attached
to the ``_sdk_connection`` attribute. We also add a reference to it
directly on ourselves. Use one of them.
return getattr(
self, '_connection', getattr(
self.session, '_sdk_connection', None))
def _get_resource(self, resource_type, value, **attrs):
"""Get a resource object to work on
:param resource_type: The type of resource to operate on. This should
be a subclass of
:class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` with a
``from_id`` method.
:param value: The ID of a resource or an object of ``resource_type``
class if using an existing instance, or ``munch.Munch``,
or None to create a new instance.
:param path_args: A dict containing arguments for forming the request
URL, if needed.
conn = self._get_connection()
if value is None:
# Create a bare resource
res =, **attrs)
elif (isinstance(value, dict)
and not isinstance(value, resource.Resource)):
res = resource_type._from_munch(
value, connection=conn)
elif not isinstance(value, resource_type):
# Create from an ID
res =
id=value, connection=conn, **attrs)
# An existing resource instance
res = value
return res
def _get_uri_attribute(self, child, parent, name):
"""Get a value to be associated with a URI attribute
`child` will not be None here as it's a required argument
on the proxy method. `parent` is allowed to be None if `child`
is an actual resource, but when an ID is given for the child
one must also be provided for the parent. An example of this
is that a parent is a Server and a child is a ServerInterface.
if parent is None:
value = getattr(child, name)
value = resource.Resource._get_id(parent)
return value
def _find(self, resource_type, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True,
"""Find a resource
:param name_or_id: The name or ID of a resource to find.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the resource does not exist.
When set to ``True``, None will be returned when
attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
:param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the
method, such as query parameters.
:returns: An instance of ``resource_type`` or None
return resource_type.find(self, name_or_id,
def _delete(self, resource_type, value, ignore_missing=True, **attrs):
"""Delete a resource
:param resource_type: The type of resource to delete. This should
be a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
subclass with a ``from_id`` method.
:param value: The value to delete. Can be either the ID of a
resource or a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the resource does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent resource.
:param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the
method, such as the ID of a parent resource.
:returns: The result of the ``delete``
:raises: ``ValueError`` if ``value`` is a
:class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` that doesn't match
the ``resource_type``.
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when
ignore_missing if ``False`` and a nonexistent resource
is attempted to be deleted.
res = self._get_resource(resource_type, value, **attrs)
rv = res.delete(self)
except exceptions.ResourceNotFound:
if ignore_missing:
return None
return rv
def _update(self, resource_type, value, base_path=None, **attrs):
"""Update a resource
:param resource_type: The type of resource to update.
:type resource_type: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
:param value: The resource to update. This must either be a
:class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` or an id
that corresponds to a resource.
:param str base_path: Base part of the URI for updating resources, if
different from
:param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the
method to be updated. These should correspond
to either :class:`~openstack.resource.Body`
or :class:`~openstack.resource.Header`
values on this resource.
:returns: The result of the ``update``
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
res = self._get_resource(resource_type, value, **attrs)
return res.commit(self, base_path=base_path)
def _create(self, resource_type, base_path=None, **attrs):
"""Create a resource from attributes
:param resource_type: The type of resource to create.
:type resource_type: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
:param str base_path: Base part of the URI for creating resources, if
different from
:param path_args: A dict containing arguments for forming the request
URL, if needed.
:param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the
method to be created. These should correspond
to either :class:`~openstack.resource.Body`
or :class:`~openstack.resource.Header`
values on this resource.
:returns: The result of the ``create``
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
conn = self._get_connection()
res =, **attrs)
return res.create(self, base_path=base_path)
def _get(self, resource_type, value=None, requires_id=True,
base_path=None, **attrs):
"""Fetch a resource
:param resource_type: The type of resource to get.
:type resource_type: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
:param value: The value to get. Can be either the ID of a
resource or a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
:param str base_path: Base part of the URI for fetching resources, if
different from
:param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the
method. These should correspond
to either :class:`~openstack.resource.Body`
or :class:`~openstack.resource.Header`
values on this resource.
:returns: The result of the ``fetch``
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
res = self._get_resource(resource_type, value, **attrs)
return res.fetch(
self, requires_id=requires_id, base_path=base_path,
error_message="No {resource_type} found for {value}".format(
resource_type=resource_type.__name__, value=value))
def _list(self, resource_type, value=None,
paginated=True, base_path=None, **attrs):
"""List a resource
:param resource_type: The type of resource to delete. This should
be a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
subclass with a ``from_id`` method.
:param value: The resource to list. It can be the ID of a resource, or
a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` object. When set
to None, a new bare resource is created.
:param bool paginated: When set to ``False``, expect all of the data
to be returned in one response. When set to
``True``, the resource supports data being
returned across multiple pages.
:param str base_path: Base part of the URI for listing resources, if
different from
:param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the
:meth:`~openstack.resource.Resource.list` method. These should
correspond to either :class:`~openstack.resource.URI` values
or appear in :data:`~openstack.resource.Resource._query_mapping`.
:returns: A generator of Resource objects.
:raises: ``ValueError`` if ``value`` is a
:class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` that doesn't match
the ``resource_type``.
return resource_type.list(
self, paginated=paginated,
def _head(self, resource_type, value=None, base_path=None, **attrs):
"""Retrieve a resource's header
:param resource_type: The type of resource to retrieve.
:type resource_type: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
:param value: The value of a specific resource to retreive headers
for. Can be either the ID of a resource,
a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` subclass,
or ``None``.
:param str base_path: Base part of the URI for heading resources, if
different from
:param dict attrs: Attributes to be passed onto the
:meth:`~openstack.resource.Resource.head` method.
These should correspond to
:class:`~openstack.resource.URI` values.
:returns: The result of the ``head`` call
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
res = self._get_resource(resource_type, value, **attrs)
return res.head(self, base_path=base_path)
def _json_response(response, result_key=None, error_message=None):
"""Temporary method to use to bridge from ShadeAdapter to SDK calls."""
exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=error_message)
if not response.content:
# This doesn't have any content
return response
# Some REST calls do not return json content. Don't decode it.
if 'application/json' not in response.headers.get('Content-Type'):
return response
result_json = response.json()
except JSONDecodeError:
return response
return result_json
class _ShadeAdapter(Proxy):
"""Wrapper for shade methods that expect json unpacking."""
def request(self, url, method, error_message=None, **kwargs):
response = super(_ShadeAdapter, self).request(url, method, **kwargs)
return _json_response(response, error_message=error_message)